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Watchable .But could have been much better.
11 August 2013
Man of Tai Chi is the story of Tiger Chen who is the last successor of the Tai Chi art. Tiger Chen wants to use Tai Chi, which traditionally is used for performing, for fighting ,to the dislike of his master. Donaka (Keanu Reeves,with a strong liking to black (even his visiting card !!)) ,a tycoon who runs a underground fighting club , is intrigued by Tiger Chen's martial art and offers him a chance to fight. Tiger is initially reluctant to take up the offer to fight but chooses to do to save his temple from being closed and to have a better life.But once Tiger discovers that it more about just fighting he decides to quit fighting for Donaka .But can Tiger really quit ? Will he save his temple and his art ?

The movie is entertaining and some of the fights choreographed well. But what i felt was most of the characters are one dimensional ,void of any emotion and don't connect with you . The relations between the master and Tiger, between Tiger and his love interest are not explored. This movie could have been more than just the fights.

Tiger Chen shines , as we get to see , during the initial part of the movie, a man with his uncontrolled "Chi" which is like a beast within him and his desperate need to "release" it...and how gradually trains this beast and controls his "chi". Keanu looks very stiff and dresses like he is still in the Matrix.

Final verdict:Watchable .But could have been much better.
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Falling Down (1993)
Strangely engrossing!!
30 July 2013
D-Fens is a normal everyday worker who is on his home for his daughters birthday. But a traffic jam and a inconsiderate shopkeeper suddenly cause him to snap and hit back at things which he sees as not acceptable. Interweaved is a story of a cop who is on his last day of the job and who suspects the various incidents to be the handy work of a single person. The cop and D-Fens are totally opposite characters. the cop is like the most of us. a pacifist. D-Fens is a extremist! Will they change. well you have to watch the movie to find out!! it.. All the characters fit the role perfectly. Like they say in the movie "Everyone has their own idea of paradise" A must watch.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Piece of garbage.Extremely disappointed.
20 July 2013
Avoid this piece of $hit. A complete waste of time. There are laughs only for about 5mins in the entire movie. I don't understand how a movie gets a rating of 5+ on IMDb when it is so bad...I saw this movie because it had so many good comedians in it. .But what were they thinking making this piece of garbage. Just watch the trailer and move on. You can stop reading my review if you have come this far!! Since the additional lines are only so that my review gets posted on IMDb and other users are saved from watching this movie. I used to like Adam Sandler's movies but lately he is churning out crap and more crap. I really have nothing more to say.
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Awake (2007)
Everything is not what it seems!
12 July 2013
There is never a dull moment through out the entire movie... When we first meet the various characters in the movie we quickly form first impressions of them...a young couple in love, a dominant mother not wanting to let go of her son, a friend you can trust, and then halfway through realize that oh boy...were we wrong or what?! I had goosebumps when the protagonists heart is cut open and he could still feel and hear the doctors!!! A part of me hopes that this never happens to someone i love!!! Love makes the world go around. And yes, money too :( The story centers around a business tycoon ,Clayton,who has to undergo a heart transplant. But due "anesthetic awareness" he is awake and can feel and hear the doctors during the surgery. But what is more painful....feeling or hearing? Watch it!!
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Man of Steel (2013)
Cool action..Not so cool story!!
23 June 2013
Just watched Superman in IMax 3D!!! Cool part: Loved the fight sequences with superman regularly breaking the sound barrier!! And superman "Super-Spear"ing his opponents at regular intervals... Henry Cavill fits nicely as superman. Not so cool part: Was disappointed with Lois Lane ..her character was not believable AT ALL!!! What didn't work for me is she somehow ending up in the middle of all the action ,superman falling in love with her ...without any good explanation. I never felt emotional for any of the characters and didn't really understand superman's resolve to save the human race!! (Actually I didn't care if earth was destroyed since i really hadn't related to any of the characters in the movie.) Most parts of the movie went fast without much explanation with a lot of gaping holes in the plot... So only for the visual effects and the action sequences i give this movie a 5/10.
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