
22 Reviews
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Kohrra (2023– )
More of a lazy social commentary than a crime drama.
16 July 2023
Series starts like a crime thriller, turns to crime drama and by the climax into social commentary.

Positives: Good performances by everyone. No one stands out in particular.

Negatives Lazy writing. Throughout the series it is clearly visible its a half hearted effort by director/ writer.

CCTV capturing exact moment of bus hitting the car.

Getting saliva sample from a truck hit dead body which has been in a water well for over 2 weeks. Just few examples showing that no efforts were made to close out the story.

Overall no. Of episodes could have been shorter. Seems dragged out just for the sake of it. There was absolutely no need for the cop to be kidnapped in climax (clearly done for highlighting barun sobti's character ). Like I said, just a lazy half hearted social commentary.
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Shamshera (2022)
21 August 2022
Movie is trash. Awful acting by Vani Kapoor. From the first visual u can feel that everything is misplaced and miscast.

Ranbir as main lead in a dacoit film is the biggest blunder after bombay velvet. He just doesn't have the physique to pull that off.

Vani Kapoor costumes in the movie is another big blunder, it irritates and makes u think that big studios literally take audiences for fool.

Story is revenge drama , so nothing new there.
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Bore Fest!!
21 November 2021
Boring. Awful writing, plain and stupid. Ellie character is annoying as she only screams throughout the movie. Half hour too long. "Sandie" is the only saving grace of this movie. I would recommend to skip it.
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No Mercy (2010)
Korean version of "seven"
12 June 2021
Movie is good. But you will see the climax long before the ending. Could have been easily 20-25 minutes short. There was no use of female cop except to increase the runtime.
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why are we suffer :(
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Plain bad movie. Not even fun to watch zombie slash movie. It's stupid, boring, unimaginative, bland. The only good thing about this is that within first 10 minutes you will be able to decide whether to watch or leave it.

*spoilers* Biggest flaw is with the movie's motive. Japanese guy tell bautista to bring 200 million money from a vault located in zombie area. Good enough. Later it is revealed that the Japanese boss plan was to take head of zombie , he had no interest in the money. Problem with this logic is that they meet this zombie within a minute entering in the zombie kingdom.

I could go on with the plot flaws, but it will be pointless like the snyder's direction of the movie.

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Shrew's Nest (2014)
family that eats together ,stays together. Literally :)
10 May 2021
Plot is centered about agoraphobia of the main character. She cant get out of house, but beware she wont let you leave the house too.

Some fine acting and tight script never let u off the hook. Go for it.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Absolute trash.
1 May 2021
Forget about the book adaptation, I haven't read the book, this movie has nothing. Plain bad movie. Plot makes no sense. There is no third act (climax) in the movie. Whole movie is just lame. Dialogue delivery is so robotic from the main character, like he is reading from a teleprompter. Wouldn't recommend to anyone.
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Jallikattu (2019)
Not worth the hype.
1 December 2020
Finished watching this movie just now, observations: 1. This movie doesn't take you anywhere. It just drags on. Not denying movie had potential, but director just couldn't made up his mind to what he wanna present eventually. Is it the greed? revenge? barbarism? 2. I waited and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened. Weak ending. 3. Would have worked as a short film of 30 minutes max. pointless characters. Be it the rowdy drunk group, inspector, church people. 4. Background music is so out of place.

Its definitely not going to win at oscars.
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perfectly splendid!
16 October 2020
Such a wholesome series. Often with horror the focus is on to just scare the audience with less focus on character and screenplay, this is where this series is so fulfilling. You get to know each character very well and you invest in them. you want to have happy ending for them. Another complaint that i often have with horror is they dont explain why certain things were happening. Again this series does that wonderfully. I would recommend this 100%.
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Near Perfect.
30 September 2020
Near Perfect. Acting : 5/5 story : 4/5 originality: 5/5. This is as close to perfection Hindi cinema could ever get to. This movie is a living proof of when you give free hand to your creative team. Everyone is perfectly cast in this.

The only problem I found with this is why "manorama" when she was under threat did not inform her brother so he could be made aware of the danger. Also Manorama knew that SV is a part time writer, under life threat she came to him for help , that was hard to digest. Also, why did she gave important information in coded language.

Apart from that it's an enjoyable fresh movie.
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Ghost Stories (I) (2017)
Cheap thrills.
29 September 2020
They shouldn't have marketed it as a absolute horror movie, it's more of a psychological-thriller. Well shot , well acted. Nothing extraordinary. Could have easily trimmed out 10 minutes off it.
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No cheap jump scares is the only good thing about this.
24 September 2020
1. Movie has old cliche plot of ghost coming back to life and wreaking havoc. 2. Story lacks any depth to any character. People doing actions inconsistent to the previously played scene. Result of poor writing. 3. Two girls are best buddies and suddenly one of the turn against another because of dance competition. Now it is never known to us that why the competition is so much important to the girl that she ditches her best friend. 4. In another scene a girl wishes her dead friend to be alive. Never shown to us the connection between them. Point is story, screenplay is very weak here. 5. Only good thing in this movie is no cheap jumpscares. 6. still it is better than modern cheap horror movies like ouija etc.
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I hate ambiguous endings. Sign of a weak story.
23 September 2020
1. I really wish that the Director could have told somewhere in the film that the family is Anglo Indian. It was very annoying when the language keeps changing from hindi, english, bengali, because it was making no sense as no one in India talks like that. 2. I wished I knew that McCluskieganj is a real place. 3. I m not a fan of ambiguous endings, it leaves a sour taste. It feels like that the director didn't had any clue how to end it. I read an article afterwards that the director has to explain the ending .

It is just my personal opinion that if u r making a 2 hour movie then end it properly. Simple. Other than that the movie starts off like a crime thriller and later explores beautifully grieving human mind. One time watch.
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Could have been a great short film.
22 September 2020
Simple, sweet story. Great casting. Good performances by everyone. It could have been a great short film. Movie doesn't have enough material for full length feature film. It just feels stretched out. One time watch with family, but because of the length of film you will forget about it quickly.
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Kaalakaandi (2018)
Shor in the city: the sequel
22 September 2020
Similar to Shor in the city. Multiple storylines, gangster, honest persons and in the climax everything comes around. Nothing exceptional abt this, one time watch.
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The Brawler (2017)
Half hearted effort.
10 May 2019
Firstly, it's not a sports movie, it's more of a social commentary with boxing as a background. Too many things going on at once and yet none of it leave any impression whatsoever. Whole movie seems like half hearted/ forced effort by the director. Sports based/ themed movie mostly depend on sports choreography. Here it is awful, looks like a work of amateur who was not given budget. Even fight choreography is so bad that it will make movies of early 70's and their dishoom dishoom look legendary in front of it. Vineet Kumar Singh: The only shining spot of the movie. It is visible the efforts, training he has put into the role of shravan kumar singh. Sadly, director couldn't do any justice to it. Ravi Kishan as a coach is good but he didnt had much to do. Jimmy Shergill: Worst character written + really bad acting. Usually Jimmy is a trustable actor. Here he is cringe AF. In whole movie he couldn't decide whether he wanted to be a Baahubali, local goon, Evil or good. Randomly in the movie he says, "boxing pe movie 40 crore kamaati hai, aur tournament dekhne 40 log bhi nahi aate". Mind u his character doesn't give a crap abt boxing in whole movie.

The story has so many plot holes and badly written characters making you can feel throughout that everybody was forced to made this movie. Conclusion: There is lot of good cinema out there , dont waste ur 150 minutes on this wannabe social commentary. It's bad.
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Read FAQ's of BDSM rather than watching this movie.
30 March 2019
The movie tries to be preachy on the subject of Dom-Sub. But none of it is explored in it. Then the movie tries to be preachy on women sexual freedom, but the only thing they show is a rebound sex (no visuals) with a 24 yearl old. If u want info on BDSM, read faq's related to it.

Movie is totally avoidable, not worth for even the horniest of u out there.
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29 March 2019
Now this is what you call a entertaining scifi movie. This movie is Xmen + Lucy and what a fabulous job it does in mixing the concept of mutant and brain. Main character will remind you of "number eleven" from "stranger things". My only advise is to get through the first 40 minutes or so, it will all be worth in the end.
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True Detective (2014– )
season 3- True Garbage!!
26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1: Absolute best. Season 2: Average, still enjoyable. Season 3: Absolute garbage. It tried so hard to be like season 1. 1. Firstly, the "story" or "premise" didn't deserve 8 episodes. Atmost a short film of 1 hour would have easily suffice. 2. It isn't a crime drama anymore, it's a family drama built around Mahershalla Ali. 3. There is no gas to run this season, everything is already seen in season 1. Chance encounter with real culprit, Killing the wrong guy for the crime, sudden hint for the real culprit. 4. there is no closure, no satisfaction, no answers to ur questions in finale. The only attraction they had was academy award winner Mahershalla Ali.

Questions: 1. In finale, Hoyt confronts Wayne, threatens him that there are dangerous people who wants Lucy Purcell case to die down. NO answer abt it in rest of the episode. 2. Lucy's uncle body was found by TV people, NO answer abt it. 3. Finale was so much garbage, like they found one eyed black man so easily and he tells them everything , literally vomits everything. If it was that easy , investigator hired by TV channel who could found body of Lucy's uncle, why didn't he find him.

conclusion: True Detective, what a shame!! First season was so good, and I had to see absolute garbage now.
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Gaurav Kapoor: HahaKaar (2018 TV Special)
laugh riot!!
14 August 2018
Do you remember absolutely bakchod time with your friends over chai or just in random? It's the same experience. Random hilarious desi content. fart jokes, poop jokes, all in it.
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Lust Stories (2018)
ghanta stories
9 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Story 1: Anurag Kashyap Radhika Apte is superb. She is a college teacher who is trying to woo her student (Sairat's male lead). most entertaining story of all four.

story2: Zoya Akhtar Worst of all four. A guy is having sex with her maid. No information other than this. whether the sexual act is frequent? has the guy made fake promises to maid? Is maid in love with him?

story 3: Dibakar One of my favorite hindi film director. Here, he made a story so boring I literally slept. Can't tell anything abt it apart from I saw Manisha Koirala and she looks good.

Story 4: Karan Zohar Only story with a real potential. Over the top dialogues and forced comedy ruined it.

with a series having "stories" in its tiitle is devoid of any in it. Shame.
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In the times of cringe pop....comes cringe acting
18 May 2018
I love Zakir's 5 minutes stand up bits on youtube. But acting is not his cup of tea. Imagine Tushhar + Himesh(yep, that bad). otherwise the show is ok. Anwar and Kranti are good. leading lady is cute.
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