
20 Reviews
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Insulted and scammed out of my time
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Atrocious, insulting, offensive to anyone with an above 70 IQ. After wasting 10 + hrs on this travesty we are left with zero resolution. Toranaga sacrifices all his friends for no reason for a "secret plan" that never even gets executed. There is NO final battle, you get a 15 sec dream sequence where Toranaga fantasizes about how he would win a fake battle that has not even been fought. And Blackthorne, Toranaga only kept him alive because... HE MADE HIM LAUGH. The entire series has about 30 seconds of collective action, not including the pointless ritual suicides. On top of everything, the entire show is shot on one set, if it was Japan, there was no need for them to even go. The same could have been accomplished on a sound stage. A few horrible overhead CGI shots do not make up for this. The entire show is a waste of time, take this as a warning and save yourself from this insulting drivel.
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Invincible: A Lesson for Your Next Life (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Invincible plot devices
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So after a fantastic first season we are left with another ruined series. After investing in the story (a solid one) of the first season, it comes down to everything happening as a side quest. None of it matters, because guess what?? MULTIVERSE!! A place where anything is possible and franchises go to die. Prime and Netflix have a habit of making solid 8/9 rated first seasons of shows and then manage to destroy them completely in the 2nd. To anyone that enjoyed the first season, I advise to only watch the intro of this episode and then call it quits. We have entered the Invincible Multiverse, where nothing matters.
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A War Story
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A dark, gritty, dirty, visceral, and cruel experience. We will never know how it was like in the trenches of the First World War, but one can say that this movie perhaps come the closest to capturing the misery and sheer terror of that hell. As a combat veteran myself, with first hand experience of some of the terror, I can not imagine feeling it on the scale that these men must have felt it every day. This is a War story, nothing less, nothing more. No unnecessary side plots and 2022 ridiculousness that plagues movies these days. This is an experience that should be watched, and one of the best films on Netflix in years. By the way they do a great job with the English dub actors and I didn't even realize that there is an original German version (which I switched to after 40mins). I prefer to watch movies in their original language but nothing is lost with the dubbing in this film.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
House of the Nothing Happens
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well after watching House of the Dragon out of boredom, I can officially give it a 2/10. How are you going to skip through 15 or so years and have about 3 things happen. The should rename the show, "house of the 1 guy that slowly turns into a zombie and dies" I really don't understand the unnecessary actor switch either, especially if it was done out of choice. The only somewhat likeable character is Damon, but even he is cartoonish at best. What an absolute let down, I have no hope for the future of this show. After all that is said, at least there's about 32 seconds of action in the whole 1st season.
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Absolutely Terrible
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only redeeming thing about this movie is that it is short. A bunch of tossed together random scenes that some how end up with zero impact and just leave you either disgusted or actually strangely amused. Like multiple zoom-ins on a rabbit while it wiggles it nose with creepy jump scare noise. A disaster of a "Movie" I feel bad for anyone who paid actual money to see it.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
8 April 2022
The negative reviewers are probably wondering why there is not some corny drawn out back story for every character on screen. This show does a GREAT job at making you belive you could be there. In reality it would be chaos and you would have no idea who the people you meet are and if and when they will die or betray you. If you loved The Last of Us (the original and imo the only one) the action scenes and camera work feel very inspired by it. If you want a no-non-sense Zombie action show with just enough back story then this is it.
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High Score (2020)
Baited into learning the history of "Gay Blade"
1 August 2021
I watched this hoping that I would learn something about the history of videogames. Instead I learned about some nobody programmer that made a game called "Gay Blade" that is lost to history, who knows if it even existed. Better yet who cares?!
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Alien Worlds (2020)
3 December 2020
4-5 mins of the CGI scenes repeated, yes literally repeated in between 10 min or so segments of various biologists speaking about life on earth. Watch melodysheep's life beyond II on YouTube for something much better than this.
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Rick and Morty: Childrick of Mort (2020)
Season 4, Episode 9
So Rick of Morty of them to give us ep 6, 7 and 8
28 May 2020
And then... whatever this was. I mean if this is not a summary for the show as a whole in regsrd to how it goes from borderline genius to abosolute idiocracy.. then I'm not sure of a better eps than this absolute waste of 27ish minutes.
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Great stories and great casting.
27 January 2020
Truly moving stories about real American heroes from all creeds and backgrounds. Absolutely moving. Also great casting amd live action scenes, the actors chosen to potray the heroes do a great job and are near dopplegangers. As a combat veteran myself I salute each and every one of these men. Well worth a watch.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Throw this into the sarlac Pit.
14 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Poor acting, poor CGI, poor storyline, and an over all poor bounty hunter. (Allows prisoner to access his weapons cabinet. Is nearly killed by a monsters inc creature and manages to get shot not once but twice.) I have utterly lost hope for star wars, outside of Rogue One, there has been nothing noteworthy.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Like a roller coaster... Accident.
13 September 2019
Starts off promising by creeping upwards with some great visuals and interesting characters, but by halfway thru eps4 the whole track falls apart and the whole thing crashes down into a fiery and corny, PC, melodronatic, anticlimactic, nonsensical death. 4 out of 10 for visuals and effects alone.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
A realistic breakdown of this ridicoulous episode.
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So here we are after 8 seasons of buildup. Melisandre shows up to light the Dothraki weapons on fire which is good because we can actually see whats happening for about 10 seconds until they all pointlessly die. Oh, but dont forget about these giant flaming trebuchets and catapaults that we will fire a grand total of ONE time. Never fear, the flaming trench will stop them for about 3 minutes until 6 wights create a bridge across the whole thing simultaneously. Wights are overrunning all of Winterfell but dont forget to slow down in the library because SHhhhHh its a library, nevermind that its soundproof as well apparently because you cant hear everyone being slaughtered outside. Any main character you care about about to die? Dont worry another main character comes out of literally NOWHERE and saves them, or a minor one does the same and dies. Night King finds br Bran and gives him a wordless Bond villain speech as Ayra somehow sneaks past 500 wights and 20 pointless white walkers to cheaply stab him while saving Bran whose whole contribution to the battle was to warfgh into a flock of birds fo 5 minutes and do absolutely nothing. RIDICOULOUS FANSERVICE. As an avid GoT fan I am highly dissapointed.
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Das Boot (2018– )
A German U-boat series about lesbians.
28 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Detach the name Das Boot from this and you are left with a somewhat entertaining show. I know that we are in 2018 but the forced "lesbian resistance freedom fighters against evil nazis" timeline had me dozing off and looking at my phone each time it took over an episode. The love scenes are also totally laughable and uncomfortable. At least the U-boat scenes did not turn into the "love boat". However ,these scenes being decent on their own, completely lack the claustrophobic and "as if you were there" feeling of the 1981 feature. Do not think of this as a "Das Boot" remake/ sequel/ anything related. 6 for the show in general but 4 for claiming the name "Das Boot"
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
What the hell happened with season 2?
19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show went from a phenomenal dark and suspenseful first season to an almost action-comedy with a teenage girl sidekick in the 2nd. Not a horrible show if it was a stand alone but I wonder if these are even the same writers. Also intoduces several characters that seem like they will play a signifigant part in the series only to have them dissapear immediately. I am completely let down with the 2nd season 6 episodes in. I suppose I will finish it out of principle. Rated 6 as an average of 2 for this season and 10 for the first,
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Mars: The Shake Up (2018)
Season 2, Episode 6
Super Corny.
19 December 2018
Corny as hell. I mean c'mon. I hope this show is over or they just go off on a tangent and get overrun by killer Martians.
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Origin (2018)
Might be a slightly bias Sci-Fi fan but even so...
21 November 2018
This show deserves a chance. I binge watched the series and can honestly say even tho some aspects of the show are rehashed, it stays interesting throughout and you honestly tend to care about (most) of the characters as they develop. This show is consistent throughout the series unlike many other recent sci to series I.E. "the expanse" or "altered carbon" who just go off on a random tangent halfway thru the season. This is coming from a sci to fan who thoroughly enjoyed this series and hope to see more. Good on YouTube.
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Mile 22 (2018)
Seriously was everyone in this movie on cocaine?
25 October 2018
Its mostly cocaine fueled rants along with an incomprehensible plot. I feel as though this was an experiment by everyone involved in this movie to see how much cocaine they could consume and see how it turned out.
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Mayans M.C. (2018–2023)
Written by teenagers and acted by their drama club
24 October 2018
Only giving 2 stars because it helped me to fall asleep. My dreams are more comprehensible and beleivable than this show.
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Apocalypse Man (2010 TV Movie)
Great tips
20 September 2018
Rudy Reyes gives awesome tips on how to quickly kill yourself in an apocalypse situation.
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