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Supertrain (1979)
Cool Train, Horrible Show
27 March 2006
NBC seemed to have thought with this show....

Let's WOW them with FX, who cares about things like plot, story, characters, lines that the actors say, and so on.

It didn't work, sure the train looked cool and all, the rest was treated as window dressing or an afterthought, like we're spending all this cash on FX we better make sure it looks good, the rest will fall into place afterwords.

It's like let's dress it up and make it look pretty, that doesn't change the fact it's garbage, what they should of done from the get go is it should of been a COMEDY, there was no way to take the premise seriously, so why not ?

There was so much potential there to treat it as a big joke, kinda like Airplane ! Only on rails.

Of course the show could be redone today for a lot less, just CG all the Train shots, save millions right there, heck I made the Train for a video game called Trainz, I could just shoot in game footage and it'd look just like all the shots I remember from the show, and at 10 / 20,000,000th the cost, after all I bought my PC, Software & stuff, but it didn't cost anywhere near the cash they spent on the FX for the show alone.

Sure you'd still have to make the sets of the insides, but they shouldn't cost an arm & leg if you do it right, just build what you need for the first season, if you are ahead cash wise, build more for the second season, in other words just show very little of the train insides during that first season, if it's a hit & your making cash, instead of loosing it, then you add more sets.

That's how i'd do it anyway & I don't even work for NBC or anyone else in the biz.

Then again the average person is smarter then any TV network Execs ;)

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