Whiskey Cavalier: When in Rome (2019)
Child-like an transparent attempt at political preaching
The first two episodes were classic generic spy stuff built around a McGuffin. But then this turd reverted back to that old Hollywood staple: the blatant and infantile liberal politics push. Oh those big, bad white supremacists are going to explode a bomb and blame it on immigrants to turn public opinion against them. I mean can it get any more juvenile than that. When will Hollywood learn: 1. NO ONE cares about your politics. 2. What you know about politics couldn't fill a shot glass.
Whiskey Cavalier (2019)
Thought it was great escapism until they introduced grade school politics
At first I thought this show was going to be great escapism as it didn't take itself seriously, had some decent action and self contained episodes (rather than a continuous story arc).
The plots of the 1st two episodes were basic generic spy stuff told around a McGuffin. But then, in the 3rd episode, they went for the infantile liberal political message by having the team go up against a white supremacist group based in Italy that was attempting to explode a bomb and blame it on immigrants, lol.
When will Hollywood learn? 1. Nobody cares about your politics 2. What you really know about politics couldn't fill a thimble.
Charlie's Angels (1976)
As Originally Conceived, A Great Show. Merely Good After FFM's Departure
And God awful after Kate Jackson's departure. That is because, in the beginning, you had 3 young women who complimented each other: Sabrina was the brains and the elegance, Jill, the modern, athletic, all-American beauty and Kelly, the street wise beauty with a troubled past.
No better is this dynamic exemplified than in the classic "Angels in Chains Episode". While in prison, Kelly clashes with the guards. Sabrina orchestrates the escape while in the sheriff's car and then comes up with thee idea of the gasoline to throw the dogs off their scent. Finally while the Angels are being chased in the pick-up, Jill climbs her way to the back to throw the bushels of potatoes at the sheriff's car while Kelly exclaims "sometimes I worry about her!".
Sadly, once FFM left, the group not only lost its most charismatic member, but, more importantly, it lost the only real athlete of the group. Cheryl Ladd was a capable actress, but was obviously brought aboard for her physique and blond hair. Watching her run was just too painfully funny. No longer would the Angels have that someone believable capable of playing tennis, performing roller derby, riding a skateboard and hanging out the side of pickup truck.
While the show lost it's edge after the departure of the inimitable FFM, it still managed to be watchable for the next 3 seasons until Sabrina's departure. Kate Jackson always lent an air of believability to the silly goings on. When she left, the Angels lost their de facto leader. They needed to replace her with a decent actress who could play the role of the sophisticated, wise Angel. Instead, we were given the mindless Shelly Hack. I stop watching pretty much after a few episodes of that 4th season, so I couldn't even tell you anything about Tanya Roberts tenure.
Black Christmas (1974)
May have Inspired Halloween, but Nowhere Near as Scary
Very good pioneering slasher film, but it is simply not in the same league as Halloween. Don't be fooled by the lovers of this film who say it's better; while good, it's definitely not near the classic that Halloween is.
Olivia Hussey just does not demonstrate the same fear that Jamie Lee Curtis does and John Saxon appears too cool as a cumber to match the "everyone needs to be afraid" distraught characterization that Donald Pleasance brought to his authority figure.
Margot Kidder, however, shines as the comic relief, better than the similar characters in Halloween. But finally, the killer just does not create the same sense of doomsday that Michael Myers does.
All in all, an entertaining and early slasher film for which it deserves credit, but it's not the opus that some reviewers would have you believe.
Magnum P.I. (2018)
This is the Charlie's Angels Reboot All Over Again
When will Hollywood learn that we don't want their PC crap, gender swapping, diversity and globalism shoved down our throats? You think they would have learned when the 2011 PC reboot of Charlie's Angels lasted 4 episodes before it was canceled. You know, that was the show with the 3 ethically diverse angels and a cute young Hispanic Bosley who was a computer genius? And instead of being simple PIs, they were complete bad asses capable of taking down international terrorists.
That is exactly the same road this Magnum PI reboot is going down, only worse. The action is just as unrealistic, the characters just as unrelatable., character development just as weak and the plot just as nonsensical. But, the lead is even more miscast here than the Angels in that reboot. For the love of God, why can't we just have traditional American hunks like Tom Selleck or the late Robert Urich in lead roles anymore? The public is tired of this casting against type, anti-hero nonsense. And don't get me started about the recasting pivotal role of Higgins as a woman who can take down the same bad guys that later easily kick Magnum's ass, all after getting shot in the arm!
And what happened to good old fashioned story telling, tongue in cheek humor and fun banter between characters? Why does everything have to be an all too serious but simultaneously mindless shoot em' up with all too frequent and unbelievable action? If you want an action series about Navy Seals, then write a series about Navy Seals. Don't rebadge a successful series about a quirky private investigator to attract viewers to your mindless action opus about a culturally diverse band of bad assess.
Party Mom (2018)
Had Potential But Very Disappointing
I thought this movie would be about the slow downfall of the "Party Mom", but instead they didn't develop her character at all and never explained why she became the way she was and rushed right to it.. They pretty much just jumped right into her having a party where some kid almost drowns and then right to the next party where 3 people die in a drunken driving incident after leaving. Then a quickie trial where she's found not guilty, then the murder of her daughter as retribution and her attack on the guy's wife she thought did it. What a complete mess. The premise was interesting and if they just focused on her gradual dissent into alcoholism with it all coming apart at the end when her irresponsible actions result in a single tragic ending, much like the wonderful 1974 TV movie "The Morning After" with Dick Van Dyke, it could have been a very good film. But alas, I forgot that this was a Lifetime movie where clichés abound, the focus is on sensational shock value, and the endings are almost always nonsensical.
American Pickers (2010)
Entertaining, but unrealistic.
Very fun show to watch, but the logistics just don't make sense, dollars and cents, that is. If these two guys are driving all over of the country wasting time and incurring expenses, how can the make any money when the vast majority of the items they come back with promise to bring a profit of less than $100? couple hundred $ in profit? Frank Fritz is the major culprit here. While Mike Wolfe often does set his sights on big ticket items (and the most interesting ones), Fritz is busy haggling with property owners over whether they will sell that toy or oil can to him for $20 versus the $25 they were asking, so that we he sells it he can make $10 rather than $5. It just doesn't add up, but it is entertaining escapism.
Snatched (2017)
Almost as Mindless as the Reviewers Who Gave it Ten Stars
What ridiculous dreck this movie is! What reviewer in their right mind could give it 10 stars? They are more brain dead than this garbage! This is the worst movie of Goldie Hawn's illustrious career. Basically, the film just consists of toilet humor and racial stereotypes, so it's impossible to get the warm and fuzzy feeling for a mother and daughter bonding trip that they are trying to sell.
The Living Daylights (1987)
Really Not Worth "The Best" ReviewsSure
Just because Dalton plays a serious Bond doesn't make this movie one of the best Bonds as so many reviewers here want to convince us it is. It has too many flaws to be considered one of the best.
First there is the lack of a strong central villain. Koskov and Whitaker are both unmenacing and uninteresting. Neither one of them measures up the villains of the Bond films that came before or after.
Second, there is a distinct lack of sex appeal to the entire movie. For the first time ever in a Bond film, he only beds one woman and at the very end of the movie at that.
Lastly, the plot is just too rambling and convoluted for words. The best Bond movies always benefited from use of Hitchcock's Macguffin, from the Lektor Decoder in From Russia with Love to the ATAC in For Your Eyes only. This film outsmarts itself and in turn bores the audience with its overly complex plot.
In conclusion, don't believe the hype of some reviews of this film. These are from people delighted so much with Dalton's serious portrayal that they are willing to ignore the fact that this is not a great film.