
2 Reviews
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Ben 10 (2016–2021)
just NO
6 November 2016
OK here is the problem Cartoon network was already making enough money of ben 10 so why would they bother putting any effort into it when they could just make garbage i mean they obviously think kids are that stupid since they think they would watch any type of garbage thrown at them and by the way talagbe ''it's for kids'' is not an excuse for this piece of crap and ''it's for kids'' is not an excuse for lazyness do you honestly think that this is what kids deserve huh? and no it's not amazing it's far from that you wanna see amazing? look at steven universe now that is amazing this piece of cash grabbing trash will never be as good as steven universe
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Steven Universe (2013–2019)
One of the greatest shows on Cartoon Network of this generation
10 September 2016
i cannot express how i adore this show the characters the plots even the theme song is amazing i have yet to find and episode i didn't like yes this show has its flaws but that's a good thing actually cause it balances out the show the way it is i just really hope this show won't get cancelled like other great shows did previously before i mean yes there were good shows in the past like people claim that Chowder and Flapjack were gold mines but i tell you one thing : no they are not Chowder was disgusting and vulgar and Flapjack was annoying now as for this show it's the only action show currently airing on CN and VegetaReviews69 you gotta the most pathetic excuse for a troll i ever seen on this site ''Robin is lovable?'' are you serious? TTG is nothing but a worthless piece of trash that deserves to stay like that and this show is not ripping of TTG i think it's other way around
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