
10 Reviews
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Don't believe polarizing reviews....This show isn't a 1 nor is it a 10...
16 June 2022
So this show is getting a lot of unfounded hate for a lot of silly reasons. It's also getting a lot of unworthy praise for a lot of silly reasons. It seems a lot of people are giving it a 1 to balance out all the silly 10's and a lot of people are giving it 10's to try to balance out all the silly 1's.

This isn't your typical Marvel show, it is most certainly targeted towards younger pre teen audiences. I think as an older guy it just doesn't appeal to me and that's ok, it's not supposed to appeal to everyone. I'll keep watching it because I love Marvel and I understand not everything they put out is supposed to appeal to me. The actress who plays the lead does a great job for the direction they were going with for this show and the supporting cast is also great. My primary and biggest complaint is just how childish and borderline cringey this show is. I feel like you can have a coming of age tale without going off the deep end with the kids stuff. At least have some themes and things that appeal to adults as well.... This show has very few to none of those. It seems targeted at a very narrow audience being kids age 7-13. It just reminds me of kids shows on Nickelodeon and I'm used to Marvel having a slightly higher standard than that. The undertones of the show just feel like nothing Marvel has ever done and for me personally it's a huge miss though not bad enough to warrant all the hate and 1 ratings that it's been getting.
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6 February 2021
If I wanted to watch two people argue for a few hours I'd just go to my parents house. No idea how this is rated so high. I love both the main actors in this movie, but this movie itself just flat out sucks.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
14 March 2018
This is not a masterpiece. It's time for a new wave of critics in the world because this movie is pure drivel and anyone who claims otherwise needs to pass me their pipe.

First of all....the movie is completely nonsensical. It tries way too hard to be intelligent or artsy or ...I have no idea but the movie is nonsense. The ending leaves more questions than answers, which is probably the point...but some degree of closure would be nice. For those saying this film was "too intellectual" for release in the UK... you're dumb. It's not too intellectual, it is completely and utterly nonsensical. What a complete waste of time. No idea how it is rated so highly.
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Rome (2005–2007)
A Masterpiece
9 March 2018
2018 has come around and this is still one of the greatest shows ever made. It has everything you could want from a production and then some. The actors are brilliant and really bring this show to life. It is an absolute shame that they didn't finish it with a final season...that is literally the only drawback to this series. If you haven't seen it, make it a priority.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Good show...who cares if it's like the books.
9 March 2018
First off I'll say I haven't read the books which I think makes me more qualified to give an impartial review of the TV SHOW without all the BS references to how this wasn't like the book or that isn't like that book or whatever. This is a fun show. It has all the elements of fantasy and adventure that anyone who enjoys those types of shows will enjoy. The characters are (for the most part) well developed and the actors are doing a great job with the material. A very good entertaining watch for anyone who enjoys adventure themed shows/movies or magic.
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A.P. Bio (2018–2021)
Probably should be a 9 but I'm giving it a 10 to offset all these nonsensical reviews.
9 March 2018
This show is amazing. Howerton does re-visit his Dennis Reynolds, but I don't really see this as a bad thing as that character is PERFECT for this part. Essentially a version of "Bad Teacher" with a far funnier cast and a unique plot. Oswalt plays the role of a small town principal longing for people to like him to perfection. This show is funny, intelligent, and quirky.

As far as all the low ratings go...I'm starting to think they were written by people who couldn't sell their pilot to a network, this show is brilliant.

Being a critic isn't easy, but reading some of the reviews on this show made me cringe. People are being entirely too sensitive or expecting this show to show more of a semblance to reality...guess what??? IT'S A COMEDY TV SHOW. It doesn't have to be realistic, it's entertaining....and if you're looking to be entertained, this is a great show for you.
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I didn't laugh once...and it doesn't take much to make me laugh.
14 October 2016
First of all I love "stupid" sort of funny stoner types of movies. I can appreciate raunchy sort of humor. The problem with this movie is it just doesn't deliver. I'm a Kevin Pollak fan... and I think he was going for some sort of "American Pie" type of humor here...but it just misses the mark. Lot's of potential and a pretty good premise but just failed to make me actually laugh. I thought the lead actor was sort of meh in it...he did an OK job but wasn't very likable.... and had they done a few things differently I think it could've been funny. Some people probably will say this movie would only be funny to a certain type of person...but I'm that type of person...and it literally didn't even induce a smile. It's not that it wasn't well acted...because it was (kinda)...but they just didn't push the envelope far enough with this one. This is one movie that could've really used some extra raunch to make it funny. The relationship between the main character and his friends doesn't have any chemistry...the guy who is supposed to be the comic relief is just...not funny.... there is nobody likable in this film and that's sort of a problem in a movie where you're supposed to be pulling for the lovable loser...he isn't lovable... he is most certainly a loser...but ...I dunno this movie had a cool enough premise to be funny...they just failed miserably at making it funny in the slightest. Waste of a good cast. :-/
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Nerve (I) (2016)
Good mindless entertainment if you're trying to kill a few hours.
14 October 2016
I'm the guy who can appreciate Ben Affleck's Daredevil as mindless with that being said I'm not too hard to impress. I liked this movie's's fun and engaging. The actors did a good job with it for what it was. It's not an Oscar worthy movie by any means, but if you're bored and you're looking for something to mindlessly entertain you for a few hours this will do the trick. A little far fetched at times with regards to the antagonist(s)...but it's a good source of mindless entertainment. I've read people say it tries to actually get into serious themes...if that's the case I missed the memo cause I didn't really see any serious themes other than the availability of information over the internet...

I'd sort of go the other way with this and say it doesn't really take itself too seriously...which I think is a good thing. I do feel like the ending was a little meh and a little bit of a letdown...but I can't think of a better way to end it off the top of my head so I really shouldn't complain. This was an OK movie with a really good premise for nerds like me.
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Too boring to finish in one sitting.
14 October 2016
I like movies with this premise... I loved "Singles" "She's outta his league" or whatever it was called...I'm a sucker for the lovable loser loses girl and tries to get her back sort of thing...but this movie failed on every front. It wasn't wasn't engaging... it wasn't dramatic. Half the time I couldn't even tell what was happening in flashback vs real time. This was a jumbled mess of a movie without any semblance of likable characters...I literally couldn't even finish it the first time I started it... I only went back to finish it so I could write this review with a clear conscience that I actually finished the movie. It's just not engaging and doesn't have any of the elements that normally make a story like this enjoyable. Huge letdown...I was expecting far more.
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Patient Seven (2016)
So much potential wasted...
14 October 2016
This movie set itself up to be great. It had me completely captivated for the first half or so but never delivered on anything. Well acted...decent effects and so much potential. The problem with this movie is that it takes you on a journey, and then just sort of leaves far more questions than resolutions. They could've taken this film in any number of directions and any of them would have been so much better than the route they chose to take. Basically this movie is a lot of segments without anything to tie them together or anything that would give you a feeling that it was worth the watch. I'm only giving this a 2 because the first half was quite enjoyable...but I'm literally angry now that I've finished watching it at how much wasted potential there was here. I don't remember the last time I've felt so let down by a movie that started out so well.
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