
6 Reviews
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Hell's Highway (2002 Video)
5 January 2019
I sat through this rubbish. The gore is laughable; the nudity is miniscule and the acting is crap. The best actor in the whole film is Ron Jeremy.

The film has rip off moments. A chainsaw scene straight out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and found footage that resembles the Blair Witch.

Don't bother with this pile of steaming manure. Paint a wall and watch it dry. It will be more entertaining.
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Please don't watch this!
8 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In this movie we have a bunch of people and a camera man. They go around a location and an apparent medium goes hot and cold. It is shot in the style of a haunted television series.

It's is complete garbage and you'd be better watching the shows on normal television. Or even better get a bunch of your friends; score some beer; grab a camcorder and make your own.

Seriously don't waste your time.
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16 July 2018
This film is just a mess.

Part interview documentary (yawn) and part bad camera found footage ( bigger yawn). It doesn't know what it wants to be. The actors are boring and the action at the end is quite frankly garbage and not scary at all.

Why are these films being made. We know the iPhone has a great camera. Pity about the quality of what is being filmed.

Don't bother with this chicken dropping of a movie.
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What a pan floater
30 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just sat through this movie and oh man oh man. The best actor in the film is the doll. It says nothing and mysteriously moves around the house. And the guy in the sheet, Mr Sheets, another award winning performance there.

In all seriousness though this film is not creepy; it has no nudity; it has no gore and the inverted cross in the kitchen is just lame. The voice on the tape is just a thrash metal singer.

And watch out for the minister his acting was so real.

I hang my head in shame being from these fair isles.....that we churn out this smelly stinker.
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Terrifier (2016)
Better than expected
28 March 2018
I didn't hold out much hope for this movie. Was expecting the usual bad acting and shoddy plot. However I was mildly surprised. If you like gore, a little bit of nudity and a killer clown that kind off pulls of crazy without saying a word then this could be for you. Don't expect a Spielberg plot though.

Better than the wonky cam, let's run through the woods movies.
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Complete Garbage
29 December 2017
Let's grab a camcorder; recruit some actors from the local acting school and churn out another found footage turd. We are seeing a lot of this kind of movie, trying to emulate Paranormal Activity and the Blair Witch Project.....and failing badly. This movie is awful. If you like a wobbly camera with bad acting then by all means waste your time on this fecal matter.
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