
2 Reviews
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BuyBust (2018)
Sound Mixing and Camera is so bad
15 May 2021
I don't know what movie the 9 star raters saw but in my opinion the movie is nearly unwatchable. Not because of the story or the actors or the sets... They are totally okay for this kind of movie, but the sound ist mixed so bad (gunshots sound like recorded trough a Pringles dose) and also the camera and the editing really is bad.

You miss nearly 75 percent of the action.

Could have bin a decent asian action flick, but ended up being nearly unwatchable for me because the technical aspects are poorly made.

And there are a lot low budget action movies that do a lot better for example Vietnamese "Furie" that is technically great and also on Netflix.
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Elektra (2005)
Bad action scenes
7 August 2018
Action is too often not focused. Too much cuts. Too much slow motion. Bad cgi (the snakes).

The only very positive thing is Jennifer Garner.

So my advise is: better watch Daredevil (the directors cut).
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