
6 Reviews
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Grizzly Man (2005)
A rare opportunity for man and bear
26 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Herzog has brilliantly interceded for the welfare of man and bear by authoring this amazing movie. I am moved by Herzog's passion to ensure that Treadwell's life's work did not go unsung.

The depth of Timothy Treadwell's misunderstanding of bears is truly heart-wrenching. This was of particular interest to me because I grew up in Alaska during the 1950's. I also lived in Jackson Hole Wyoming later in life, so my contact with wildlife is more than the average person's. We lived in Anchorage while it was still wild and woolly. We still had a saloon and dirt roads. I learned how to walk and ice skate at the same time. As a child, I wore muck-lucks and fur parkas. The main kind of meat I ate for the first few years of my life was bear, moose and deer because everyone hunted for food. Huge green eyed moose sometimes came into our front yard and look into the living room window at night. My mother would be appropriately fearful of them and taught us the same. We learned at a young age to respect all Alaskan wildlife. Despite the dangers, seeing beautiful deer, magnificent moose and other wildlife did have a seductive way with us.

So I understand this man's love affair with the bears. Unfortunately, he went way beyond reason because he didn't consider himself a threatening presence to wild animals and he did not truly consider himself as a food source. He couldn't seem to buy into the fundamental cycle of life in the wild.

Through his tragedy and the hard work of Herzog, the world can now see both sides of the issue. All wildlife is cared for by nature. All that wildlife needs is to be left alone. This movie should be a wake up call to man. We are obligated to care for these creatures by leaving them alone and not encroaching on their territories. Timothy provided an interesting bridge between our world and theirs. He said several times that he would die for them. In a larger sense, he did, if only to portray on the screen how very important it is that wildlife must be respected in all ways.
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Miss Evers' Boys (1997 TV Movie)
Response to "Pure Propaganda for the Ignorant"
18 February 2006
I went to the "Spiked" website and read the article mentioned in the previous post. That article is a fancy bit of rationalization. The bottom line is you don't promise anyone hope in the face of possible death when that hope was nothing more than a lie to begin with. That is the heart and soul of why this movie is so important. It does expose a terrible lie perpetrated upon unsuspecting people. If they had been told the truth, it would have been morally different. In fact, the eventual monetary compensation the men and families received was too small for a lifetime of hopes and deception.

The article on "Spiked" only made me appreciate the movie and the excellent acting all that much more.

The acting was powerful, and it looked like a labor of love. I think everyone involved with this film must have felt the weight of purpose for getting out the truth of what had happened. It is one of the best acted, most well written movies ever and I encourage people to see it.
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Hopelessly Confusing
10 January 2006
By all accounts, this movie was written as a means of modeling the confusion and despair people felt after 9/11. In the moments after 9/11, the world was in shock. People were questioning fundamental issues. But that passed. It was a natural process. Even when with protracted trauma, such as in a state of war, people adapt and get past this phase of overtly questioning the meaning of life. That is because they must cope and go on.

This movie has tried to take the "deconstruction" people felt and turn it into a drawn out process instead of a simple event which passes. It is a lousy premise to base an entire movie on. The comedy is good, but vicariously living out the protracted confusion of the characters is tedious and exhausting.
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Bad Santa (2003)
Really Bad and Really Good
9 January 2006
Not that anyone is going to go through 38 pages of comments to get to mine, but... I loved this movie. Even though it was a piece of crap in some ways, crass, sick and unrealistic as heck, it was an artful piece of crap. The bad Santa has issues he cannot overcome. Lets face it, the guy is broken and ain't nobody gonna fix him. Unless, of course it is another misfit. Nothing seems to phase Willie, "The Bad Santa"'s impervious puss except for a totally lovable, loving, innocent child who unconditionally trusts him, warts and all. In that way, the writers have taken redemption, married it to profanity and hatched a love child of grace and truth. You can't go any lower than the main character, the disgusting, disgusted, disillusioned Willie. But, that is what makes Willie just perfect for a naive, misfit child. A child who has little political savvy except for that which allows him to look beyond Willie's flaws. This movie could have tanked, were it not for the delicate balance between repugnance and hope and longing fulfilled. It isn't for sissies or judgmental people. But there is a little bit of us all in and through it.
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Katie nails it. Rebel child mending fences...
8 January 2006
Katie Holmes really captures the spirit of her character. April is a disillusioned, rebel child who is reaching out to her family on Thanksgiving Day. It is a time of family crisis due to her mother's illness, and April has invited them to her inner city tentament apartment for dinner.

The family crisis is reflected with a growing crisis April has after her oven breaks down and she must prevail upon strangers for help cooking her turkey. This takes the day through a lot of twists and turns. Will dinner be a disaster? You will have to watch it to find out.

Since I am the mother of a strong willed daughter around the same age, I loved this movie and related to the feelings of the mother and daughter. Katie really brought the story to life along with a great cast of other talented actors. Its a sweet, well written story worthy of notice.
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The Gristle (2001)
The Gristle - I loved this movie!
8 January 2006
I watched this movie on cable three times. My boyfriend and I laughed through the whole thing. Although it was a little slow in the beginning, and the ending left us hanging, we still found it refreshingly fun. Of course, we could tell it was probably a newbie director with a less polished presentation than some other movies, but we looked beyond that and really appreciated the humor, actors and twists in the movie. I do not think it was canned and predictable, or cliché. It had a certain kind of humor that you see in movies, but it was handled well. I didn't compare it to other movies. I just enjoyed it. In fact, the characters were disarmingly human at times, given the plot of the show. I didn't get all the twists in the plot the first time through, but that was okay. I loved this show. I loved the actors. I think it is a great effort from a new group. In fact, I am looking for a copy on DVD to add it to my library. So, my recommendation is that people watch it and enjoy the ride.
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