
2 Reviews
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Wolf Creek (2005)
Off kilter and unsettling
10 February 2006
Dunno, this film certainly has a certain something about it and I'm not sure whether it's the nastiness, the atmosphere or the locale but I'm getting the feeling that it'll be the sort of movie that stays with me.

The early buildup is slow, but for me this added a certain sense of foreboding to proceedings: this possibly won't be for everyone though for me this introduced the characters well and allowed me to identify with them to an extent.

Howvever, the main annoyance here has to be daft character syndrome (DCS). Okay so it is a slasher movie at heart so I suppose that this is to be expected but it is something that always irks me no end - when the tension which has been carefully built up is dissolved and replaced with the feeling of "NO, WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT??!!!"

Without wanting to give anything away when the action turns nasty boy does it turn nasty and the viewer is not spared anything. Although I usually think that this kind of thing can be more effective when merely implied, on this occasion it just seemed to work, possibly due to the slightly unsettling nature of the whole enterprise.

Overall a 7/10 - it's always easy to slate this kind of production but this is superior slasher fare and a welcome change from your usual Hollywood horror. Won't be for everyone but nevertheless (with reservations) recommended.
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Hyperdrive (2006–2007)
Nice concept, flawed execution
5 February 2006
I really really wanted to like Hyperdrive, no I truly did and this is why I gave it every chance but unfortunately the conclusion that this BBC space-com is a bit of a dog is unavoidable.

Like many things which sound like a good idea and have most of the right ingredients which Hyperdrive does have, it should have worked. But then, the Titanic was a great idea whilst still in dock at Southampton. Sad fact is that the writing simply isn't up to the job. Too dependent on the futuristic setting and the (fairly obvious) gags arising from that. True, nobody does obsessional like Eldon (though for some reason I keep expecting him to go into his role as the cleaner in Black Books - just me that one I suppose...) and Frost is always watchable but the whole enterprise (no tenuous pun intended...) comes across as something a sixth form drama class might write after watching the original Beeb Hitchikers series.

A generous 4/10 from me.
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