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how unexpectedly relative to my father and I
2 August 2023
This is somewhat of a personal review and I had absolutely no idea I would ever be writing something like this for a horror film, let alone the ending of the lamberts story within the insidious universe.

I saw the original in theaters as I begged my father to go with me back in 2010. I was just 16 years old and I am now 29. I have just moved away from home (Chicago) to Dallas, leaving my friends and family behind. I just facetimed with my dad for the first time since I moved away and we talked about movies. He brought up how he thought I would have wanted to see this film.. and to my surprise - he had seen it before I had. After all, I love horror because of him.

I said, "dad do you remember we saw that together 13 years ago?" .. as he certainly did remember. He went on to share that he really enjoyed this one "i know you enjoy the over the top jump scare films, but when a horror movie actually has relevancy to life, it becomes much better" he said.

Never did I imagine to watch this film and completely understand what he meant by that comment. My parents separated when I was 4 years old and I live with the fact that I pushed my dad away for many many years, unbeknownst to me, because I wanted to be with my mom at all times, and never grasped their separation, and the pain that he felt from losing the precious years he would be missing out on, experiencing his children growing up, not being in the household because of their separation. I pushed him away and resented him as a child because I just didn't get it (even when the separation wasn't his doing). So I instantly understood how he placed himself in this film. He the father, me being his Dalton.

My father was ultimately a massive protector and supporter for me in my life, even when I didn't focus on appreciating him, just knowing and assuming he would always be there to help as he was my father. Now years later of course I learned and understood more, and appreciated and loved harder. Then I know my father felt this film on another level because he also lost his mother who was his best friend (another mirroring situation from the film) .. so I know that was another heavy comparison for him.

I couldn't help but put us both in so many of these situations in this film (sounds so silly to compare real life to a scary movie) but I just could, and I did. The pride that Daltons father had when he realized he made Daltons wall - reminds me of the pride my father experiences around me when he realizes today how much I appreciate and love him, and try to honor him as much as I can.

I was near death for many years with obesity, and I had finally decided to grab life by the horns and change my entire dynamic this past year and my life that once was at a road block stand still, changed entirely in 12 months. My dad as one of my biggest supporters, has watched me suffering for years, to now seeing me off to a healthy life, and a move across the country for a job.

My grandmother, his mom, was a medium. She told my father many things. She also told him before her passing "do not give up on him, he is going to surprise you, he is going to eventually change his health for the better, and turn his life around" - my dad still brings that up to me. I now get to see my father walk up to me with pride like he did to Dalton at the end of this film.

Just so many strange strange similarities. Especially with Lin SHAYE coming in at the end with her comments about him getting to talk to his mom again someday - life is bright ahead of you both. And Lin being the psychic medium, talking about his mother. Just wildly similar to my life story with my father..
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Black mirror at its finest
15 June 2023
Although this was somewhat predictable, I still think the entire concept of this episode was amazing. We had a great cast of actors and a very good storyline. I would say that this episode makes you feel more and more claustrophobic the deeper you get into this. You start fearing about what can happen in both realities...on the ship and on land. My mind was racing all around during this episode because I had to keep thinking towards the end "oh damn how is this going to close" and it once again ends with that classic black mirror that we all love so much - leaving you feeling pretty damn sick at the end lol.
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Scream VI (2023)
An absolute refreshing BLAST
10 March 2023
I have to say that this film tops scream 5, and is pretty damn close to being as good as the OG. You are kept entertained during the entire thing, shock left and right. You are teased through out the entire film, thinking you are about to lose some of your favorites, experiencing that sadness and shock. I personally didn't feel much loss without having Neve Campbell here. The scenes were so intense and fun, it was very well executed. I did peep who would be the killer early on, but that was loaded and still shocked me a bit at the end. I'm very happy that "Samantha" stepped up her acting skills this film - and ofcourse Jenna Ortega is always a lovely delight. Just so much fun, and the length was perfect... I can't wait to see where they take this next one!!!
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Fighting with my brain on this one
15 October 2022
I'm literally fighting with my own mind as I sit here thinking about this film. Did I love it? Did I dislike it? I can never HATE a movie involving Michaels Myers. But this one was not at all what I expected from this trilogy finale. I absolutely loved 2018s film, and I really enjoyed KILLS (minus the mob).

Halloween Ends was such a strange thing for me to process while watching. Was I watching the grand finale and the ending of a 40 year war between Lori Strode and Michael? I just don't think that was supposed to be how it all ended. When us true horror fans, major Halloween fans, come into the theater to watch the FINAL battle of Lori and Michael, we come to feel what Halloween 78 and Halloween 18 gave us.

We want all out war. We want horror. We want MICHAEL. We want the eerie vibes that we loved so much from the previous. The feeling of "Michael is on his way home" "somethings coming" feeling!! I do appreciate the opening scene, very dark and unsettling. I thought it was going to go in a completely different direction? I thought they were going to showcase the next generation Michael. But it ended up being completely different. I feel as if this just didn't have the spice, and the fireworks that the final film should've had?

I appreciate them going in a unique direction here.. but I feel as if this would have almost been a better middle film rather then the grand end to a legacy. I needed to feel more fear through out the film. It felt like a romance of some sort and not very Halloween. I love "Halloween" so much and have dedicated so many moments to this franchise , it's close to my heart so I can't dislike this film. But it just was extremely random to me. Yet still entertaining and fun - but could have been done WAY better.

And like.. what now? I never want Halloween to stop. I figured they would have tied it up with a nice premise for a future installment maybe.
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Fall (I) (2022)
I have never been more anxious
10 September 2022
I have never been affected by a movie so much in my lifetime. I wish so badly I seen this in theaters it would have been 10x more intense. My hands and feet were sweating the entire time watching this film as I laid in bed. Absolutely must watch because of how intense it is. Some corny moments but overall , and absolute thrill ride!!! So many ups and downs, it's truly an emotional experience as well while you are watching. Goodness I'm stressed out after that one! I felt as if the "drama" between the friends almost wasn't necessary to include in the film. We could've just allowed the poor girl to have a good memory of her husband lol.
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American Horror Stories: Bloody Mary (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
Who writes this crap?
18 August 2022
I had faith that Ryan Murphy would step his game up for the second season and I was poorly mistaken. I just can't get over how cheesy and corny these episodes are.. the script is just trash and the acting is so corny. They could have done something so great with Bloody Mary and instead it was just so rushed, so lame, poorly written and bad acting. Dominique was the only plus!
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They/Them (2022)
Way better then I expected
17 August 2022
Why is this movie getting so much hate? Honestly it was a fresh take on horror, incorporating an actual good storyline, with like-able characters. Honestly, I would've enjoyed this to be a series, with more backstory on each "teen".
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Mesmerizingly enjoyable! Never wanted it to end
20 July 2022
I haven't read this book (sadly) so I didn't know the amazing story that I was about to enjoy. If you're a fan of perfect atmosphere in film - this is just a joy! This story was so so entertaining. The casting was perfect for each character, and I enjoyed the main actress so much ( I think she should be casted as Dorothy in a wizard of oz remake ). My attention was held and I was loving every single minute of this! Definitely one of the best movies I've watched in several years.
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Southbound (2015)
26 June 2022
I watched this because the reviews were good on here. Huge mistake. Corny. Cheesy as hell. Not scary and the stories are just so poorly done. Like they aren't scary at all and make no sense almost. I turned it off once there was 30 minutes left. I never turn a movie off. Don't watch this.
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From (2022– )
WATCH! Don't listen to the negative people
22 March 2022
This is the second review I'm doing. Initially, I posted one after episode 1... now we are almost at the finish line and I can't stress enough - MUST WATCH! This show is everything I've been looking for. You know when you come across that special series every few years that is just perfect in so many ways? I find myself always hoping for a horror/mystery/thriller type show like this always and the probability of coming across one that hits all of my notes is quite slim. When you have great characters, a great setting, great story line, and the perfect horror elements. This has you craving more, so many questions you want answered. The tone is so perfect - just creepy and has you on the edge of your seat. I love when you can actually be transported to a place while watching something - I find this for me, only happens with eerie creepy shows. Like the show "black mass" did for me, or "harpers island". There's so many people critiquing shows so negatively lately and I would advise to not allow others overweighted judgement cloud your decision to watch this. It's fun, it's scary, it's intense as hell, it's dark, it's interesting, please watch it!
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Netflix do better please
18 February 2022
I rarely find myself bored during a horror film and that's where I was here. The storyline was just extremely flat and the character development was slim to none. Everything was so rushed, it almost felt like a joke. The little town set up felt like a knock off of 2005's house of wax... the two scenes that were great and the reason it got 4 stars are the initial police van scene, and the bus scene... other then that... extremely let down.
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This Is Us: Don't Let Me Keep You (2022)
Season 6, Episode 4
Loads of serious ugly crying
7 February 2022
THIS. This episode is the epitome of what "This is Us" is, was and always will be. This final season has been an insane emotional journey, bringing me back to the high emotions that season 1&2 were so in tune with. This mother episode had me thinking about my relationship with my mom, old memories, and the inevitable future. It's a terribly hard pill to swallow that most of us will face a time where we are in fact "motherless". It had me sympathizing for my father who lost his mother several years back, as she was his best friend, and they had a very similar jack Pearson childhood home abusive father type of situation, where he became her protector. Heavy heavy heavy stuff. I love this show so much and I'm not sure how I'll feel without it :( , even though it's hard to watch... there is a comfort in having a show that is so real, centered on real life family ups & downs. It's always a nice reminder to cherish your loved ones and don't let things go unsaid 💙
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See for Me (2021)
A fun ride
25 January 2022
I was initially hesitant on watching this because I've been down the road already with films like "hush" and "don't breath" so I was worried it's just been overdone now. If you're thinking that way, don't. This film was extremely fun to watch, visually pleasing home and aesthetic, and a pretty cool storyline. You definitely ride the edge of your seat for most of the movie which makes it so much more entertaining. Just watch it!!
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Soulmates (II) (2020)
New Favorite Show!!!
12 November 2020
This is a great concept. Each episode actually gets better and better. I tend to enjoy the darker episodes VS the lighter episodes. Extremely happy this is already cleared for a second season, I can't wait to see what they have up their sleeves. Don't question it, just give it a chance!!
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Better then I even expected but I want a darker 3rd film
29 October 2020
I absolutely love The Craft. I know this originally was planned as a remake - which I would've enjoyed seeing just because I love seeing films be remade during new ages. But they decided to make this a sequel and it was actually really fun to watch. The acting isn't bad at all, and if there was a lack of seriousness, David might be the only part of the film that could've used a bit more "mppphh". I saw the ending coming- still loved it though. The cast was believable, like able and what not but I would have enjoyed more bulk to the story. More character development. It like seemed too "normal" that these girls were just witches lol. I would love to see a 3rd film... but I want more magic, more nasty boys who deserve to be thrown out windows, more evil, more darkness... maybe these girls will go off to college Together. I want to see the magic consume them like in the original. It felt a bit too "PG" at times... still really enjoyed it... but I would enjoy a darker 3rd.
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Heartbreaking. The truths of life
24 October 2020
Goodness. This season left me so completely unsettled just like Hill House left me. A good horror picture is when it doesn't need jump scares to make you feel something. A good horror picture is when you are moved by the setting, storyline, characters - when you can walk away and feel completely uneasy, or sad, or creeped out and it just sits with you for the entirety of the night. THAT is in fact what this show does. It's HEAVY, it's beautiful, it's heartbreaking, it's eerie and spooky. It's truly a wonderful show - don't believe those ratings that are crappy , those people don't understand how to consume good quality stories. That ending had me in tears. My heart feels broken tonight after finishing the 9th episode. How do people go on living after losing a loved one like a parent or a significant other? My biggest fear. Must watch though.. but definitely gets to you. A couple things could've been tweaked around with in the finale but it was still beautiful and very heavy.
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The Witches (2020)
Worth watching & still fun
22 October 2020
I grew up on the original. I absolutely adore everything about the original. The cast was great and the make up was just so memorable, along with the setting and the Norwegian background. This remake is definitely worth a watch, but you have to go into watching it knowing you are going to get an altered story. I would've enjoyed the film to be a bit more dark and eerie, as the original was. This one adds more humor and the CGI can get a bit annoying. Can we get some make up artists back in the mix? CGI still makes everything look generic and less realistic. I enjoyed Anne Hathaway surprisingly. I'm sad that we didn't get the opening with the girl stuck in the painting as that always stuck with me as a child. And the ending was different which was partially upsetting to me as well, although it was a cute new ending. Watch it. It's fun and exciting. I wouldn't mind someone else re doing the film down the road and making it more adult.
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What's even happening???
9 September 2020
So far I have watched 4 episodes out of the 6. I had high hopes for this show, especially being a Japanese production. I have subtitles on and English dubbing. That's all fine, but the fact that the show is all over the place is not. So many things just don't make sense or add up. A lot of the characters look so extremely similar it's difficult to tell who is who. The time jumps are making it even harder to decipher between who what where and when??? So many missing pieces to the puzzle. I can't believe people are actually saying it's good. I have to finish because there's only two episodes left and they are short. I'm usually not one to listen to reviews saying things are bad... but this is just bad. I feel like half of the people killing or being killed have zero to do with the house and it's curse? I feel like I'm watching the John Cho film just in Japanese. SEVERELY choppy, nothing adds up. Give it a try. It's bad
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The Rental (2020)
Great for debut horror by Dave Franco
29 July 2020
The original promotion for this film was very minimal showing really nothing. I believe a more in depth trailer may have come out after the first teaser but I went into this movie with no expectations. I'm really glad I watched it because it was probably one of the best horror/suspense films I've watched in awhile. It's always best when you have a very limited cast for a thriller or horror film, it keeps things nice and tight. I was entertained through out the entire film and for this being Dave Franco's big debut, I am much impressed. I would advise him to keep it up with the horror genre... we need more good producers & writers for horror. Definitely a fun movie, with a very intense final half hour. I recommend.
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The Twilight Zone: Meet in the Middle (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
Omg YES.
27 June 2020
I am so happy to write this review right now lol. This was an amazing start to season 2. Season 1 was so politically charged, just like so many other shows have become and now that's all our world is revolving around right now so I'm looking forward to shows getting back to good story telling. This episode was so good, and gave you that classic twilight zone vibe, with the ending making you feel completely trapped and uneasy. I can't stand the actor playing Phil but this was a very very clever plot.
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13 Reasons Why: Thursday (2020)
Season 4, Episode 6
Best of the season
21 June 2020
The ending is filled with major emotion. If you are under the age of 30 and know the emotional state of having to potentially fear for your life at school which has been a trend the last 20 years you can relate with Clay so much here. I really felt that fear, rage, and confusion... the ending had me very emotionally disturbed
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
A creative minds dream
10 February 2020
Just binged the first four episodes. As a writer, production student, and with an "out there/creative" POV on life... this show is such an adventure. It's creepy, with scenes that take you back to being a kid and having your imagination run wild. It definitely gets the creative juices flowing as you watch. The characters are lovable, and I can't wait to take on the rest of the season. Definitely would recommend to anyone who is into the thriller/adventure/mystery genre.
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The Grudge (2019)
Almost unwatchable
10 January 2020
Absolutely horrible rendition of a film that has already set up the entire thing for anyone who chooses to remake or sequel this film. I grew up loving the JuOn and American Grudge films, but this was complete trash. I never rate horror films badly because I am obsessed with them, and always find somethings to enjoy... but this was awful. Terrible plot, scene transitioning needs major major help, the script is all over the place and the acting is just subpar. I never skip a horror film that comes to theaters - I wish I skipped this.
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Noelle (2019)
A fun holiday addition!
13 November 2019
This movie was so cute. Anna Kendrick never fails me. The plot was fresh for a Christmas film and it had a decent amount of humorous moments through out the film. I think it's great for kids and adults, and would love to see a sequel out maybe for next christmas!
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Evil: 177 Minutes (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
7 October 2019
Don't trust the negative dull reviews... this show is a FUN SCARY ride! The characters are all great and the fear that this show instills at the perfect times is that type of fear that gets under your skin and has you anxiously waiting for what's to come. That demon appearing gets me so much and I'm such a horror lover but there is something about this show that I'm loving sooo much and it actually creeps me out. I am so here for EVIL and will be sticking around as long as it's on!
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