
10 Reviews
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Old Dads (2023)
Solid Effort from Old Billy Burr
21 October 2023
This movie was surprisingly watchable for Bill Burr's first attempt at directing. I hope he continues to do more live action projects. This isn't the genre of movie I would usually watch but I love Bill Burr so much I had to check it out.

It feels like the humor would appeal more the older demographic. However, you may argue that is the point given the subject material. I just noticed this more so than his standup comedy work. While the movie was solid the best parts were still when Bill was angrily ranting just like his comedy specials

If I had any complaint it would be that the scenes with the nudity felt a little out of place here. I am being purposely vague to not give any spoilers. I am usually fine with this, but the movie was actually quite wholesome, and I felt these scenes detracted from the wholesomeness. Who knows though, maybe I am just getting old.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Some of the Best Sci-Fi in Recent Years
14 January 2022
I just finished the entire show from seasons 1-6 and am happy to say it had a good conclusion. This is some of the best sci-fi in recent years which mostly respects the laws of physics. The world building is the best I have seen and the political landscape is above average. In the early seasons some of the acting is mediocre but this improved over time.
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A shockingly good adaptation
22 October 2021
For those who have read the book, this is a very strong adaptation.

For those of you who haven't, I warn you that this is very dense. However, there is a lot of good to be discovered here with the score and the visuals being the highlights. This isn't the type of film you expect Hollywood to take a risk on and I am so glad that they did. I really hope part 2 is made.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Great Light Sci-Fi
24 September 2021
When I heard Norm Macdonald passed I felt sad and decided to watch this show to remember him in one of his last roles. I watched both seasons in less than a week and was pleasantly surprised. This show has the great elements from Star Trek without taking itself so seriously. All the cast is very likable.
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Above Average
21 May 2021
I am a pretty big fan of Snyder's work. I think the simple premise and aesthetic in this are incredible. Also, the action scenes are well thought out. Unfortunately, some of the dialogue is pretty bad. If the script was more coherent and the dialogue wasn't so rough this could have been a masterpiece.
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Armageddon (1998)
Just Brilliant
29 December 2020
I actually study physics in University and I can confirm that this movie has blatant disregard for the laws of physics. It's Newton rolling over in his grave bad.

But you know, I actually love it. I love the ridiculous plot, the romantic subplot is laughably bad, Bruce Willis acting like a bad ass is hilarious. I have never seen a movie so unashamed in what it was.

Despite how ridiculous this whole thing is, I actually thought the ending was a bit moving. This is a huge guilty pleasure of mine.
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Tenet (2020)
It Has some Problems
28 August 2020
There are two main problems with this film. First, I probably missed 30% of the dialogue because the sound mixing was so bad. In fact, it was so poor I started to feel relieved when the music subsided because it meant I didn't have to strain to hear what people were saying. After it was done, a stranger randomly asked me if something was wrong with the theater's speakers. However, after a quick google it appears that a lot of people are having issues with this.

Secondly, this film does not make any sense. This isn't a spoiler as it is shown in the trailer, but doing stuff like catching a bullet breaks causality. No matter how you justify it, this is so non-intuitive and far-fetched from reality it harms the film. This is a far cry from Nolan's other similar films like Inception and Interstellar.

However, I still gave it a higher score because there were some really interesting, unique, and thought provoking concepts that I go to Nolan's films for. It will certainly benefit from re-watches (preferably with subtitles) to appreciate the film in its entirety.
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As Good as a Sequel Could Be
13 December 2019
While I do think the last film was superior this was still very well made. On the downside It was a bit more bloated, confusing and even the characters themselves didn't seem as invested in the plot. However, the chemistry between the characters is still great, the added cast is spectacular, and it is as wholesome as ever. It is a nice film to watch around Christmas.
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Ad Astra (2019)
It is what it is
29 September 2019
I am currently on the latter half of my math physics degree so I can promise you that accurate science generally is important to me in film. However, in this case while the trailers may imply otherwise, it is not really a science movie so I don't really hold it to that standard. It is much more of a art house drama. Space often serves more as a metaphor than an actual location. With that being said this is definitely the type of film that I would understand if you didn't like. Yes it is slow. Yes it may be a bit pretentious at times. Yes, there are some plot holes that you accept. However, it is also very well acted, there were some genuine surprises, it was visually stunning, the effects were absolutely beautiful, and it has a good heart to it. Finally, there was some very cool realistic world building that didn't feel overdone which I really appreciated.

What can I say. I just really like space movies. I also love original movies and would love to see more of this stuff come from Hollywood.
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First Man (2018)
A Well Meaning Film With Some Controversial Creative Decisions
20 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are two creative decisions I want to talk about with respect to this movie. The first of which I thought was mostly effective, yet slightly off-putting, and the second was mostly ineffective.

The first is that due to the large timeline these events took place over and complexity of the true story, Damien Chazelle chose the death of Neil's Daughter to be the emotional core of the story. This allowed him to bring together many seemingly unrelated events in a somewhat coherent way without sacrificing historical accuracy. This emotional framework also provided a way to filter other interesting events in Neil's life as there were just too many. The only off-putting effect of this, was the story would jump abruptly feeling somewhat disjointed. However, I do think this is preferable to altering history, changing people's roles, and performing other modifications to create a compelling narrative.

The unfortunate creative choice by Damien Chazelle, was to try and put the audience in the astronauts shoes. I should note that this this is actually an effective technique if performed correctly, as it was during some scenes like the first person view during the first step on the moon. Where I personally think it failed was the shaky cam during the high intensity scenes. I think Damien thought this was a good idea as it simultaneously put the audience in Neil's shoes and allowed the scenes themselves to be shot at a lesser cost. This certainly alleviated the need for zero g shots and outside spaceship shots. The problem however, is that while it did communicate the intensity of the situations, it did not communicative effectively the competency of the astronauts nor what was actually happening. Many of these scenes had the audience inwardly thinking, "Oh, that dial is increasing, that isn't good, right?" or "Oh, Neil flipped a switch, I think everything is okay again?". Compare this to other effective shaky cam scenes in other movies like Saving Private Ryan. In that movie on the beach, while the camera was shaking, the main character still had a very clear objective and the audience was aware of exactly what was happening. I think it would have been much better to clearly see what the astronauts were actually doing even if we do not understand it to demonstrate their competency. If my memory serves me correctly, they actually did this a bit with the final decent to the moon which I thought was shot very well. There are a couple other ways these scenes could be approached but what they did certainly was not the most effective.

In the end, I am still very glad that I went. I really appreciated the beautiful set recreations, getting an insight into astronaut training, and also learning about the pain that this influential person went through. I think in a few thousand years, his will be one of the few names that will be remembered, so I do think learning about this event is important. As a bonus, the conclusion was excellent.
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