Coneheads (1993) Poster


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Simple movie, with simple laughs but hey, it works
nucksfan4life1 October 2002
"Coneheads" is the perfect kind of movie to have on killing time late at night, or when you just want to veg and not think about anything. The humor in the movie is simple to understand and easy to laugh at. Adam Sandler's cameo in the movie was great. Sinbad has a cameo too that he turns into many laughs. This movie was fun to watch. Of course there are many jokes about how these people have cones for heads, but that is the title of the movie, so no complaints warranted there. Dan Aykroyd really loves his Beldar character, and it shows here as much as it does in the many Saturday Night Live skits about the Coneheads.
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Great one
Coneheads is one of the best "Saturday Night Live" movies. I was expecting a light comedy but what I got was a whole lot more. Following a similar plot to the skit, Coneheads is the story about the Beldar Conehead family who crash on earth during a scouting mission for planet conquest. While here, they dodge the INS, have a child and discover that life on Earth is quite good.

This is where the movie shows its heart. It could have been a movie of comedy bits but by the end, it is about happiness in a stable family, which is quite refreshing in these days of depressing movies about divorces and unmarried couples. It is nice to see Beldar be a father figure to his daughter rather than the "Let Your Kids Be Who They Are" mentality of these days. The direction of the film in excellent, setting up many nice visual gags and shots that are very impressive for a comedy film. And at times, the film feels "epic" as you see the family on the run from the INS, to moving to the suburbs to returning to their planet.

There are great performances throughout the film and the many cameos are perfect. Look for funny scenes from Jan Hooks, Adam Sandler, Michael Richards, and Garrett Morris. Michelle Burke makes a nice debut as Connie Conehead and I expect to see more of her in the future.

On the surface, this seems like a dumb movie and it has received many poor reviews. But if you sit back and let it take you on an adventure (and if you can keep up with the way the Coneheads use different words for common items) you will be pleasantly surprised.
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My 75th Review Coneheads should be better then a rating of 4.9.
dobbin-411 December 2007
Coneheads is the 1993 comedy adapted from a skit from Saturday Night Live which is at the moment rated at a lousy 4.9 out of 10. The story is about three coneheads who crash on earth and have to adapt to human civilization this leading to a funny Dan Ankroyd shooting out funny lines at will. This movie is a great SNL movie which will keep you rolling as long as you have liked other SNL adapted movies such as A night at the roxbury and The Lonely guy. Overall this movie is very funny and should be watched by fans of SNL and Dan Ankroyd. I rate this movie a fair rating of 59% for being a movie that made me laugh. Thats my two cents from lack the bod.
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Humans Are More Weird Than Aliens !
elshikh414 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I loved this movie very much. It's so hilarious, and in the same time got smart commentary about the human of today who's so lazy, idiot and odd, which made Aliens, compared to that, more idealistic, and more human!

Although I'm not a big fan of (Dan Ayroyd), and how I've heard a lot about the hastiness and silliness of (Saturday Night Live)'s spin off movies, but anyway despite that, and some few repulsive moments too, this movie was so good, and I believe that was because its brilliant script.

It provided us with: real funny sketches, a thrilling hunt for those aliens, and then the fight at the original plant. Still the best part was the sarcastic confirmation about how humans are too blind to see the truth, and very faulty; so when one of them does the right thing; he becomes the real alien of his community!

The cleverness of this movie allowed ingenious sitcom to appear 3 years later, named (3rd Rock of The Sun), where the very (Bonnie Turner) and (Terry Turner), who were two of 4 wrote this movie, would be the creators of it. It had (Jane Curtin) also, but as the affected human this time, who deals with the aliens as annoying locals who maybe are less evil, and more innocent!

I must refer to the wonderful performance of everybody, from the lead actors to the supporting ones like: (Sinbad) as the helpful Otto, (Adam Sandler) as the forger, (David Spade) as the INS agent, (Drew Carey) as the taxi passenger, (Jon Lovitz) as the dentist, and many more..

It's a slick satire about the real Coneheads in our life: us!
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Odd, but some funny moments
Calicodreamin3 September 2020
Overwhelmingly odd movie, which is altogether not unexpected. An all star comedy cast brings in a few good laughs.
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A lot of fun, the rating is so unfair
Smells_Like_Cheese22 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Remember back in the early 90's where Paramount released unforgettable comedies and they just wouldn't stop? Coneheads came out and for some weird reason that is beyond me got a bad rep, I know that this was a sillier movie and not the strongest to come out of the vaults of Saturday Night Live with it's goofy characters. But the film in my opinion worked because it had Dan Aykroyd writing the film as well as starring in it. Honestly, how could you not laugh at this movie? If you're telling me that you did not laugh one time during this movie, there is something wrong with you, check your funny bone because this movie has a great cast who looked like they just had a blast making Coneheads.

Beldar Conehead and his wife Prymaat Conehead as they try to assimilate into American society and pursue the immigrant's American dream. Their spacecraft was part of an advance scouting mission for an invasion, but was shot down by a F-16 fighter-interceptor, stranding them on Earth. They live with secret identities while an INS agent tracks them incessantly over the years. They Conehead family blend into Paramus, New Jersey and take up activities that are part and parcel of the American Dream. They also raise their teenage daughter, Connie, who has recently begun dating. As they continue to wait for their mother ship, they live the American dream where they are respected and upstanding citizens.

I know this is silly but I can't help but laugh at the way the coneheads talk to each other, especially when Beldar gets his "citizen" name Donald R. DeCicco, the way he says DeCicco is just too funny. I'm not a huge Chris Farely fan, but he is so hilarious and charming in this movie as Ronnie who takes a liking to Beldar's daughter. When he starts to get a little touchy feely with her and she tells her parents about it, Beldar rips the roof of Ronnie's car like a can opener saying in his own alien way that he will kill Ronnie if he tires anything again and Ronnie being confused by the way Beldar said it said back "Uh, thank you?". The movie may be silly, but when have we let being silly get in the way of us having a good time? If something makes you laugh, don't fight it. I think this was a fun comedy that is a treasure in my DVD collection. Trust me, just let go and have a good time, I'm sure you'll get at least one laugh from this wonderful comedy.

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still good
raypdaley18222 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's been a fair old while since I last saw this movie but it's still pretty darn good. Dan And Jane, both great alumni of SNL bring to the big screen this version of Coneheads.

2 aliens who came to earth to conquer the planet, crash-land and get stuck and have to adapt until rescue arrives.

And the fun ensues. It's a pretty heavy cast including very brief appearances from Adam Sandler (selling fake id), Drew Carey (as a cab customer), Ellen Degeneres, Phil Hartman and a few others who I no doubt missed.

You also get Dan's brother Peter (playing another Conehead) and his daughter Danielle playing 3yo Connie proving that nepotism isn't dead. It's not what you know, it's who you know.

Sinbad is pretty good and not too over the top, and the INS guys are bearable. The special effects stand up pretty well and the film still has plenty of laughs and enjoyable situations.

Well worth a look if you haven't seen it before and worth a least another look if you have.
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a pleasant little film
planktonrules12 June 2005
The fact that this is a good film AND it was done by ex-SNL actors help this movie to really stand out for me. Dan Aykroyd is terrific as Beldar and it shows that he CAN do a decent film (and he's done some stinkers--Neighbors, 1941, Nothing But Trouble, Dr. Detroit).

As I said above, I haven't been that impressed by many of the films by ex-SNL cast members--especially when they are movie-length versions of SNL skits. However, this movie expands on the characters and has great heart. In other words, despite the humor, the lead characters come off as sympathetic and decent. If the characters had been just like they were in the skits, the movie would have fallen flat on its face. Instead, we are treated to many instances when the Coneheads try so hard to fit in and be the average American family. It's also quite amusing that almost no one seems to notice that they AREN'T! There are many SNL-related cameos and supporting players throughout the movie and they are pretty well integrated (i.e., they usually don't seem like tacked on cameos but fit within the plot). Also, although I generally hate David Spade, his annoying personality fits in perfectly with the character he plays.

This is a good film for the whole family. It's cute, funny and actually has amazingly good family values!
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videorama-759-8593915 February 2023
Possibly one of 93's worst, and boy, does this one, waste so much talent. Raising not many laughs, and hardly anything else, except idiocy, you will get to see an Dan Ackroyd, talk in real fast Alien tone- beepppp!. Also Alien 2 (Curtain) is good to watch.... oh yeah, they have a hot conehead daughter, where on a sad note, the late Chris Farley appears. It all gets so annoying, droning, but fascinating. Not saying the movie was a dumb idea. It was just lame and cheesy, and very disappointed as I was, the laugh ratio for me, was almost non existent. You can only take so much. The nearing 15 minute end, was the most annoying.
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It's fun! So give it a break will ya.
blackdeep21 March 2009
I could say, you had to be there. Or you just aren't old enough to understand. The bottom line? Sometimes it is nice to just sit back, suspend your disbelief and enjoy without having to analyze why it works or doesn't work. This falls back to a time when crude and rude was still in its infancy. Light for the day, it is still lots of fun. The punch lines are subtle and innuendo a bit advance for the punch and Judy crowd that is looking for the "Down with society" commentary that seems to fill the comedy of today. The Coneheads are classic Old School SNL. I like a story where the good guy wins, albeit the good guys in this case are Aliens. If you like Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, or Danny Kay. Then you will probably like this movie. If you are the Dumb and Dumber crowd this will probably be a disappointment. So, suspend your disbeliefe and just enjoy it for what it is. A funny movie with a lot of "good" laughs.
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I find you... just about acceptable.
Pjtaylor-96-1380447 April 2021
Most of 'Coneheads (1993)', particularly its mid-section, is absolutely fine, an inoffensive and inconsequential comedy focused on a set of aliens with (you guessed it) cone-like heads. Some of it, though, is just plain irritating. Random words are thrown in to simulate a 'funny' alien language, the lead characters talk and move in ways that are often hard to understand and there are one too many gags based solely on the Coneheads' tendency to screech when they're perturbed. I mean, there was literally a moment early on in my viewing where I almost had a breakdown because I couldn't understand a word coming out of Aykroyd's mouth (in an incredibly annoying voice, I'll add) and thought that I just be putting up with a grating character who I couldn't even understand for the entire film. Thankfully, the dialogue becomes more intelligible after the first few scenes - whether that be because the performance becomes less obnoxious as the story progresses (to accentuate the protagonist's increasing immersion on Earth) or just because you get used to it - and from then on the affair really isn't that bad. It's bland, forgettable and it more or less just unfolds in front of you, but it's competently crafted and it isn't overtly boring or anything like that. It's safe to say that it isn't funny (at all, really), but it isn't close to painful and most jokes simply fall flat rather than feel like insults. Of course, this is all faint praise. One legitimately interesting element of the narrative is the obvious parallels that the titular aliens share with real-world immigrants. Occasionally, the movie uses this to make comments about America's treatment of such individuals. However, it isn't an idea that's explored to its full potential and it very much feels like (almost accidental) subtext. Ultimately, the picture is just okay. It has its ups (such as a surprisingly well-made stop-motion creature in its third act) and its downs, but it's basically bang average. 5/10.
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Another Overlooked Gem...
ijonesiii21 December 2005
Other than WAYNE'S WORLD, this is the only film adaptation of an SNL skit that really worked for me. CONEHEADS was an inventive and smartly written 1993 comedy that expanded upon the original Saturday Night Live skits starring Dan Aykroyd, Jane Curtin, and Lorraine Newman as Beldar, Prymatt, and Connie Conehead, the aliens who are trying to live as earthlings and tell the world that they are from France. The movie starts before Connie is even born, showing why Beldar and Prymatt were sent to earth and how they ended up smack in the middle of suburbia. There are some moments of genuine warmth that you feel for the Coneheads as they have to stay on the run, as they are being pursued by a slimy Immigration agent (Michael McKean, in an on target performance) and his ass-kissing assistant (a hysterical David Spade). The film has one hilarious moment after another. Jan Hooks appears as a student of Beldar (who is seen working briefly as a driving instructor)who lusts after Beldar and her silent encounter with Prymatt in a supermarket is hysterical. Chris Farley is very funny as Ronnie, Connie's boyfriend. The role of Connie has been inherited by Michelle Burke for some reason, though Lorraine Newman can be spotted in a cameo near the end of the film. Jason Alexander and Lisa Jane Persky are very funny as Beldar and Prymatt's suburban neighbors. Sinbad has some funny moments as Beldar's first boss and Adam Sandler is funny in a brief scene as a guy who provides Beldar with a phony Social Security card and whole new identity. There is so much to take in here and a lot of talented comedians are seen to good advantage, whether in starring or cameo roles. CONEHEADS is one of the most underrated comedies of the 90's which I don't think ever got the credit it deserved. If you've never seen it, definitely worth the rental.
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Any fan of SNL over the years will enjoy this bit of nostalgia.
TOMNEL5 May 2008
The Coneheads did not open to overly positive ratings, and it's not surprising it didn't. The plot is fact there barely even is a plot. The whole point of the movie seems to be to make an old sketch funny and hip again, and bring together 18 years of Saturday Night Live members under one roof, and actually it succeeds at both. Beldar and Pyrmatt Conehead were funnier here than they ever were on the SNL sketches, and cast members from all the years appear including all the surviving original cast members (minus Chevy Chase).

Beldar (Dan Aykroyd) and Pyrmatt (Jane Curtain) are coneheaded aliens accidentally stranded on Earth. This movie goes through their everyday lives, the birth of their daughter, Connie (Not played by Larraine Newman this time), and their trying to avoid being deported by the INS. Though this film is plot less, that's not actually a bad thing. Because of it's plot less-ness, every ex-SNL member that could be found seemed to have a role in this playing random characters. The jokes are coming at a rapid pace, so even if some don't work, a minute later another one will come to make up for it. Aykroyd and Curtain were actually great together and had quite a bit of chemistry.

This is a fun movie, and for any Saturday Night Live fan, this will be great. For anyone else, this may be a mixed bag.

My rating: *** out of ****. 88 mins. PG for language, nudity and sexual humor.
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Recycled ideas, tepid humor...
moonspinner5531 March 2008
Alien couple and child with cone-shaped noggins crash land on Earth and set up house in suburbia until their people can come and rescue them. Over-produced, under-written comedy dud, an extension of the shaggy, funny skits on the earliest years of TV's "Saturday Night Live", never cuts loose. Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin return to their roles as Beldar and Prymatt, though perhaps passing the torch on to different comic actors might have been wise (neither star looks very enthused about re-boarding this vehicle). Worse, a gratuitous, unfunny subplot involving Michael McKean as a Special Agent who tracks down "illegal aliens" is given far too much time on the clock. Some of the cameos are fun, and newcomer Michelle Burke has a nice presence as teenager Connie Conehead, but this is otherwise forgettable stuff indeed. *1/2 from ****
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Very Clever, Exceeds the original sketches of SNL.
gregb-418 August 1999
Coneheads is one of the best conversions of an SNL skit to the big screen. Granted, Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin were funny on SNL as Beldar and Prymat, but the movie has given them the chance to show how funny they can be as these two aliens from "France"! All the SNL cameos are great too! If you don't like this film, you should be sent to "Narfal the Garthok!!" :)
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Great for losers
Crowbot-29 August 2000
An SNL thirty second skit, turned into a ten minute skit, turned into an hour-thirty feature picture, that seems to never end. I didn't like the original Coneheads, when watching some tribute, so why did I see some glimmer of hope when renting this. I don't know, but I should really stop following my hunches. Except for a (very) few funny parts, I want the two hours of my life back.
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Suitable For Mass Consumption.
screenman27 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Unheard of until is was recommended to me, I found 'Coneheads' to be a really good watch. As others have said, it's not just a laugh-a-minute surprise, there's actually a clever little storyline, some thoroughly engaging characters - human or otherwise - and some quite decent special effects. Dan Ackroyd is the main comedy player but the other actors spar along with him wonderfully. Everyone looks like they're having a good time.

The gags come in every way; visual, slapstick, puns, you name it. And there's a happy ending as well.

It's 15 years old, now; so the nuclear family values it seems to celebrate have been rendered unfashionable by the latterday millennium cynics. More fool them.

This is a feel-good movie of the first league. And it's definitely one of the funniest American movies I've ever seen.

Trouble is; you come away with those bang-bang lyrics of 'Tainted Love' permanently lodged in your cone.
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This is one of the most obnoxious films I have ever seen!
TheHonestCritic12 August 2020
"Coneheads" (1993), it's not very often that I see a movie that's so bad that I literally scream out of frustration. "Coneheads" is one of those rare exceptions! This "film" has an uninspired cliched story, overall horrible acting, boring sets/locations and a cliched generic soundtrack. The story, or lack thereof, is based off a sketch series from "Saturday Night Live" and an animated TV special made in 1983. Keep in mind, I have seen a few of the "Coneheads" shorts from Saturday Night Live. They are annoying, but still slightly more tolerable than this "film". Maybe they're better off being showcased in small doses? Either way, the concept sucks, the characters are not creative and it's a dumb idea. So, what happens when some moron on drugs says: "hey, this would make a really good movie. Let's green-light production!" Yeah, I don't know what they were smoking or drinking that day either. This "film" was doomed from the start as a result of a mediocre concept and a poorly written screenplay. As a matter of fact, the original creator of "Coneheads", Tom Davis, was not impressed by the choices made by the producers. That's pretty bad! Film Making 101: if you're going to make a film based on a concept, then make sure you follow the concept. Is that so much to ask? If you're not going to follow the elements of the source material, then don't make the movie, period! Besides, whatever happened to originality and creativity? To be honest, I can't recall any scene, or line from this "film". That just shows how boring, dull and stupid it is! Every scene is so obnoxious, that I could literally pull my hair out. Whenever any of the Coneheads spoke, it was like a cheese grater against my forehead! Could their voices be any more irritating?! Okay, to be fair, one part did actually make me laugh a little. The scene where Connie Conehead takes her dive into the pool, and there's no splash. That's funny, if only the rest of the "movie" was like that! All right, I've criticized the story enough, let's move on. The acting is nothing short of a disgrace from all of the actors and actresses. Even Dan Aykroyd couldn't save this "film"! Another big shock is that he was involved with the original "Saturday Night Live" sketch and the 1983 animated special. He must have been pretty desperate for a gig! The only somewhat tolerable Conehead character is Connie Conehead, played by Michelle Burke. She is the least annoying of the Coneheads, and the only actor that seems to be putting any relevance of effort into her performance. As for the human characters in this "film", they are just dull and give simply subpar performances with their roles. Such a crying shame, because most of the actors and actresses subjected to this "movie" have acted well in other films and TV shows! What happened to them here? All of the sets/locations are dull and just adds to the never-ending boredom that is this "movie". Finally, the soundtrack is nothing but a joke. I honestly can't recall any notes of music from this film score. That's bad, because David Newman has written much better soundtracks than this heap! The only good element in this "movie" is the special effects. Yeah, some of them do get a bit cheesy at times. But overall, they are actually well-done and still hold up today. Remember, good special effects are no excuse for a bad movie! Overall, I give this "film" a 1 out of 5 star rating which equates to 2 out of 10 stars. For all that you're worth, save your dignity and just stay away from this "film". Whoever green-lit this "movie" should be kidnapped by aliens, along with the Coneheads, and never be allowed to return to Earth ever again!
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A Pleasant Surprise
brianwolters4 January 2005
Coneheads is one of the best "Saturday Night Live" movies. I was expecting a light comedy but what I got was a whole lot more. Following a similar plot to the skit, Coneheads is the story about the Beldar Conehead family who crash on earth during a scouting mission for planet conquest. While here, they dodge the INS, have a child and discover that life on Earth is quite good.

This is where the movie shows its heart. It could have been a movie of comedy bits but by the end, it is about happiness in a stable family, which is quite refreshing in these days of depressing movies about divorces and unmarried couples. It is nice to see Beldar be a father figure to his daughter rather than the "Let Your Kids Be Who They Are" mentality of these days. The direction of the film in excellent, setting up many nice visual gags and shots that are very impressive for a comedy film. And at times, the film feels "epic" as you see the family on the run from the INS, to moving to the suburbs to returning to their planet.

There are great performances throughout the film and the many cameos are perfect. Look for funny scenes from Jan Hooks, Adam Sandler, Michael Richards, and Garrett Morris. Michelle Burke makes a nice debut as Connie Conehead and I expect to see more of her in the future.

On the surface, this seems like a dumb movie and it has received many poor reviews. But if you sit back and let it take you on an adventure (and if you can keep up with the way the Coneheads use different words for common items) you will be pleasantly surprised.
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Yellow mustard custard dripping from a dead dog's eye
jessegehrig3 May 2014
A conundrum of a movie, in that it's not funny or endearing, but obviously made and billed to be both funny and endearing. The movie was born from ancient SNL sketches that were only ever sort of funny, nostalgia took care of the rest. A forgettable movie, like I know the Coneheads are in the movie but I don't remember what they do or why they do whatever it is being done, like well over a hour of film is spent on central characters who are aliens from outer space trying to live on Earth incognito and its an utterly forgettable movie, that's not on me, I didn't screw that up. That the aliens' perspective on Earthling culture could be used for devastating satire was in no way utilized or even realized, I mean would you go to a knife fight and fight with a pocket- knife when you have Glock .9 strapped to your hip? Some important life-or-death struggle and you don't use your best weapon?
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Return of "SNL" classic characters!
GOWBTW25 October 2008
Remember the "Coneheads" on SNL(Saturday Night Live)? Well, they are back! This time on the big screen. Beldar(Dan Ackroyd) and Prymatt(Jane Curtain) are on Earth planning to commit world conquest. But, when they settle on the planet they decided to live their lives there instead. They have such strange diets, and they claim themselves they are from "France". The government however don't think so. They later give birth to a daughter named Connie(Michelle Burke). She has a little trouble fitting in, until she meets Ronnie(Chris Farley, 1964-97). I liked the Subway scene where Connie puts away a sub which made Ronnie's mother look like an amateur. Looks like he found his dream girl there. When they go back to there planet, Beldar used his talents from Earth to stop a monster, while singing Soft Cell's "Tained Love". Great cast, silly plot, this movie is good for all SNL fans. Some say it was rather late, I would say, "Who Cares?" 2.5 out of 5 Stars!
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Different people make weird noises. LAUGH!
benjaminweber1 May 2018
Should I mark this as containing spoilers? Because the title of this review is the entire premise of the film. People with conical heads arrive on Earth, then they speak and move weirdly. The joke feels very stretched by the end of the film. There is a bit of variation from this, mainly in the form of an overzealous immigration official. However, this feels tacked on for the purposes of the plot, the main premise is FUNNY PEOPLE FUNNY TEETH NOW YOU WILL LAUGH! WEIRD NASALLY SCREECHING! ENGAGE HUMOUR AND LAUGH!

Looking at the other reviews, some people enjoyed this film. You might too. Just be aware most of the humour is Dan Aykroyd's character being an alien.
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A Pleasant Surprise
brijess-217 February 2003
Coneheads is one of the best "Saturday Night Live" movies. I was expecting a light comedy but what I got was a whole lot more. Following a similar plot to the skit, Coneheads is the story about the Beldar Conehead family who crash on earth during a scouting mission for planet conquest. While here, they dodge the INS, have a child and discover that life on Earth is quite good.

This is where the movie shows its heart. It could have been a movie of comedy bits but by the end, it is about happiness in a stable family, which is quite refreshing in these days of depressing movies about divorces and unmarried couples. It is nice to see Beldar be a father figure to his daughter rather than the "Let Your Kids Be Who They Are" mentality of these days. The direction of the film in excellent, setting up many nice visual gags and shots that are very impressive for a comedy film. And at times, the film feels "epic" as you see the family on the run from the INS, to moving to the suburbs to returning to their planet.

There are great performances throughout the film and the many cameos are perfect. Look for funny scenes from Jan Hooks, Adam Sandler, Michael Richards, and Garrett Morris. Michelle Burke makes a nice debut as Connie Conehead and I expect to see more of her in the future.

On the surface, this seems like a dumb movie and it has received many poor reviews. But if you sit back and let it take you on an adventure (and if you can keep up with the way the Coneheads use different words for common items) you will be pleasantly surprised.
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great dialogue
papanashul2 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Wow! What an all star ensemble cast! Michael Richards and Jason Alexander in the same movie! Dan Ayckroyd making all the right moves in the lead role as a no-nonsense, old school pater familias! Chris Farley, as a car mechanic-cum-Romeo, David Spade as the proverbial suck-up and Adam Sandler in a cameo as a small time crook are perfectly cast and effortlessly deliver a tight performance. It's a Saturday Night dream come true! The story of two coneheaded aliens who later triple knits together with a coherence lacking from most films belonging to the derided sub-genre of dysfunctional earth invaders. Life on earth must surely be as surprising to those aliens up there, as are the habits of these adorable coneheads to the amused viewer: Prymaat (Jane Curtin) avoiding any intermediaries and using her mouth to vacuum those dirty rugs, Beldar (Dan Ayckroyd) using condoms as chewing gums (their eating habits in general build up to a whole cluster of gags that seldom if ever fall flat) Connie's (Michelle Burke) way of kissing and so on. In fact, the most reliable source of amusement is the pretentious-sounding conespeak (and the additional paraphernalia of gnarls, hisses and snores that accompany their emotions) employed by Beldar and Prymaat to express their wisdom and interact with inferior humans. It's on a par with the cavespeak in another wonderful comedy of the same ilk called Caveman. Example: Beldar : - If everyone jumped into a bituminous cauldron would you jump in too? Connie- I am not a little cone anymore, dad. Beldar – Maintain low tones with me, maintain low tones.

The dialogue is so inspired is almost reaches a tarantinoesque level, kept to a necessary minimum, with a lack of the non-sequiturs common to the genre. Another key to the success of this movie are the endearing characters. This is one of the quirkiest ensemble-casts ever to appear in an eighties-type comedy. Recommended for repeated viewings.
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What an odd duck
fistofgonzo18 April 2022
I'm glad this movie exists. It's unique and quirky, and a mindless 1.5 hour romp, but it certainly won't blow your hair back. It's saved by a lot of comedy vets, and as far as SNL adaptations go you can do a lot worse, but mixing laughs from material that worked better in sketch format is easier said than done.
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