Blankman (1994) Poster


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Someone loved Adam West!
BandSAboutMovies2 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Daryl and Kevin Walker (Damon Wayans and David Alan Grier) are brothers who grew up idolizing Batman, watching the 1960's show and dressing up and playacting crime fighting. As their neighborhood deteriorated around them, Kevin became a cameraman. Daryl may be a simple man-child, but he excels at repairing and inventing things. And he may have never given up on his dreams of being a superhero.

He finally gives in to his dreams after his grandmother (Lynne Thigpen, the Chief on TV's Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?) is killed by a mobster. Despite nearly getting killed several times, Daryl becomes the media sensation known as Blankman.

He even gets a love interest - Kimberly Jonez (Robin Givens) - whose kisses reduce him to a quivering mess. However, not everything is easy. Minelli's gang attacks a bank and takes the mayor hostage, tying him up and rigging the building with explosives. But Blankman can't stop every bomb and is forced to run, causing him to give up on his superheroic dreams and going to work at McDonald's.

Kevin's boss Larry Stone (Jason Alexander) uses Kimberly to get an exclusive interview with Minelli. But the mobster takes over the station, so Kevin convinces Blankman to come back and stop the man who killed their grandmother. Kevin even gets his own superheroic identity as the "Other Guy." And, of course, they save the day.

Blankman has really inventive set design, as Daryl's inventions are string together pieces of junk that somehow work. This film is kind of/sort of a spinoff of the In Living Color superhero that Wayans played named Handi-Man. That character was as un-PC as you can get and Blankman softens down the very rough edges.

This is a time capsule of the 1990's and worth digging up to enjoy.
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Damon Wayans is always hilarious
danzeisen10 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There are few comedians today who are heartwarming AND funny at the same time- and Damon Wayans is one of them. His childlike quality a perfect foil for the incredibly crazy collection of junk he cobbles together to assist people in need. His first super hero rescue is a pregnant woman in the elevator, whose door he pries open with a prying tool he calls "The Speculum of life." As a spoof on the genre of superhero movies this movie hits the bulls eye and make kids and adults chuckle and laugh. I am amazed that Damon has not made more movies, as he has talent to spare. If you and your kids like this I highly recommend "Major Payne"- in my opinion his funniest so far.
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Mildy Amusing
imdb-2162211 February 2010
I found the character a bit annoying. The voice and the over the top awkwardness mostly.

On the bright side, the story was cute. Basically, a super hero parody, but on the light side. An event in the awkward and geeky Darrel's (sp?) life made him want to make a difference in the world. A lab accident led to a formula which made him somewhat indestructible.

Where the movie shined, was in some pretty good comic moments. The rorshach test was funny. There was a scene I am pretty sure was stolen from Live and Let Die, where the voodoo guy comes out of the ground. Just to name some.

There are better superhero movies. Some of the humor falls flat, or is cliché. The movie lacks focus at times, as another reviewer pointed out.

But if you want a mindless tribute to Batman (the campy TV version,) and like movie on the light hearted side, you might like this one. Very little mean humor, swearing, adult and potty humor, which in itself, is refreshing (I like that stuff from time to time, but I also like it when a movie makes do without it for a change of pace.)
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"Ugggh!! You mean I have to see her... thingie??!!"
Marsmagus27 July 1999
Damon Wayans cuts it up as a (Grand)Mama's Boy with dreams of being a crimefighting superhero. David Alan Grier dreams of busting out his Mack Daddy on the star reporter (Givens) at the TV station where he works as a cameraman. Sprinkle liberally with "The Return of Duckman" -- Jason Alexander in the guise of Grier's producer, and as caustic as the quack ever was -- and throw in lots of junk... but it's *great* junk. With his wringer-equipped, flashlight-eyed, wrist-remote-controlled 1950's era automatic washing machine robo-buddy J5, Blankman (Wayans) creates an aura of mystique and cobbled together super-gadgets that would make Batman wonder "Where did he get all that junk?" (see also "Spiculum of Life") while making his neighborhood safer for his children. Nevermind that he's still a virgin. A gloriously campy superhero gigglefest that will at some point touch the heart and mind of every kid (grown up and otherwise) who wanted to open a can of whoop-ass in snazzy duds with groovy toys, then retreat back to your secret Super-Do-Gooder Hideout. Plenty of physical comedy to keep you chuckling, tricks and traps ingenious enough to qualify as "Diabolical Disastrous Doom... will our heroes be back next week?". An excellent rental.
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Utterly Bizarre
m.cordell29 May 2002
Seriously - this is one of the most bizarre films I have ever seen. What does it want to be? A super hero pastiche? Race issues comedy? Surreal wack-fun? Not sure how favourably it can be compared to other flicks such as Meteor Man or Brother From Another Planet. There are some pretty original jokes and situations, and some very unsubtle moments which still work. it held my interest for a while, but the tone seemed all over the place. Still it has Jason (George from Seinfeld, Duckman) in it.
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Another Stupid Wayans Brother Movie
gavin69422 October 2007
In a world where the crime is not under control (because of mob connections to the government), only one man can save the ghetto: Blankman. The danger is bad enough, but what happens when there is a love triangle -- a reporter, Blankman and Blankman's brother (also known as Other Guy). Oh my, the tensions mount.

The Wayans brothers make bad movies. They're not particularly funny or well put together. Look at reviews for pretty much everything they've done and you'll see a trail of bad comments. This movie is no exception. While the concept was somewhat interesting -- an idiot savant ghetto kid who wants to be Batman -- it just didn't have a very deep structure to it and was too fluffy to be anything more than a waste of time.

When the Wayans appear in other movies (say, "Requiem for a Dream") they're fine, but not in their own work. And then we get Jason Alexander thrown in here and just confusing me more. Was he funny or just a poor cardboard cut-out of a sensational journalist? I'm not sure.

What really gets me is how Blankman talks like a mentally retarded person. If he were more normal with better speech and nicer clothes, I would have liked the movie slightly more. I understand the bad clothes were the joke, but it just really wasn't funny for me. It seems more like a way for the studio to save money on the wardrobe than a decent plot device -- if he can invent a bullet-proof liquid, why can't he match his shirt to his pants?

If you like the Wayans, you'll love this. But if you like the Wayans, you also have a bad taste in movies, most likely. Sorry. Don't take it personally, but there's "so bad it's good" and "so bad it's bad" and this clearly falls into the latter category. Just get "Batman Begins" instead, or heck -- the original 1960s movie if you like the bad wardrobes. It's much better than this was.
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OMG, this movie sucked so badly!!!
symph0natic13 January 2008
My brother wanted to see this, mistakenly thinking this would be a good movie. Let's just say that it is not. We actually wasted 7 bucks each to see this in the theater during its two-week run! Ouuuch! Yeah, it's kind of embarrassing, but I had to admit it. I didn't even realize that this was Greg Kinnear's (rather inauspicious) film debut. I'm sure he'd like this one deleted off his resume! As well as Jon Polito, playing yet another version of his stereotypical mobster character that he first portrayed so well in MILLER'S CROSSING (1988). I already know from an interview he did on NPR that Damon Wayans would like to have this one back. He said it began with the "Handyman" character he did on the show "In Living Color" and somehow got metamorphosed into...this.

Let me make this clear: I did not laugh once during this entire 79-minute piece of crap. Even the movie's short length was not enough to save it. Or watch it. I guess the only good thing about this movie is that it put the final nail in the coffin of Robin Givens' film career. I have nothing against her, and God knows she suffered being married to Mike Tyson, but a film actress she is not. Sorry! Speaking of which, if you actually watch this movie, you will be sorry for having wasted 79 minutes of your life cringing at the embarrassing gyrations of the nerdy character played by Damon Wayans.
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Well...I loved it
scotto4926 March 2006
Being a tremendous superhero nerd, I loved everything about Blankman! The hokey jokes, costumes and plot. Damon Wayans must have watched all the old 60's Batman shows, as did I, and loved all the garishness of it, just as I did. Anytime I watch a movie and think..."I would make this movie EXACTLY the same way", means that it's one that I will always watch on TV, and even buy on DVD. I loved the "Blank Station", the references to David Alan Grier's superhero character as "The Other Guy" still make me laugh out loud. Yeah it has toilet humor, yeah it's a goofy parody of a goofy medium, but that just makes me love it even more. And even, God help us, Robin Givens is good enough in her role to make the whole ride an enjoyable one.
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Blankman, not for all tastes
videorama-759-8593912 October 2014
Wayans is a talent, that's for sure. I really like his sense of humor, which is smartly cheap, but doesn't constitute for good comedy, but I guess, wasn't really meant to. You can like it or lump it. This one really has it's moments, that's for sure, and even though he's a writer, mate, don't forget, Wayans can act. As the film's title character, he and his brother (David Allen Grier, a very underrated actor) have watched the caped crusader one two many times, where Wayan's virginal character, has really never grown out of this phase or grown up. He invents a lot of smart crap, out of cheap stuff, including a robot, you kind of feel embarrassed to have around the house. I loved his means of transport, something you've just gotta see, that takes him to his private crib of junk. When it city is ruled by these nasties who take the life of their grandmother, a victim of a small slaughter in a campaign office, this coaxes Wayans' to take his fictional hero out onto the street with contagiously amusing results. Sexy reporter Robin Givens, and god, she is sexy falls for Blankman, where Grier who works with her has been trying to get into her pants, while also trying to reach a higher status of employment. The face of the mayor who explosively buys it in another scene, sticks out like a sore thumb, as that actor from that film, RUN, where this is one of few comedies which does have a bit of a body count. Jason Alexander was good as Grier and Givens boss, again diabolical and bad to the core. And I must say the Blankman tune was catchy, but again I said the slightly dry film, suffers from it's cheap comedy treatment, where even though it is funny and smart, it doesn't make for good comedy, but laughs abound for Wayons's fans, and his character, he portrays all so fantastically.
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The Little Guy Wins!
UrbanElysium22 August 2019
I remember seeing this on cable way back when and i loved it, rewatching it now 20+ yrs later it STILL holds its charm for me! It's goofy, funny, adorable and yet it's message is still relevant-even a little guy can make a difference...yet doesn't take itself too serious. It's nice to know my fondness for this one wasn't misplaced as so often can happen with such a long time span. This was the first time I really got introduced to Damon- became an instant fan.
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Can I get that time back?
slwichman21 June 2015
This movie was a waste of time, time I will never get back. There were some cute moments but those were spread far apart. Givens, Grier and Thigpen were excellent with the roles written for them but Wayans was too far over the top "geek". In fact, I'd say he played it more as an idiot savant than a geek. I've known better than to watch most movies by the Wayans bros for that very reason and this only proved my point. Before you knock me for being anti- superheroes, I love the old Batman and Robin and all the reincarnations. The difference is Batman, Spiderman, and Superman were handsome, intelligent men not socially awkward boy- men. I'm so happy it's over.
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Insanely Stupid, Yet So Funny
view_and_review17 August 2020
Oh man is Damon Wayans hilarious. And paired up with David Alan Grier... comedy gold! They already had chemistry as their "Men on Films" comedy sketch from "In Living Color" was one of the funniest sketches of the entire show.

"Blankman" is insanely stupid and it's a riot. Kevin Walker (Damon Wayans) is a very unremarkable geek with a penchant for making shoddy gadgets out of discarded appliances and electronics. If you used to like Steve Urkel, then think of Kevin as a more effeminate and older version. When he discovers a solution to make his clothing indestructible he decides to become a superhero. The name Blankman was given rather than chosen. The movie is cut in the mold of the old Batman T.V. show except with a comedic air.

Kevin's geekiness is only made funnier in juxtaposition to his normal brother, Darryl (David Alan Grier), who takes every opportunity to insult Kevin.

Wayan's antics make the movie. It's not a brilliant movie by any means, which is quite alright. It is a clean movie though, for the most part--not relying on sexual humor or a barrage of profanity. I may be nuts for even liking this movie, but I was already open to enjoying "Blankman" due to my "In Living Color" fandom. What can I say? There are worse movies I could like.
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Has Heart, But Not Much Else, Yet Retains Its Enjoyability In Spite Of Itself.
FiendishDramaturgy18 May 2007
This was one of those funny-DUMB movies that many of us secret away as a guilty pleasure. I found a lot of warmth of character...downright heart, if you this film. I'm not a big fan of the Wayans' work. I haven't been since the close of "In Living Color," but I catch myself admiring a performance here and there, such as Keenan Ivory Wayans' performance in Glimmer Man.

This film, superficially, appears to be pointless except to provide mindless entertainment to the masses. But beneath that, there is sufficient meat into which viewers may sink their teeth, and which will serve as inspiration to those who have been downtrodden, regardless of the degree.

The performances herein are adequate, and the comedy is well timed, if mindlessly juvenile enough to make you inwardly cringe. While this was billed as a spoof of the latest rash of superhero movies, Blankman delivers a geeky hero who saves the day, gets the girl, and warms your heart.

It rates a 6.4/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Damon Wayans is so annoying
SnoopyStyle7 August 2015
Darryl Walker (Damon Wayans) and Kevin Walker (David Alan Grier) are brothers who loved the 60s Batman TV show when they were kids. Darryl grew up to be a childlike gadget inventor. Kevin is a cameraman for local TV news and in love with anchor Kimberly Jonz (Robin Givens). The boys live with their grandma who is a big fan of mayor candidate Marvin Harris. Harris intends to clean up the city where the police stopped caring after they stopped getting paid. The Walkers are in a crime-infested rundown neighborhood in Chicago. Harris refuses to be bought by gangster Michael Minelli and he sends goons to shoot up Harris's campaign office. Grandma Walker is killed. Darryl creates his Blankman vigilante persona with a formula he accidentally created which turns fabric impenetrable and his various gadgets.

Damon Wayans is so annoying in this and he destroys any hope for a comedy. The story is more akin to the campy 60s Batman TV show. There're a couple of ways to make a good movie out of this. All of them require Damon to play a likable character. It can be stupid if it wants to be but the audience has to find Darryle adorable. Without that, nothing else could possibly work.
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Robin Givens provides the sexiness in "Blankman."
brooksduane5419 October 2011
In "Blankman," Damon Wayans provides the laughs as a nerdy inventor who, through use of gadgets he's devised in his own home, becomes a costumed superhero who "heroically" rescues his hometown from corrupt influences. Yet it's Robin Givens as intrepid TV journalist Kimberly Jonz who gives said flick its charm and its sex appeal. As the reporter who breaks the story of Blankman and serves as the film's Lois Lane, she deftly employs her stylish beauty, her high-toned sexiness, and her stiletto-sharp intelligence to create an intensely desirable counterbalance to Wayans's out-there funniness. When Wayans, after having spent an evening with Robin's Kimberly, tells his ever-dubious brother, portrayed by David Alan Grier: "When she (Kimberly) stuck her tongue down my throat, it was only there a few minutes," a considerable part of us fiercely wishes that we could have been in his shoes. In sum, while Damon Wayans is undoubtedly the comedic center of "Blankman," Robin Givens, as the film's aforementioned ace reporter, proves once again that she is without question the queen of the black celebrity/entertainment world.
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Shoot him in the head.....
FlashCallahan18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Darryl Walker is a nerdy, child-like man with a genius for inventing gadgets out of junk and other stuff he can get his hands on. When he stumbles on a method to make his clothes bulletproof, he decides to use his skills to become the lowest budgeted superhero ever.

His brother Kevin disapproves of Darryl fighting crime as "Blankman", but soon finds himself fighting alongside his brother as "Other Guy", an easily overlooked partner with no special weapons or crime-fighting abilities.......

Damon Wayans career in the nineties took the same path as Paula Shores. They both co-starred in moderately successful film (The Last Boy Scout and California/Encino Man respectively) and then some bright spark thought it would be a good idea to give them a a how many picture deal on the strength of those two films. The thing is, they did not make the films successful, and although their first movies did okay, they soon dropped in quality and box office.

Wayans film are by far the better ones, as he isn't as annoying as Shore (although I do like him), and they have better concepts.

This has to be the most ridiculous one though, and although Blankman is a sound idea, it turns out like a hybrid of Batman Forever, Meteor Man, and Steel, which doesn't sound very promising.

But it works thanks to Wayans' performance as Darryl, as he is likeable, funny, and he Carrie's the film from what could have been a complete disaster, to something of a curious piece.

I know a few people who actually adore this film. I for one don't adore it, but I will watch it every now and again, because everyone needs a bit of Blankman every now and again.
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I'm a crimefighter!
reddiemurf8126 September 2021
I remember seeing a tv spot for this back when I was a kid. Of course now I'm thinking, "How did I not see this before now?!?" Damon Wayans and David Alan Grier are great in this spoof! 6.3 rating imo.
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dospenes2 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Who is responsible for that summary? A simpleton inventor? Isn't he confirmed to be a genius in the movie? Apparently one does not need to be familiar with the actual definitions of words in order to write movie summaries for IMDb.

I suppose the summary for Forrest Gump goes something like this: "Shrimp tycoon with learning disability goes green by traveling cross country by extremely environmentally conscious means with very low emissions.

Pulp Fiction: Two men who are closet homosexuals themselves aid a third in coming to terms with his sexuality by way of a tough love approach. If this appeals to you, you may also like The Exorcist.
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Way better than I expected.
LebowskiT100023 October 2002
I remember that I wanted to see this film when it was first released, I realized that it looked very dumb, but nonetheless, I wanted to see it. So I finally got around to renting this film and I thought it was hilarious!!!

The film is loaded with great jokes and very clean jokes (well, most of them). Damon Wayans was hilarious throughout the film, as was David Alan Grier, and their relationship and chemistry on film was excellent! Robin Givens looked fantastic throughout the film and does a fine acting job as well. Jason Alexander and Jon Polito were very good as well, although I have to say it was very odd seeing Jason Alexander with a shaved head.

Anyhow, if you liked the film "Mystery Men", then you really ought to like this film. If you watch this film, don't take it seriously, keep in mind that this is a super-hero spoof. I truly hope you enjoy the film as much as I did. Thanks for reading,

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Truly better than when I last saw it
Tenchi6458919 April 2007
The last time I saw this movie was at least a good nine years ago... years later, I find it just as funny as I did then.

How could you not enjoy this movie? It was actually enjoyable to watch Damon Wayans' character make all these far-out gadgets... some of which look totally outlandish, but actually make sense! Sure, the comedy may be a little too goofy for some, but in the end, it helps. This movie also helped me further my belief that if you get out there and do something about a problem, you'll be making a real difference in a world of indifference.

this movie is worthy of an 8 out of 10.
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Damon Wayans Has done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
superboy47818 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Blankman is what you would call a parody. And what I mean by that is that this is a spoof of the famous Batman television series from the 1960's. The kind of stuff it spoofed was: a relative being killed, a gangster wanting to take over the city, having a dumb sidekick, bringing a journalist to the hide-out, ect. It was still a hilarious movie with some memorable moments though.

Science nerd Darrel Walker (Damon Wayans) has been working on some pretty stupid inventions lately. He even has a stupid robot named J5. Anyway, he and his older brother Kevin (David Alan Grier) live with their grandmother. When she is murdered by crime lord Michael Manellie (Jon Polito), Darrel becomes so depressed that he makes a costume and creates stupid weapons, he turns himself into: BLANKMAN! A crime-fighting super-hero that will stop at nothing until the streets of Detroit are safe again! He even meets the sexy reporter Kimberly Jonz (Robin Givens). Kevin eventually joins him, but in the mean time, Kevin is more than annoyed by Darrel's behavior.

Written, produced, and starring Damon Wayans (My Wife & Kids), Blankman is a hilarious spoof that will leave you cheering!
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One Of My Favorites
darkmanishere99017 March 2006
This movie is great! I have always thought Damon Wayans was a funny guy. (I thought he was awesome in "Celtic Pride.") However, I saw this movie on HBO not that long ago and wasn't expecting much. I was wrong and basically it is VERY funny. It has all different kinds of humor. Maybe it is because I am a huge Batman fan at heart, however the main character was very likable. (Yet you didn't feel bad when you laughed at him for being a wimp.) He literally did "scream like a Susie." Jason Alexander (It kind of does not look like him at first) does an excellent job also. I really wish they would make a follow up film. The movie also connected very well. So many comedies today go for a cheap laugh and don't worry much about making the story come together. Blankman did an awesome job at staying funny the entire length of the movie and also making the story come together. He is to date the only super hero who is a "strong wimp." It is a great movie for someone looking for some great laughs. This movie is very under-rated (I think) and totally deserves more good reviews. Totally worth the time to watch or rent. (I am buying myself a DVD copy to enjoy over and over again.) Thank you Blankman. R.I.P. J5! :)
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It holds up
Ronniebrotherhood17 February 2020
Maybe there is a way of going back in time to when I was 10 years old and unwatching this movie but as I don't know what that is the most honest thing I can say about it is it may be a little on the dumb side but I still laugh every time I watch it.
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Wow! One of The most silliest Movies I have ever Seen!!!
Snoopy-6427 December 2000
...But I Loved it, Although most of the jokes are very very low and the cast and acting level is one of the worst I have ever seen (frankly, It's seems to me that the actors WANTED to play bad..) -

and, of course, the Lousy piece of Art design, Although all of that... I must admit that when I saw the movie I just can't stop laughing , Really... It is SO silly and SO Dumb and SO SO low, That it works!!! It did the Job!!!

In my Hall of fame of trash-comedy-Movies It almost Equals to Jim Carrey "Dumb and Dumber" (that after-all does takes the honorably first place).

Don't look for art here, cause you will not find any; Don't mind the plot, don't mind the acting, Don't mind anything about this film - just prepare yourself to waste one and a half hour of your life - take some snacks, sit down, relax and Laugh... (or cry).
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Simply brilliant
ruy_georgeos2 August 2006
This is an amazing, marvelous piece of post modernist neo dadaíst art. Blankman manages to provide us with an action packed yet thoughtful parody of the typical 60-80esque super hero series like The Batman, thanks to Damon Wayans' astounding performance (and I'm not being ironic).

Everything is delivered so powerfully in an extremefully dadaist way I actually cried while watching this film and it caused me to raise questions to myself: "Is this a SERIOUS movie?" "Is this a comedy movie?" or what is this? It's impossible to know!

It's a mix of many genres (action, super hero, romance, blaxploitation) that literally tastes like a tutti frutti confection filled with LSD and I mean it. It's so full of diversity and Damon Wayans' acting like someone with metal problems. A serious issue is raised by this movie on the funninness of his "crazeness": Is it okay to laugh at a character knowing the character has mental problems?

Blankman definitely is worth watching. It had me thinking from the start to the ending sequence (which is great by the way). A+ trashy grade costume design and weird gadgets.
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