The Queen's Gambit (TV Mini Series 2020) Poster

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Don't start this series late at night!
anacasaux26 October 2020
You'll end up like me, binge watching it until 5 AM (and I don't even know anything about chess). Very well written, directed and acted.
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Best Netflix Original of 2020
bilgedeger25 October 2020
The Queen's Gambit was a random find for me. I started watching it without any expectations but the first episode was just enough to keep me interested. As I kept watching, it kept getting better and I must say the 7th episode was one of the best finale to a series that I have ever watched. The character developments for even the minor characters were well-thought-out and I immediately formed an emotional connection with most of them. The finale was so well done that it almost felt like an end to a show with several seasons rather than a limited series. The show also had very good messages sprinkled in between, they were subtle and didn't make me feel like an agenda was being showed down my throat. The acting was marvelous. The cinematography was great with some very impressive scene transitions. The score was amazing and really set the atmosphere and the tone of the show. If you are reading this before watching the show, go ahead and watch it. You won't be disappointed.
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Mr Shaibel the main role
phdcore11 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
He did deserve more. But having never received it, made for a very emotional, powerful scene when Beth returned. That scene and that emotion would not have been possible if Mr. Shaibel had gotten what he deserved throughout the series. There were a few simple but powerful scenes with Mr. Shaibel that hit me really hard. When young Beth begged him to help her after she was punished and he couldn't even respond to her because he was so ashamed he didn't have the power to help her. When she drove away in the car after being adopted and he couldn't even wave goodbye to her... you could literally feel his grief without him even saying a word. When she walked down to the basement to see his old room and looked down at the table where he first taught her to play, that was hard enough. But when she looked over at the clippings he kept on his wall of her... that was just too much. Hard to keep your eyes dry watching that scene. This story was written with the purpose of having the reader or watcher, identify with Beth. But I think for a lot of us, we identified with Mr. Shaibel.
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I Resign
anileoyoseliani25 October 2020
When you've seen everything on Netflix, a you will watch any new show they throw at you. I did not have high expectations. But I was so wrong. So wonderfully and totally wrong. We watched Queen's Gambit, all seven hours of it, in a single sitting. This show is an absolute gem. Remarkable acting by Anya Taylor-Joy who will be a force to be reckoned with, her child counterpart- an absolute marvel. The series is smart, it's inspiring at times, it's sad and heartbreaking at times. Who knew watching game-plays of simulated chess can make your heart pound out of your ears? Truly, a story of determination, friendship, self discovery, struggle and triumph. I don't know about you, but my ceiling will be covered in chess pieces tonight.
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One of a kind!
vabal24 October 2020
It's not only a good series, it's not only the wonderful story, acting, cinematography, music. You watch it and it feels like the movie itself is a chessgame. With a rather weak opening indeed, a fabulous middlegame and a perfect ending. It's the kind of movies/series that stucks you in your armchair, on your couch or even in your bed anyway, forgetting about eating, sleeping, living. After the end, the return to reality has not yet occurred. You are still tormented in dimly lit orphanages, you travel all over the world, you are welcomed in super-bright chess tournaments a little more arrogant and well-dressed and you analyze variants. Do not miss it!
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Beautiful. Just Beautiful.
ccrisss24 October 2020
Watched it all in one night. I didn't think a story about chess would keep me interested. But this one got me deeply invested. Because this is not just about the game of chess, it's so much more.

Ultimately, what I cared about wasn't just the game anymore, it was the person. I was rooting for her. I really cared what would happen to her and that's probably the most essential thing for me when watching any tv series.

What made me attached to this character was how I saw her grow up from a little orphan girl, witnessing her from the first chess game all the way to the end and everything in between. I was enthralled, inspired, moved, proud. Had me in tears too. Excellent cast, story, cinematography, writing, everything. Thank you for this. Thank you.
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Well done!
bdasmith0125 October 2020
Really enjoyed this series. One reviewer gave a low rating mentioning how the first episode showed her using pills in the orphanage....yes they had to as it shapes the rest of her future. The characters are great and the acting on is superb. Kept me hooked!
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Outstanding production, Compelling story, Inner lives of the characters expertly laid bare.
bilesbrent23 October 2020
Top to bottom, scenic design, wardrobe, direction and casting, this is a top notch production. The acting is seamless and the characters embody their roles perfectly.

One couldn't hope for a more original or more compelling story. As you might expect from the title, Chess plays a central role, and the author's use of the game as an extended metaphor shifts in ways both nuanced and explosive. For any thinking person, this series is sure to delight.

In my opinion, strong characterization always provides the best entertainment. The producers of "The Queen's Gambit" tackle the tough task of creating a compelling story from the inner lives of the characters. Granted, they are working from an excellent novel, but oftentimes, attempts to bring works that center around the mental, rather than the physical journey of the central character fail miserably. In this case, the producers deserve the highest praise. If you like thoughtful stories that expose the inner lives of the characters, don't miss this one.

The show, while generally acceptable for children, contains several adult themes, so parental guidance is recommended.
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This is not the typical type of show that I would usually watch but I'm so glad I did. It's so unique and different that it's difficult to put into words. If you're thinking of watching this show, just do it, you won't be disappointed.
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Mixed feelings
tanujisha18 November 2020
I did like the story, I did like the settings, I did like the acting and the chess theme. But as the story progressed I started to feel slightly annoyed by the main character, additionally the story got boring as it was always the same, nothing really compelling happened. I did watch till the end, but I didn't find this series overly exceptional as other reviewers did. However, I really liked the depiction of that era and how difficult it was for women at that time.
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Isla Johnston is the unsung heroine of this piece
RogerBorg29 March 2022
Yes, yes, Anya Taylor-Joy and those eyes. Superb, praise from the rooftops.

But let's also acknowledge that the astonishing Isla Johnston carries the first few episodes with an equally compelling performance, far beyond her years.

The handover from Isla to Anya is almost seamless, which is quite remarkable when we consider the intensity of the character. That an actor of Johston's age could have pulled that off is extraordinary.
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Very predictable, but well crafted.
maredithevans8 November 2020
I found this entertaining, but I couldn't bring myself to like the main character, Beth, or care much about her "journey". The progression was pretty boring and obvious. I consider this worth watching if you are having a hard time finding something, but ignore the hype or you may end up disappointed like I was.
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Dramatically obvious when not being inert
alexdmcintosh11 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe the rave reviews set my expectations way too high or I've absorbed too many of my wife's sports anime in passing, but I found this series very underwhelming. It had an annoying tendency to introduce potentially dramatic material and then immediately deflate it or do nothing with it.

The show never manages to bring you into the world of the characters. Through all their jargon and esoterica about chess, it all falls meaningless on you because, I suppose, we're just suppose to marvel at how complicated it all is as a way to establish her genius at the game, because it's never explained in any substantial or understandable way how she plays the game so differently in her own mind. Conversely, look at how Moneyball uses two characters with different understandings of the game to create a way to bring the viewer into the world through their dialogue. I understood and appreciated more about a sport I didn't care about at the end of that 2 hour film than I did after 7+ of this series.

Because her awakening in chess occurs at the same time as her drugging, the series leaves you wondering how much of her ability is her and how much is the substance dependency. I'll assume this was on purpose, but it's all smoke and mirrors to create the illusion of a flawed character. She never struggles because of it, succeeds and is lauded & praised at every competition, and literally kicks her self-destructive habits, including an almost life-long dependency on the tranqs, in the FIRST act of the LAST episode. Does this impact her in any way? Not at all. She has a moment of hesitation in the last game but uses the Force, I guess, and discovers it was her all along like there was an understanding placed into the viewer that it might not be.

Subplots abound that go nowhere and cost Beth nothing. Her adoptive father returns to claim the house. Will she have to face homelessness? Depending on her friends in the chess world to survive? Will she have to grow at all? Nope, she just happens to have enough money to buy him off in the same scene. Instantly, the tension evaporates. She's blown her money and can't go to Russia for her match. Jolene just lends her money with no string attached. Instantly, the tension evaporates. Borgov is being accompanied in America, they say, by KGB in case he 'tries to escape'. The state department agent tells Beth to be aware if Borgov tries to pass any sign or message to her. Is Borgov trying to defect? Will he send a message to Beth in their game? Nope. It goes nowhere. Then why even bring it up, writers? You know things mean things in your story, right?

And for all the time the last two episodes waste, including a moment where Beth makes a phone call and the camera literally wanders away on a house tour for no reason, it ends the story at such a weird place that I started looking for meaning where there wasn't any. The old man she sits to play resembled Shaibel to the point that I said 'oh my god, it's the same actor and she's symbolically playing her mentor again as an equal!'. Wrong. Not the same actor. It just ended on some old man in a park in Russia. Nothing resolving her trauma over her real parents, her substance abuse, the men she's used and regained trust with for no reason. Nothing. Well, I guess Jolene's going to get her money back, so that's something.

The acting is top-notch and the production design is second to none (minus some awkward greenscreens in Russia), and for the layman, I'm sure this was dramatic and intense, but this is definitely not for people looking for a story and experience as engaging and complex as the game itself.
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Guarnteed to be an award winning show!
Georgefestws23 October 2020
This TV Mini-series is excellent! It is wonderful to see Anya Taylor-Joy in a well crafted show. She shines brilliantly as Beth Harmon a chess playing prodigy. The story takes us from when she is a small girl, orphaned, continuing through her teenage angst years. I highly recommend this show. Great cinematography and directing and of course to get back to the acting - its top notch! I only wish there was more than 7 episodes.
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katemalmgren-6200725 October 2020
I don't normally review shows but this one was fantastic! I watched the entire series in less then 24 hours and would watch it again in a heartbeat. Every episode is good. It stays strong the entire series and captivates you. I would not be surprised if this show wins tons of awards. 10/10 would recommend.
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Surprised by how much I liked this!
Rob133130 September 2022
I was absolutely blown away by how good The Queen's Gambit was! The only reason I actually started watching it was because of all the great ratings/reviews and I'm glad I did because it was such an entertaining series. It's set during the Cold War era and follows orphaned chess prodigy Beth Harmon (Anya Taylor-Joy) as she struggles with addiction in her quest to become the greatest chess player in the entire world. Taylor-Joy has been a rising star for the last few years but she breaks out here as she was just absolutely terrific as the lead. She's now one of the hottest young actresses in Hollywood. This ended up winning an Emmy for most Outstanding Limited Series.
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9's and 10's all around is what this deserves.
sav-8397525 October 2020
You will binge watch this like I did guaranteed. What an amazing 8 hour movie.
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Loved every second of it!!
klask-1240723 October 2020
After the first two episodes I cancelled my friday night plans to watch this series in one sitting.
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Really Good Mini Series
Supermanfan-1315 June 2021
I actually didn't really have any plans on actually watching The Queen's Gambit when I first saw the trailer. Then I couldn't stop hearing about how good this show was by just about everyone and saw all the award nominations it's gotten so I figured I'd give it a chance. I'm so glad I did. I never thought a series based around chess would be so entertaining. I couldn't stop watching and ending binging all 7 episodes over one weekend. Anya Taylor Joy deserves every bit of love she's received for her job in this. She's become a really good actress. This show will hook and will have you thinking about chess non stop but you don't need to know anything about chess to enjoy this. It's so much more than a series about chess.
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jocali22 March 2021
Starts great, gets boring and repetitive, great but obvious end. Awesome music, photography and direction.
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mbognar26 October 2020
While I am an avid chess player, you do not need to love chess in order to love this series. This is the first time I have ever given a rating a perfect 10. The cast is beyond amazing, Anya Taylor-Joy did an outstanding job. The story and writing was brilliant. The cinematography was perfection and captured every little detail for the time period. The music was perfect!

The only disappointment is that there probably will not be a season two.
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stereotypical sports movie, but chess (and not a movie)
filups13 November 2020
Imagine your standard, come-from-behind, feel-good sports movie, but with chess. The plot isn't exactly the same, but it's just as banal. In spite of being 5 times longer, its characters are just as shallow. The way they briefly touch on racism/sexism/addiction seem designed more to score brownie points and support the audience's sense of moral superiority than engage the audience in any form of critical thinking. What little chess they show in this series seems wildly unrealistic, from the rapid-fire moves to the clapping during play. I had trouble believing someone who looks 28 playing a 13-year-old character.

But hey, the cinematography is great, and like those cheesy sports movies, you can count on a warm fuzzy feeling at the end.
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Would have been better as a movie
tishc-7703010 November 2020
Enjoyed this series but like many other reviews I found the storyline was slow, predictable, cliches to the brim & wonder if it needed to be a series rather than a movie. I mainly hung around to see the sets rather than the storyline. I didn't like the main character & was disappointed with the concept of her brilliance as a chess player throughout the series. Defs not feeling like its a 9 or 10 rating.
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carlvan19772 November 2020
You know it's good when you don't care were your cellphone is.
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An absolute joy to watch
robertwm3269-124-57821024 October 2020
An incredible series. An absolute joy to watch and a complete surprise. Anya Taylor-Joy was wonderful. I honestly have never heard of her and she was absolutely perfect for the role. I would have loved to see it last so much longer.
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