- To me the great hope is that now that these little 8mm video recorder and stuff now, some - just people who normally wouldn't make movies are going to be making them. And, you know, suddenly one day some little fat girl in Ohio is going to be the new Mozart, and you know, and make a beautiful film with her father's little camera-corder and for once this whole professionalism about movies will be destroyed forever and it will become an art form. That's my opinion. ["Heart of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse", 1991]
- [on Apocalypse Now (1979)] My movie is not about Vietnam... my movie is Vietnam. [Cannes 1979]
- What the studios want now is "risk-free" films but with any sort of art you have to take risks. Not taking risks in art is like not having sex and then expecting there to be children.
- I just feel that at a certain point you have to go back to the beginning again. The best thing for me at this point in my life is to become a student again and make movies with the eyes I had when I was enthusiastic about it in the first place.
- In a sense, I think a movie is really a little like a question and when you make it, that's when you get the answer.
- All of a sudden, there are great Japanese films, or great Italian films, or great Australian films. It's usually because there are a number of people that cross- pollinated each other.
- Anything you build on a large scale or with intense passion invites chaos.
- I bring to my life a certain amount of mess.
- I probably have genius. But no talent.
- Lots of people have criticized my movies, but nobody has ever identified the real problem: I'm a sloppy filmmaker.
- Wall Street got interested in film and communications, and these are the people who brought you the Big Mac. In the past twelve years, I can't think of one classic they've made. [1996]
- Basically, both the Mafia and America feel they are benevolent organizations. And both the Mafia and America have their hands stained with blood from what it is necessary to do to protect their power and interests.
- If the movie works, nobody notices the mistakes... If the movie doesn't work, the only thing people notice are mistakes.
- If you don't bet, you don't have a chance to win.
- I think if there was a role that Robert De Niro was hungry for, he would come after it. I don't think Jack Nicholson would. Jack has money and influence and girls, and I think he's a little bit like Marlon Brando, except Brando went through some tough times. I guess they don't want to do it anymore
- I had a little fantasy that goes like this: I'm getting to be an influential person in San Francisco; what if I and five other powerful guys with cigars got together in a smoke-filled room to decide who would be the next mayor of San Francisco? We'd do it because we're good guys and we really want the city to be wonderful for everybody. Then I thought, what's the difference between five good guys holding that kind of power and five bad guys? Just good intentions, and intentions can be corrupted.
- Initially, the idea of a sequel seemed horrible to me. It sounded like a tacky spin-off, and I used to joke that the only way I'd do it was if they'd let me film 'Abbott and Costello Meet the Godfather'- that would have been fun. Then I entertained some Russian film executives who were visiting San Francisco and they asked me if I was going to make The Godfather Part II (1974). That was the first time I heard the phrase used; I guess you could say I stole the title from the Russians. In short, it seemed like such a terrible idea that I was intrigued by the thought of pulling it off. Simple as that.
- [on Akira Kurosawa] Most directors have one masterpiece by which they are known, or possibly two. Kurosawa has at least eight or nine.
- The easiest way to make sure a movie is successful is to make a traditional movie very well. If you make a slightly unusual movie or [don't] exactly follow the rules as everyone sees them, then you get in trouble or, like with Apocalypse Now (1979), wait 20 years to hear that was really good.
- When you lose your kid, it's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning for about seven or eight years. Then there's the first morning when that's not the first thing you think of. You get brave.
- The Godfather (1972) changed my life, for better or worse. It definitely made me have an older man's film career when I was 29. So now I say, 'If I had my older career when I was young, as an older man, maybe I can have a young film-maker's career.'
- I didn't particularly want to make The Godfather Part II (1974) ! I always felt that The Godfather (1972) was a perfectly good drama and ended all the aspects of the story: It resolved the character and was really meant to be one movie. It only got to be a second and a third out of the greed of companies wanting to make more of them. On "The Godfather: Part II", I had just as much control over the production as I had with Youth Without Youth (2007) because it was my own. Because "The Godfather" was so successful, I could do anything I wanted. But even though maybe "The Godfather: Part II" was a good film or a better film, I still feel that "The Godfather" was complete. I only did "The Godfather Part II" because I thought it would be interesting to make a film about a man and his father at the same age and tell the two stories in parallel, which is what I did. And that was an achievement.
- I think The Godfather Part III (1990) had a lot of good things about it. It had good potential. I think it was made a little too rushed because it was made in one year and they wanted it out that Christmas. It was a big, complex, difficult story. I think if I had spent more time writing it I would have solved or defined some of the issues better, rather than doing it while we were shooting. Also I think the loss of Robert Duvall as a character made a difference. As I look back on it, he was a very important part of that story. Clearly he was the most important character still living from the other movies. So I think ultimately losing the Hagen character was more than I was able to write my way out of so quickly. I could have done it had we not started shooting right away.
- Jack (1996) was a movie that everybody hated and I was constantly damned and ridiculed for. I must say I find "Jack" sweet and amusing. I don't dislike it as much as everyone, but that's obvious - I directed it. I know I should be ashamed of it but I'm not. I don't know why everybody hated it so much. I think it was because of the type of movie it was. It was considered that I had made Apocalypse Now (1979) and I'm like a Marty Scorsese type of director, and here I am making this dumb Disney film with Robin Williams. But I was always happy to do any type of film.
- Steven Spielberg is unique. I feel that the kinds of movies he loves are the same kinds of movies that the big mass audience loves. He's very fortunate because he can do the things he naturally likes the best, and he's been very successful. Martin Scorsese, I think, is different. If Exxon went to Martin and said, "Martin, we feel you're one of the best artists in the world today and we're going to finance any movie you want to make because we believe that at the end of your life those will be very valuable movies," he would be making very different movies from what he's making now. I think he probably has scripts that he's trying to get someone to enable him to make and then another one comes on and they say, "Look, we have Jack Nicholson and so on and so on. Would you do it? And of course he says, "Okay. Not that he doesn't like it or they're not good movies, but I think that his heart is maybe in more personal filmmaking.
- [on The Cotton Club (1984)] It was a nightmare. It was deceptive. I was sucked in without knowing what was going on. It was like a pretty girl who gets seduced. I didn't realize that the only reason I was getting sweet-talked and enticed by Robert Evans to do "The Cotton Club" was that he needed me to get the money. It was a terrible experience. I like Gregory Hines very much, Richard Gere is basically a good guy, Diane Lane is a sweet person. But it was Bob Evans again. He was back and trying to take control of it. About 20 to 30 minutes were taken out of the Gregory-Hines-and-his-brother storyline, the back story. I'd like to see it as the long version.
- There's something in my heart that isn't yet fulfilled. Maybe it's a sickness. But I'm definitely not satisfied. It's not do to with money - I'm richer than I ever thought I would be. It's not fame - I'm more famous than I've ever been. It's something else. Something personal. I would like to leave ten films that I have written, original work. That would satisfy this itch. [2007]
- I wanted to make films like Youth Without Youth (2007) and the one I'm doing next in my 20s. Instead, I made The Godfather (1972). In a way, "Youth Without Youth" is a natural continuation of what I was doing with The Rain People (1969) and The Conversation (1974). I made "The Godfather" and it just totally changed my life. Suddenly I was an important director. I wasn't this young, experimental filmmaker that I'd hoped to be.
- I have always been a little disappointed about One from the Heart (1981) because I really wanted to make it more like live cinema. I really wanted to shoot it with 12 cameras and edit it all in the camera. At the last minute I chickened out because the photographer chickened out. So for me with "One From The Heart", I always feel that I should have gone that last yard. It was only the cinematographer coming to me saying, "Oh please, I don't want to shoot it with 12 cameras because I can't light it." I think, no question, it was beautiful photographically - he was right. But to me the experiment was a little incomplete. It had wonderful music, wonderful songs. It would be nice if people liked "One From The Heart" because it was my big failure.
- [on The Godfather (1972)] I had been so conditioned to think the film was bad - too dark, too long, too boring - that I didn't think it would have any success. In fact, the reason I took the job to write The Great Gatsby (1974) was because I had no money and three kids and was sure I'd need the money. I heard about the success of "The Godfather" from my wife, who called me while I was writing "Gatsby". I wasn't even there. Masterpiece, ha ! I was not even confident it would be a mild success.
- [on Ingmar Bergman] My all-time favorite because he embodies passion, emotion and has warmth.
- [on Marlon Brando] Brando wants to do what you want, but he wants people to be honest and not try to manipulate him.
- They say that A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) really is Tennessee Williams' expression of himself as Blanche, as someone talented and fragile, fragile in a world of harsh reality.
- The Godfather (1972) films are personal. And they are, even though our family were never gangsters, and we only heard about somebody who knew a gangster. But still, the real day-to-day reality of the Italian family that was put into the gangster film was based on my family and what I remember as a kid. You can't make films without them being personal to some extent.
- I'm in a unique situation. I'm like now an elderly retired guy who made a lot of money, and now I can just, instead of playing golf, I can make art films.
- I don't think The Godfather (1972) ever should have had more than one movie, actually. It was not a serial, it was a drama. The first movie wrapped up everything. To make more than one "Godfather" was just greed. Basically, making a movie costs so much money that they want it to be like Coca-Cola: you just make the same thing over and over again to make money, which is what they're doing now. But "Godfather" was not really a serial, you know?
- [on Marlon Brando] Marlon was never hard to work with. His behaviour was a little eccentric on the set. He was like a bad boy and did what he wanted. But as an actor he was never hard to work with.
- Hollywood doesn't really exist. What we're talking about now is the "big industry" film - films that are packaged as a certain idea of action, and in many cases violence or thrills or mystery. These films aren't expressions of the writer, but a compendium of ideas that could work as a blockbuster hit. That's not Hollywood - it's just wherever people want to make a lot of money. The less expensive a film is, the more ambitious the ideas and themes can be. And the converse is true - the more a film costs, the more salary everyone makes, the more limited the subject-matter has to be.
- I think Tetro (2009) is the most beautiful film I've ever done in terms of how it was made. I don't know what people will make of the picture, but just the filmmaking part of it, I've learnt to put it together beautifully.
- As I grow older, I realise that I always wanted to be a writer. With The Godfather (1972) being such a success, I was launched into a more industry-type career, which is wonderful, but I always wanted to be the director of my own material. I have always credited the writer of the original material above the title: "Mario Puzo's The Godfather", "Bram Stoker's Dracula", or "John Grisham's The Rainmaker". I felt that I didn't have the right to 'Francis Coppola's anything' unless I had written the story and the screenplay. I view Tetro (2009) as the second film of my second career. From now on I'm always going to writing the scripts, and every film will be personal. I'm going to be the kind of filmmaker I wanted to be when I was beginning.
- [on Unforgiven (1992)] We developed that script, David Webb Peoples and I. We worked on it for months. The film was made based on that script we finished. Nobody wanted to make it. I'd even sent it to Clint Eastwood to act in it. I don't know whether he read it. Finally after two or three years of paying the options, I let it go and then Clint picked it up.
- I was offered Thirteen Days (2000). I said I would do it but I had a very experimental way of doing it. My idea was: what if in that moment of history I got called up and they said, "Listen, Mr Coppola, the President is about to go through an extremely difficult period, he's got to make some terrifying, heartbreaking decisions and he wants you to document it. But you can't go close to him because he's going to be in many difficult meetings through the night. So what you can do is have a 16mm team using very long lenses. We don't want them to know you're shooting." And then make it that way. That's what I wanted to do, but they didn't have the courage to do it. So I said, "Make it like a regular movie." They did a pretty good job.
- [on Robert De Niro] I like Bob, I just don't know if he likes himself.
- In the 60s they were four filmmakers who represented cinema and influenced everyone who came after: Fellini, Kurosawa, Bergman and Kubrick.
- [on shooting and finishing Youth Without Youth (2007) in Romania] It's a country with a fantastic intellectual tradition - theatre, poetry, cinema - and right now it's going through a renaissance in cinema. Their films are winning awards all over the world and everyone under 35 speaks English. They're very well educated and it's a very cinema-friendly country, but they're lacking in the visual effects department and other areas. We did the post in Bucharest and Walter Murch came over to edit and help oversee all the post. (...) The great thing about post now is that digital cinema has become a reality, so a filmmaker has more ability to compose picture and sound than ever before, and all because of these new tools, such as the latest editing systems like Final Cut Pro, Pro Tools and so on, which are also becoming less and less expensive. [Feb.2008]
- Akira Kurosawa is one of the greatest directors ever to work in the cinema. His films meant an enormous amount to me when I was starting my own career.
- I think cinema, movies and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made films were magicians.
- Here's a tip to young directors. They never fire you midweek.
- [on George Lucas] In many ways, because of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), we were deprived of the films that he was going to make and would have made. All the merchandising and financial success of those films aren't one-tenth to what he is worth as an artist and a filmmaker.
- I think people have realized that The Godfather (1972) was never sequel material. I've always maintained there should have been one "Godfather," though I'm proud of the second one, and I thought the third should have been considered a coda and not called The Godfather Part III (1990).
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