IMDb Polls

Poll: OOH! The Virtual Horrors

Below is a list of some of the top rated horror video games on IMDb. With Halloween weekend coming up, which game would you attempt playing through on Halloween night without getting too scared?

If you haven't played any of the games which one would you consider giving a try during Halloween night?

Only games with a rating of 7 or above are considered

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Fatal Frame (2001)

    or any of the sequels
  2. Vote!

    Until Dawn (2015)

  3. Vote!

    Five Nights at Freddy's (2014)

  4. Vote!

    BioShock (2007)

    or one of the sequels
  5. Vote!

    Alien: Isolation (2014)

  6. Vote!

    Dead Space (2008)

    or one of the sequels
  7. Vote!

    Bloodborne (2015)

  8. Vote!

    Alan Wake (2010)

  9. Vote!

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010)

  10. Vote!

    System Shock 2 (1999)

    or the first one
  11. Vote!

    Silent Hill (1999)

    or one of the sequels
  12. Vote!

    Resident Evil (1996)

    or one of the sequels
  13. Vote!

    Left 4 Dead (2008)

    or the sequel
  14. Vote!

    The Evil Within (2014)

    or the sequel
  15. Vote!

    The Darkness (2007)

  16. Vote!

    F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon (2005)

    or one of the sequels
  17. Vote!

    Outlast (2013)

  18. Vote!

    Condemned: Criminal Origins (2005)

  19. Vote!

    I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995)

  20. Vote!

    The Suffering (2004)

  21. Vote!

    Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (2002)

  22. Vote!

    Soma (2015)

  23. Vote!

    Thief: The Dark Project (1998)

  24. Vote!

    Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (2005)

  25. Vote!

    Penumbra: Black Plague (2008)

    or any other part of the series
  26. Vote!

    Clock Tower (1996)

  27. Vote!

    Doom 3 (2004)

    or any of the other versions
  28. Vote!

    Manhunt (2003)

    or the sequel
  29. Vote!

    The Last of Us (2013)

  30. Vote!

    Siren (2003)

    or the sequel
  31. Vote!

    Zombi (2012)

  32. Vote!

    Dead by Daylight (2016)

  33. Vote!

    Haunting Ground (2005)

  34. Vote!

    Undying (2001)

  35. Vote!

    Dead Island (2011)

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