IMDb Polls

Poll: Favorite song on The Big Bang Theory?

*Only songs created or adjusted for the show, not already existing songs by other artists.

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    The Big Bang Theory (2007)

    "The History of Everything" The theme song performed by The Barenaked Ladies.

    "Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started —Wait... The Earth began to cool; The autotrophs began to drool; Neanderthals developed tools; We built a wall (we built the pyramids). Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery, That all started with a Big Bang! Bᴀɴɢ!"

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    Kaley Cuoco and Jim Parsons in The Big Bang Theory (2007)

    "Soft Kitty" Sung several times by Penny, Sheldon and once by Sheldon's mother. It's usually sung when one is sick (or homesick).

    "Soft kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of fur, Happy kitty, Sleepy kitty, Purr, purr, purr."

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    Johnny Galecki and Jim Parsons in The Big Bang Theory (2007)

    "Leonard's Song" Sung by Sheldon in honour of Leonard's act of bravery when standing up to Penny's ex-boyfriend Kurt. (S2E14: The Financial Permeability)

    "There once was a brave lad named Leonard With a fi-fi fiddle dee-dee. He faced a fearsome giant While Raj just wanted to pee."

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    Simon Helberg and Melissa Rauch in The Big Bang Theory (2007)

    "Sweet Bernadette" Sung by Howard to Bernadette in an attempt to win back her heart after making a fool of himself. (S3E09: The Vengeance Formulation)

    "Bernadette! I am so sorry for Trying to propose to you! Bernadette! You found it creepy but That's just the kind of thing I do! Waah~ I know now it was too soon to talk of love. It was just a crazy idea that came to me in my tub. But Bernadette, give me one more chance, (falsetto) sweet Bernadette! I'll get the hang of this thing they call romance, (falsetto) sweet Bernadette! I dream to once again kiss your lips, (falsetto) sweet Bernadette! Sincerely yours, Howard Wolowitz! Bernadette, tell the world, you belong to me! Tell the world, you belong (falsetto) to me!~ Bernadette!"

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    Kaley Cuoco and Jim Parsons in The Big Bang Theory (2007)

    "The Stars Nearest To Me" Sung by Sheldon as part of a game when descending a flight of stairs in the apartment building. (S4E05: The Desperation Emanation)

    "Proxima Centauri's the nearest star. The celestial bodies that follow are: Alpha Centauri A, Toli, Barnard's Star, Wolf 359, Lalande 21185, Sirius A, Sirius B, BL Ceti, UV Ceti, Ross 154, Ross 248, Epsilon Eridani, Lac 9352, Ross 128, EZ Aquarii A, EZ Aquarii B, EZ Aquarii C, Procyon A... Those are the stars that are nearest to me, Tra-la-la and fiddle-dee-dee!

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    Jim Parsons in The Big Bang Theory (2007)

    "The Bongo Song" Sung by Sheldon while playing bongos. (S5E18: The Werewolf Transformation).

    "Hello, Leonard, do you like my bongos? Bet you didn’t know that I had bongos. Three in the morning is a good time for bongos. Leonard sleeps while I play bongos. Leonard no sleep while I play bongos. Bongo solo. Penny meant if he were a purple leprechaun. Penny forgot to use the subjunctive. I play bongos walking down the stairs. (Sound of falling) Oh! Oh! Never play bongos walking down the stairs."

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    Mayim Bialik, Kaley Cuoco, Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg, Jim Parsons, and Kunal Nayyar in The Big Bang Theory (2007)

    "If I Didn't Have You" Written by Howard and performed by everyone in honour of Bernadette. (S7E06: The Romance Resonance)

    [Howard] "If I didn’t have you, life would be blue, I’d be Doctor Who without the Tardis, A candle without a wick, A Watson without a Crick. I’d be one of my outfits without a Dick-ie. I’d be cheese without the mac, Jobs without the Wozniak. I’d be solving exponential equations That use bases not found on your calculator, Making it much harder to crack. I’d be an atom without a bomb, A dot without the com, And I’d probably still live with my mom. [Friends] And he’d probably still live with his mom. [Howard] Ever since I met you, You turned my world around. You supported all my dreams and all my hopes. You’re like Uranium 235 and I’m Uranium 238, Almost inseparable isotopes. I couldn’t have imagined how good my life would get, From the moment that I met you, Bernadette. If I didn’t have you, life would be dreary. I’d be string theory without any string. I’d be binary code without a one, Cathode ray tube without an electron gun. I’d be “Firefly”, “Buffy” and “Avengers” without Joss Whedon. I’d speak a lot more Klingon: Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam. [Friends] And he’d definitely still live with his mom. [Howard] Ever since I met you, you turned my world around. You’re my best friend and my lover. We’re like changing electric and magnetic fields: You can’t have one without the other. I couldn’t have imagined how good my life would get, From the moment that I met you, Bernadette. [Howard and Friends] Oh, we couldn’t have imagined how good our lives would get, From the moment that we met you, Bernadette."

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