IMDb Polls

Poll: Let's Talk About the Moon

The day when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969 would later become National Moon Day. In honor of National Moon Day, which of these movies or TV shows that have the word "moon" in the title is your favorite?

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Moonlight (2016)

  2. Vote!

    Paper Moon (1973)

  3. Vote!

    Moon (2009)

  4. Vote!

    A Trip to the Moon (1902)

  5. Vote!

    Moonstruck (1987)

  6. Vote!

    Moonwalker (1988)

  7. Vote!

    From the Earth to the Moon (1998)

  8. Vote!

    Sailor Moon (1992)

  9. Vote!

    Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

  10. Vote!

    Man on the Moon (1999)

  11. Vote!

    A Walk on the Moon (1999)

  12. Vote!

    In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)

  13. Vote!

    Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

  14. Vote!

    Bitter Moon (1992)

  15. Vote!

    Moonlighting (1985)

  16. Vote!

    Moonraker (1979)

  17. Vote!

    Moonlight (2007)

  18. Vote!

    Castaway on the Moon (2009)

  19. Vote!

    The Man in the Moon (1991)

  20. Vote!

    Bitter Moon (1992)

  21. Vote!

    In the Shadow of the Moon (2019)

  22. Vote!

    China Moon (1994)

  23. Vote!

    Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)

  24. Vote!

    Magic in the Moonlight (2014)

  25. Vote!

    Moonwalkers (2015)

  26. Vote!

    Mune: Guardian of the Moon (2014)

    Mune: Guardian of the Moon (2014)
  27. Vote!

    Under the Same Moon (2007)

    Under the Same Moon (2007)
  28. Vote!

    Moon Over Parador (1988)

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