IMDb Polls

Poll: Face-Off: Marvel vs DC - Acting Pedigree

Which of these two studios has had the better collection of actors?

Discuss the face-off here

Results of 2,306 votes:

  1. 1.

    Ben Affleck in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    DC Notable Actors: Marlon Brando Gene Hackman Kevin Spacey Christian Bale Kevin Costner Gary Oldman Ben Affleck Jack Nicholson Michael Keaton Danny DeVito Arnold Schwarzenegger George C…
  2. 2.

    Robert Downey Jr. in The Avengers (2012)

    Marvel Notable Actors: Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett Johansson Edward Norton Jeff Bridges Tim Roth Mickey Rouke Sam Rockwell Samuel L Jackson Ben Kingsley Guy Pearce Anthony Hopkins Chris H…

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