Family Guy: Not All Dogs Go to Heaven (2009)
Season 7, Episode 11
What happened to Family Guy?
7 July 2009
What happened to Family Guy? It USED to be funny. Now, it's just a platform for Seth Macfarlane to voice his beliefs and opinions in a highly-biased way. This episode was just terrible; it was so preachy! It stomped on Christian beliefs and just vehemently denied there is a God, and not in a satirical, hey-he-actually-has-a-point way. It just straight up threw Seth's personal beliefs into the audience's face and said that anyone who believed otherwise is an idiot. And I thought Seth Macfarlane said he was open-minded. Does this not suggest he is more judgmental and biased than most of the "religious crackpots" he slams? He has moved way beyond clever social commentary and satire into straight-up bashing.

I guarantee that a huge portion of the Family Guy audience is Christian, and I am sure that this episode just succeeded in alienating most of those viewers. However, this episode is not just an attack on Christianity. Because it asserts that ANYONE who believes in a God is an idiot, Macfarlane just ostracized every Jew, Muslim, Hindu, and other agnostic who watches his show. Stupid move on his, and Fox's part. Who's left to watch? Just a handful of fellow atheists. By all means, tell me I suck or should just go to hell for being "too stupid and narrow-minded" for this comment, but I can't be the only person turned off of Family Guy because of this episode, religious or not.

If you're gonna hit a certain belief system or lifestyle hard, why not goad everyone equally? Why the hell can this episode air when "Wish Upon a Weinstein", which poked fun at the Jewish culture, was never allowed to be broadcast with the rest of its original season? And, according to the DVD commentary, that episode was written by Jewish staff AND approved by local rabbis. Notice how the most offensive "jokes" are always aimed at Christianity/conservatives/Republicans/any non-liberal, non-Democrat and not Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, etc? Yet if Christians/conservatives/etc. protest, they are considered "close-minded", "racist", and "stupid" for protesting. Why is this strange reverse discrimination allowed?

I do think that most of Family Guy's Christianity/Jewish/Muslim/religious jokes are funny and usually have valid points. Not this travesty. It was just a direct attack, and the weak "jokes" that attempt to cover this fact up do nothing to suggest that this episode is just a silly social commentary.

Seth Macfarlane, quit using your show to beat others over the head with your personal beliefs! You obviously ridicule others for doing just that; it's hypocritical! Go back to clever social commentary. I miss my awesome Family Guy!
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