Saw (2009 Video Game)
Do YOU want to play a game?
20 September 2011
I wasn't sure how well a Saw video game would work, but it's surprisingly effective in making you sweat and wince, and sometimes jump in fright. You play as Detective David Tapp (Danny Glover in the first movie) who, after being rescued by Jigsaw from the catacombs outside the infamous bathroom is thrown into a gauntlet of his own in an abandoned asylum where he has to rescue a handful of people from gruesome deaths.

It reminded me a lot of Condemned 2: Bloodshot but was nowhere near as terrifying, but it gets points for trying, as you stumble around in dark, decrepit buildings unsure of what is around the corner. It's a fairly easy game, with an easy-going learning curve. Common sense and memory tricks will see you through every trap safely, and it's good to see some closure on the story of Detective Tapp (apparently the game IS canon), but the twist at the end is lame and there's no 'Final Zepp'. Instead the game just offers generic muzak that's hardly as effective.

It's an easy Platinum, with many bronze and silvers given away like they were free. You won't be playing it for more than a week, but still worth it.

Graphics C+ Sound B- Gameplay B Lasting Appeal C+
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