The Babysitter (I) (2017)
All the tween horror a parent can stand
13 October 2017
All the "tween horror" a parent can stand.

10-13-17. I just watched the new Netflix movie The Babysitter. I have to say it was a fun, campy, coming of age horror that is lacking today. With McG directing, it's a good mix of real life, comedy and horror that make for an entertaining good time. From the beginning you're all in with the 12 year old boy who lead who has a bully, a girl as a best friend and parents that still think he needs a babysitter. Fortunately for him, his babysitter is a bit of a beautiful bad ass. Too bad she also dabbles in the occult. And that's when the fun starts. Good deaths mixed with humor are what make this movie a good watch that keeps you engaged the whole time.
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