Justice League: Secret Origins (2001)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not Great Yet...But Looks Very Promising!!!!!!!
3 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
-------Justice League (2001)------- ----Season 1. Episode 1--- Secret Origins (Part One of Three)

Not Great Yet... But... --------------------LOOKS VERY PROMISING!!!!!!!

Our story starts with an exploration mission in Mars that finds some old ruins with strange symbols at the front and an astronaut a little bit too brave trying to open its "front door". Meanwhile on Earth , Batman and Superman are surprisingly beaten by some strange life forms, partially because they turned out to be stronger than they seemed and because some strange migraines or something similar attacking Sups along with some intense yet very unclear visions.

Superman leaves giving Batman a kind of watch to call him in case of need (If you like the old comics, that was the distinctive mark of the friendship and alliance between Superman and J. Olsen). Later we see Superman appearing in front of the representatives of the world nations supporting an initiative of disarming most, if not all, of the Earth weapons. Superman appears and promises to defend Earth which increases the program´s acceptance. One of the representatives, prudently says that they shouldn´t trust the responsibility of the whole Earth to just one man, and in the same order of ideas, "The Flash" appears in TV and says that he is the "Fastest Man Alive" and even he can´t be in two places at the same time, reinforcing in my opinion, the logic inside that representative´s idea... ...Nevertheless, disarming seemed like an awesome idea and we see Superman helping dismantle the most powerful weapons and we see him going happily to sleep after a job well done. Meanwhile, Batman continues researching and uses his watch for the first time when he gets overpowered and seemingly badly hurt by these strange life forms.

Then, an enormous piece of rock falls from the sky and enormous robots...or are they creatures? or why do they look so slimy? well, O.K. ; they seem much alike the life forms we saw earlier and they seem to feel pain when Superman hits them...so, ok, they are lifeforms. And this lifeforms seem to be able to deliver a good punch to Superman with a beam from their ..." single red eye??" and don´t seem affected by the missiles of the Bat-Plane. Superman seems to leave the battlefield and more of these rocks fall in different places of the Earth.

Then, in a mysterious distant island two beautiful women talk about the fate of the Mankind. One of them says that Mankind should handle the crisis alone.

Finally, we see Superman breaking into a government facility with Batman arriving while he was about to enter its most secret section. Batman says to Superman that breaking into government facilities isn´t his style. They both enter and Superman shows Batman what could be humankind´s only hope...!!!!

Well, it´s an interesting episode with Superman and Batman seemingly working together with a bit more ease that in their respective solo animated series, a quick glance of those who seem to be Wonder Woman (Diana of Temyscira) and her mother Queen Hyppolyta and of course, the secret inside the government facilities that could well be another powerful yet peculiar superhero.

Thanks for reading.

IMDb Review written by David del Real.

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