Way to much hate on a episode
6 August 2019
This episode is filled with action and is personally one of my favs. It's almost like a group of people, who thought the episode was stereotypical, got together and started a chain reaction of negative reviews. Which in a way, a lot of the negative reviews, are doing exactly what they claim this episode did...judge... Law & order takes issues, of all types, and magnify them. They turn up the volume to the maximum Threshold. They do this for awareness purposes, exposure purposes/teaching purposes, and for entertainment purposes....To heighten the drama(Ratings are a must--which is why the show is so popular and successful). The show aims to get people talking....This episode clearly did..but for all the wrong reasons. This episode is not making fun of gamers or stereotyping them. Now clearly not everyone who's a gamer speak or dress the part...But to act like there isn't a gaming sub culture out there especially in a city like New York is naive.I guarantee most of us know or at one point knew someone who took games way too seriously.(like the clowns In this episode) I have. Now people of all kinds snap....regular people, crazy people...so who's to say a gamer couldn't snap too. Add stress, insomnia, tragedy that can go down..Which is the whole point of this episode. These fools are mad at the world... and instead of the usual excuses we see in episodes of law and order....we get a new concept, these rogue gamers who blame women and women gamers for their problems. Law and order wasn't trying to stereotype gamers or women in gaming.... it took a a social topic and brought awareness to it, by turning it up a 100 degrees(like it has for many of the shows and topics it tackles)
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