Bones: The Lady on the List (2013)
Season 9, Episode 5
Dr. Wells Can Kick Rocks
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure if I was going to write a review for this episode but then Oliver Wells opened his mouth.

The case this week was good and the B plot of Bones and Booth figuring out wedding details was nice. I simply want to rant about Oliver Wells.

He is by far the rudest intern that we have had on the show. The comments that he makes to Bones and Cam are disrespectful and border line misogynistic. When he said "very good Dr. Brennan" it came off in a very deeming tone. He is an egocentric, annoying, not at all personable character who detracts from this show. The writers make it seem as though he does even want to be working at the Jeffersonian, what with him reading on the platform at the beginning of the episode. Like, if you don't want to be here buddy, go home, because I have a feeling there are other people who would want this way more than he does. There is nothing likeable about this character. He is the new "Daisy" in my opinion, every episode he is in has to go down a point or two just because their mere presence takes away from the overall enjoyable nature of this show. There is a way to write a smart character without making them an absolute d*ck. The most comparable would probably be Zack, who was crazy smart but still loved by the team (even after the whole cannibalistic serial killer thing). Maybe if there was a point to Oliver being a rude jerk I could get behind the character but right now it is just annoying. The writers better give him a good storyline or they better write him off because if he sticks around and has no personal growth I can't see any episode with him in it scoring higher than a 7 in my opinion.

Best Part: Brennan saving the wedding dress, that is so adorable

Worst Part: Oliver Wells and his annoying personality.
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