Simply amazing.
16 December 2022
First, kudos to Dave and his team for going into an active war zone to do this interview. I'm sure they minimized the risks but they're still going into a city that is under attack. And it's a long route to get there these days.

Second, what can I say to do justice to President Zelenskyy? The man is just so genuine and sincere in his love for his country, his desire for peace, and his courage in defending his country. Even after watching this interview I cannot possibly imagine how hard it must be for him every day to make the decisions to keep fighting and not trade the freedoms of his people for peace and an end to the battle. He is an amazing man and the world and the Ukraine are lucky to have him.

And on the other hand we have Putin. I will not sully this beautiful interview by saying anything about Putin except that is he is the exact opposite of Zelenskyy. He cares nothing for his country, has no desire for anything other than power, and it takes no courage for him to order the deaths of millions of people he cares nothing about.

Thank you to Dave and his team for getting us this interview and thank you Volodymyr Zelenskyy for reminding us how a real man behaves himself.
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