Cinderella (1914) Poster


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The Witching Hour
wes-connors1 May 2008
The famous fairy tale, appropriately starring Mary Pickford (as Cinderella), with Owen Moore (as Prince Charming). Ms. Pickford's performance is terrific; in many of her early films, her acting ability is most clearly evident. Mr. Moore was one of Pickford's three successful actor husbands; he is charming as her Prince. This film seems adds a lot of story which is not in later re-makes; and, most of it would have been well worth repeating. However, this version skimps on background and characterization; perhaps, the filmmakers supposed everyone knew the basic story. If you don't know "Cinderella", it is possible to figure out who's who, and what's going on. Though, you won't believe how skillfully Pickford catches rodents. Great parts: Pickford and Moore romancing before the clock strikes midnight (or, is that noon?), and Pickford's "clock dream".

The accompanying soundtrack, by Donald Sosin and Joanna Seaton, is exemplary.

****** Cinderella (12/28/14) James Kirkwood ~ Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Inez Marcel, Isabel Vernon
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man, film makers used to have more fun.
caldoni27 December 2006
Really this film isn't very good, but echoing another comment I made somewhere on here, don't you think making movies used to be more fun? The ugly sisters played by a bunch of ridiculous men? The gaggle of silly kids that are the forest fairies? they must have had a blast! I guess because these weren't considered art there was no pretension that they should be classy. the tone of it was a little like a john waters film. The trick to enjoying a film like this is to forget how important movies are to us, as people, as a culture, as individuals. I tell people I'm an independent film maker and generally the regard that either like I must be crazy or like I'm doctor or something, which is cool, but imagine back in the days when you'd have been treated like hustler like a pimp, how could you treat yourself that seriously? Anyways, this movie is pretty much totally dumb, but so is Cinderella. The whole shoe thing? He falls in love with a girl who he's never met and doesn't even get a name out of, and decides to track her down by having every woman in the land try on her shoe? so why didn't the shoe turn back into a pumpkin or squash or whatever? no one in the kingdom had Cinderella's shoe size? if he never met her but she was dressed like princess wouldn't it be a safe assumption that she's not actually in your kingdom? royalty tends to know the other royalty nearby. and also if he's so damn in love with why can't he pick out her face? it can't have looked that different without the accoutrement of the ball. also: he's going to marry a peasant? is he crazy? the king and queen don't want him to use that marriage for something beneficial like making peace or pooling power with allies? all the while everyone knows he probably could have just hired poor Cinderella, put her up at the castle and had his way with her any time he felt like it, which is pretty much what royalty did back then. for example henry the... what the crap was I saying? I got distracted. oh, yeah. I would give anything to have worked on a movie like this. but that doesn't mean you'll enjoy the movie per Se.
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Star Treatment
Cineanalyst9 September 2009
This is fairly well made for 1914, and it's been restored and presented in a higher quality than most films from that period, including some lovely color tinting. It'd be nice if other early silent films were made available in such quality as Mary Pickford's vehicles have been, but we'll take what we can get, I suppose. In addition, the well-known fairytale narrative makes this an ideal candidate from the early phase of feature-length films to see on DVD if you're not already an avid viewer of ancient cinema.

This is an early example of expert focus on filming and staging around the star. Pickford is filmed in the best lighting; her face is nearly always center stage, even if it means blocking or not showing frontal views of others; and there are a good number of close-ups mostly for her. That's for the best, by the way, as not much else here seems as appealing or talented, including Owen Moore, Pickford's real-life husband at the time, as Prince Charming. Otherwise, the film-making here is rather prosaic even for 1914; for example, notice how they return to the same camera positions for scenes in the kitchen, bedroom and ballroom. The framing for the kitchen scenes are very similar to those of the kitchen scenes in the 1911 Thanhouser version of Cinderella, which I saw recently before this.

The clock dream is amusing and creative, though. It begins as a superimposed vision above sleeping Cinderella and then becomes its own shot crosscut with her sleeping. The nice added score helps, too. It's worth comparing this to the dance of the clocks nightmare in Méliès's 1899 "Cinderella", as well as the one in his 1912 version. I also like the through-the-window framing of Cinderella looking out the window at dancing fairies during her other sleeping scene; it's also one of the few times Pickford's back is to the camera.

There were other stars in 1914, but I haven't seen any of them receive this good of treatment, with such classical star focus, for another year or two. Nobody, however, was bigger then in the movie world than was Mary Pickford.
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Good Version For Its Time, With A Good Role For Pickford
Snow Leopard30 December 2005
In its time, this must have been the longest and most ambitious screen version of the familiar story of "Cinderella". So many later versions have been made with the advantage of more recent technology that a 1914 version could never be expected to meet the same standards, but it's a good version for its time, and it stars Mary Pickford in a good role for her. Other than moving a bit slowly at times, almost everything about the feature is of good quality by the standards of its era.

Pickford is certainly well-cast as Cinderella, in one of her earliest full-length movie roles. It's no accident that she would eventually play characters like Pollyanna, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, and so many other similar roles. She was able to make such characters instantly sympathetic and believable, and her attractive appearance and engaging personality worked well in many different situations. Her later features would give her a wider variety of material to work with than this does, but she does well here with each scene.

Owen Moore, who was married to Pickford at the time, plays Prince Charming. Moore does not have much range as an actor, but he has a good silent screen presence, and that is what this role most calls for. The two mean-spirited stepsisters seem to be played (despite what the posted cast list may imply) by two male actors, giving the characters a humorously ugly appearance and humorously ungainly movements.

There are numerous visual effects, and director James Kirkwood made an interesting choice by filming most of them with gradual dissolves rather than with the stop-motion, sudden change technique that was more common. Neither method is necessarily better or worse; they are just different in the effect that each creates. There are also some good dream effects, especially an amusing sequence after Cinderella misses her midnight deadline.

For the most part, only silent movie fans will have any significant interest in this. But if you can evaluate it by the standards of its own time, it's a pleasant little movie and a chance to see the charming Mary Pickford while she was in the process of developing her many talents.
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Simple but charming
BSKIMDB11 February 2023
This is a 1914 uncomplicated version of the famous tale. The stage production is quite simple, the plot develops with seveal abrupt changes, and other characters could have been better displayed, yet one more time Mary Pickford both entertains and interests us with her art. It is not one of her best pictures, nor one of her best known ones, but it has the simple charm of a children´s tale.

A curiosity about this picture is that Owen Moore, her first husband, plays Prince Charming. They eloped to be married in 1911 and would divorce in 1920; the same month of their divorce, Mary married Douglas Fairbanks.
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Very disappointing!
JohnHowardReid4 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Probably the earliest Pickford vehicle available, Cinderella (1914) (a 7/10 bonus on Milestone's "Through the Back Door" DVD) proves to be almost a total disappointment.

Directed by actor James Kirkwood in an extremely static, non-filmic style with the camera chained to the floor (it doesn't move even once during the movie's entire 52 minutes), and primitive special effects, the picture is redeemed only by a briefly imaginative sequence with an animated clock.

For some unaccountable reason, Mary seems totally over-awed. Her costumes are unattractive and her performance is lifeless, totally lacking her usual get-up-and go.

Mind you, real-life husband, Owen Moore as the prince, is even less charming.

Although a lot of money has been spent on sets and extras, Kirkwood's plodding direction is a real killer.
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Fine Telling of the Immortal Fairy Tale
HarlowMGM25 June 2006
Virtually unseen for almost a century, the 1914 film Cinderella was one of Mary Pickford's very first feature films and was a key film in her climb to her place in the hearts of moviegoers as "America's Sweetheart". The movie has resurfaced as a bonus feature on the DVD to Pickford's THROUGH THE BACK DOOR.

Pickford stars as the heroine of this beloved fairy tale well-known to probably every human over the age of two. It's quite a surprise to see Mary, usually cast as a fearless spitfire, in the passive role of gentle, mistreated Cinderella but she gives a lovely performance and is quite moving and endearing. The movie also offers a rare chance to see Pickford's first husband, early screen star Owen Moore, cast as Prince Charming. Most of the rest of the cast have minor screen credits (it was apparently quite difficult to get regular supporting work in the early silent film era) but do their jobs well. Regarding the comment by another reviewer, I do believe the stepsisters are played by women however they are made up to look as haggish as possible with obvious putty noses and I suspect their over-sized feet for the "trying on the glass slipper scenes" made have been doubled by men.

This movie is quite charming and romantic although there are a few good laughs, notably when Cinderella's Fairy Godmother instructs her to round up some mice and rats, Cindy clearly is wondering if this is going to be worth the effort. Another hearty laugh comes at the step-family's expense after Cinderella is revealed to be the mystery lady the Prince is seeking in which a wiseacre voices a suggestion that probably crossed many of the moviegoers minds.

The print quality of this film is fairly good for a film less than a decade from it's Centennial and the original score by Donald Sosin is wonderful and completely appropriate. Cinderella is a fairy tale that enchants every generation and this fragile silent beautifully captures the other world quality of this timeless tale.
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It's Cinderella with a bunch of improvements over other versions I have seen.
planktonrules25 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film is included as a DVD extra for another one of Mary Pickford's films, THROUGH THE BACK DOOR. Both have very well-preserved prints and nice musical scores--making this DVD well worth having.

In many ways, this film differs from the traditional Cinderalla story. However, these differences generally help the story and make for an excellent film.

Unlike the more traditional story, this time the Fairy Godmother comes to Cinderalla before the ball. She's dressed like an old lady and Cinderalla is kind to her. So, the fairy and all invisible fairies nearby all decide they should do something nice for her.

Additionally, I was surprised to see that she actually met the Prince before the ball as well. While she was gathering wood, she slipped and the Prince came to her aid--even though all the noblemen with him seemed to think that Cinderalla was just some dumb peasant. I liked this, as it game the Prince more depth. I mean, think about it, in most versions he sees her just once at the ball and pledges to marry her because of love at first sight! What a dope! But here, there is a greater depth to him and the story.

Naturally, the Fairy Godmother does show up and makes Cinderella beautiful for the ball. And, naturally, the Prince is quite smitten with her. And, naturally, she runs away and the Prince vows to marry the woman whose foot fits the magic slipper. All this is pretty standard, but you certainly could NOT expect them to change these details. But, in an interesting twist, the Prince immediately recognizes Cinderella when he finds her dressed in rags and is delighted. Sure, he puts the shoe on her, but this is after he's taken her to the castle to show his father, the King. This, also, seemed like a nice way to tell the story. The Prince in this tale is no vacuous pretty-boy!

One thing that the story did not do (and I doubt any movie ever did show this), but according to my daughter who studies folklore in college, in one version the wicked step-sisters do some insane things to try to claim the shoe is theirs. They saw their toes off and horribly deform themselves to try to get it to fit!! I would just love, for once, to have that included in a film--though it might just traumatize the kids watching it.

Overall, you might be surprised to hear this, but I truly think I enjoyed this more than the more famous Disney and Rogers-Hammerstein versions. It's sweet and well-told but unfortunately forgotten since it's "only a silent film" as some knuckleheads might think, few will probably get around to it.
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Good Version
Michael_Elliott26 February 2008
Cinderella (1914)

*** (out of 4)

Sweet and charming version of the famous story has Mary Pickford in the title role. The film clocks in at just over fifty-minutes and there isn't a single minute that's wasted in telling the story. The film doesn't try anything too special but instead relies on Pickford and her incredible charm, which jumps off the screen. I believe Pickford was one of the most natural actresses in the history of cinema and her innocent charm is on full display here. The film has a very sweet tone and doesn't forget the fact that it's a fairy tale. Another interesting aspect is Cinderella's nightmare of the clock when she doesn't arrive home until after midnight. Some nice comic touches as well and two incredibly ugly stepsisters.
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" Mary Pickford is Cinderella "
PamelaShort30 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Who better to play Cinderella than the most beloved star of the time, Mary Pickford. This adaptation of the popular fairy tale was long considered lost, until the film was discovered in the Nederlands Film Museum. Famous Players production of the story is straightforward as they had hoped it would appeal as much to adults as to children, and planned it's release for Christmas 1914. Beautifully filmed on impressive locations in Greenwich, Connecticut, permission was obtained to shot at some wealthy homes, very effectively creating the Royal Palace and it's grounds. They incorporated some trick photography that is considered standard for the time when compared to the highly advanced work of French filmmaker George Melies. The strong lighting and tinting of this film gives it a dreamy watercolor effect. But as always, it is the charms of Mary Pickford that makes this film extremely delightful. With her unique naturalness, she adds such lovely little touches, such as tickling the footman to see if he is real after being transformed from a rat. With her expressions and gestures, Pickford is able to give Cinderella a personality, that is most engaging. She is even enchanting as she carries cages full of mice and rats for her fairy grandmother to change into horses and footmen, and Pickford looks exquisite in her gown as she travels to the Prince's ball. Owen Moore, Pickford's husband at the time plays the role of Prince Charming fairly well, and the stepmother and sister's are adequately performed by Isabel Vernon, Georgia Wilson, and Lucille Carney. I consider this 1914 version of Cinderella, a little masterpiece among early silent films. I was surprised how intrigued my two preteen nieces were while watching this film, and feel that is a strong testament, to the fact that this Cinderella is still able to bring delight and entertainment nearly one hundred years later. For anyone who appreciates early silent films and the art of Mary Pickford, this early film is a must see.
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Enchanted Clock
tedg4 February 2006
No need to seek this out. It is mundane in every way except one.

You'll remember that a feature of the story is the clock. Our girl has to be home before midnight, her only rule. She disobeys because she is having such a nice time.

We forgive her, because her life has been so rough, but rules is rules. She makes her escape just as the clock is striking. But in this movie, she has nightmares about the clock, and they are pretty interesting.

First we have two mechanical bellringers moved into place to strike the bell. These, as it turns out are gnomes we have seen before when the evil stepsisters visited a fortune teller. Since then, Cinderella has had pleasant dreams of fairies and the bad sisters nightmares of these gnomes.

Now Cinderella is visited by these two gnomes, in a sequence labelled "the consequences of disobedience." They strike the bell, then things go haywire and they hit each other. Then the hands go haywire, and the face itself starts spinning. Next the clocktower itself shakes and the gnomes fall off. Wait, thats not all. There's a fantastic sequence where the numbers on the clock face become untethered and start to roam about the face while the hands twist radically.

Its very clever. I think both the clock and the gnomes are cinematic additions. And they do spice up the otherwise ordinary event.

Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.
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