Bridge Ahoy! (1936) Poster


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Though the plot of this vintage cartoon may seem to strain credulity . . .
oscaralbert13 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . viewers in the Detroit area know that it could be ripped from Today's headlines. That guy that Bugs Bunny always refers to as "What a Maroon!" actually lives near the Motor City in Real Life. Like "Bluto" in BRIDGE AHOY, he has enjoyed a long-term monopoly on an even more important river crossing, considered one of the top three "choke points" for the World's International Trade. Also similar to Bluto (who tears down Popeye's half-built, monopoly-breaking bridge toward the finale of this animated short), the Motown Miscreant is a brazen scoff-law, sending his private army of terrorist thugs to barricade public roads and close down public parks. BRIDGE AHOY! suggests that green leafy vegetables should be enough to defeat public transit bullies such as Bluto. However, with the current nationwide furor raging over contaminated Romaine Lettuce, International Trade Experts are currently holding their breath to see if there's a palatable way to defeat Real Life Bluto's.
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A Two Can Problem
boblipton7 April 2024
Bluto runs the ferry across the river, but he charges too much. So Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Wimpy start building a bridge. Bluto is not going to let things go on without his interfering in this pretty good episode in the Fleischer's long-running cartoon series.

The rate of gags is pretty swift here, and the animation techniques are top-notch for the era. The gag that Popeye and Bluto can pretty much dismantle the bridge bare-handed is a bit startling, especially once we see it assembled with cars racing across is. But it's all in good, clean if violent fun.

Although Dave Fleischer is, as always, listed as director, it would be more accurate to say he was the producer and the two lead animators the directors.
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solid classic Popeye
SnoopyStyle6 April 2024
This starts with a diddy "Let's Build a Bridge Today" instead of the usual Popeye theme. Bluto runs a ferry service across a river and treats Popeye badly. Wimpy tries to get on at the last minute. When he doesn't have the $2 fare, Bluto throws him overboard and Popeye saves him. Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Wimpy start building a bridge which threatens to end Bluto's business. Bluto has other ideas.

This is a classic Popeye which got colorized later. It has the four classic Popeye characters. Bluto is a sailor of sorts although Popeye is less so. There is some fun to be had and I like the final move.
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Great Animation
Michael_Elliott1 April 2016
Bridge Ahoy! (1936)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Fast-paced action highlights this short. Popeye gets tired of Bluto charging too much to take people from one side of the river to the other so Popeye, with the help of Olive and Wimpy, decides to make a bridge that people can cross.

BRIDGE AHOY! is another classic short from Fleischer who once again puts so many great details into the animation that you can't help but call him one of the greatest of all time. The film is fun throughout but in terms of the animation it's get eye-dropping at the very end when we see Popeye and his spinach doing wonders to create the bridge. Just watch the sequence where the bridge and cars go up in seconds and just admire the detail in the animation. The action is quite fast and there are plenty of great scenes with laughs.
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Bluto Never Learns
Hitchcoc25 July 2019
In order to save the fares for a ferry crossing, Popeye and Olive decide, along with Wimpy, to build a fancy bridge. Of course, Bluto, the guy who runs the ferry is ticked and fights ensue. The key to these animated features comes from the cleverness of the confrontations in the pre-spinach period of the film. This has some nice things, including Olive getting her feet tickled and Popeye's head being used as a punching bag.
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Wildest Last-Second Antics Ever, And Beautifully Drawn
ccthemovieman-13 October 2007
The begins with a very nicely-drawn shot of a harbor near a big city with automobiles being loaded onto big ferry boat ("Bluto's Ferry). The art on these 1930s black-and-white cartoons was outstanding times and sometimes overlooked because of Popeye's popularity as a personality.

This also is one of those Popeye episodes where our hero does not know Bluto, and vice- versa. He's just some big bully, as usual, that Popeye has to deal with sooner or later. He winds up having to deal with him on top of a half-built bridge. (Only in cartoons can a couple of people build a huge bridge within days or minutes!. Here Olive feeds Wimpy a hamburger and he sends up a rivet and Popeye stamps it into a girder.

The ending of this cartoon provides what has to be the greatest feat Popeye has ever accomplished in a few seconds. You have to see it to believe it and it made me just laugh out loud.
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Building bridges
TheLittleSongbird11 September 2018
Dave Fleischer was responsible for many gems. Ones that were amusing and charming, though over-cuteness did come through in some efforts and the stories were always pretty thin, with appealing characters, outstanding music and visuals that were inventive and with innovative animation techniques.

'Bridge Ahoy!' is classic Popeye the Sailor. It is great and never less than very funny and most of them even hilarious, for me one of my favourite Popeye cartoons and one of the best Popeye/Olive Oyl/Bluto outings. Have always enjoyed many of the Popeye cartoons a good deal and like Popeye very much, Fleischer's efforts were always well animated and scored with lots of entertainment value and great chemistry between Popeye, Olive Oyl and Bluto. 'Bridge Ahoy!' has much of makes the Popeye series so appealing in its prime era and does nothing to waste the three main characters or make them less interesting.

The story is an interesting and beautifully paced one, never being dull, if formulaic (not uncommon with the Popeye cartoons). The humour and gags make it even more entertaining, the best parts are properly wild and are hilarious. The ending is one of my favourite endings of all the Popeye cartoons.

All the characters are great, though Olive Oyl's material is not quite as great as Popeye and Bluto's, though her and Popeye's roles are enjoyable and make them and their cause relatable. It is more with Popeye and Bluto where the cartoon especially entertains. The three are spot on and their chemistry drives 'Bridge Ahoy!' and has so much energy. Popeye is always amusing and likeable enough but for me Bluto is here the funnier and more interesting character. Wimpy is a good presence.

Furthermore, the animation is beautifully drawn and with enough visual detail to not make it cluttered or static and lively and smooth movement. The music is also outstanding, lots of merry energy and lush orchestration, adding a lot to the action and making the impact even better without being too cartoonish. Fleischer's direction is always accomplished and his style is all over it.

Voice acting is dynamic and of very good quality on the whole, Mae Questel is a good fit for Olive Oyl, the voice that most sticks in my mind for the character and who voiced her the best, but Gus Wickie is even better and gives Bluto so much life. Jack Mercer fares the same as Questel for Popeye.

All in all, great. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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Wherein the honorable oversigned discusses a favorite short and also his philosophy on comments.
llltdesq7 July 2003
This Popeye is one of my favorite shorts and my pick for one of the better ones in the series. My favorite character, one J. Wellington Wimpy, is prominently featured (with an amusing twist on his own well-known catch-phrase) and Bluto is smarmy, rude and surly, even for Bluto. A little something for almost everyone in this one. A little gem. Well worth watching and most recommended.

I've heard from a fair number of people about some of my specific comments, but also occasionally on my comments in general. So I decided to put down my approach to comments in general:

As a rule, I confine my comments to things I have (though there are exceptions) and to things I have liked (also with exceptions). Thus, there will be very few killer comments. Even when something I want to review doesn't quite work for me, I will say what I liked as well as what I didn't and leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide if it interests them. Different people like different things. Finally, I tend to review animated shorts, as animation tends to get short shrift, even here at the IMDb. There you have it, ladies and gentleducks. For any who are curious (all three of you in the balcony), that's my policy on comments.
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"We'll build a bridge, and let people cross . . . "
pixrox114 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . for nothing," heroic Great Depression Era People's Champion "Popeye" threatens greedy Fat Cat One Per Center ferry monopolist "Bluto" (which rhymes with the first two syllables of "plutocrat") about 2:30 into BRIDGE AHOY! Unfortunately for America, scurrilous copperhead politicians have employed bogus social agenda "wedge issues" to make the weak-minded occupants of the so-called "Red States" forget the lessons of BRIDGE AHOY! as they now find themselves saddled with exorbitant "tolls" any time they need to get from Point A to Point B. As BRIDGE AHOY! preaches, such fees are UnAmerican, and downright Red Communist, as they tend to reserve the roads and bridges built with the blood, sweat and TAX DOLLARS of We 99 Per Center Working Stiffs for the exclusive use of the One Per Center Plutocrats and their hulking, road-hog vehicles. America MUST take BRIDGE AHOY! to heart ASAP, and do away with all highway tolls and bridge "fares."
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Bridge builders
Horst_In_Translation14 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Bridge Ahoy!" is an American animated short from 1936, so this one is already over 80 years old. It is a Fleischer production which should not surprise anybody seeing how this is a Popeye cartoon and like all the others it runs for 7 minutes approximately. And it is also in black-and-white. Voice actors are also the familiar names, so yeah what can be said about this one. It is about Bluto (not Pluto, Disney fans) operating a ship which brings people from one shore to the other, but after he asks for too much money, Popeye is not amused and starts helping in building a bridge, so people can cross for free. Imagine times when 2 bucks was still considered too much for crossing a river? Oh my.. Anyway, I found the uy who is Popeye's buddy very bland here and he is really just means to the story with how he has to pay to be allowed on the ship, but he isn't funny at all. And Olive is also very bland. Only memorable scene with her is when he hangs up in the air and Bluto is tickling her feet. She is not a love interest to him this time, but 100% Popeye's. Not that there is any affection between these two either this time around though. It is all about Popeye vs. Bluto although I wondered why Popeye did not eat the spinach right away and build the bridge within seconds. Apparently the demand was high enough. Oh well, for sramatic purposes I suppose. I am not the biggest Popeye fan and still this is nowhere near my favorite cartoons from him. So a thumbs-down and "only" 2 stars out of 5. Watch something else instead, the element of free market and economic competition does not make this as interesting of a watch.
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