Pudgy Takes a Bow-Wow (1937) Poster

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planktonrules23 September 2013
When this cartoon begins, Betty Boop is getting ready to go on stage. Just before, she puts Pudgy to bed and heads off for the stage. However, as Betty is doing her song (a particularly bad one, at that), Pudgy is awakened by a cat. And, doing what dogs do, he gives chase. The pair end up interrupting Betty's routine (again, the song sucked, so it was a blessing) and the audience loves the antics of the dog and cat. At first, the pair pretend to be friends and perform together. However, it soon turns to an all-out war--and the audience* is in stitches.

For the most part, I liked this cartoon. But, as I mentioned above, Betty's song was pretty awful---and seeing her pretending to be Chinese and Italian was quite painful. However, Pudgy was cute and the animation was nice.

*After seeing most of Betty's films, this is the first I can recall where her audience was made up of humans. Normally they are various human-like animals or weirdos. Here, they are just folks.
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"Fighting like cats and dogs" is a common expression . . .
oscaralbert22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . but seeing it literally pictured for you as in PUDGY TAKES A BOW-WOW is a sobering event. In one particularly shocking sequence of this "Betty B." animated short, an unnamed nefarious black cat "juggles" a much smaller and helpless "Pudgy" (Betty's pet white puppy) with its killer claws in front of a huge theater audience. This sort of public humiliation is a particular penchant for those of the feline persuasion, as these shameless Fat Cats think nothing of moving into America's once respectable Oval Office and spewing out 20,000 thoroughly documented boldface lies. Such operatives of the Kremlin's Red Commie KGB have no qualms about turning over America's nuclear secrets to their chief Russian handler in full view of an aghast globe. They enjoy playing "Cat and Mouse Games" with Congress, safe in the knowledge that the architecture for the Electoral College, U.S. Senate and SCOTUS will allow the first foreign enemy with a modicum of smarts to hold America in its captive thrall forever. PUDGY TAKES A BOW-WOW offers little hope that our American Homeland will ever be able to break the grip of the foreign feline freeloaders. This cartoon suggests instead the we True Blue Normal Average Loyal Patriotic Progressive Union Label Working Stiffs will just have to "grin and bare it."
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Pudgy Takes a Bow Wow is amusing late Betty Boop entry
tavm15 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the post-code Betty Boops in which she can no longer sing songs that hint at sexuality or show any skin (usually the leg). Also, instead of Bimbo and Koko, Betty hangs with a little pup named Pudgy. In this one, Betty sings about being a Chinaman and an Italian organ grinder, both of which are depicted stereotypically. Pudgy is backstage resting until a stray cat comes that chases Pudgy or vice versa. When they end up on stage with Betty, they try to be more civil but once the curtain closes down, watch out! Despite the stereotypes, a pretty amusing cartoon especially when Pudgy and the cat are around. Well worth seeing for Fleischer fans.
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Pudgy Takes a Bow Wow
TheLittleSongbird13 February 2017
A good deal of the pre-Production Code Betty Boop cartoons are daring and creative, with content that makes one amazed at what's gotten away with. While the later Betty Boop cartoons made after the Code was enforced are still watchable and exceptionally well-made, they are so toned down that they feel bland.

Fleischer were responsible for some brilliant cartoons, some of them still among my favourites. Their visual style was often stunning and some of the most imaginative and ahead of its time in animation. The character of Betty Boop, one of their most famous and prolific characters, may not be for all tastes and sadly not as popular now, but her sex appeal was quite daring for the time and to me there is an adorable sensual charm about her. The good news is that she has not lost her charm, despite being significantly toned down, she is still cute and most of her comic timing is good.

Adorable Pudgy steals the show though, with the cat close behind. Their chemistry and antics are what dominate the cartoon and they are entertaining and cute, in fact the funniest moments come from them.

One of 'Pudgy Takes a Bow Wow's' best elements is the animation, which is fantastic, especially in the backgrounds. It's very rich in detail, crisp and beautifully drawn. The music is mostly infectious, lush and dynamic. There are some amusing moments and it is cute without being too saccharine.

However, there is a vast preference for the Betty Boop cartoons that have a more surreal edge to the visuals and sharper and more risqué material. Although cute and entertaining, there is still a tame feel and slight blandness. The story is also slight and predictable.

More of a problem is Betty's stereotypical and downright painful imitation attempts at being Chinese and Italian.

To conclude, nice cartoon but not a great one. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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Some "cat lady" in the Ukraine . . .
cricket3023 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Squelched and totally suppressed my long-time associate's comment about PUDGY TAKES A BOW-WOW earlier this week. While it is True that the earlier review took a dim view of feline fanciers, what's this world coming to if people have to all around anyone else's pet preferences? It's not as if my acquaintance was trying to blow the whistle regarding how evil Ukrainians manipulated our 1860 American Presidential Election to provoke a Civil War which wound up slaughtering up to three million of us, not to mention spawning such boring bladder busters as GASHED WITH THE WHIP (GWTW). I'm not sure how many points of confluence there are between PUDGY TAKES A BOW-WOW and GWTW, but I would not be surprised if this pair of mediocre offerings both originated in the so-called mind of Margie Mitchell!
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Pudgy And A Cat Ham It Up
ccthemovieman-19 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this cartoon will wear you out. It starts quietly with Betty getting ready to go on stage and telling her little dog "Pudgy" to go to sleep. She tucks him into his little bed and then goes out and begins singing her number. She impersonates an Italian monkey grinder and a Chinaman along the way, neither of which is offensive but probably wouldn't be in cartoons today.

Before Betty can finish her act, however, chaos ensues because a cat got \ Pudgy's attention and the dog figures a clever way to get out of the dressing room to confront it. What happens after that is pretty wild and entertaining. The audience liked it, howling as the cat and dog did all sorts of things, even hamming it up for the theater audience when they sensed the crowd was watching them.
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