Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958) Poster

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char treuse19 January 2007

The amplified, dispassionate female voice could have been Leona Helmseley in heat but, no, it belongs to Allison Hayes as Nancy Archer, the 50-Foot Woman of the title. In the most infamous role of her film career, Allison's performance literally rips off the roof. In fact, make that a couple of roofs.

Jaw-droppingly tacky, "Aot50FW" is the tale of Nancy, a neurotic, boozy heiress and her loveless Lothario husband, Harry (William Hudson, who also co-starred opposite The Amazing Colossal Man). Nancy has a close encounter of the third kind, in the desert, with a bald giant from outer space who wears a mini-skirt and gladiator sandals, and who has a thing for Nancy's jewelry. What he does to her once he's carried her off is probably best left a mystery, but soon Nancy starts to grow.

Treading into the center of town on tranquilizers, tightly wrapped in nothing but the bed sheets, the buxom giantess heads toward the low-rent saloon where Harry is having a few laughs with a floozy named Honey (Yvette Vickers). The confrontation turns ugly.

The Poverty Row f/x make the alien giant and Nancy appear to be transparent due to incompetently transposed images. You'll understand why director Nathan Juran changed his name to Nathan Hertz on the credits. Juran was no stranger to directing giant creatures, human and non, having also directed "The Deadly Mantis," "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad," "Jack, the Giant Killer" plus several episodes of TV's "World of Giants" and "Land of the Giants."

A lot of laughs for all the wrong reasons.
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Classic bad movie
SnoopyStyle5 July 2014
Rich socialite Nancy Archer encounters an alien UFO with a giant while driving on a desolate road. Her husband Harry Archer is cheating on her with Honey Parker. None of the cops believe her but they still have to investigate because of her wealth and power. Some suggests that she should go back to the sanitarium. She drags Harry out to search for the UFO. The giant takes her while Harry gets away. He tries to run away with Honey but the sheriff is suspicious of the missing Nancy Archer. They find her and put her away into the sanitarium. There she grows to be a giant 50 foot woman.

This is more notable for the poster art and the amazingly cheesy title. There isn't anything quite like it. Others come close like 'Snakes on a Plane' or 'Sharknado' or 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes', but this one has the best title of them all. As a movie, this is strictly B-movie horror material. The special effects are almost laughable from the terribly fake giant hands to the badly done optical effects of the giants. The acting is kind of interesting. These actors are trying so hard and taking it so seriously. Sometime they overact, but they never let the silliness of it all take over. It's safe to say that this is a classic bad movie.
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Surprisingly entertaining
qrt718 June 2001
This is a fair movie, good for one-off viewing. The plot itself is fairly well worked for a picture of this kind which is a pleasent surprise as is the acting, which although a little hammy, is better than normal for these types of flick.

The 'special effects' are hilarious - a translucent giant and a blatantly polystyrene/papier mache hand wobbling unconvincingly on a bit of wire.

Definitely to watch once for kitsch entertainment value.

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Guilty pleasure? No way! I like it and I don't feel guilty!
reptilicus6 July 2001
How can you NOT like this film? It's very absurdity makes it an instant classic. What absurdity you ask? Well how about the fact that when the sheriff (George Douglas) and Jess the butler (Ken Terrell) enter the giant's space ship everything is scaled to our size? How about the fact that when the giant (Mike Ross) picks up the sheriff's car it's a station wagon, when he throws it to the ground it's a sedan, and when the sheriff checks the wreckage it's a station wagon again? Or maybe the fact that Alison Hayes height seems to vary from scene to scene; sometimes she's a mere 18 feet tall and in others she is much larger. Did I, or should I?, mention that you can see right through both giants in almost every scene?

And when she reaches through the roof of the bar to pick up her philandering husband (William Hudson, who also went face-to-ankle with THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN a year earlier) why didn't they cut the scene before you saw the doll Alison was picking up had no legs? Should I even mention the fact that this movie is set in California and the deputy (Frank Chase) has a Boston accent ("Hi ya Mistah Ahhhhcha!")?

You can spot Ken Terrell doing stunts in most of the Republic serials during the 40's. Roy Gordon (Dr. Cushing) appeared in THE WASP WOMAN in 1959, Yvette Vickers (Honey Parker) had a run-in with giant bloodsuckers in ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES. And Alison Hayes . . .ah, she was my dream girl when I was growing up.

Let the sourpusses deride this film, I think it's great fun. Don't waste your time with the remake, THIS is the one to catch.
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An Amazing Accomplishment
Hitchcoc29 May 2010
Next to Citizen Kane, this is my favorite movie. It has all the elements a film could have. It has a man doing the most stereotypical drunk, a group of hick sheriffs, a couple bimbos, and a transparent woman who ranges from 8 feet in height to about 75 feet, depending on where the camera is. When she was transformed, she also became quite single minded in her pursuit of her errant hubby. She began to speak in three or four word phrases which were directed by her monomania. As large woman films go, this has to be a classic. I first saw this film when I was in high school. Some local TV guy hosted a show where we got to see these kinds of films. Bless his heart. This was a time of great fun and just plain awful stuff, but it was so much fun.
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Sloppily done dialogue and visual effects
azerman1822 March 2015
A poorly done and rushed movie to say the least. I perfectly understand that the visual effects of 50's sci fi movies are nowhere near to what they are like today. But however,even for the 50s, the visual effects were awful. I would put it in the same sentence with Plan 9 From Outer Space. First off, when a movie is in an hour long but it feels like three hours, there is something wrong with it. She doesn't mutate until the final 15 minutes of the movie. There are things in the movie I question such as how a 50 foot woman can fit in her own bedroom. There is also a problem with consistency. Nancy appears to be different sizes throughout the movie. She is also at times transparent and nontransparent, which the movie makers didn't care about. The alien on the ship appears to be a stitched up old man and it is comical. I understand that it is a cult movie, which is supposed to be a movie that is so bad to the extent that it is good, but there is no point in seeing the movie. There is no element in the film that awes the audience.
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Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958) ***
JoeKarlosi27 June 2007
Okay, this movie is not going to be amongst the Top Hundred listed on the American Film Institute's "greatest" list, but it's the perfect example of a so -called "bad" film that's still wildly entertaining and good fun. Of all the notorious 1950s cheese flicks, this one takes the cake and is not to be passed over, whether you love such offbeat craziness or even if you don't. A good time is guaranteed for all (whatever your cinematic tastes and values).

Nancy Archer (the curvy Allison Hayes) is a wealthy alcoholic housewife considered the town weirdo, and she cements that reputation one night when she cries that she's just seen a satellite in the sky that supposedly come down to Earth and then swears she's had an encounter with a king-sized bald-headed giant living inside. Her rotten-to-the-core and cheating husband Harry (the perfectly-cast William Hudson) spends all his nights at the local bar blatantly smooching with sexy floozy Honey Parker (Yvette Vickers), and the flirtatious pair would love to take all of Nancy's money and be rid of her. When he learns of his wife's nutty alien story, Harry figures it's the perfect chance to send her off to the booby hatch once and for all, but he gets more than he bargains for.

At only 65 minutes, this story moves comfortably quick and there's not an ounce of dead meat to be had. Considering the absurd storyline, director Nathan Hertz (Nathan Juran) manages to get some mileage out of it anyway. Some of the all-time very worst "special" effects are on display in this cult classic, and have to be seen to be believed (the over-sized gigantic feminine "hand" is an absolute laugh riot!). Even in this present day and age of "state of the art" CGI effects, there is something eternally entertaining and lovable about these low budgeted cardboard props and cheapo transparent blow-up renderings of the giants walking around the streets. This was a favorite on New York television in the early '70s, and no kid who grew up with it can ever forget it. Be a kid again, or be one for the first time, and give this a shot for a lark. *** out of ****
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Seen on Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater in 1963
kevinolzak22 March 2019
It's certainly not the special effects that made "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" a monster hit in 1958, as they are numerous and sadly lacking, with one giant hand barely able to maneuver, and both giants (male and female) appearing deliberately transparent as they wander off to conduct their minor mischief. Top billed for the only time in her all too brief heyday is Allison Hayes, as sultry a dish as Hollywood ever found, already with quite a proven track record behind her - "The Undead," "Zombies of Mora Tau," "The Disembodied," and "The Unearthly," "The Hypnotic Eye and "The Crawling Hand" still to come. Not to be outdone in scintillation is future Playboy Playmate (July 1959, one of the few over age 30) Yvette Vickers, her next appearance in "Attack of the Giant Leeches" cementing her reputation as a one year wonder. So sad that both came to a bad end, Allison from botched medication that claimed her life at 46, while the corpse of 81 year old Yvette had been decomposing for a year before being discovered by a neighbor. Allison gets to play the title role, neurotic wife Nancy Archer whose drinking is well known all over town, while her philandering husband, nicknamed 'Handsome Harry' (William Hudson), holds up at the local bar and grill with impossibly sexy Honey Parker (Vickers). On a night when she has remained notably sober Nancy encounters a spaceship in the desert (everyone calls it a satellite), its lone occupant a bald giant with a need for diamonds to pilot his craft, and the famous Star of India beckoning around Nancy's soft neck. She manages to run back to town but finds no one to believe her, not the sheriff (George Douglas, Melvyn's younger brother) or even Harry, who sees this as a golden opportunity to put her back in the sanitarium from which she was recently released. A second attack by the giant has the no longer disbelieving hubby leaving his wife behind to an uncertain fate while he tries to make a run for it with Honey, before the comic deputy (Frank Chase) decides to ignore the usual bribe and take the pair to the sheriff's office for questioning. Lo and behold, Nancy turns up unharmed on her own bath house roof, though the scratches on her neck indicate that the alien was none too gentle in removing her necklace. Allison is sadly off screen for a half hour before the final reel rampage, all too mild as a handful of townspeople have little trouble avoiding her while she seeks vengeance on Harry and Honey. This was the one major role for little known William Hudson, whose twin brother John enjoyed his own starring vehicle that same year in "The Screaming Skull," also as a scheming husband. No doubt a large number of teenage boys received quite an education on its double bill with Roger Corman's "War of the Satellites," getting two satellites and three gorgeous ladies for one ticket (Susan Cabot's leading man was Dick Miller!). Even Bert I. Gordon provided better effects in "The Cyclops," "The Amazing Colossal Man," and the soon to be released "War of the Colossal Beast," but with its suggestive poster one of the best remembered from the 50s this meager ATTACK had nowhere to go but up (later featured as a drive in feature in Curtis Harrington's 1977 "Ruby").
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So Bad, It's Good!
ccthemovieman-126 April 2006
This campy 1950s sci-fi film has turned into a real cult classic. The film is so bad - horrible special effects and terrible dialog - that it is a hoot to watch. It's so terrible it's fun to watch. Instead of scary you, the corny dialog just makes you laugh out loud.

I forget whether this film was made to be serious but at this point, it's like an Ed Wood film: so terrible that you laugh through the entire thing, making it a good comedy. As a bonus for guys, you get to ogle Allison Hayes, who looks good at any height!

I am amazed this movie is not available on DVD. If it wasn't well-known, they certainly wouldn't have bothered with a re-make.
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A poster in search of a movie...
moonspinner556 September 2011
Close encounters of the stupid kind: wealthy, drunken woman--a previous resident of the local booby hatch--sees an alien spacecraft in the desert with a 30-foot man inside, but she can't get anyone to believe her. Drive-in rubbish with a radiation-scare tactic; not incompetently-made, but surely uninspired. Mark Hanna's hot-air script is mostly all set-up...once the pay-off comes, the picture runs out of screen-time! There's a really fine shot near the end featuring Allison Hayes lying in the roadway, the townspeople running up behind her. Otherwise, the trick photography and props are third-rate, and the marital melodrama which sucks up most of the narrative is completely without interest. *1/2 from ****
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Truly a cult classic
viktor26211 February 2007
I love this movie, regardless of all of the campy errors and mistakes, i can watch this over and over again. Allison Hayes delivers some of the most incredible picture stills. When she is breaking out from the roof of her house, her beauty mark just says hey. Her face as she is looking through the window at the hotel, and even when she is walking behind the electricity tower before getting shot down are just gorgeous.

So it was campy, it's the 50's, technology was not as advanced as today but to re-make this movie with Darryl Hannah was a mistake.

This "Cult Classic" should be put on DVD (hint, hint) and digitally enhanced, try to fix the mistakes, if possible and re-issue this movie. Trust me it has a following, also the main score gives the movie the scary touch.I heard the score in another sci-fi movie, recognized it immediately but the effect was not the same.

Someone mentioned the poster, which i have and i had it matted; it looks incredible and its a conversation piece.

Someone put this on DVD! Allison Hayes and this Movie Rocks!
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Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is impossible to dislike
robfollower16 June 2019
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman may well be one of the worst science-fiction films of all time, but that's not to say that it isn't thoroughly enjoyable. Allison Hayes achieved screen immortality as Nancy Archer, the wealthy, dipsomaniac wife of shameless philanderer Harry Archer (William Hudson). When she witnesses the crash landing of a alien spaceship -- whose occupant is a 30-foot giant, dressed in the manner of a medieval Frenchmen! -- Nancy goes to the local sheriff (George Douglas) with her story, only to be laughed off as a drunken crank. Even the local TV anchorman makes cruel fun of Nancy on his nightly newscast. Meanwhile, hubby Harry is making whoopee at a roadhouse with his latest tootsie, Honey Parker (Yvette Vickers). Not long afterward, Nancy, who's been exposed to the radiation of the spaceship, begins to feel queasy. Within a few days, she has grown to the height of 50 feet and is lumbering around the countryside clad only in a gigantic towel, smashing houses and trees in search of her faithless husband ("HARRY-HARRY!!!") Hilarious in its ineptitude (the special effects are particularly shoddy), Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is impossible to dislike
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A film I can't help having a fondness for.
Wilbur-1023 July 2000
'Attack of the 50 Foot Woman' is unfairly burdened with many a 'worse film ever made' tag, but, despite the dodgy special effects, it manages to have a few positive aspects. It may well be the feminist message which runs throughout the film which has caused male critics to pour scorn over the whole concern.

Hayes plays the title character, Nancy, a millionairess suffering from mental stress bought on by her philandering husband and full-time sleazeball, Harry. She is protected from self-destruction by her loyal butler ( a relationship similar to the one in 'Sunset Blvd' ), but her husbands influence is too strong as he tries to get her hospitalised, so he can lavish her fortune on his mistress.

A strange glowing meteor in the area houses a weird giant (the plot clearly doesn't bear close scrutiny) and after coming into contact with him, Nancy starts to grow also. She increases to giant proportions and, clad in a bikini, breaks out of hospital and wanders off to town to find her husband.

Despite the glaringly obvious shortcomings, there is a strong message here and the the film doesn't deserve the scorn which is heaped upon it. It also has one of the classic posters of the 1950's, with Hayes straddling a freeway picking up cars - not surprisingly this scene doesn't actually feature but it makes for a great image.
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Hooray for "B" Movies!!
Bucs196021 November 2001
You have got to love this outlandish movie. Allison Hayes is really over the top (in more ways than one) as she goes after Harry who is out cavorting with Yvette Vickers in the local bar. The special effects are the usual 1950's superimposed see through images that you've come to love in cheesy movies (see the Amazing Colossal Man). The foam rubber hand that crushes the life out of Harry is really just kind of flops around, flaccid and dead looking but it does the trick....I hope Harry isn't latex intolerant! This is a lot of fun and is one of the gems of the genre. If you hear someone calling "Harry, Harry", run for your life...the foam rubber hand is after you!
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Surprisingly good for a movie so terribly bad
bobc-530 May 2001
A woman as rich as she is insecure has a history of alcoholism and nervous breakdowns, helped no doubt by a smooth-talking gigolo husband who openly cheats on her. Naturally nobody believes her when she claims to have been accosted by a giant man who stepped out of a giant satellite. Much to the delight of her husband, this could be the incident which finally puts her away for good.

From the very opening scenes, with it's ludicrous news broadcast and ridiculous satellite encounter, you'll probably be convinced that the only redeeming value of this movie is that it is so bad that it is funny. Although not too far off the mark, this is most definitely not true.

Unlike most movies of this genre, this is not really a sci-fi or a horror film, but actually a serious drama which intelligently incorporates a sci-fi scenario into the plot. It's not a good or even mediocre drama, but it will exceed your expectations if you weren't expecting any legitimate drama at all. The acting is surprisingly good for such a low budget effort and, most importantly, it is well edited and excellently paced. It is never boring and manages to generate more than a little interest in seeing what will come next. Nevertheless, this is still a movie strictly for those who can't pass up the chance to see a 1950s film with a title like "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman"!
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Watch Out!
AaronCapenBanner18 October 2013
Allison Hayes plays the title character, a spurned woman named Nancy Archer, whose husband Harry(played by William Hudson) has been unfaithful to her, having a repeated affair with Honey Parker(played by Yvette Vickers). When she has two bizarre encounters with a UFO(manned by a giant) she finds herself growing to(you guessed it) 50Ft. tall, going on her "attack" in the last few minutes, trying to get Harry and Honey for revenge, before the police shoot her. Not a Bert I. Gordon production, though just as shoddy and inept, only more so this time. Only good for laughs, though attractive Allison Hayes became something of a "B" movie queen.
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I kept hoping Godzilla would show up to make things a little more exciting, but sadly, no.
lewiskendell3 January 2011
"What do you want me to do?! Put salt on her tail?!"

It's never a good thing when a movie that's barely over an hour, feels like thrice that length.

I thought I'd start of 2011 with something campy and fun, and Attack of the 50 Foot Woman looked like it might fit that bill. Nope. My first movie of 2011 is also my first cinematic mistake of the year.

Far too much of the movie is spent on a normal sized woman (Allison Hayes) complaining and whining about her husband's infidelity with a local floozy, instead of on a 50 Foot Woman attacking things, as I was led to expect from the title. The whole thing is horribly boring up until the last ten or so minutes, which are mildly entertaining by virtue of how stupid it all is and how truly atrocious the special effects are (even by the standards of the 1950s). Seriously, once you see the "giant hand", you'll be regretting your decision to watch this, just like I did.

There are tons of other campy or bad (in a good way) older movies to be found, don't waste your time with this one.
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"Harry, I saw a satellite tonight."
utgard1417 November 2014
An alcoholic rich woman(Allison Hayes) is abducted by a giant alien and exposed to radiation. Soon after her return, she grows into a giantess. Now fifty feet tall, she wreaks destruction all over town looking for her unfaithful husband and his floozy (Yvette Vickers).

So much fun. Busty beauty Allison Hayes' theatrics are a hoot to watch ("Why did I take you back? Why? WHY?!?"). I love a lot of her work and this is the highlight of her B career. Everybody rags on this movie but it's one of my favorite B movies. Normally I don't rate up for movies like this but some movies are just so enjoyable, even if it's for what some consider the wrong reasons, that I feel I have to. With everything else I take into account when rating a movie, entertainment value is at the top of my list. This one is undeniably entertaining. Full of unintentionally hilarious lines, cheesy effects, and campy performances. One of the all-time 'so bad it's good' classics. Oh, and one of the best movie posters from the '50s. And remember: "When women reach the age of maturity, Mother Nature overworks their frustration to the point of irrationalism..."
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...........mostly boredom here.......good thing it's short
Idiot-Deluxe26 September 2016
"I saw a satellite!" I take it this film was made -before- the universally known term "UFO" was around.

Wow, what a lame load of garbage. Is this EVER a movie from the 50's - lots of cigarettes, lot's booze, lot's of convertibles and lot's of painfully shrill hysterics, but more Boredom than anything. I bet there are at least a handful of nostalgic souls out there, who consider this to be a classic. However, with complete confidence, I can tell you that it wasn't good then and it sure as hell isn't good now. Just another lame and tedious, vintage, low-budget Sci-Fi flick - which now, nearly 60 years later, is even less impressive. This movie actually started out well, but VERY briefly, I like it's title screen - but after that it's all downhill from there. Here's yet another example where a movie might have been good, had a completely different group of people worked on it.

Included here is an incomplete list of things you can expect to see when watching Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. Right out of the gates you have the shrill and over-wrought acting from Allison Hayes, a gold digger husband and a cast of dull, paper-thin characters, painfully dated photographic effects (that you can literally see through that which is intended to be solid), hokey attempts at slapstick - that usually miss there mark and capping things off is a short-lived, very tepidly paced and entirely unspectacular finale. When she goes on her so-called rampage through town, the movements of our 50 foot maiden wield very little weight and even less speed, she emotes practically no emotion (a pleasant countenance if anything) and an overall VERY tame approach was taken. In short, this movie sucks.

This stinking scrap of celluloid by-product currently maintains a (laughably inaccurate) 5.0 rating. After having seen the movie I can quickly and easily arrive at this conclusion, which is: Anyone who rates this weak and dated schlock above one or two stars, is obviously basing their rating from a purely and -completely- NOSTALGIC point-of-view (you can bet money on it) and that often has a way of over-riding people's logic and any critical assessment they might of had. Sorry to sound like a snob, but Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is exquisitely lame and those effects! Wwhheewww och!

There are many good old black and whites out there, that are plenty worthy of nostalgic attachment, but with Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.................well, not so much.

Another thing that I've noticed over the years, is that no Sci-Fi from the 50's is all that exciting (if they are, it's usually because of how terrible they are) and most Sci-Fi from the 50's (and beyond) are throw-away's. Sci-Fi is the hardest genre to excel in, evidently not everyone has the mind of George Lucas.

Interesting Contrasts: The Incredible Shrinking Man vs. Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.

When you compare these two films you'll find that they are absolutely the -exact opposite- of each other and here's why. Made only a year apart, in one the lead is played by a man, the other by a WOman, one involves micro-nized size (1 inch tall or so), the other involves gigantism (50 feet tall), but most importantly, one of these vintage films is great - while the other is terrible. One is fun, the other an absolute total bore.

Did anyone notice that funny continuity? When the hubby was going to over-dose her with a syringe, then the nurse walks in, she turns on the lights, screams (of course) and he's suddenly holding a vastly smaller syringe.
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50 foot chick is a havoc wreaker
froberts7316 June 2011
First of all, I have to mention that the title character has the prettiest legs of any 50 foot woman.

Whether you take this movie seriously, or watch it for the fun of it, you will realize that the campy thing is not half bad.

The acting? I've seen a lot worse. The plot, complete with jealousy, etc. was reasonable. All of the lead roles were quite good, and there were a fair amount of intentional laughs, especially deputy Charlie, an early version of Barney.

They see these humongous footprints. "Who made those?" Reply, "it wasn't a Japanese gardener." Anywho, if you have nothing else to do grab this 50 foot gal. You won't be thrilled by the special effects but, you shouldn't be bored.
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A sci-fi classic that drags interminably
Leofwine_draca2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN perhaps has one of the most famous titles of all the science fiction films made in the 1950s, but having just watched it, the film is an undeniable disappointment. At just over an hour in length it's a film that drags interminably, and only features some brief snippets of giant-sized action, mostly confined to the last ten minutes.

The rest of the story is pretty boring, it has to be said, and the regular-sized cast members are quite dull. The titular character is a cuckolded wife who goes gunning for her husband and his mistress, only to encounter a UFO in the desert. The special effects used to transform her into a giant are tacky but fun, as is the interlude inside the UFO with a couple of yokels, but for the most part this is strictly so-bad-it's-good entertainment.
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The sexiest giant in the world!
aesgaard417 November 2000
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about Allison Hayes that hasn't been said before. The way she upsets a town, fills out a bed sheet, terrorizes a philandering husband... all these things make her bigger than life... whoops, too late. "Attack" is a great if under-appreciated movie that deserves more for the way that it strengthens women for what they are and not for what they should be, and for serving as a lesson for other idiots who don't respect their wives. Allison Hayes actually opens the way for more female horror antagonists of which there are so few: Angela from the "Night of the Demons" trilogy maybe the only one other off the top off my head I can think of right now. Allison Hayes being in this movie, which is most definitely the pinnacle of giantess movie next to "The Thirty Foot Bride of Candy Rock" and "Dude, Where's My Car," creates such a powerful presence in the movie that numerous guys like myself have become proverbially addicted to giant women pictures. Because of AOT50FW, there are now whole websites dedicated to posting pictures of beautiful actresses on giantess simulations; unfortunately, the majority of these sites are actually distasteful and extremely sexually explicit. Yet, regardless of the odd lunatic out there, fans still praise this movie even with all of its flaws. The special effects are crummy and the plot is ridiculous, but yet, it captures the spirit and the fear of the Atomic Age prevalent in movies of the Fifties. It truly deserves to be remade today. I just can't count the horrible Darryl Hannah version; Fifty-Foot Woman should be remade again as an apology to that horrible farce. In the Eighties, Victoria Principal, Markie Post or Emma Samms would have been more than capable of giving the title role justice, but now, either Kate Winslet or Reese Witherspoon could possibly give a remake the justice it deserves. Till then, if you can buy this original on video or DVD, keep it; it's a collector's item of one of the best movies to have come out of the Fifties.
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50 foot woman with 30 foot bust
vampi196020 August 2006
Attack of the fifty foot woman is one of those crazy low budget silly movies that truly is so bad its good.Allison Hayes(real sexy for her time)plays a rich but drunken woman who has a cheating husband(William Hudson)who has an affair with a red head floozy(Yvette Vickers)who was in attack of the giant leeches a year before.well Allison meets a giant alien baldy that makes her grow into a giant bathing beauty.not only does she grow to 50 feet tall but her bust size increases 30 feet as well.and her hair turns blonde.the other special effects consist of a big inflated rubber hand.and some tinker toy electric towers.its silly but fun stuff.i found it truly insane but i have to keep watching it,maybe the 50 foot woman could meet the amazing colossal man(57)and they could get it on.and have giant kids.i wish they would release this to DVD soon.they did however do a remake in the 1990's with Daryl(splash,kill bill 1&2)hannah,but its not the same even with better special effects.i personally like the original,its so bad its good.6 out of 10.
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Poster is 10 times better than the movie
woodruff-ron19 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this movie based on the poster and I was completely disappointed because that scene is not in the movie at all. There is no elevated highway, she never picks up a car, and only appears as a giant in the last 5 minutes.
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