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BLACK ZOO (Robert Gordon, 1963) ***
Bunuel197626 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This forms a sort of trilogy with star Michael Gough's previous films for producer Herman Cohen, HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM (1959; although I own the VCI SE DVD, I don't have time to revisit it at the moment) and KONGA (1961; a second viewing will follow shortly). Being the only one still unavailable on disc has made it the least-seen of the three; consequently, I have had to make do with a copy sourced from a worn 16mm print replete with 'jumps' and 'misframing' that make the human figures unnaturally elongated...and, no, this wasn't the result of my watching the thing fitted to a Widescreen TV monitor!

Similar to his previous Cohen efforts, Gough is a stark raving mad zookeeper who uses his animals to dispose of his foes; he also (literally) entertains his animals – tigers, lions, cheetahs, etc. – with his piano playing skills inside his living room! Unlike its predecessors, surprisingly enough, BLACK ZOO was shot in Hollywood with a mostly American cast and crew; this made for the endearingly odd sight of watching quintessentially British actor and horror film icon Gough share scenes with familiar character actors like Elisha Cook Jr., Jerome Cowan and Edward Platt. Director Gordon is likewise an American, of whose work I have now watched 2 efforts (1955's IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA), own another (1947's BLIND SPOT), and have just rented one more (1973's THE GATLING GUN)!

There are 6 deaths in the film altogether: a snooping reporter is disposed of via a tiger mauling right in the very first sequence (shot remarkably similar to the famous unseen panther chase in Val Lewton's CAT PEOPLE – another link to that film is the subplot, albeit not subsequently resumed, involving a trio of girls who turn up at the zoo to sketch the animals); construction entrepreneur Cowan's invitations to sell out his property, share in the profits and visit a new striptease joint fall on Gough's deaf ears (while a lion proceeds to fell Cowan off-camera!); sadistic cage-cleaner Cook teases the zoo's star tiger one time too many, shoots it to death in self-defense and gets thrown into the lion's cage for his crime by an infuriated Gough!; the concerned agent of Gough's wife (who also performs a chimpanzee act during zoo visits) entices her to go back on the road with a circus troupe but finds a big hairy surprise waiting for her in the garage back home!; Gough himself expires when his long-suffering mute animal handler (revealed to be his own son and being incapacitated by witnessing his mother getting savaged by a lion at Gough's command!) snaps at the latter's beating of his wife for deserting him and chokes him to death in a rainy confrontation on the zoo grounds. Without the viewer realizing it, the film inventively opens with its very closing shot and, in fact, I had half-jokingly taken Gough's lifeless body (seen in a high-angle shot) for an overturned cow at the beginning!!

Other highlights of the films include: a quiet dinner that admirably turns into a histrionic battle of wits between Gough and his wife over his mistreatment of the son that peaks with the latter smashing the food casserole (so proudly prepared by the wife – incidentally, Jeanne Cooper is quite impressive throughout and, surprisingly for me, this is the 8th title I've seen her in with 11 more in my unwatched pile!) on the kitchen floor; the night-time funeral procession given to Baron (the star tiger) attended by Gough, his family and a handful of big cats (not just reminiscent of SUNSET BOULEVARD [1950] – as is the afore-mentioned circular nature of the narrative, after all – but also eerily shot by cinematographer Floyd Crosby as if he was lighting one of Roger Corman's Poe adaptations)!; another rite in which a tiger-skin-wearing Shaman (the head of an animal worshipping cult to which Gough belongs) transfers Baron's soul into a baby tiger he is presented with.
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Wildlfe is this man's best friend.
mark.waltz2 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This outstanding horror film is a delightful surprise among the new wave of horror that went beyond spooky creatures of the night or even the warming of what nuclear power could do. Michael Gough, a forgotten successor to Karloff, Lugosi and his contemporary Vincent Price, is well regarded by cult fans, but overshadowed by even Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. Here, he's a zoo keeper obsessed with the love of his fur lined family. Anybody who will dare hurt them will pay...dearly.

Gough is married here to future soap diva, Jeanne Cooper, and she plays a younger version of her "Young and Restless" character Katharine Chancellor. She's just as troubled and drunk as Kay was in her first years, and like Kay, you can't help but want to protect her. Gough is abusive to her, but there's more to him than meets the eye. Keep your handkerchiefs out to wipe off the drool over the mute but hunky assistant, Reed Lauren, Gough's much abused caretaker.

Veteran actor Jerome Cowan gets the first eyeful of Gough's vengeance by trying to force him to sell him the zoo land, giving Gough a memorable line as he explains why Cowan must pay. The photography is colorful and editing brisk, with genuine thrills and a bit of supernatural innuendo as well. Everything about this film is very unique, and it is a fascinating discovery. Veteran actress Virginia Grey has a great cameo as a friend of Cooper's who tries to tempt her away (which results in a delightfully silly exit), and her "Y&R" co-star Jerry Douglas has a small part as well.
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Essential viewing for Michael Gough fans.
Hey_Sweden2 June 2016
The deliciously theatrical Brit thespian Michael Gough is at his scenery devouring best in the role of Michael Conrad, owner of a private zoo that specializes in big cats. Michael is insanely devoted to these creatures, and is also mad enough to sic them on any nuisance in his life - including an extremely pesky realtor (Jerome Cowan). He keeps his wife Edna (Jeanne Cooper, 'The Young and the Restless') and mute employee Carl (Rod Lauren, "The Crawling Hand") completely under his thumb, to boot.

Very nicely shot in Panavision by Floyd Crosby, the man who was who doing such exemplary work on those Roger Corman Poe pictures during this time, "Black Zoo" is decent, but that's mostly due to Gough. Overall, director Robert Gordon ("It Came from Beneath the Sea"), working from the script by Aben Kandel and producer Herman Cohen, just doesn't make this that much fun. It might have helped if the animals had been let loose upon a couple more victims; as it is, the story is only mildly entertaining most of the time. Still, there's camp value in the presence of an obvious "man in a costume" styled gorilla (played by George Barrows), the absurdly touching funeral for one of the big cats, and in the laughable meeting of a cult of cat worshipers called The True Believers - a definite highlight of silliness. And those felines appear to be extremely well trained.

Unlike Gough, much of the cast is required to play it straight, and it is delightful to see such familiar faces as "Maltese Falcon" cast members Cowan and Elisha Cook Jr., Edward Platt ('Get Smart'), lovely Marianna Hill ("Messiah of Evil", "Blood Beach"), Byron Morrow ("Colossus: The Forbin Project"), and Warrene Ott ("The Undertaker and His Pals").

This is fairly enjoyable schlock that might play well alongside another Cohen-Gough collaboration, "Konga".

Six out of 10.
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Minor Gorilla Correction
tednewsom12 April 2007
This was actually the first time George Barrow himself worked for Herman Cohen. The first time out, KONGA, Barrows sent his ape suit over to London. When it returned the worse for wear, he decided he'd never do it again.

BLACK ZOO was shot in Hollywood. For producer Cohen to have arranged for a foreign actor to come to Hollywood and take a job that could have been done by any number if US actors must've been quite an argument to both SAG and the Imigration Department. "Sirs, you must understand, my script calls for the zoo keeper to be the maddest, most outlandish, least subtle character ever to grace the movie screen. We just don't have an actor anywhere in the country who can do this. There is no one n the world who can out-mug Mr. Gough. I know, I've used him twice, and every time he gets bigger and badder."
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A bit of a plodder
Leofwine_draca10 October 2023
BLACK ZOO (1963) marks another pairing for B-movie producer Herman Cohen and star Michael Gough, following on from their HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM and KONGA. This time around the story is set in America, where Gough plays a zookeeper who specialises in all manner of big cats. His philosophy is to show his creatures the utmost kindness and care, but he doesn't treat people in quite the same way...

Although the film begins with an arresting murder, this turns out to be quite the plodder. The nature of the production means that the kills are typically kept off screen and are few and far between as it is. Gough delivers a delightful barnstorming performance as usual - truly an underrated presence in the genre - but the rest is pretty talky with only the occasional element of depth or interest.
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No animals were harmed du... Ah, forget it!
Coventry19 October 2021
All through the opening credit sequences of "Black Zoo", I anticipated to see the typical disclaimer-message "no animals were harmed during the shooting of this film" appear, but it didn't come. Five minutes later, though, I exactly knew why it didn't come. Beautiful big cats, like Siberian tigers and African lions, walk little circles in ridiculously small cages, chimpanzees are dressed up in hideous clothing and forced to inhale cigarette smoke for the sake of "entertainment", and that sort of things. Perhaps these animals weren't physically abused, but they certainly were traumatized for life. But hey, it was the early sixties and organizations like ALF or PETA didn't exist yet, so let's assume we believe Michael Gough's character when he claims his animals love and respect him.

"Black Zoo" is fantastic 60s horror entertainment, with a grotesquely absurd plot and preposterous lead characters! Simply the idea that someone penned down a horror plot in which a tyrannical private zoo owner assumes he can get away with letting animals commit gruesome murders is delightful, or at least in my crazy world it is. Michael Conrad unleashes his mighty lion in arrogant realtors' mansions or sends his grinning gorilla to the garage of female talent agents, and he honestly thinks he's untouchable! It must be said, though, the sequences with the animal attacking are genuinely impressive; - kudos to the trainers.

Gough goes genially over the top once again, just like he did in "Horrors of the Black Museum" and "Konga"; - his previous collaborations with producer Herman Cohen. True horror-fanatics adore Michael Gough. He may not be in the same league as the Vincent Prices, Christopher Lees or Boris Karloffs of this world, but his movies never disappoint!
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Michael Gough Chews the Scenery in Labored Horror
jfrentzen-942-2042119 February 2024
Michael Conrad (Michael Gough) owns Conrad's Animal Kingdom, home to cheetahs, lions, tigers, and a gorilla. A busload of tourists pay for a tour of the small zoo and art school students stop by to sketch the big cats. Conrad explains he doesn't use fear and intimidation to train his animals, but love and affection. If only he would show the same regard for the humans in his life. His wife Edna (Jeanne Cooper) performs with a trained chimp act for zoo customers, but hits the bottle after hours in the wake of Conrad's domineering abuse ("You're the last person I want to hurt," Conrad tells her after he's slapped her around). Carl (Rod Lauren), Conrad's mute aide and handyman, is likewise subjected to his master's imperious rants.

BLACK ZOO's script, by Aben Kandel and producer Howard Cohen, cleverly makes Conrad's character into a variation of his wild animals. In the film's opening scene, a young woman is attacked by Baron, one of Conrad's tigers, on a city street at night. We learn that she was a "meddling secretary" who had to be silenced, and that Conrad's love for his animals goes beyond benign conservationism. He's insane, and has trained his beasts to kill those who get in his way or crosses him. His victims invade his territory -- a land developer who tries to bully him into selling the zoo to make way for tract homes; and Edna's agent, who tries to lure her away from Conrad with promises of a better venue for her chimp act.

When a sadistic zoo worker (Elisha Cook Jr.) shoots Baron dead, an enraged Conrad first beats the man with a metal prod and then throws him to one of his hungry lions. Edna turns the other cheek and Carl actually helps him. Should we say (to paraphrase Forry Ackerman) the family that slays together stays together?

Not exactly. When Edna realizes Conrad is behind the murder of her agent, she convinces Carl to pack it in and escape with her. But Conrad disrupts their defection and threatens to throw her to the lions, too.

The movie is a step up from Cohen's KONGA (1961), but doesn't hit the gross-silly highs of HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM (1959). The animal attacks, which are fairly violent and effective, alternate with labored melodrama. Near the end, the whole movie is hobbled by a long scene of detectives debating whether or not trained animals committed the murders (despite their exposition, they never connect the deaths to Conrad).

BLACK ZOO's cast plays the material straight, despite some risible elements. Conrad frequently refers to the animals as "the family," holding group meetings with them in his home, where he plays lugubrious organ music and talks to them as though they were human. Also, he attends secret meetings of the "true believers," a cult of animal-worshipers who chant to monotonous tom-toms and oversee the "transfer" of Baron's soul to a live cub.

The real reason to see BLACK ZOO is to watch Michael Gough's delightful overplaying as Conrad. Each line is delivered with a side of ham, spit out through pursed lips and oozing nastiness even when he smiles unconvincingly and interacts with benign children and teenage art students.
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"Jerry, I want you to stand on your head"
hwg1957-102-26570419 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A zoo owner Michael Conrad uses some of his animals to protect the zoo from different human predators. Conrad is played in intense mode by Michael Gough and he dominates the film as usual but there are good supporting actors to fill out the story such as Edward Platt, Jeanne Cooper, Jerome Cowan, Elisha Cook Jr. And Virginia Grey. It looks picturesque filmed in Panavision and Eastmancolor by the adept Floyd Crosby. The story is easy to follow and isn't really a horror film, more a drama than anything else. The Conrad's marriage is a key element. The only weak part were the animal worshippers which I thought was a bit silly.

Plaudits must go to Ralph Helfer, who supervised the animals, particularly the felines. The scenes where the big cats sit in Conrad's lounge listening to his organ music and the wonderfully atmospheric funeral (beautifully shot) in the cemetery with the big cats sitting around on monuments really lift the movie.
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The Third Time Is NOT The Charm.
TheCapsuleCritic12 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
BLACK ZOO marks the third and final teaming of producer Herman Cohen and actor Michael Gough and the results are definitely mixed. This is a pity because the other two movies, the incredibly lurid HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM and the deliriously outrageous KONGA are guilty pleasures of the first order. ZOO doesn't quite measure up to the other two although it does have its moments.

The biggest problem is the screenplay by Aben Kandel and Herman Cohen. Although responsible for the first two films, they ran out of steam this time around. This screenplay is not lurid or outrageous enough and it recycles themes and plot development (young assistant to do his dirty work, unhappy female partner) from the others. It may have been cheaper to shoot it in America (and these were certainly not big budget productions) but this one really looks cheap from the claustrophobic sets in pastel colors (which resemble the choices you had in purchasing an American Motors vehicle) to the frequently non-existant use of lighting and that kept constantly distracting me.

While technically inferior to the first two, BLACK ZOO is graced by a number of fine performances from Jerome Cowan's sleazy developer to Gough's tormented wife as played by future soap opera star Jeanne Cooper. Former child star Virginia Grey is very good in her small part as Cooper's agent and Elisha Cook Jr is...Elisha Cook Jr. There are a couple of outstanding scenes that linger long after the film is over. One is the sequence where Gough entertains his big cats with an organ recital while they lounge on furniture just like domestic ones. The other is the funeral of a tiger which is staged as if it were one of Roger Corman's Poe films.

When I first saw this back in the mid 1960s it was on TV and it was in black & white (which probably "colored" my view of it). This Warner Archive DVD-R is a high quality transfer that preserves the original widescreen aspect ratio as well as the 1950s color scheme. I only wish that it contained subtitles so that I could really follow and enjoy the "remarkable" dialogue. While not his best, this rarity is still a must for fans of Michael Gough...For more reviews visit The Capsule Critic.
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Life Is a Zoo
BaronBl00d28 June 2001
Welcome to the Michael Gough School of Dramatic Acting where subtlety is as foreign as class is for Roseanne Barr. Gough teams up with producer Herman Cohen for one more time(previously making Horrors of the Black Museum and Konga together). The result is a fun if not flawed film. Gough plays Michael Conrad the owner of Conrad's Animal Kingdom and one man accustomed to getting his way in life. Seems to also have quite a good relationship with his zoo pals, especially the big cats: a lion, a lioness, a pair of cheetahs, a tiger, a black panther, and also a fake looking gorilla(George Barrows AGAIN!). Gough plays organ music to his animal friends in his living room, belongs to a cult group of animal worshipers, and uses his friends to kill any personages that get in his way. To say Gough overacts is an incredible understatement. He bellows his lines with ferocity in scenes that do not need such vigour, but he is always fun to watch. The film is really very interesting as the cats are real and they have been trained very nicely. The acting, aside from Gough, is uniformly good with a nice performance turned in by Rod Lauren(The Crawling Hand) as a mute assistant forced to aid Gough. Jeane Cooper is lovely and does well as Gough's wife, and the character acting of Elisha Cook, Ed Platt, Virginia Grey, and Jerome Cowan all enhance the film. Make no mistake though, even though he wildly overacts, Gough is the film's main attraction. You have to look a ways to find a more over-the-top performance and a bigger slice of ham! The film also boats a wonderful scene where a tiger gets buried. Amidst the swirling fogs and moody backdrops, Gough, with mute assistant and wife, gives a eulogy before all the big cats. Effectively eerie.
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Conrad is animal crackers!
BA_Harrison19 May 2018
Michael Conrad (Michael Gough) is the tyrannical owner of a successful private zoo that would give today's PETA activists a coronary, with wild cats in cramped cages, and a chimpanzee theatre-the act of Michael's downtrodden wife Edna (Jeanne Cooper)-that sees the chimps dressed in clothes and forced to perform circus tricks, the show culminating with one of the poor primates being rewarded with a cigarette.

Amazingly, Conrad is convinced that he is treating the zoo's attractions with love and respect, and even belongs to a cult of animal worshippers who believe in soul transferrence. Clearly off his rocker, the zoo owner uses his obedient beasts to kill anyone that might threaten their way of life, sending a tiger to pounce on a snoopy reporter, a lion to maul a pushy property developer, and getting his gorilla (played unconvincingly by a man in an ape suit) to bash in the skull of Jenny Brooks, an entertainment agent who offers a circus job to her friend Edna.

When Edna learns of Jenny's death and finally realises the true extent of Conrad's cruelty, she decides to skedaddle, convincing Conrad's mute son Carl (Rod Lauren) to join her. Of course, Conrad isn't about to let that happen if he can help it...

To put it simply, Michael Gough makes this film. The actor goes so over the top in his performance as the bitch-slapping, lion-hugging maniac that he takes the film into camp territory, making it a whole lot of fun despite the somewhat trite set-up. Gough chews up the scenery and spits it out with relish, his hammy histrionics hugely entertaining, with his meal-time altercation with Edna being particularly memorable, the argument resulting in a hilarious spot of casserole hurling!

Other highlights include Conrad inviting his big cats into his study where he entertains them with his organ (oo-err!), the zoo owner dealing with a sadistic employee by feeding him to a lion, and the eerie night-time funeral of Conrad's beloved tiger Baron.

7.5/10, rounded up to 8 for the completely pointless but welcome inclusion of three pretty young art students who come to the zoo to draw the animals.
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Herman Cohen - Michael Gough usual stuff
searchanddestroy-11 July 2023
As there was Tod Browning - Lon Chaney or Vincent Price - Roger Corman for the Edgar Allan Poe's adapted novels films cycle, you also had at a lesser scale the duo Herman Cohen and Michael Gough for movies such as KONGA, HORROR AT THE BLACK MUSEUM and BLACK ZOO; same trademark in evey film, and Michael Gough as some kind of poor man's Vincent Price or Peter Cushing. It is fun, tense, never boring despite those so simple and basic plots. Here, in this film, Gough is the villain but for whom you can feel some empathy because of his desperate fights to save his zoo and animals against greedy and nasty estate brokers, business men or other ambitious land owners seeking to get rid of him. Plus, you have good characterization. I like those early sixties films. The opening scene is, I guess, a tribute to Val Lewton - Jacques Tourneur's CAT PEOPLE and LEOPARD MEN.
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