Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold (1975) Poster

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Superior Sequel
gridoon3 August 2006
This sequel to "Cleopatra Jones" reduces the blaxploitation elements and adds a HK flavor to the mix, with colorful production design and over-the-top stunts (definitely some "ouch!" moments here). Tamara Dobson is a little sexier this time (despite the excessive makeup), but she still lacks a certain grace in her fighting, and she is overshadowed by her Chinese co-star Tanny, who is not only beautiful but executes some great kicks as well. Stella Stevens, as the villainess, is also a major improvement over Shelley Winters, as she actually poses a physical challenge to Cleo (who knew that Stevens could be so good with a sword?). Overall, this sequel is better than the original mainly because it feels more like a HK action film than an American action film. (**1/2)
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pure blaxploitation
trashgang27 September 2011
Made in the midst of the seventies and the era just before the explosion of the horror genre. Just before that exploitation was the independent thing. And of course black actors wanted to have their own exploitation. Here we have a very good example what we call blaxploitation. But this here is really good. Naturally the main leads are black people but the one to look out to is Tamara Dobson. She was a natural beauty but sadly she became sick and stopped making movies in 1984. She died of her disease which was MS in 2006. Here she's Cleopatra Jones, let's just say a black 007. But look how the feature was made, back in those days they knew how to do their stuff, no CGI or other stupid effects, here's it's the real stuff but here it's effects in the attacks and the many fights. Don't think that you will see a serious amount of blood, no it doesn't. But of course for the seventies nudity was a normal thing and it contains some nudity. But also have a look at Cleopatra's clothes and the way they put some make-up on her. The score, pure seventies, this is excellent stuff. I can't say anything that I didn't like in it. The chases with the cars and motorcycles, it goes on for minutes. You can guess it, one to watch
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Solid blaxploitation with impressive action.
Abyss4723 September 2012
The first Cleopatra Jones, in my book, is one of the very best black action films of the 70's. Tamara Dobson made for a gorgeous and charismatic lead, the full embodiment of a strong black woman, who contains beauty, brains, and attitude. It also helped that her body was in such great shape, considering she was a model. She towered over her supporting actors like a giant, at 6 feet 2 inches. The film was also quite successful at the box-office and quickly gained a cult following that continues to this very day. So, of course a sequel had to be made.

The first film took place on the streets of Los Angeles, which worked great for the film's story, but the sequel moved things to Hong Kong, a location that better suits the playful tone Max Julien was going for. The story here is pretty mild compared to the racially charged one found in its predecessor, moving away from being steeped in black culture like most other blaxploitation films at the time. Here, two black male agents are sent on an undercover mission, only to find themselves getting into trouble with the film's villainess, the dragon lady (played convincingly by Stella Stevens), who is a sadistic lesbian and a marksman at shooting. Whereas Coffy demonstrated female empowerment in excessive ways, this film takes a more subtle approach, as Cleo is forced to go get her fellow male agents out of trouble, and save the day. There are no scenes with a female blowing a man's balls off here, the film takes on a light-hearted tone pretty early and sticks with it until the end. That doesn't mean it has no violence, there's plenty to be found here, but none of it is over-the-top like it is in the Pam Grier revenge movies.

As expected, Cleo gets hit on by her white boss, as well as the various Asian characters who take up most of the film's cast, and who can blame them? The fight choreography isn't the best, but their rapid enough so as to avoid tearing the film down, and thankfully, the movie doesn't just contain fights. There are gunfights, vehicle chases, and explosions aplenty, and director Charles Bail did a good job of keeping the ball rolling. There are some slow spots to allow the viewer to catch a breather, especially towards the beginning, but for the most part, this is a very action-packed film that has plenty of appeal for both Hong Kong action fans and blaxploitation fans, as the two genres mesh together and form a seamless whole here, similar to Black Belt Jones and Enter the Dragon. Cleo gets aided in the film by an Asian woman named Mi Ling, who proves capable of being able to kick just as much ass as Cleo. This foreshadowed the team-up of Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan in the Rush Hour movies, as both trade quips and wisecracks throughout.

The acting isn't the best, but if you've seen enough exploitation movies, that shouldn't be a problem, as even the worst acting adds to the amusement factor. Personality-wise, Tamara Dobson overshadows the rest of the cast by quite a wide margin though, and I definitely disagree with reviewers who said she was best in supporting roles. I think both Cleopatra Jones films proved she could carry her own film very well. The movie hits its peak in the finale, which contains a large-scale battle in the dragon lady casino complete with motorcycles, machine guns, explosions, Kung-Fu, and swords, as both Cleo and the dragon lady duke it out in a fight I wish was a bit longer. It's a stunning sequence that easily one-ups everything that came before it. The rest of the action scenes are quite good though, and the soundtrack as well. I always liked the Cleopatra Jones theme. Sure, it's not iconic like the James Bond theme, but it's still really nice. If I had one major complaint, it would be that the scenes scattered throughout the film with the two black male agents aren't very interesting, and there are some cringe-worthy lines here and there, but not enough to ruin the overall experience.

It's a shame that another Cleopatra Jones film was not made soon after, I would've loved for it to be a trilogy, but apparently this one wasn't well received and didn't do the business the first film did at the box-office, so it's understandable. Still, an awesome B-movie gem like this is definitely worth a look alongside the first film, as they're among the best films of the blaxploitation genre.
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Mamma Jamma takes on Hong Kong!
Infofreak17 January 2002
'Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold' is even more enjoyable than 'Cleopatra Jones' (if such a thing is possible!), because it realizes that the best thing about the first movie was its sense of fantasy. The sequel doesn't even attempt to be realistic or socially aware, it goes for trashy Bond-like entertainment, and is all the better for it.

Special Agent Cleopatra Jones (the beautiful Tamara Dobson) arrives in Hong Kong after the disappearance of her friends the Johnson brothers (the always amusing Albert Popwell and Caro Kenyatta) in a drug sting gone wrong. She befriends a local street smart girl Mi Ling (Tanny) who helps her track them down. All paths lead to The Dragon Lady (Stella Stevens).

In the first movie Cleo's nemesis Momma was played by Shelley Winters, a drug pushing lesbian. In this movie it's Winters' 'Poseidon Adventure' co-star Stevens, again a drug pushing lesbian. What's up with that? I don't know, but The Dragon Lady beats Momma at her own game, she also runs a gold casino in Macao, has foxier girlfriends, and is pretty nifty with a sword.

This is fantastically entertaining silliness. Cleopatra wears her usual outrageous outfits, talks tough, kicks ass, and never runs out of wise-cracks or loses her cool. The relocation to Hong Kong and the ensuing increase in martial arts is a good thing. Don't ignore this movie if you're a fan of blaxploitation, 'Enter The Dragon' or James Bond. Great fun!
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Chop-sockey B-movie is fun for awhile but overstays its welcome...
moonspinner5529 October 2006
Follow-up to 1973's far better "Cleopatra Jones" has statuesque black actress Tamara Dobson returning to her signature role as chic, super-tough narcotics agent, here busting a heroin ring in Hong Kong. Cross-pollination of blaxploitation action-flick and kung-fu B-movie is fun at the outset but eventually flags. The shoot-out finale is right off the assembly-line, and Dobson herself seems less energetic than before (she's still sexy, and she puts a unique spin on her comically-stilted dialogue, but these surroundings may have been too much of one thing for her--she's jaded). Stella Stevens plays the villainess this time; she's good, but can't match Shelley Winters in the predecessor. ** from ****
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"Don't Race Your Engine, It's Staying in the Garage"
BaronBl00d28 December 2005
Surprisingly entertaining Blaxploitation film from the 70s with Amazonian Tamara Dobson returning as the hustling, Kung Fu fighting, bizarre fashion plate Cleopatra Jones. This time Cleo needs to help Matthew and Melvin Johnson in Hong Kong to break up a drug ring under control of the Dragon Lady(actually she and her casino are in Macao). Dobson must wear no fewer then ten weird outfits and quips one-liners throughout with the aid of little helper Ni Tien(a most beautiful young lady). The Dragon Lady is played deliciously by the ever delicious Stella Stevens. Stevens actually gives a pretty good performance as one cold-hearted, ruthless woman accustomed to getting what she wants. This movie gives you exactly what you are promised and expect: lots of action, lots of silliness, lots of innuendo and subtle as well as obvious humour, and lots of martial arts. Dobson gives her standard performance and the rest of the cast does as well. Character actor Norman Fell is here as Cleo's governmental contact and lends the film some credibility. You got to love the 70s action sequences, the outlandish costumes, and that groovy soundtrack.
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Stella Stevens sabotaging her own career
mls41823 July 2020
I cannot imagine why Miss Stevens even considered doing this awful film.
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nick12123510 February 2021
So many iconic, powerful women in this movie I can't get over it!!! Cleopatra is, of course, the most iconic one and she changes outfits every single scene and all of those outfits are amazing 70s gems. I am obsessed. Definitely style over substance and wouldn't be half as good if it didn't have so much 70s kitsch but I could watch this over and over despite the lack of plot or character development.
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And the Screenplay of Mold.
mark.waltz6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, lightning does not strike twice with this sequel to the 1973 cult comedy action film. Tamara Dobson is back, looking every bit as sensational as she did 2 years before, but unfortunately, the spark is missing from the situations surrounding her. Too bad because she has some great Chinese locations footage to work with, but where there was plenty of humor and camp and action in the first film, here, you get a little bit of comedy and plenty of action, but nobody really seems to be having as good a time as before.

In fact, Tamara Dobson is the only one back from the first film, and the villain is here is the one who made fun of Shelly Winters in "The Poseidon Adventure", none other than Stella Stevens, here call the dragon lady. Like Winters, she's a female drug lord, yet has made the orient her poppy field. She holds two of Cleopatra's associates hostage, and they are basically prisoners in a spa, given female companionship in the form of a pretty Chinese girl while Stevens gets to do bad things that obviously takes place off screen until the end.

The highlight of this film is Dobson's love/hate association with Norman Fell, playing a character by the name of Stanley long before he rented out an apartment building to two girls and a guy and kept fending off a lusty wife. Their scenes together are the highlights along with Dobson's association with another pretty Chinese lady who also is an expert in the martial arts.

So while there's plenty of action and some good moments, this doesn't have the spark of the first one. Obviously you couldn't bring Winters back and keep the credibility, but Stevens has played better villainesses before. It certainly is a missed opportunity for a film series that started off great but conked out at two.
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loving Hong Kong
SnoopyStyle20 October 2022
Agents Matthew Johnson and Melvin Johnson are on an undercover drug sting in Hong Kong. They end up in the middle of a shootout and taken prisoner by the lesbian Dragon Lady (Stella Stevens). She's a drug lord who runs a Macao casino. Fellow agent Cleopatra Jones (Tamara Dobson) goes searching for her friends with local detective Mi Ling under supervision of her superior Stanley Nagel (Norman Fell).

Tamara Dobson has the height of a supermodel, and also the acting skills of one. In this sequel, the exotic Far East is the saving grace. The local extras really help the action scenes. It almost doesn't matter that the girls are not that good at action. They have a lot of good stunt guys willing to sell the hits. It's a little comical, but it's a vast improvement over the first movie. If the thugs are getting their heads cracked, the action is going to look good. Even as local background, it's great to see the local city flavors. I love 70's Hong Kong and its crowded street level scenes. There are car chases through the streets. What's not to love? I also love the two familiar American faces among the exoticness of all the Chinese actors although I wish Norman Fell had more to do. I'm not saying that this is a good movie. I'm saying that it's a good blaxploitation B-movie.
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This sequel is far superior to the original.
planktonrules23 October 2022
I was not a big fan of "Cleopatra Jones" and think it's one of the weaker examples of blaxploitation. Why? Because the leading character is sort of a 'Mary Sue'. This is a character who is too perfect...with no apparent weaknesses and simply too good to be true. In this film, Cleo is a master secret agent, expert at martial arts and is seemingly impossible to kill. She also is amazingly squeaky clean and instead of the usual anti-establishment black hero, this one is working for and supporting the System. As such, it seems like blaxploitation in name only. Why the studio thought this film deserved a sequel is beyond me. Now I am NOT against sequels. For example, I liked "Shaft" and it's sequels. I just don't understand a sequel to a mediocre (at best) movie.

"Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold" begins with some undercover men in Hong Kong trying to buy drugs off a Chinese gang run by The Dragon Lady. But they soon disappear and no one can locate them. Cleo flies to Hong Kong to find them because she's so nice AND the men are her childhood friends.

Despite my disliking the first movie, I was totally shocked when I found I liked this sequel. I still don't feel like it's exactly blaxploitation, but it's a decent spy/martial arts film. Much of it is the nice location shoot in Asia and much of it is because the entire film does NOT rest on Cleopatra Jones. Instead, she has a lot of help...particularly from Mi Ling whose martial arts skills are much better than Cleopatra's (which isn't saying much).

Now I am also NOT saying it's a great film...more like silly escapism you can enjoy as long as you don't think to much! For example, the big gun battle in the casino...well, it's enjoyable but utterly ridiculous!

By the way, apart from Frankenstein, the Wolfman and a few other movie monsters, has anyone worn MORE makeup in a movie than Ms. Dobson as Cleopatra?! I really don't think so!
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Stella Stevens is HOT!
Jimbo522 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A much better looking lesbian villainess for Cleopatra Jones to fight in this second one of the series! Stella Stevens as the "Dragon Lady" is a two-face: smiling and cooing to her casino guests, but a deadly bitch to those who cross her (including one of her Chinese girl lovers whom she has killed when the girl decides she prefers Black dude Albert Popwell instead of her blonde sapphic mistress.

The climatic fight to the death between the black heroine and the white villainess is totally rousing, and the outcome prompted cheers from the 1975 audience!

Rumors of Stella's nude bath scene are still unconfirmed. It would be great to see!
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More of a Hong Kong kung-fu flick than a blaxploitation
Red-Barracuda11 March 2024
In some ways, you could be forgiven for considering this one only a borderline example of blaxploitation. It certainly isn't an exploitation film in any way and plays more like a standard secret agent action movie, where the heroine just happened to be black. The previous Cleopatra Jones film was another which was a little more family-friendly so-to-speak, with less salacious content than was normal for the genre and establishment friendly narcotic agent heroine, yet it still had Cleopatra kicking about the streets of L. A. knocking drug peddlers about. In this one, like in jet-setting action movies such as the James Bond series - the action is wholly switched to an exotic location, in this case Hong Kong. Of course, that allows the film to tap into the then massively popular kung-fu film craze. Two undercover agents go missing in Hong Kong and a female drug queen is thought to be responsible - Cleopatra Jones is sent over to sort it out.

It has to be said that this is an inferior sequel, with Cleopatra taking too much of a backseat, with the Hong Kong angle amplified at her expense. Its not to the films advantage, as the title character is the star attraction here and its her we want to see more than anything. It also feels like the blaxploitation element has been too diluted in general, which is hardly too surprising given the location. Statuesque Tamara Dobson is still a good presence here, with Stella Stevens doing some good things as the evil female gang boss role, covered by Shelley Winters in the previous movie. But mainly this one is too much of a generic action romp and it does lose the off-the-wall element which makes the best blaxploitation films so enjoyable.
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Dumb fun...
JasparLamarCrabb21 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Tamara Dobson returns as the high fashion government agent in this fun, and very dumb, sequel to the 1973 hit. This time Dobson is in Hong Kong trying to find the drug dealers who've kidnapped her cronies (jive-talking brothers Matthew & Melvin Johnson). She's helped out by Shaw Bros. star Tanny, as Mi Ling Fong, a very efficient Chinese detective and the two women have great chemistry. Director Charles Bail brings a lot of style to the film, aided by very colorful cinematography by Alan Hume. Dobson wears one outlandish outfit after another including, at one point, a fox stole. As in the earlier film, she's a very commanding presence. The supporting cast is stellar and includes Norman Fell as Dobson's befuddled superior, creepy Christopher Hunt and Stella Stevens as the "Dragon Lady." It's action packed though not the classic the original is.
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A classic of multiculturism: Blaxploitation + chop-cocky
jamesrupert201411 July 2023
Statuesque agent Cleopatra Jones (Tamara Dobson) arrives in Hong Kong to take on a drug cartel and to rescue a couple of missing colleagues (agents Johnson and Johnson!) who have been abducted by the nefarious 'Dragon Lady' (Stella Stevens), local kingpin and owner of the titular casino. Although there is some typical '70s jive-talk (mostly from Agents Johnson) and lots of "black" wisecracks from Cleo, the film is really only 'Blaxploitation' by virtue of its star, otherwise it's a typical 70s Asian gangster action film. There are lots of car chases, motorcycle stunts (some better executed than others) and a huge, preposterous but entertaining climatic firefight/kung fu battle. Dobson is an imposing presence (she towers above her Asian co-stars) but she's not much of an actress (although beyond the usual tough-guy banter and quips, she doesn't have a lot to work with). The rest of the cast are as expected in a martial-arts-gangster actioner (Norman Fell is amusing albeit predicable as Cleo's hapless handler). Considering the genre, the film is relatively tame (more 'action' than 'violence') although there is one inexplicable flash of 'skin' during the panicky egress from the casino (planned or wardrobe malfunction?). Dobson, a model, did her own make up and Cleo's skin is near opalescent at times, and her wardrobe, while 'fly', is remarkably impractical for a hard-fighting federal agent. More Asian than urban, 'CJatCoG' watchable for those inclined but given the plot and the local, isn't a very good example of 'Blaxsploitation' compared to genre classics such as 1973's 'Superfly' or 'Coffy' (if you prefer a heroine).
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This movie is definitely worth a viewing but a step down from the first film
kevin_robbins14 May 2022
Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold (1975) is a movie I recently watched on HBOMAX. The storyline follows two friends of Cleopatra Jones who go missing while on a mission in Hong Kong. She flies to Hong Kong and follows her friends trail straight to a drug king pin. She will try to uncover what happened to her friends and bring down the king pin down.

This movie is directed by Charles Bail (Street Corner Justice) and stars Tamara Dobson (Chained Heat), Stella Stevens (The Nutty Professor), Norman Fell (Three's Company) and Kung-Wu Huang (Jade Tiger).

This film had a lot of the cool look and feel elements of the first film but the storyline lacked the depth. The soundtracks, cars, attire, jive, characters and settings were cool, the film just felt like it was going through the motions.

Overall this movie is definitely worth a viewing but a step down from the first film. I would score this a 5.5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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"I never claim to be God, Stanley. Only close to Him."
utgard1415 July 2015
Statuesque special agent Cleopatra Jones (Tamara Dobson) is back in this action-heavy sequel, facing off against yet another lesbian drug lord (Stella Stevens). Two of Cleopatra's friends go missing in Hong Kong so she heads there to find them. She teams up with a local detective (Ni Tien) and the two chop-socky their way to the evil Dragon Lady.

Tamara Dobson was certainly an elegant and striking presence. While I don't think she was as good an actress as Pam Grier, she did bring something unique to the screen. She's like a more feminine and attractive Grace Jones. Her makeup choices in this are very questionable, though. Busty Stella Stevens makes for a sexy villainess. She doesn't appear nude here (despite a scene that teases she will) but she does show off her magnificent cleavage. Pretty Ni Tien (billed as Tanny) is good as Dobson's butt-kicking partner. Norman Fell plays the obligatory white boss that is the brunt of many deserved jabs from Dobson.

It's a watchable movie but not as good as the first Cleopatra Jones. There's many reasons for this but a few are the weaker soundtrack, a more boring script, too much focus on other characters besides the lead, and no Shelley Winters hamming it up. This does have some nice martial arts scenes (particularly for blaxploitation, where 'amateur' would be the kindest way to describe most fight choreography). It does seem like it was filmed with a higher budget than most blaxploitation movies I've seen. Still, there's something ho-hum about it all and I found myself wishing it was more fun than it is.
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The Best
Neriah2228 November 1998
I think this is one of the best movies during the Blaxploitation era. Its full of Suspense and Drama. I would recommend this movie to anyone. I gove it two BIG thumbs up!!!!!!!!
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Bad Girl - Stella!!
howtotohow26 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The large bosom-ed but sweet girl of the 60's, early 70's changed her dumb blonde persona in this one completely as the deliciously evil Dragon Lady. Through out this movie the tension between Cleopatra and Bianca, the Dragon Lady, keeps escalating. You know before the movie is over it will come down to a showdown between these two beautiful ladies. And when it finally happens the Dragon Lady gives Cleopatra all she can handle. Stella Stevens is wonderful as a "bad girl". The final fight scene is very well done as these two deadly ladies go at it with swords. A very convincing fight. Cleopatra's (Tamara Dobson) satisfied look as she takes Stella's sword away from her and runs it through the evil Dragon Ladies stomach is amazing! I wish Stella would have played more bad girls in her career.
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it's actually pretty good!
ksf-229 October 2022
Tamara dobson is cleopatra jones, in the follow-up to the original from 1973. Here, she's in hong kong to find out what happened to the other undercover spies who were here setting up a sting. She meets a hong kong police detective, who helps her take on the local crime boss "dragon lady"! Co-stars stella stevens (poseidon adventure), norman fell (mr. Roper!) some great scenery of hong kong in the mid 1970s. Mucho swearing. All kinds of rough talk (by both black people and white people) that was pretty accepted at the time. But wouldn't be today. Off to macau, where the adventure continues. It's better than expected. Has a good, solid story. Some blood and guts. More of a story and less of the silly blaxploitation stuff we saw in the first one. Dobson died young at 59, from ms and pneumonia. Directed by chuck bail, who also did the gumball rally.
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Drug Lords Beware...
azathothpwiggins3 July 2023
In CLEOPATRA JONES AND THE CASINO OF GOLD, Tamara Dobson is back in the title role. This time, Cleo's in Hong Kong, where she's been brought in to bring down the drug empire of the Dragon Lady (Stella Stevens) and her army of kung fu cohorts. With her new partner, Tanny (Ni Tien), at her side, the duo kick, chop, punch, and shoot their way through the HK underworld.

Ms. Dobson fills her character with grace and attitude, making her an imposing figure. Ni Tien adds some extra vigor, especially during her big fight sequences. Ms. Stevens plays up her sadistic role well, coming across as menacing and ruthless. This sequel is arguably better than the original film, making the best of its new location and utilizing some excellent chase scenes.

This all culminates in a memorable, rip-roaring, final confrontation...
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Fun sequel
Woodyanders18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Special agent Cleopatra Jones (robustly played with sassy'n'sexy aplomb by the stunning Tamara Dobson) goes undercover to take down the nefarious Dragon Lady (a deliciously wicked portrayal by Stella Stevens), who has a fierce monopoly on a major drug operation running out of Hong Kong.

Director Chuck Bail keeps the immensely enjoyable story hurtling along at a constant snappy pace, makes the most out of the exotic locations, stages the rip-roaring action with considerable go-for-it skill and gusto, and even sprinkles in some tasty bare female flesh for trashy good measure. Bill Tennant's witty script boasts lots of sharp one-liners. Moreover, it's acted with tremendous zest by an enthusiastic cast: Norman Fell as worrywart superior Stanley Nagel, Ni Tien as brash partner Mi Ling, Albert Popwell and Caro Kenyatta as super cool brothers Matthew and Melvin, Shen Chan as slimy dope peddler Soo Da Chen, Christopher Hunt as vicious lackey Mendez, and Eddy Donno as wormy toad Morgan. Alan Hume's glossy widescreen cinematography provides a pleasing slick sheen. Dominic Frontiere's funky-throbbing score hits the get-down groovy spot. As an added plus, Dobson looks absolutely fabulous dressed to the nines in various stylish outfits. A total blast.
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A few notches above its predecessor
Wizard-87 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Though it came out just two years after the first movie, "Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold" feels totally different than the first movie despite the central plot being the same (the heroine out to demolish a drug ring.) And it some aspects, it is an improvement over the original movie. This sequel looks a lot more exotic, thanks to the Hong Kong setting and the budget obviously being a lot higher. Also, the action sequences are a lot better, particularly the over the top climatic battle. However, the script should have been worked on a bit more before filming started. There isn't a lot of story here, and it unfolds extremely slowly. Also, the character of Cleopatra Jones is almost an afterthought at times, with her being offscreen for extended periods of times. These script problems, along with the facts that the blaxploitation genre and the Hong Kong action genre were dying when the movie was released may explain why the movie didn't do particularly well at the box office. But if you liked the first movie despite its faults, you will probably like this sequel as well.
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Last gasp of the Blaxploitation Superchick
El-Stumpo8 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
CONTAINS SPOILERS: It's a case of "sack the blacks, sign the chinks", when Cleo jets off to the Orient hot on the trail of two undercover agents who have mysteriously disappeared after an explosion on a sampan full of opium. In Hong Kong she teams up with shady operator Mi Ling, a female kung fu superstar in her own fight - but that's another article. After layin' some kung-fu moves on the local Triads, they head to Macao to investigate the white-as-snow owner of the 'Casino of Gold', the Dragon Lady, played by Stella Stevens. Stella spent the 60s looking sweet and acting dumb; here she plays a vicious lesbian heroin lord (again with the lesbians?) and gets deadly with a blade. Tamara Dobson returns as Cleo, minus the big hair but still the show pony for those ghastly 70s fashions. The film plays up the comedy and was a hit for a brain-dead actioner, but the genre, like Stella Stevens at the end of Casino of Gold, was dead in the water.
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