Fantasy Mission Force (1983) Poster

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The greatest film of ALL TIME!
GraeS29 April 2001
It isn't the greatest film of all time, of course, but it is certainly one of the oddest. No matter how many times I see this film (and I've seen it quite a bit) I never get tired of the relentless, manic energy this film spews from the screen.

The plot is so inane that I'm tempted to ignore it. It may or may not take place during the Second World War- in any case, the Japanese invade Canada, and, in the process, capture Abraham Lincoln and a handful of other dignitaries. This situation is of course intolerable to our Chinese allies, who immediately hire a crack team of mercenaries to rescue the captives. Wackiness ensues.

At various points we encounter a village full of leopard skin-clad amazons led by some guy in a tuxedo, a haunted house full of hopping zombies, a ridiculous song & dance number in a restaurant, and an army of Japanese Road Warrior-style Nazis who surf on top of old American muscle cars. The movie is hilarious, and, as far as I'm concerned, a must watch.
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Oh. My. God.
Doctor_Cheese7 October 2003
What the hell? This movie has everything! Hopping undead corpses. Crazed Amazons. Ghosts who cheat at cards. Japanese Nazis who attack riding atop 1970s clunker cars. Stupid musical numbers. Abraham Lincoln as a World War II general. Throw in loads of gratuitous violence, Chinese guys dressed in kilts and Elvis jumpsuits, and, er, Jacky Chan (and his chicken) and you have quite possibly the stupidest movie ever made. You won't know what to make of it either, but if you have the proper amount of beer on hand, and a few fellow appreciators of c**p, it won't matter in the slightest.
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Nonsensical fun!
tarbosh2200013 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly the most insane Jackie Chan vehicle, "Fantasy Mission Force" begins with a bearded General with a monocle deciding who is going to be part of a commando group. He shows the people in the room a slide show of James Bond, a man resembling Snake Plissken and Sylvester Stallone as Rocky. After stating that "James Bond is not available, he's in a different country", and "Rocky is not part of a military operation!", he is cut off in mid-sentence by the title, credits and song. It then goes to a bar where people are singing and dancing.

Are you confused? That's okay, it's all part of the nonsensical fun.

Next we have Jackie Chan (in this outing as "Jacky") fighting a sumo wrestler. He did fifteen years in jail "for gambling". It then cuts to a Monty Python-style parade of Chinese Scottish people in kilts and playing bagpipes. The "Fantasy Mission Force" consists of a few people walking around outside. They then find a haunted house with a floating head. Then there are "yellow-hooded Nazis".

This movie is a jumble of crazy ideas, sped-up martial arts, bad dubbing (Jackie Chan sounds like a girl) and jagged editing. It's rare that you see a movie where absolutely nothing makes any sense whatsoever. There are some fight scenes at the end that are somewhat "normal" but "Fantasy Mission Force" is one silly, zany scene after another. If that sounds like your cup of tea, see it if you get the chance! For more insanity, please visit:
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Strangest movie ever
marvelscrub12 August 2003
My God. I don't really know what to say.. I expected your usual old-school Chan flick. Not even Close. It's a movie about a bunch of goofy characters on a mission to save some people.. I think. Either way, it is TOTAL fantasy with that strange slapsticky Asian comedy that us westerners just don't quite get. Totally off the hook, and here's the clincher. Jackie isn't even a main character! Just an old movie he did as a favor for Jimmy Wang Yu (I think) repackaged under Jackie's name for obvious reasons (moolah).

Definitely one of the strangest movies I have ever seen.
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A great party movie, but for God's sake, bring beer!
mojohammer22 December 1999
A hectic martial arts farce, it's a hard movie for casual fans to accept. Drinking helps. By our collective second beer, we stopped caring about glaring anachronisms and Benny Hill-like comedic sequences and just started whooping like baboons at the film's many hilariously bad "high points."

Apparently this is the "Good, Bad and the Ugly" of chop-saki flicks, inasmuch as every character gets his or her own ten-minute introduction to the audience. Yes, there is minimal Jackie, but he makes up for it with a well-choreographed fight scene against a dozen amazon warriors (played by women in the closeups, by men during the stunt sequences) all the while holding a chicken.

Other highlights include a houseful of decapitated, blood-sucking ghosts which falls somewhere between Disneyland's Haunted Mansion and Roger Corman's Death Race 2000; Plus, a young Kate Bush kicking butt in her vinyl thigh-high red booties; Also, Fans of the "Sharp Object Injury to the Butt" school of comedy won't be disappointed.

As for the undubbed musical number at the beginning of the film, what can I say that hasn't been said before? It was at once both mind-bendingly horrible and unspeakably fantastic.

Well worth the $2.99 I paid for it. As long as you approach it as a novelty film rather than expecting a "Drunken Master" out of it, you'll be cheerfully repeating "But first you must call me 'papa.'" with glee and fond memories for days following.
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What did I just see?
Jittersx414 June 2005
Well i bought the "Fantasy Mission Force" in the Jackie Chan triple punch pack for about 6 bucks and I tell you what, I did not have a clue what I was in for with this movie. First off there is no real plot there is everything from Jungle women and Nazi's to Abe Lincoln and Haunted Mansions. Then Jackie Chan is barely in the film, maybe for a good 10 minutes at the most. When I finally finished the movie all I could say was "Wow" I had no clue what I had just seen. A bad dream? A hallucination? I don't know, the best thing this movie is for is a good laugh because thats all I did. The description on the back of the movie box says "Fantasy Mission Force"-"Japan is trying to take over the world and during an attack on the Chinese forces, the Japanese capture four Western Generals. Fearing that if this news were to reach their troops it would affect their morale greatly, a force of loners and fighters is put together to try and rescue the generals and save the war effort with the promise of gold and pardons of past crimes." Well I guess thats what its supposed to be about but this is the Weirdest movie I have ever seen,ever.
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Proof that conspicuous consumption is fun
smccar778 March 2011
"Fantasy Mission Force," is quite aptly named. The movie is a fantasy about a mission taken on by an eclectic force of military types. The catch is that all coherency stops at the title. FMF is best described as ridiculously bizarre. Only under the broadest definition can the film be said to have plot or characterization. Examining what this film has is not really of much use. Rather, FMF is most effectively evaluated by what it purposefully lacks.

To be brutally honest, this film lacks a great deal of what many consider the qualities of a proper film. To be sure, a camera and actors were used. However, the film quickly begins to diverge from generally accepted standards at this point. The assumptions of the filmmakers are not really comprehensible. It would appear that creating a mixed genre farce was the goal. To achieve this, the film strings together several set pieces that peripherally hint at particular genres. For example, horror is incorporated by having the "force" stay at a haunted house. What happens in the haunted house defies explanation. Honestly, the scenes in the haunted house simply make a full break with reality and the genre. The effect is an incoherent mish mash of semi-familiar clichés causing either intensely uncomfortable confusion or riotously funny weirdness. In addition to the set pieces, the transitions make absolutely no sense. In regards to the horror scenes, the protagonists escape an incarnation of the devil by setting off a string of cheap fireworks. How does this work? Never you mind, the next set piece has already begun. While the characters remain generally the same between vignettes, everything else is altered based entirely on whim. Essentially, this film is a mess.

Oh, but what a mess! The humor is an acquired taste. Imagine a film that purposefully breaks any and all assumptions an audience might have just for the sake of doing it. You want a story? Sorry. Do you like things to be slightly realistic? Tough luck. How about characters that have character? Nope. Social perspective, observational humor, or even a dram like logic? No, No, and No. What will you give me? How about whatever I feel like and a few explosions. Not only is that all the viewer gets, the end result is absolutely hilarious. FMF is perfectly summed up as the result of deviously jaded filmmakers providing "product" for a public that will consume it. If anything, the film clearly illustrates that the human animal is still amused by flickering lights and shiny things. I have never been so hilariously made aware of my almost non-existent standards.

On a personal note, I will absolutely recommend this film to certain friends. Should you be a "film connoisseur" then FMF will probably not be to your liking. On the other hand, if you enjoy what can be and has been done with a motion picture camera, then this is a movie for you. The film lends itself to large amounts of intoxicants and running commentary. 3.5 of 10 stars.
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Laughably Bad Action
CitizenCaine11 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is not really a Jackie Chan movie; because, Chan is only a minor character in it and appears briefly. A group of mercenaries is supposedly trying to rescue a group of generals being held captive by Japanese soldiers during World War II. There is another group though that's after the generals, so the mercenaries have to contend with that group as well as the Japanese. Along the way, they also run into a collection of weirdos, including vampires, ghosts, and even Amazon women. You know the quality of any movie is in doubt when Amazon women characters appear. It's always a lame attempt to corral the male audience's attention. The action is laughable in this movie and so are the effects. The soundtrack was stolen from several American movies of the time, which means this was a very low budget film. By the time that the end of the movie arrives, so many characters have died that you really don't care anymore. This is easily one of the top five worst movies that Jackie Chan has ever appeared in. 1/2 star of 4.
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Do not buy this film!
spiney-47 October 2006
Utterly terrible waste of time and money. Jackie looks embarrassed and Wang-Yu looks like he is finally having second thoughts about making this movie by the finale. Completely pointless; there is no plot whatsoever (unless you count WW2 soldiers, Nazis, Amazons, zombies, vampires as making sense put together).

Jackie has about three fights in it: number 1, some kind of stupid wrestling match; number 2, JC beats up girls with paper bags over their heads; and number 3, a sloppy throwdown with Jimmy. If any of these sound enticing, well, I'm sorry to say they are not even as good as Police Woman (and that, my friends, is saying something).
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Fantasy Crazy Force Headache
Bezenby30 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Fantasy Mission Force

Genre: Martial Arts, War, Horror, Comedy Released: 1982 Director: Chu Yin Ping Starring: Jackie Chan (according to the cover)

There are movies that are good to go and see in the cinema, expensive spectacles of light and CGI, impressive acting and intrinsic plot twists, films you walk away from full of hope for the future of the moving picture. Other pictures are just good to watch when you are either stoned and/or drunk. Fantasy Mission Force is one of those films. In fact, it could well be the God of the stoner film. Jackie Chan did this film as a favour to Jimmy Wang Yu, who it's said helped him out with some Triad problems, and only appears here and there throughout the movie. Which is a good thing for Jackie. Our story takes place during World War 2, and begins with Jimmy Wang massacring the Japanese with a machine gun while driving around in a jeep. On returning to base, he is given a mission to rescue General Abraham Lincoln from the Japanese in Luxemburg, and to do so he has to gather a crack team of non-army folks from various locations in Europe. After a quick musical number in Chinese (the rest of the film is dubbed), Jimmy captures his first team member by luring him with food, grabs another who's just escaped from a Chinese jail (in Europe), and bags a violent assassin couple by almost killing them first. The female part of this couple bazookas her house before she goes for some reason, and the whole gang, including a comedy duo, set off for Luxemburg in a jeep. Jacky (as it's spelt here) is a hustler, bumping people for money by duping them into fights or something. It's hard to tell. After making a large amount of cash, the local chief of police takes it off him and Jackie, missus in tow, sets off into the wilderness scant. Our heroes, crossing marshland, are attacked by masked Amazon warriors, and Jimmy is killed. Nevertheless, our heroes plod on, only to get themselves captured by the Amazons, who live in a complex riverside bamboo village (in Europe). A tuxedo-clad James Bong type rules these chicks, and wants to kill the male half of our heroic gang. Luckily, they are rescued in a hailstorm of explosions and run off to the next mental part of the film. Jackie joins in the action for a bit again here, fighting with a live chicken in his arms (chicken NOT chuffed by the looks of it), and then goes away again. Next up our heroes find themselves kipping overnight in a house full of Chinese ghosts, which leads to many bizarre scenes, including one of the heroes settling down to play cards with two ghosts, and a dinner party involving loads of scary claws taking the pish out of another character. Somehow one of the characters ends up dressed in armour and swinging a morning star about, and they all finally end up at their end destination, only to find they've been double crossed by Jimmy Wang Yu, who is still alive. However, the cast of Mad Max turn up in seventies cars (during WWII) adorned with swastikas, and a huge battle breaks out. Our heroes are all killed in surprisingly violent and gory ways, including the comedy relief who is impaled by a sword shoved up his back door! Jackie appears and sorts out the rest of the baddies, including Jimmy Wang, and the whole film just stops as if someone has switched of the DVD for you. Fantasy Mission Force goes where not even films like Zombie Flesh Eaters would dare. Two minutes into the film sanity hails a cab and gets right out of town, leaving you watching a Nazi Kong FUD horror fantasy film which is so insane you have no idea where it's going to go next. The dialogue is hilarious, the acting diabolical, and the plot developments thought out by someone on heavy sedatives. Don't buy it to see Jackie Chan, because you'll feel let down, buy it because you need to see one the craziest films in existence.
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About as bad a movie as I've seen.
Nameless13 December 1998
I accidentally rented this movie to introduce some friends of mine to Jackie Chan's work. My first complaint is that the movie advertises Jackie Chan, but he has a relatively minor role in this movie. Secondly, the movie was not at all intelligible (not even so bad it was good). This movie was either full of inside jokes (which not one of us got) or simply lacks continuity. It is perhaps the worst film I have ever seen.
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What the #@*! was THAT?
fineanimal2 September 2004
Wow. Reviewing this movie is like reviewing someone else's hallucination. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to it, no way to even know what I just saw, let alone how to describe it. It makes Yellow Submarine seem as coherent as Schindler's List.

You owe it to yourself to watch this movie. Because you will sit in utter amazement, gaping throughout, wondering to yourself how, how is it possible that human beings could, or would, produce something this unbelievably awful. And at the same time you'll simply marvel at just how entertaining whatever this is, is.

I give this movie 10/10, but only because there is nothing else like it on earth. It is so... unique, you just have to experience it before you die, or you will never have really lived. Like love, or a bad fever, no one can explain it to you, you just have to endure it yourself.

The only relevant description I can offer is this: even the venerable folks at Mystery Science Theater 3000 never had the stamina to take on a film like this, but you can sure bet they wanted to. Enough said.

Oh, and it has Jackie Chan. Sort of.
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A fun film with no regard for logic or reason
Leofwine_draca11 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This crazy kung fu oddity from Taiwan is a real one-of-a-kind movie, a cheap and cheerful exercise that is so horrendously bad that schlock lovers will find themselves having a great time watching it. The low-budget antics rip off the likes of war films such as THE DIRTY DOZEN, as a team of no-hopers are assembled to drive deep into the heart of enemy territory and rescue some kidnapped generals and reclaim some stolen money. The film chronicles the various adventures that the characters find themselves up in, at the same time ripping off the music from HALLOWEEN along with various scenes from Hollywood movies.

Throughout the film we are witness to such diverse sights as a drinking game in which the contestants use guns to shoot the clothes off a tied up woman, Jackie Chan chasing a chicken around, and a gang of bagpipe-playing Scots (dressed in kilts and armour) who run around in sped-up motion, Benny Hill-style, for comedic purposes. The humour is definitely over the edge and ranges from the completely dire and moronic (blowing up cigars, looking under kilts, etc.) to the hilariously amusing in places. But the best thing about FANTASY MISSION FORCE is the totally off-kilter, anything-goes style situations that our heroes find themselves in. You know you're in for a good time when a bunch of flying female Amazons attack our heroes using colourful strips of cloth whilst femme fatale Brigitte Lin goes around dressed like a man and kicks backside all over the shop.

Things culminate in our heroes arriving at their set destination, at which point they find themselves besieged by an army of post-apocalypse warriors. Here the comedy stops and the bloody action begins with a downbeat massacre of a finale which is at odds with the light shenanigans we have previously witnessed, extremely violent with spraying arterial blood and the likes of swords being stuck up under kilts, etc. Leading the gang is a puffy and ageing Jimmy Wang Yu who appears far too briefly to earn much respect. Also appearing is Jackie Chan (who apparently did the film as a favour), playing a dishonest boxer who keeps disappearing and appearing in the story with little rhyme or reason. The (admittedly exciting) finale offers up a kung fu battle between Wang Yu and Chan, which is definitely worth this reviewer's money in terms of entertainment value - it also proves that at this late stage in his career, Wang Yu has still got what it takes in the action stakes.

Undoubtedly my favourite segment of the movie is the extremely odd "haunted house" interlude, in which our gang take refuge in an old building overnight. There, they find themselves besieged by bloody arms popping out of the walls, hands in the toilet, and even a hopping vampire for good measure. The comedy highlight is definitely the gambling game between one of the central characters and a group of ghosts, with the human not realising the spectral nature of his companions. Cue lots of floating heads and stretching arm stunts. Whilst FANTASY MISSION FORCE can definitely be classed as a "bad movie", the sheer entertainment value is high due to the insane antics in hand. Seemingly made with little regard for logic or reason, this exercise in the absurd is a must for lovers of the weird.
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Rent this and you'll wish you hadn't.
fizbandm7 September 2001
If you truly are a Jackie Chan fan, you will clutch your stomach in pain at the truly epic monstrosity that is this film.

This is a film about banquets. It begins with what you are lead to believe are WWII generals, such as Abraham Lincoln, being captured by the Japanese in Luxumborg. So the Chinese allies, who are so outraged by this eventuality, enlist the aid of, among others, a ratty asian in a top hat who opens the movie with a song and dance number, a psycho chick with a hypercolour bazooka, and our beloved Jackie Chan, who has a chicken.

After one person escapes from a prison camp, to be met with a banquet in the middle of the road, the band of merry mercenaries find themselves attacked by ribbon wielding amazon chicks, sleep in a chinese vampire infested house, and kill seemingly endless amounts of Japanese American muscle car surfing Nazis.

There is so, so much blood, and death. And a fight involving a chicken. To be honest, I had more fun reading other people's comments than I did watching the movie. Viva la Imdb.
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steve-toes21 February 2006
I saw this movie in a bin at the local department store. I remember thinking "wow a Jackie Chan movie for 4.99" Little did I know that Jackie only has a small role,(His face was all over the DVD case). When I got home I watched the movie and it made no sense at all. It was supposed to take place During world war two and there was a guy who looked like Abe Lincoln and the allied forces were talking about sending 007 in (There was a sean connery photo) to rescue the generals and they mentioned Snake Plisskin and even Rocky Balboa. That was weird enough. But it got worse when in another scene, cars obviosly from the 70s came driving up with a gang in them. I gave up and turned the DVD player off. I never watched the movie since. These are just my views though...
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This movie is horrible.
rj-1826 October 1998
This is the only Jackie Chan movie that I haven't liked. It is cartoonish in the worst way. Jackie seems only to be a minor character. And the fight scenes are lame.
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One of the worst movies ever created...
Jabba3591 December 1998
If this is someone's first introduction to Jackie Chan, then don't think that this is his typical movie. I am a huge Chan-fan and I hated this movie. It hardly even has him in it.
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One of the worst films ever made. Don't Miss it!
claffert13 February 2003
This movie is amazingly bad. I am willing to say that this is the worst film I've ever seen. If you buy this because you are a Jacky Chan film, you will feel cheated. Only watch this film if you willing to enjoy a film based on just how bad it is.

It is best watched with many friends while extremely intoxicated.

One final note. If aliens ever visit your house and want to see a representative of mankind, be sure to destroy this DVD before they see it. ;-)
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If you like it or not, you can't go wrong either way...
AaronKenMcGuire28 December 2013
Fantasy Mission Force is a unique film directed by Chu Yen-Ping. Debates on if his movies are "good" continue. There seem to be three reasons why people may dislike this movie: (1) Jackie Chan is barely in it. (2) The DVD releases are terrible. (3) They don't realize that this movie knows what it's doing (This sentence will make more sense later on).

People may be disappointed that the movie that they spent $2 on barely has the actor that they wanted to see: Jackie Chan. The reason for Jackie Chan being on the covers of literally every single DVD of this movie is because of marketing. Besides, how else are they going to attract people to these terrible DVD releases? Usually the DVD releases for this movie are full screen, English dubbed, and VHS quality. This plays a big factor in the "crappy- ness" of this film. I would imagine that if this movie had been widescreen, re-mastered, and in it's original language, this movie could've been enjoyed more. The Malaysian DVD and the German DVD seem to be liked more. I also look forward to the day that this movie gets released on Blu-ray. Don't worry, it's coming.

In my opinion, this is a movie that knows what it's doing. Let me explain. This movie knows that it's bad and decides to take advantage of what they can get away with. So what if this movie isn't historically accurate? This is a movie that's so ridiculous that saying if it's good or bad doesn't matter. The question you should be asking yourself shouldn't be is this movie good or bad, but instead you should be asking yourself is this movie entertaining. Well, it IS entertaining.

Simple pleasures come from this movie. I do realize that some of the jokes are esoteric to most audiences (even esoteric to Chinese audiences), but the movie is still entertaining. Seeing where some of these actors went after this movie can be fun. The actor who played Old Sun became an actor in City on Fire. The actress who played Lily was later in Police Story with Jackie Chan. Speaking of which, isn't it incredible that Jackie Chan didn't let this movie ruin his career?

As much as it seems like I'm praising this movie, it's still ridiculous and nonsensical for most audiences so I do understand where the tremendous amount of hate towards this movie comes from. But what I'm trying to say is that the people who hate this movie are taking it too seriously. I don't know how to rate this movie; I'm kind of split, but I think we can all agree that this movie desperately needs to have a Blu-ray release. It'll happen someday. I promise...
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Fantasy Mission Force (1982)...a bunch of crap
Super Bob29 November 2001
I just bought FANTASY MISSION FORCE along with MASTER WITH CRACKED FINGERS on DVD and, as Luke Skywalker says: "What a piece of junk!" This movie is so horrid it's funny. Jackie is not the star, by the way. That crazy Jimmy Wang Yu is. NOTE: On various websites I've read this film was supposed to be funny. If it was, then these people aren't doing a very good job.
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Best/Worst Movie I've Ever Seen!
Monk N M28 February 2001
I bought this yesterday and have watched it three times already. The editing is truly laughable. The dialog is bad too, but it seems that the film makers knew it and were just having a lot of fun. It is supposed to be WWII, and there are '70s muscle cars in it? Sick and wrong you say? Naah! They just wanted to play! Somebody gave the producers a bunch of money and explosives and they just took off with it and had a great old time! First they played at doing westerns, then did a Benny Hill skit, a bit of Sheena of the jungle, cut abruptly into a goofy horror movie, then ended with Mad Max. All during WWII? Hahahaha! I laugh, haha. Don't you naysayers get the joke? I mean really, Chinese guys playing Scotsmen with kilts? Asians in German Nazi SS uniforms? British general Robert Foster is Hispanic? They could have gotten caucasians for those parts if they'd wanted to. They chose not to on purpose, and that's excellent. It's what I like most about this movie; logical boundries aren't important. Time, place, and culture just get alllll messed up. If this movie had tried to be a serious action flick, then yes, it would be a failure. I think that when they made this film they achieved most everything that they had set out to do. It's successful, and not a flop. It's just very great in a very bad way.
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Just Awful
peplinski30 August 2001
This movie is quite simply....awful. There is almost nothing redeeming in it whatsoever. While some people claim it falls in the "so bad, it's good" category, I disagree. For that to happen, I believe a movie must contain a certain amount of "cheesiness". Parts where you laugh out loud because it was so obviously bad that you know the director has striven for that type of bad shot. However, when a movie is total cheese from beginning to end, it's not "so bad, it's good", it then becomes "so bad....period.". Maybe, just maybe, it is a good drunken movie experience, but for me, it wasn't even a good action vehicle for Jackie Chan. As a spoof, it might have been funny, but my cultural reference is so different I missed any humor aspects of it. This movie was chaos exemplified, and had no redeeming qualities. Don't bother asking about characters, plots, settings, direction, or cinematography. Even the action scenes are dull and relatively boring. Except for the fact that I might be missing the point of this film completely due to cultural differences, I believe I can safely say this is the worst movie I've ever seen.
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So bad it's funny.
ReccaBecca20 June 2002
I watched this movie with two of my friends, and it is hands-down the funniest movie I've ever seen. It's so horrible. And it's so random. An island of cannibal women. Superheroes with KKK hoods who fly and throw streamers. A haunted house with jumping zombies. For God's sake, Japanese Nazis in Canada whose base is in a barn. And if you watch at the end, one of the junk cars the Nazis have has a Star of David on it. I very, very strongly recommend you watch this.
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