Moonraker (1979) Poster


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Likable Roger Moore in an amazing adventure set on exterior space
ma-cortes29 November 2010
Roger Moore's entry in which faces dangerous adventures around the world . Moore's outing with overwhelming action and spectacular scenarios , the film teams Bond with an American agent (gorgeous Lois Chiles) in an effort to stop an industrialist from destroying the surface world so he can rule an outland kingdom . After his first introduction in ¨Live and let die¨ as tough and attractive James Bond of the Ian Fleming's famous creation , Roger Moore went on playing various 007 , and ¨Moonraker¨ is one of the best . The picture starts with an overblown free-fall opening , the best part of this film and introducing a giant villain (Richard Kiel who will repeat in subsequent entry). This Bond film deals about seductive James Bond OO7 as the ultimate spy hero who is assigned by MI6 a dangerous mission pursuing an intergalactic mad man (Michael Lonsdale in a potentially sinister presence as the head baddie) . Meanwhile , Bond goes to Venice there happens a high-octane race and Bond discovers clues in Rio De Janeiro. James is double-crossed and continues to follow the lead , deciding to investigate in Amazonas . Following the tracks all lead a nasty billionaire , a maniacal villain who schemes a world conspiracy.

Roger Moore as James Bond is cool , he does remarkably well , he earns in irony, suavity and sympathy, however also has coldness ,cunning , intelligence and toughness . Here Bond is an efficient , relentless agent trying to chase obstinately the criminals , traveling around the world as always , as this globe-trotting story is set in England ,America, Venice, Amazonas , Rio De Janeiro and exterior space . Bond to achieve his aims , along the way uses violent means even pulling off brutal killings against enemies who wreak all sorts of havoc . As always Bond will use gadgets provided by ¨Q¨ (Desmond Llewelyn) . In addition , there appears the usual as Lois Maxwell, ¨MoneyPenny¨ , Sir Gray as Geoffrey Keen , Walter Goetell as Russian general and Bernard Lee's last appearance as ¨M¨ .

The picture contains comic-strip adventure , sensational pursuits , silly set pieces, great stunts, tongue-in check humor, frantic action packed , amazing gimmicks and stimulating images like are the happenings on the spectacular races, the breathtaking aerial scenes, and the spacial fights . As is like a roller-coaster , as is fast-paced, light, excitement, funny and entertaining ; it's a winner for oo7 fans and non-fans alike . The chase and suspense formula wears strong in this entry .Enjoyable title song by Shirley Bassey and stirring musical score fitting to action by the usual composer, the classic John Barry . Riveting and fancy main titles by habitual Maurice Binder , furthermore eye-popping production design by Ken Adam . It's brimming with colorful and fascinating cinematography by cameraman Jean Tournier. The motion picture produced by habitual producers, Albert R Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson , being professionally directed by Lewis Gilbert who directed various outings though with no originality . Director Gilbert keeps this moving at an incredibly fast pace and this story about every's favorite super-spy falling in love with a CIA agent is one of author Ian Fleming's best . The film will appeal to James Bond series's buffs but good for fans only ; because this one goes on far too long . Rating : 6'5 , well worth watching .
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The most visually striking 007 ever made
Maciste_Brother17 June 2007
Of all the Bond films, MOONRAKER is, imo, the most visually striking of the entire series. It looks like it cost a billion bucks to make. The sets by Ken Adams are amazing (he should have won an Oscar for them). The locations are stunning. The fx are well made and still hold up today. The women are above average gorgeous (they all look like supermodels before supermodels were in). All of this beautifully filmed by cinematographer Jean Tournier. I love watching MOONRAKER just because it's so damn gorgeous to look at. I don't know how many times I saw it at the movies when it came out just to appreciate the beauty of it all. Unfortunately, we are talking about a James Bond film and of course there has to be the usual formulaic stuff seen in every other James Bond film.

Basically, MOONRAKER is a remake of YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE and THE SPY WHO LOVED ME. I always preferred MOONRAKER over the schintzy SPY WHO LOVED ME, which was made just before this one. Lewis Gilbert directed those three Bond films and MOONRAKER is his crowning achievement. Personally speaking, Gilbert is a bad director. His films are always bloated and sorta soulless and yet still gorgeous. Aside from his Bond films, he rarely made an impression with his other films. In fact, he's the one who directed THE ADVENTURERS, which is a good looking film but it's really, really awful. I'm glad Gilbert stopped making Bond films. He was always too laid back for action films like this.

There ARE a lot of memorable scenes in MOONRAKER: the entire intro is now a classic and much better than the one in SWLM. Corinne being chased by dogs. The simulator scene. Bond fighting with Chang in Venice. My favorite scene is when Bond and Goodhead are stuck below a shuttle's rockets and are about to be burned alive. A near perfect action moment there. The climax in space is fun if improbable. I love the scene when they have to destroy those globes as they re-enter the atmosphere. Really suspenseful. But as good as those scenes are individually they almost don't register as a whole because the story and direction are so lackadaisical, so relax. It's like everyone was on vacation. There's absolutely no grit to this film. It's really sleek and smooth but nearly bite-less. The whole story seems to be just a preamble to the action set in space.

What really stands out about MOONRAKER are the many long moments with no dialogue. I'd say about 50 to 60% of the film has no dialogue. Just music and sound effects. It's almost a silent film. Moore didn't have a lot of dialogue to remember and this was an easy film to dub.

The story is as easy as connect-the-dots: The British owned Moonraker 5 disappears in mid-air and 007 is sent to California to investigate its disappearance. At the Moonraker plant in California (France really) Bond find blueprints of vials which leads him to Venice, where the vials are fabricated. And from Venice Bond goes to Brazil where the vials, filled with deadly nerve gas, are shipped to the underground layout of Drax (boringly played by the usually reliable Michael Lonsdale. Love the name "Drax" though). Oh and we learn that Drax wants to create a new race of super humans by killing everyone on earth by dropping those nerve gas filled globes from space while Drax and his super humans reside in Drax's space station. I actually like that part of the story and some of the grandeur of it (Drax wanting to be God) is actually achieved with the striking visuals and the amazingly lush score by the brilliant John Barry. Unfortunately, again, this is a James Bond film and thought provoking ideas are set aside for formulaic action.

I wish this wasn't a James Bond film. Take away all the Bond elements, the stupid humor, flesh out the screenplay and this would be a spectacular kick ass science fiction film.

Anyway, back to James Bond.

I really like Lois Chiles as Holly Goodhead. She's my favorite Bond girl ever. Beautiful and sophisticated but tough. She's no bimbo. I remember a lot of my friends in school didn't like her because they thought she was too tough for a babe. I guess Holly Goodhead was Girl Power before Girl Power was in. For me, Chiles epitomizes everything chic and sexy about the late 1970s. She's unforgettable in that black jumpsuit. But the Holly Goodhead role is a really badly written one. She's almost an afterthought to the whole story. They basically needed a character to fly the space shuttle and Bond into space (something 007 obviously couldn't do) and Goodhead was basically that: just a pilot. Then there's Corinne Clery who is truly gorgeous but sadly, again, her role is minimal. Then there's the not so beautiful Jaws. Jaws was so popular in SPY WHO LOVED ME they brought him back here. I don't mind this but they turned him into a good guy and he even falls in love with a ditsy girl. This part of MOONRAKER is *really* bad. Someone should completely edit that storyline out of the movie and its rating would go up exponentially. And like in THE SPY WHO LOVED ME, the musical in-jokes were needlessly distracting.

These bad aspects about MOONRAKER are almost negligible though because the film is such a visual (and aural) feast. Whether it's one of the best or worst of the series, I really don't care. I can positively state though that this is THE best looking Bond film ever, with an actually cool science fiction story somewhere in it. I give MOONRAKER 10 stars for the look of it all but 5 stars for the laid back and sometimes silly direction. So an average of 7 stars.
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Fly me to the moon, Mr. Bond.
vip_ebriega19 February 2007
My Take: The comedy is occasionally off, but the special effects and action sequences are terrific.

Why do some viewers think this entry in the series is by far the weakest of Bond. I beg to differ, I actually think this is one of the better Bonds with Roger Moore. Despite its occasional decline to over-silliness (even for Bond standards), I actually find it more entertaining than Roger Moore's early entry "The Man with the Golden Gun".

The plot, which is more like a variation of THE SPY WHO LOVED ME and YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (only a little sillier), involves the theft of the Moonraker space shuttles. 007 is sent to Drax Industries, the manufacturers or these shuttles. He soon discovers that the owner, Hugo Drax (Michael Lonsdale) uses this rockets to fulfill his dastardly plans to create another civilization.

One of the main reasons that critics mistreat this Bond entry is because it doesn't go with the trend of the other Bonds. MOONRAKER tries to be more faithful to the then-popular trend of science fiction movies (after the enduring success of such classic as STAR WARS and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS). Another would be its occasion to go beyond the level of silliness and not knowing when to stop. A humorous moment where Bond drives a gondola with wheels is OK, but it's other scenes like Jaws (Richard Kiel) finding a girlfriend are just too silly. More extreme silliness ensues (there are moments of true high-camp standards here), but as long as the sharp wit, the panache and style made famous by many other Bond films are there, there's no real harm in trying something else to go along with it.

Rating: ***1/2 out of 5.
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Maybe too fanciful but still enjoyable
michelerealini4 October 2005
After "The spy who loved me" Bond producers wanted to do "For your eyes only". But the massive "Star Wars" success made them change their mind -sending 007 to space.

"Moonraker" (1979) is maybe too fanciful and slapstick, with too many special effects, stunts and gadgets. The film goes too far away also from the previous movie ("The spy"), which was perfect.

But "Moonraker" is very well done, from a technical point of view it's a masterpiece. It's surprising to see how everything was made with accuracy -for movies, in 1978-79, there were neither computers nor CGI effects.

The film is really funny and entertaining, with beautiful sceneries and sets. Venice, France, California, Brazil and Guatemala are the fantastic locations. Scenes in the space are only in the last 30 minutes of the movie -so it's not true that the film is entirely set in the space, as some detractors say.

The film contains also homages to "The magnificent seven", "Close encounters of the third kind" and "2001" -discover them! 7,5/10
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At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery.
hitchcockthelegend5 June 2012
Moonraker is directed by Lewis Gilbert and adapted to screenplay by Christopher Wood from the novel written by Ian Fleming. It stars Roger Moore, Lois Chiles, Michael Lonsdale, Richard Kiel and Corinne Dufour. Music is scored by John Barry and cinematography by Jean Tournier.

Bond 11 and 007 is tasked with finding out what happened to the Moonraker space shuttle that mysteriously disappeared up in space. His investigation takes him to the billionaire builder of the craft, Hugo Drax, where Bond discovers a fiendish plot to start a new world of perfect human beings.

At the end of The Spy Who Loved Me we were told that James Bond would return in For Your Eyes Only, but the gargantuan success of Star Wars and a rekindling of all things sci-fi led Albert Broccoli to send 007 out into space! Armed with a $30 million budget and using only the core base plotting of Fleming's novel, the makers crafted what many feel is the runt of the James Bond litter. The money "is" up there on the screen, it's excess overdrive, outlandish from start to finish and actually is very very entertaining. The problem is that in James Bond terms it barely feels like a Bond movie, it actually could be any bloke propelling the story, this is a guy reliant on gadgets and not his brain or brawn, quipping away purely for the sake of a cheap laugh. Ultimately it's a cash in, both in terms of the sci-fi boom hitting the late 70s and of the James Bond name.

If judged away from the Bond universe on its own popcorn terms, film is a blast, literally. As a whole it's a bit choppy, but many of the parts desperately trying to make up a cohesive blockbuster are great entertainment. Mid air scrap for a parachute, a cable car sequence brilliantly realised, centrifuge chamber peril, boat chase, laser fight and much space age malarkey, the film is chocked full of crowd pleasing moments. In fact it's often mistaken as being a film set in space, when in fact the action doesn't move up there until the last half hour, the previous hour and a half is spread out over France, Italy, Brazil, USA, Gutemala and of course England. The score and the title song, however, are very much Bond. With Barry and Bassey back respectively, film is filled with appropriate atmospheric space strains and a hauntingly emotive theme song.

Charaterisations are a mixed bag. Lonsdale's Hugo Drax is one of the better Bond villains, dignified, well educated and wallowing in a life of luxury, he's perfectly understated in Lonsdale's hands and in fact steals every scene he shares with Moore's Bond. Holly Goodhead (Chiles) is a bold Bond girl with many skills, she's a scientist and an astronaut, attractive and decently played by Chiles, if a touch unmemorable in the Bond girl universe. Kiel is back as Jaws, with the makers choosing to make him some love sick puppy dog, where once was a unique villain, now is cypher for slapstick and a crappy flip-flop of plotting, while the "love interest" for Jaws, Dolly (Blanche Ravalec), is cringe worthy. Sadly this would be the last appearance of Bernard Lee as M, but he leaves a favourable mark, as does Desomond Llewelyn as Q, but once again Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell) is all too brief, the flirt and banter she used to share with Bond now seems long gone.

With a committed Bond fan base trudging through the turnstiles to see the latest instalment, the sci-fi fans intrigued by the themes of the story, and the general blockbuster loving crowd, Moonraker made a colossal $203 million at the worldwide box office. Making it the highest grossing Bond film so far, a record that would stick until Brosnan's debut in 1995. While critical notices were not as bad as some would have you believe, the critics clearly judging it on non Bond terms. Broccoli took notice of the fans, though, who were upset by the lack of respect to the serious side of Bond. He promised things would be different for Bond 12. 7/10
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Not all that bad...
ThomasHayden3 March 2005
Considered almost unanimously as one of the worst films in James Bond series, it is time for Moonraker to have a defender. On my opinion, this is Moore's best fourth outing as 007(may be not saying too much, but there are three films left), and a very entertaining sci-fi film. Critics argue that humor plays a strong hand in this movie-strong to such a degree that Bond character loses all personality, becoming blurred in an impressive set of FX and stunt men. I reply: certainly there are flaws, some of them (particularly Jaws conversion towards the end) very ridiculous. But there are good points, too. Remember that pre-credit scene, which was ACTUALLY shot in the air, the motorboat chase or the final space battle, one of the most spectacular moments of the entire series, (yeah, it was unrealistic, OK, but tell me how much realism you can find watching other Bond movies which are frequently referred to as" the best". Think of Goldfinger or You only live twice)

However, Moonraker does not compare to Octopussy or TSWLM, because of a sometimes plodding pacing, due to the addition of unnecessary scenes, especially during the first half, when James is Drax's guest in California. The love story is a mere and inferior copy of TSWLM. And, while in other Moore's films the blend of humor and Bond's trademark coolness worked smoothly, here Bond is not given a scene to show, not necessarily ruthlessness, but a bit of harshness, as we could see in FYEO or Octopussy.

Following Moore's outings will feature Cold War elements which seem to fit more with the character, and better screenplays from Richard Maibaum,the series' screenwriter who was mysteriously absent here.

But action remains mostly exciting, sometimes brilliant, and highlights what could have been a mediocre entry.
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Girls, Shuttles, and Jaws
SnoopyStyle23 December 2013
Roger Moore returns for another James Bond movie. This time someone steals a space shuttle mid-transport. He investigates Hugo Drax (Michael Lonsdale), the manufacturer of the shuttle, who turns out to be the man with the evil scheme. Bond follows clues across the globe while dodging Drax's assassins including Jaws (Richard Kiel). Along the way, CIA agent Dr. Holly Goodhead (Lois Chiles) joins forces with Bond.

There are a lot of hot girls in this one. Maybe that's why Lois Chiles don't stand out as a Bond girl. In this one, I remember much more of Jaws' girl Dolly. And quite frankly, Jaws remains the greatest Bond villain henchman ever.

The story is convoluted, and outlandish. They've literally gone out into space. The action is stretching out into exotic sightseeing. This is the formula now especially for Roger Moore. It works for a Bond movie. It's an escapist adventure.
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...while Ian Fleming spins in his grave...
mdouglasfresno3 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
To even include this monstrosity of a movie in a catalog of Jame Bond films borders on travesty. This was NOT Bond! This was simply a sorry attempt to cash-in on the space craze started by Star Wars, and complete the process of turning Bond into a comic-book character. Fleming's Bond (or even Eon's early Bond incarnation, as played by Sean Connery) is by now totally unrecognizable. He's not a secret agent (and government-sanctioned assassin) but a jet-setting playboy crime-fighter who stumbles from one action set-piece to another. Roger Moore's Bond is a total lightweight, and comes across about as credible as Inspector Gadget. Maybe that's fitting, because "Moonraker" is far more a filmed cartoon than a spy thriller.

True, "Moonraker" didn't begin the slide from Fleming's vision into comic-strip, but did it accelerate it! You could even say that "Moonraker" ran the series right into the ground, so naturally there was no where else to go but "up" for the next entry, "For Your Eyes Only". "Moonraker" is absolute rock-bottom for the entire series, what with a totally outlandish plot, overblown futuristic sets straight out of "Star Trek", one-dimensional characters who are as thin as cardboard, and (most embarrassing of all) ill-advised attempts at broad humor.

The plot is senseless and ridiculous. True, Fleming's novel was horribly dated by 1979, but ANYTHING would have been better than what Christopher Wood finally dreamed up. Drax plotting to destroy all life on earth and breed a new generation of perfect people under his rule in a space station??? Does this make ANY sense??? All the action sequences are only tired re-workings of previous movies (far too many to list, but suffice to say that I saw elements of virtually every previous Bond flick made to date). And if this rehash wasn't enough, they even went so far as to bring back the "crowd-pleaser" of the previous film, Jaws. Jaws made a mildly interesting villain for one movie, but trying to sustain menace into a 2nd appearance just doesn't work -- you get the feeling that both Bond AND Jaws are completely indestructible, so where's the tension in their fights? I suspect the producers and screenwriter must have recognized this too, for mid-way thru they turn Jaws into a virtual cartoon character, and ultimately a "hero" who helps Bond. (Can anyone remotely picture Odd-job having a change-of-heart in Fort Knox and helping Bond diffuse the bomb???)

But what makes "Moonraker" truly unbearable is the comic relief. While Fleming purists might not like the witty remarks and tongue-in-cheek humor of the early Bond films, it could be argued that such an approach did make Bond more salable to the movie-going public. I suspect that if Eon Productions had retained the utterly humorless Bond of the novels, then "Dr. No" would have been a "one-off" production only, instead of the longest-running series in motion picture history. Unfortunately, each movie (especially from "Diamonds are Forever" on) became more and more campy and comic. By the time "Moonraker" was made Bond was being played strictly for laughs. James Brosnan, author of "James Bond in the Cinema", has called "Moonraker" the most expensive slapstick movie since "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World"...and unfortunately he's right.

The gondola sequence in Venice comes off as ridiculous; the craft itself is stupid-looking, and the scene is far too reminiscent of the boat-chases in "Live and Let Die" and "Man w/ the Golden Gun". But the scene really sinks into the pathetic when the gondola becomes a hovercraft and moves into the piazza. At this point we see tourists staring in disbelief and suspiciously eyeing their drinks, people falling into the water a la the Three Stooges, and even pigeons doing double-takes! (Man, but Ian Fleming must have been doing some serious turns in his grave at this point). Then we're treated to a scene in which Bond gains entrance to a lab by typing on a touch-tone pad, and it's naturally the alien's tune of "Close Encounters" (groan). Bond also rides a horse, dressed as a gaucho, to the theme from "The Magnificent Seven" (gag).

But Jaws contributes the most embarrassing scene in the entire movie (and the entire Bond series) when he meets that little blonde German gal and it's love-at-first-sight. They come together to the strains of "Tara's Theme" from "Gone with the Wind" and walk off hand-in-hand. OH MY GOD...truly excruciating!!! (By now poor old Ian Fleming must of been spinning like a top). When I first saw this scene in 1979, I was practically grasping for a barf-bag. But I noticed there were plenty of yahoos in the audience who were belly-laughing big-time. Geez, but talk about the producers playing to the lowest common denominator. (And I thought the redneck sheriff of "Live and Let Die" and "Man w/ the Golden Gun" was as cheesy as it comes!). Jaw-in-Love would be bad enough to sink even a good movie (which "Moonraker" certainly is NOT) all by itself. But it's inclusion here insures "Moonraker" as the WORST Bond film EVER.
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eamon-hennedy24 March 2004
Please, don't judge me too harshly, but I love Moonraker, the peak of all things Roger Moore. Never again would the Bond films be this over the top or overtly silly, but the truth is that Moonraker does it right. It will never win awards for being the most subtle Bond film ever made, but it should not be trashed in the way that it usually is because deep down Moonraker is just great fun. Roger Moore's Bond is just fun to be with, the on going joke that everytime Jaws tries to kill Bond he almost gets killed himself, complete with close ups of his exasperated face are brilliant (not subtle, but guaranteed to get you chuckling) and one of the loveliest Bond girls, CIA agent Holly Goodhead.

The script here is definitely not in the same league as the likes of From Russia With Love, The World is Not Enough, Licence to Kill or For Your Eyes Only, but Bond films never set out to be thought provoking pieces of art, they are meant to be grandiose fun pieces of entertainment and if you take Bond films on those levels then Moonraker succeeds admirably. Sure none of the acting is award worthy, and its frequently over the top in every regard. Over the top humor, over the top action sequences (a fight scene in a glass shop sees every bit of glass get destroyed) while the space sequences features a gigantic space battle complete with laser beams.

However there is a lot to like here. The pre title sequence is superb, featuring some of the best stunt work you will ever see in a pre-Brosnan Bond, the special effects are magnificent and lastly John Barry's music is quite simply the best he has ever come up with. For a film so over the top his music is beautiful and would set the hallmarks for his future scores. The sweeping orchestra and beautiful theme song by Shirley Bassey are classics.

Once again I end my review with a note not to judge me, but Moonraker is simply wonderful entertainment and one of my favorite Bond film of all time.
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Bond #11: Space trip
unbrokenmetal13 July 2008
"Moonraker" was the most expensive Bond ever, but after the success of "The Spy Who Loved Me", the producers were confident enough to take a step into the top budgets, also contemplating that after the blockbuster hit "Star Wars", a technical show up in space would sell. The movie was an immediate success, but apparently didn't become one of the most popular for the fans in long term, admittedly it has a few ups and downs. A very silly bit is the gondola, driving on land in Venice. The centrifuge, on the other hand, was a terrific idea. The opening sequence is a classic again: Bond falls out of a plane without a parachute, so he has to get one on the way down! The duel between Bond and Jaws (returned from "The Spy Who Loved Me") in the dizzying height of the cable railway is breathtaking. So is the beauty of Corinne Clery; not easy for Lois Chiles afterwards to get Bond's attention, but "take me around the world one more time" is a beautiful line. We get a Goldfinger type of villain again, a more sophisticated person though: Drax meets Bond early on, we know he's the bad guy, but we don't know what his plan is. The musical score of "Moonraker" includes quite a few ironic comments, but the western reference was a bit too obvious. The set design for Drax' base is remarkably different from the rocket base in "You Only Live Twice". While the latter was covering a huge round crater, Drax' controls in "Moonraker" are crammed in a rather narrow triangle room, but with a hundred screens nonetheless.
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James Bond in space!!??
stephengward18 March 2000
Where do I start? Well, Roger Moore's fourth 007 epic is indeed a poor affair to say the least. After the success of previous Bond movie 'The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)' the Bond franchisers lose the plot completely with this entry in the long-running series. I'm a die hard Bond fan, I love the films and find it difficult to find fault in them. However, whilst the film has certain redeeming features, in general this is bad!! Moonraker contains the lowest point in which the 007 movies have sunk too - steel toothed villain Jaws falling in love!! Its all too formulaic and is no more than Bond by the numbers. Released in 1979 and the first not to be made at Pinewood studios in England, it cashed in on the space craze which hit the silver screen at the end of the seventies (predominately due to the success of Star Wars). At the time the most expensive Bond film ever made, its not difficult to see that the majority of the alloted budget went to special effects rather than to that of the script! The character of 007 has never been so diminished then it is here in this movie. Bond is now merely a tool that demonstrates gadgets and not quick wits. The film can be entertaining if you can over look previous great 007 films such as 'From Russia With Love' and 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'. For its when you compare this offering to those movies you realise how far off the rails the series has gone. Shirley Bassey provides the theme song for the third and final time, its nice enough but not particularly memorable. Bernard Lee makes his final appearance as 'M'. If you're a 12 year-old and you like mindless sci-fi movies that require little attention span, then this is the Bond for you! Sorry to stereotype, but in actual fact most people I've chatted with who like this movie fall into this category. Bond films always provide a sense of deja vu. That's fine by me, its part of the charm of the series, in essence all (bar one or two) follow the same winning story line and it works well. Moonraker stretches credibility way too far without success. Thankfully producer Albert R. Broccoli took heed of this and returned the good commander to earth in 'For Your Eyes Only (1981).
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Criminally underrated Roger Moore's James Bond 007 flick my second favorite
ivo-cobra85 November 2017
Moonraker (1979) is criminally underrated and bashed by Bond fans and I know everyone is going to disagree with me. This is my second favorite James Bond 007 film and in my opinion not yours Roger Moore's best film. This is the eleventh spy film in the James Bond series to be produced by Eon Productions, and the fourth to star Roger Moore as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. The third and final film in the series to be directed by Lewis Gilbert, it co-stars Lois Chiles, Michael Lonsdale, Corinne Cléry, and Richard Kiel.

This film has so much action, action, action, action all the time. It has beautiful girls, climatic battle fights with laser guns in outer space, Bond jumps off the plane without parachute. Climatic fight between Bond, Holly Goodhead and Jaws on the Cable Car in Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio de Janeiro. I love this film to death I grew up with this film and it is my favorite. I'm a hard-core James Bond fan. I make no apologies for believing that even the late Roger Moore is the closest thing we've seen to IAN FLEMING's James Bond.

Since I was a kid I have really enjoyed this film, I have enjoy it in high school and I still do till it's day. I know a lot of people's is at least favorite Bond film because it is science fiction film it is set in space. James Bond 007 in outer space is a bad idea because in 1977 Star Wars come out and they were so popular that they decide to make this film, I don't mind it.

James Bond investigates the mid-air theft of a space shuttle, and discovers a plot to commit global genocide.

Roger Moore in my opinion is the most underrated James Bond 007 ever and I have more respect then i would have a respect to a morons like Daniel Craig I hate the new James Bond! Roger Moore R.I.P. I really miss you I am long time loving fan of you. Thank you for your visiting Slovenia in 2000 I have so much respect for you. My condolences to his family.

Star Trek was so popular even the movies and the show and I don't like em I hated the reboot they made and I still hate Star Trek movies but I love this movie so much it is in space like only 45 minutes and even that wasn't that bad.

This is the sequel to The Spy Who Loved Me Richard Kiel reprise his role as Jaws from the film The Spy Who Loved Me and it was the last film Lewis Gilbert directed. Jaws returns in "Moonraker" and adds some tension to the film… Richard Kiel has become something of a cult figure since his appearance in 'The Spy Who Loved Me'. He reappears as indestructible as ever. His performance was beautiful and wonderful even for the comedic effect than in The Spy Who Loved Me.

Why is my favorite and why I love it so much: I love the filming locations the film was set from California to Venice, Italy to Brazil Rio de Janeiro to Amazon River to Drax base in Iguazu Falls I love this film. This movie has so much beautiful girls you see so many blond girls in this film I feel like this movie set Supergirl. You have a great boat chase on the Amazon River it is fantastic Bond blows up the assassins with a mine. Bond fights with a python in the river Drax's base. Honesty I think Conan The Barbarian copied from this movie the scene about Python fight. Bond fights off Drax henchman Chang (Toshiro Suga). Bond throws knife in the assassin in Venice river and flees with his own boat.

Great direction from Lewis Gilbert I am so proud on the director that he filmed this film in Venice, Italy in the city in which my mom visited. Great music score from Shirley Bassey - Moonraker and John Barry did a wonderful score for the James Bond film.

Michael Lonsdale's performance is astonishingly controlled and precise as Hugo Drax... There's something really scary about his true personality and character... He gives sarcastic remarks about 007: 'You appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season.' 'At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery!' 'Mr. Bond, you persist in defying my efforts to provide an amusing death for you.'

Lois Chiles is a great and the finest Bond girl, the irresistible Holly Goodhead: A CIA agent and astronaut who joins Bond and flies with him to Drax's space station. She was really sexy and beautiful all tough I prefer Drax's astronaut girls way better cause they were so blond.

10/10 Moonraker to me is way better then Skyfall, Spectre, Quantum of Solace, The World is not Enough, Die Another Day, On Her Majesty's Secret Service and even more Bond films I dislike. This is the most underrated film I have ever seen.

10/10 Grade: Bad-Ass Seal Of Approval Studio: Eon Productions, MGM/UA Communications Company Starring: Roger Moore, Lois Chiles, Michael Lonsdale, Richard Kiel, Corinne Cléry, Toshiro Suga Director: Lewis Gilbert Screenplay: Christopher Wood Producer: Albert R. Broccoli Based on Moonraker by Ian Fleming Rated: PG Running Time: 2 Hrs. 06 Mins. Budget: $34.000.000 Box Office: $210,308,099
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This time Bond faces soldiers clad in sporty lemon-yellow spacesuits, Italian gangsters, a lousy sniper, a lousy henchman Chang and a big fat python.
Fella_shibby10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this in the early 90s on a vhs. Revisited it recently.

Currently i am on a Bond marathon but its more than 2 months gap between this n the last, The Spy Who Loved Me.

This is the eleventh in the Bond series and the fourth to star Roger Moore as James Bond.

I found it a bit tedious n mild as there is no threatening villain or no old skool henchman.

It was obviously made to cash in on the Star Wars phenomenon.

The other reason i didn't enjoy this is cos there is too much reliance on special effects.

This time Bond has to face Hugo Drax, a Hitler wannabe.

Bond has to travel to outer space to prevent Drax's plan to wipe out the world population and to recreate humanity with a master race.

This time Bond gets to cool off with Corinne Clery, Lois Chiles n Emily Bolton.

Apart from Drax, Bond once again has to face Jaws and another henchman known as Chang.

Bond also faces innumerable foot-soldiers clad in sporty lemon-yellow spacesuits with black stripes, Italian gangsters in Venice, a lousy sniper and a big fat python. I wanted Bond to face the dogs too.

Some info about Hugo Drax from the book.

Drax is a Nazi soldier and Skorzeny Werwolf commando.
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My least favourite Bond film
rorymacveigh29 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, just the idea of this is unbelievable, James Bond goes out into space and fires lasers to stop an evil man from making a Space Colony and gassing Earth. Those words alone should be the biggest turn off for any viewer, but apparently that's not the case.

There are really too many Clichés in this film that you'll lose count within the first five minutes of which I have listed below:

  • Instead of either shooting or stabbing Bond, they decide it's better to take what appears to be a very expensive plane and abandon it in mid- air, leaving Bond to tumble helplessly from the sky. Bond breaks free from his bonds (forgive the pun) and steals the nasty bad-guy's parachute and attempts to fight off Jaws (yes, him from the last one with the steel teeth), who is left crashing into a Circus Big Top.

  • Rather than secretly killing him whilst Dr Goodhead is away, Drax instead sends his personal Ninja (wierd isn't it?), to turn up the G- force simulator to the point of death. Bond uses his special watch to blow up the controls and shut down the machine.

  • Assassins to turn Bond into Swiss Cheese in the most obvious and overly engineered way possible. Bond escapes in what many have considered the stupidest escape method ever, using a Hovercraft disguised as a Venician Gondola! If you don't think that's stupid, I don't know what is!

  • Rather than using a concealed assassin in the dark rooms, they instead have the Ninja from before try to slice him into Exotic food with a Sword. After running amok and smashing the Glass Museum into a broken mess, Bond is able to kick the Ninja out the front of a clock and down onto a restaurant below.

  • Jaws (yes, he's still in this movie), cuts the steel cables with his razor sharp teeth before confronting Bond and Goodhead on the Cable Car as it tumbles to the bottom. Bond and Goodhead escape just in time for the car to smash straight into the bottom station. Again, Jaws, despite everyone else around him being dead from the impact, manages to calmly walk away, and in so doing comes across a girl and the pair fall in love.

  • A group of henchmen in speedboats attempt to sink Bond in the Jungle. A concealed sniper would have worked perfectly, if not, pre-placed Depth Charges.

  • Rather than having Bond and Goodhead put up against a wall and shot, he instead feels it necessary to put Bond under the blast pad of the launching Moonraker rocket and thereby cremate them. This of course leaves our heroes with ample time to escape and Drax's rocket blasts off into space, our heroes stowing aboard at the same time.

  • In space, a Space Shuttle (which would normally take months to plan and prepare)full of Marines has been whistled up in a matter of hours to come to the aid of our heroes, resulting in a Laser Fight in Space!! This isn't the Battle of Yavin, this is James Bond!!

Like many films of that era, it suffers from the Star Wars effect, where it feels the need to add lasers and space adventures so that it can keep with the current trend. But when you're dealing with James Bond, that cannot and will not work! Roger Moore's acting is quite enjoyable, with his endless run of One-Liner's coming over the hill like the American's at Iwo Jima and Michael Lonsdale makes a really good villain as the menacing and calculative Drax. But other than that, this film falls through the floor faster than Dr Schnider in The Last Crusade. Don't get me wrong, the idea of Social Cleansing with Nerve Gas can make a good story, but not when you apply it in Space with Lasers. It could have been a regional thing, possibly an act of Chemical Warfare on a neighbouring country, or an attempt at Ethnic Cleansing, but no, they had to drag it to the stars and leave it with it's head in the clouds. It's long winded, overly complex and just cannot be Bond...
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Not Great, But Still A Likable Bond Movie
ccthemovieman-110 January 2006
Without Sean Connery in the starring role, I wasn't expecting that much, so this was a pleasant surprise because I found it to be one of the better Bond movies. I'm not saying it was one of the better-made, just one I enjoyed more than most.

Except for Roger Moore as Bond, the actors in here are mostly no-names. However, it was entertaining, had some good action scenes, lots of pretty woman, almost no profanity and some nice European and American scenery. The opening six minutes of action was great as were the opening credits.

Gee, I sound like I'm describing almost all the Bond movies. Well, I just felt this one is a notch above most of them in the categories listed above. The only negative to me was the ending, unfortunately. It was just too hokey and didn't live up to the excellence of the first 100 minutes.
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waqassaleem-852011 June 2021
Really underrated definitely worth a watch. Out of the first 4 Rodger Moore James Bond movies this is my favorite so far.
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Ridiculous but also lots of fun
masonsaul15 February 2022
Moonraker pushes the absurdity and humour of the Moore era to it's breaking point but it's also always a lot of fun to watch and has plenty of imagination. Roger Moore is still a ridiculously charming Bond who is a lot more active and in control in this one.

Michaël Lonsdale is solid Bond villain and Lois Chiles is one of the better and more capable Bond girls. Lewis Gilbert proves that once again he is extremely capable at directing the more epic Bond adventures. The song by Shirley Bassey is good if a little forgettable.
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Worst James Bond ever!
nrhodes3223-118 May 2005
This has to be the most ridiculous James Bond movie i have ever seen. The thing that made it so revolting was the scenes with Jaws and finding that girl and the premise that he goes from trying to kill Bond and then becomes his friend was so bad. And stealing a space shuttle gave the impression that the producers wanted to give a futuristic spin on the series and it flopped big time. Thank God they got back on track with For Your Eyes Only. An excellent plot driven movie. I skipped seeing Moonraker for a long time cause i heard it was awful, i wished i never saw it because it was 10 times worse than i thought it would be! So take my advice, skip this movie at all costs and see For Your Eyes Only or Man With The Golden Gun instead.
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Experience the sheer magnificence of Q's final line!
Nazi_Fighter_David11 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When a Moonraker space shuttle, on loan from the United States to England, is hijacked, Bond is called in to investigate...

Bond surely possess the latest knowledge about nuclear power and is able to fly a rocket ship... Bond's girls too have moved with the times and now join battle alongside him, fighting off the enemy with equal proficiency...

It's nice to see Bond dressed as a Brazilian gaucho, galloping up to a 16th-century Benedictine monastery, and safecracking in a magnificent French château...

Roger Moore is seen humorous and light hearted, gliding through St. Mark's Square in his motorized gondola... He fights with a Chinese manservant in the Venice Glass Museum with great style, and stops himself from throwing a priceless bowl valued at £1 million... He takes out one speedboat with some mines, another with a torpedo and takes off on a hang-glider as his boat goes over the falls...

Bond was initially surprised that a top rocket scientist at Drax Industries was an attractive young woman… He set aside his aggressive attitudes when he realized that not only was Holly a fully trained astronaut on loan from NASA—she was also a CIA agent… She liked better working alone and he had to exhaust himself to win her over…

The eleventh Bond film seems to recycle a number of elements familiar from earlier adventures, most obviously Stromberg's hired killer, Jaws, played once again by Richard Kiel... Hugo Drax, the vengeful ex-Nazi of Fleming's novel, is reinvented as a psychotic who is obsessed with the conquest of space, and plans to wipe out the globe's population with a powerful type of nerve gas... His plan for mass murder completed, Drax will then repopulate the planet with his own master race… His fleet of shuttles—the Moonrakers—which are based in South America, will transport his master race into space… There they will live on a radar-invisible space station until Earth's depopulation has been completed…

Drax likes to play a little Chopin on his grand black piano, and enjoys a cucumber sandwich... His vanity leads him to control his ferocious hounds by the click of his fingers… He brings from France every block of stone used on his California residence... According to his charming pilot, "What he doesn't own, he doesn't want!" and, like Auric Goldfinger, affects a desire to play English country sports...

Michael Lonsdale's performance is astonishingly controlled and precise as Hugo Drax... There's something really scary about his true personality and character... He gives sarcastic remarks about 007: 'You appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season.' 'At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery!' 'Mr. Bond, you persist in defying my efforts to provide an amusing death for you.'

Jaws returns in "Moonraker" and adds some tension to the film… Richard Kiel has become something of a cult figure since his appearance in 'The Spy Who Loved Me'. He reappears as indestructible as ever... He impersonates Christopher Lee in Dracula mode, and has an entirely different trip down a mountain... His little scenes with a cute little blonde girl are very sweet... His despairing search for her on the disintegrating space station is wonderful... The bitter little smile he and Bond share as they prepare for their set-to atop the cable car is inspired...

Corinne Dufour (Corinne Clery) becomes one of Bond's early bedmates… Corinne is Hugo Drax's beautiful helicopter pilot and executive assistant… Unfortunately, in Drax's eyes, her amorous byplay with Bond also marks her for early elimination...

Sadly, 'Moonraker' would mark the end of Bernard Lee's 45-year film career... Already visibly frail, Lee would succumb to stomach cancer; he died in London's Royal Free Hospital on 16 January 1981... Although he made a notable contribution to such outstanding mystery dramas as Carol Reed's 'The Third Man,' and Basil Dearden's 'The Blue Lamp,' it is for his definitive 'M' that he will be remembered...
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Silly, yes, cheesy, yes; but it's never boring
Leofwine_draca29 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the uneven storyline, the weak attempts at innuendo, and a distinctive recycling of the action sequences (mainly the chases), there is still plenty to be enjoyed in the much-maligned MOONRAKER, Roger Moore's fourth outing as Bond and the first to incorporate a distinctly science fiction approach to the proceedings in the wake of the success of STAR WARS, although this only becomes apparent in the last thirty minutes of the movie. The first part consists of the action-packed globe-trotting antics that we expect from the series, with locations including Italy, California, and Rio de Janeiro. Despite an emphasis on open comedy and absurdity this time around instead of the more serious thriller aspects of previous instalments, the formula still works, thanks to winning performances and plenty of excitement.

Action this time around includes a speedboat chase through the canals of Venice, an exciting battle with an assassin in a glass museum, and of course the large-scale outer space war which culminates the movie, including a cool moment involving a laser shoot-out between two armies of floating space men which wins points for imagination if not realism. Roger Moore is once again on top form as Bond, playing it less seriously than ever and enjoying himself in the part immensely. Lois Chiles, however, is not one of the best leading ladies, but she has a likable personality that comes across well and which stops her from being the worst. Michael Lonsdale excels as the arrogant villain Hugo Drax, Corrine Clery is seductive as an unlucky ally, and Richard Kiel is the best thing in the movie as the character of his assassin Jaws is more fully explored than in THE SPY WHO LOVED ME. As I said, this isn't the greatest, but you can do a lot worse (try watching any of the Brosnans again for instance) and the sense of fun about the production makes it impossible to dislike.
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Bond… Interstellar Bond
Coventry2 December 2015
What with the tremendous success of contemporary movie-franchises that (partially) take place in outer space like, "Star Wars" or "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" or even "Superman", James Bond naturally couldn't be the action hero who remained with his both his feet on the ground and thus the 11th official 007-adventure deals with topics like the conquest of space, the theft of hi-tech shuttles and – top of the bill - a genuinely absurd finale set in an outer space cult- community! By 1979, the familiar Bond formula had pretty much turned into a pastiche of absurd plot lines, cartoon-like villainous characters, ludicrous gadgetry and polished stunt work. It wouldn't be until the next installment, "For your eyes only", before James Bond returned to more old-fashioned story lines and down-to-earth action sequences, and so "Moonraker" qualifies as one of the weakest entries in the whole series. Weak in terms of plot and plausibility, that is, because the last Bond film directed by Lewis Gilbert is undeniably fun and entertaining in a light- headed/undemanding type of way. When a massively expensive and hi- tech space shuttle gets stolen during its transportation from the US to England, James Bond is promptly put on the case to discover the whereabouts of the shuttle as well as to save diplomatic relationships with the Americans. He begins his search at the gigantic Californian estate of the shuttle's manufacturer, Hugo Drax, and quickly realizes that he doesn't have to look any further to meet an evil opponent. Drax owns secret research laboratories and warehouses in Venice and entire rocket-ship launch platforms in Rio De Janeiro. Why? Because he plots to exterminate the entire human race with nerve gas and breed an entirely new master race in outer space, of course! 007 teams up with the yummy CIA agent Dr. Goodhead in order to put a stop to the shenanigans, but Drax recruited a familiar ugly face from Bond's past to stall him, namely the metal- teethed Jaws. Okay, so admittedly you can't really claim that "Moonraker" is a masterpiece of realism or suspense, but the film works fairly well as a tongue-in-cheek Sci-Fi/action comedy and Roger Moore clearly feels comfortable in his more comically- orientated role. Hugo Drax (Michael Longsdale) surely had the potential of becoming one of the most legendary flamboyant and over- the-top deranged villains, but his part remains rather vague while more screen time is offered to the indestructible Jaws (Richard Kiel). The special effects are impressive, clearly very expensive and were righteously nominated for an Oscar (although they lost – also righteously – against "Alien"). "Moonraker" doesn't deserve a spot in my personal top five, or even top ten of James Bond movies, but still I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone looking for a two hours of mindless good fun!
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"Take Me Around The World Again James"
bkoganbing15 February 2011
My favorite James Bond film with my favorite James Bond has 007 foiling one of the wildest plots ever concocted by a Bond villain. Michel Lonsdale plays Hugo Drax, billionaire industrialist has a scheme to exterminate the undesirables and impose a new world order from no less than outer space. Adolph Hitler with all his theories on racial purity is a piker compared to what Lonsdale has in mind.

Roger Moore is 007 in Moonraker and British Intelligence brings him in when a US space satellite is hijacked in mid flight. The satellite was designed by Lonsdale's company and when Moore starts investigating Lonsdale, some very nasty traps are set for him, all of which James Bond has to elude.

The official Bond girl in Moonraker is Lois Chiles playing Dr. Goodhead, part time scientist and part time CIA employee. Does she live up to her name, you have to watch Moonraker to find out. Her scientific skills are even more valuable than her romantic ones.

Richard Kiel returns as super villain Jaws. He was a most menacing figure in The Spy Who Loved Me and Cubby Brocoli must have thought he was good enough to use again as he survives in that film. In Moonraker he does the bidding of Lonsdale, but Moore makes the rather logical argument that the racially perfect world that Lonsdale has in mind will have no need of freakish people like him. Kiel has to do some serious reassessment in Moonraker.

Moonraker got an Oscar nomination for Best Visual Effects, but lost to another classic space adventure, Alien.

Even with three succeeding James Bonds, Moonraker remains my favorite film with my favorite 007, Roger Moore. Just the breathtaking extent of the villainy gets me every time I see it.
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Underrated Bond movie
skiop29 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Moonraker" is often said to be the worst Bond movie, but it's hard to understand why. It's fast-paced, entertaining and follows the "Bond formula" to the letter.

The megalomaniacal villain is Hugo Drax, who's out to replace humans with his genetically engineered superhumans. The Bond girl who gets killed is Drax's pilot. The Bond girl who survives (Holly Goodhead, played by Lois Chiles) is a CIA agent. The exotic locations this time take place in South America; there are cities, swamps, pyramids and all sorts of other beautiful locations. And what Bond film doesn't include a memorable, totally implausible climax? This time it occurs in and outside of a space station.

There are several good action scenes; for example, one in a G-force simulator and another on cable cars. The villain has truly insane ways to kill Bond, and all of them fail. There's a giant python that Bond kills in one scene, and in another, Drax puts Bond and Holly under the exhaust of a space shuttle, ignoring that there was a shaft that they could escape through.

The special effects are excellent. I don't know how "Alien" could have won the Oscar over "Moonraker." This is especially true during the laser battle at the end. And James and Holly trying to destroy the errant gas pellets is very tense.

Lois Chiles isn't much of an actress, but her character is a good one. She won't put up with Bond's sexist nonsense, and she can really kick some tail. Richard Kiel returns as ace henchman Jaws, but this time he isn't quite as mindless.

This movie isn't ground-breaking in any way whatsoever, but it is an entertaining movie that those who like cinematic Bond should like.
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Why, God, why?
Avatar-2922 July 1999
Why did anyone involved with this wonderful franchise allow this trite to be filmed? Why couldn't someone with a conscience have burned the final print before it was released? Why did they allow Roger Moore to continue playing Bond when he was over 50??

If you haven't gotten the picture yet, this is, by far, the absolute worst of the series. There are a few decent scenes, but, let's face it, the whole space station battle thing was idiotic. Then, there's Jaws. He went from a terrifying villain to a comedic sidekick. The acting is horrendous on all fronts, the story is horrible (read the book by Fleming, which has a much more insidious, believable plot), and, unfortunately, it's the last one Bernard Lee (M) is in. DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE.
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A great film worthy of more than the rating!
TacticalGear20 December 1999
This is a truly great film. It has a low rating 5.2/10 and even less in others but in my opinion was the (second) most enjoyable "Bond" film that i have seen. I have seen all of them all except the most recent and they are all good in their own right, but this is one of the best. Not only that, but it stars Roger Moore who was the best "Bond." Thank-you.
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