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A Beastly B Movie
Jonny_Numb2 March 2008
"The Beast Within" was a staple of TNT's MonsterVision many years ago, and its unique (yet often convoluted) premise reveals why: how many movies have featured a bloodthirsty cicada monster? Based on the novel by Edward Levy (adapted by future "Child's Play" director Tom Holland), the plot has happy newlyweds Ronny Cox and Bibi Besch running afoul of terror along a backwoods Mississippi road, where Besch is raped by some vague, subhuman creature; 17 years later, son Paul Clemens is exhibiting some extreme growing pains that include the occasional ghastly murder when his parents return to the scene of the crime looking for answers. While the plot never really comes together as well as it should, "Beast" is a model of B-movie efficiency that utilizes atmosphere, location, and some supremely grotesque special effects to leave the viewer rattled (director Philippe Mora also has an excellent grasp of light and shadow to create mood). In hindsight, the film has the type of contained, small-town-America aesthetic that has become the watermark of Stephen King's prose, and the cast is appropriately comprised of rather typical faces, not marquee stars. In the end, "Beast" is a wonderfully ghastly little flick with a creepy story that's executed just well enough to overcome some poor acting and an occasionally sluggish pace.
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absolutely disgusting transformation sequence
christopher-underwood1 November 2014
If you like low to medium budget horrors with plenty of gore, you will not be disappointed in this and Paul Clemens does very well in the lead. Nobody else seems to try too hard, they seem more interested in outdoing each other in wearing the most outlandish wigs. Very watchable despite its shortcomings although it almost comes to a halt on several occasions. The set up is fine, if a little predictable, but the wild and terrible story could have been better told. At first this seems like a Jekyll and Hyde variant, then a vampire tale before it gets back to what it really was at the start, a gruesome tale of rape and impregnation by some swamp like creature. Nice idea and lots of nastiness but not very convincing and too many people wandering in and out to little effect. Have to say though, one amazing and absolutely disgusting transformation sequence at the end.
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I didn't cover my eyes, scream or run from my seat, but still not a bad effort
baumer1 June 2000
I am going to disagree with most of the reviewers in here and say that I found the story to be quite intriguing. Some of it was a little out there but the crux of it ( the town conspiracy ) was quite well done. What wasn't so great was some of the acting and some of the things people do to get themselves in trouble.

The film starts off with Ronny Cox and his wife traveling down some lonely Mississippi road in the dead of night. They spin off the road and the front of his car ends up on some moist land. His tires spin and spin but they will not respond. The car is stuck there. Now instead of A) trying to push the car out or B) both of them walking back to the gas station for a tow, Cox tells his wife that he is going back to that gas station for a tow. He playfully tells her to stay there and to lock the door ( he says it as though nothing bad could have ever happened on the side of the road in Mississippi. Does anyone ever remember MISSISSIPPI BURNING?)

Okay, we have all seen too many horror movies but that is just dumb, horror movie or not. You never leave someone alone, on a deserted road while you are surrounded by the dense bush. Anything could happen. Bigfoot could jump out. Jason could be close by. The thing from THE PREY could pop and get you or more realistically you would just be too afraid to stay by yourself because it is dark. But she does and of course something attacks her and rapes her and then the film jumps ahead 17 years where of course she had the baby. This is another part when we all go " Oh Come ON!!! What are you, stupid?" If some big disgusting swamp thing with calves the size of the Caveman in Scooby Doo episodes raped you, you get an abortion, right away. But again, this is a horror movie and people have to do stupid things to get themselves into the prediciments that they are in. If you can get past some of this sheer idiocy, the rest of the story is quite good. It is not on par with some of the greats but it is a worthy addition to the early 80's horror.

One by one, the slimy town folk are being attacked and devoured by a beast. Now we don't know why these people are being stalked, only that they are suspect looking to say the least. There is obviously some town secret that is being swept under the proverbial rug and these people are the main culprits.

The final thirty minutes is quite good. I can remember being about 13 when me and my friends rented this film for the first time. We accepted the challenge on the front of the box where it dares you to watch the last thirty minutes without chickening out. And when you are 13 and are challenged like that, you eagerly accept. None of us were horrified but we sure thought it was cool. Now that I have more of an appreciation for horror and the effects that go into it, I have to say that the creature effects were astonishing here. Rick Baker would be proud of Thomas Burman. This is on par with Baker's work in AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. The transformation scene is truly a work of art. Perhaps people will say that it is dated because now a days they use computer graphics to make everything look real but let me tell you, give me guys like Rick Baker, Stan Winston and Thomas Burman and I would rather watch them at work than a chip and a computer program that does the same thing. This is fun to watch and I believe more work and innovation goes into the process.

I would give this film a 6 out of 10. The story is intriguing and the plot is carried out quite well. And look at it this way. Take most horror films from today like URBAN LEGEND, I KNOW WHAT YOU DID..... and so on and compare them to this one and others like it from the 70's and early 80's. Most 90's films can't hold the director's Cole's Notes to how to make an affective horror film. The Beast Within is better than 95% of the horror that was released in the 90's. It is getting better now with stellar efforts like FINAL DESTINATION, BLAIR WITH, SIXTH SENSE, STIR OF ECHOES and even STIGMATA. Their roots lie with films like this.
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Overlooked 80s cult horror.
Infofreak17 November 2001
Philippe Mora does has made lots of very strange movies in his underrated career, some good, some truly awful. This is one of the better ones. If you analyze the plot too much the holes become big enough to drive a truck through, but just ignore the urge to do that, and you'll find you're watching an near-classic of transformation horror.

A newly-wed (Bibi Besch) is raped by a mysterious beast on her wedding night. Seventeen years later her son (Paul Clemens) is dying of an unknown illness. She and her husband (Ronny Cox) return to the scene of their past trauma to try and get some answers. They find some strange townsfolk who appear to be hiding some mysterious secret. Exactly what it is I won't say. It would not only spoil the movie, but I must admit I'm a trifle confused myself at the "explanation" for the weird events depicted on screen! Like I said, think about it too much and you'll ruin it. Just go with the flow...

'The Beat Within' contains plenty of creepiness and some gruesome murders. An added attraction for film buffs is the interesting supporting cast, which includes Peckinpah veterans R.G. Armstrong ('Predator'), L.Q. Jones ('Casino') and Luke Askew ('Easy Rider'), and character actors Don Gordon ('Out Of The Blue') and Mora semi-regular John Dennis Johnston. ('Flesh & Blood')

'The Beast Within' rarely gets mentioned in discussions of 1980s horror movies, but it should. It may not be up there with the best of Cronenberg, Carpenter, Romero, or Raimi, but it's well made, original, strongly acted, and damn good fun!
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The Beast Within: Meh 80's effort
Platypuschow17 March 2019
The Beast Within tells the story of a woman who is raped in the forest by a mysterious creature. Cut forward 17yrs and her son has developed an ailment that has left doctors baffled.

Based on that alone you've likely just worked out about 50% of the plot, the other 50% is very generic cliched stuff about a conspiracy in small town USA.

With the likes Ronny Cox the movie has some acting heavyweights behind it, they also clearly had a very competent sfx team whose creature effects are above par for this early in the 80's.

Sadly it doesn't flow very well, I found the lead rather obnoxious, the leading lady barely got any screen time and it just feels like they made a lot of real schoolyard errors here.

If you like cheesy 80's creature features you might actually get a kick out of this as it does tick plenty of boxes, it just missed out on a few that are too important to me personally.

The Good:

Ronny Cox and L.Q. Jones

Decent sfx

The Bad:

Lack of flow is noticeable

Paul Clemens
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The real beastie-boy!
Coventry19 January 2005
Woo-hoo! This freaky puppy needs to go on a leash! The Beast Within is highly entertaining 80's pulp that regretfully got ignored over the years, along with so many other B-movie goodies from that decade like "Dead & Buried", "Basket Case" or "From Beyond". I hope that too many people won't be biased about the gory, cheap looks of this film, because it actually has got more to offer than you'd think! The Beast Within fits perfectly in the "the little town with a secret"-sub genre that I personally adore. The screenplay (written by Tom Holland of "Fright Night" and "Child's Play") handles about a newlywed couple facing a nightmare when the wife is raped by a hideous creature on a remote Mississippi road. The "miracle of life" takes place and 17 years later, the progeny of this unpleasant meeting begins to undergo a bizarre metamorphosis. The adolescent Michael is aggressive, weak and goes prowling overnight. The victims of these nightly hunts all share a common secret that slowly unravels itself and leads all the way back to the night of the rape. The plot contains quite some holes (big ones!) and logicalness is totally out of the question! Hopefully, you'll be able to look passed these flaws and see how director Mora attempts to add tension and atmosphere to his film. The obvious aspect to love naturally is the blood and gore! The Beast Within features an infamous and nearly classic transformation and this scene alone makes the film worthy. A catchy (country) soundtrack and fairly good acting complete my overall positive opinion on this overlooked cult gem. Ronny Cox is quite convincing as the "official" father but it surely is the young actor Paul Clemens himself who impresses. His ultra-mad grimaces while attacking the hillbillies form the best parts of the film.
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It's Not Great But It's All In Good Fun
sddavis6315 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In order to appreciate this movie you have to be able to accept it for what it is: not a top-flight, high budget star-powered horror movie, but an attempt to create some good, campy horror fun, and in that it succeeds in spite of a number of inconsistencies in the plot that are pretty glaring and do detract somewhat from the story's credibility. The somewhat cliché opening doesn't really draw the viewer in: a couple's car gets stuck on a lonely road in the woods and while the husband leaves to get help, the wife is attacked by an unknown creature. She isn't killed, though - she's raped and impregnated. Seventeen years later, the child born to her becomes ill, and the couple return to the place of the attack looking for answers.

The acting here was generally pretty decent. There were no mega-stars involved; the best known actors were probably Ronny Cox and Bibi Besch as the couple struggling to save their son. Paul Clemens (as Michael, the son) came across as a bit wooden to me, but aside from that, things were pretty good in the acting department. The plot had problems. For example, after Michael's first murder - which was very bloody - there was not a drop of blood on his clothes. Given the nature of the murder, that would seem highly unlikely. Also, MacCleary (Cox) - who as far as we know was not a cop and was a complete stranger in the town - was accepted far too easily by the sheriff, and actually seems to become part of the investigating team. Also, when Michael is caught in Amanda's room, the best the sheriff can say is "he was trying to protect her." Really? What about trespassing? Break and enter? So, there are plot problems. Basically, though, it's a decent B-movie sort of production which features an interesting creature (a cicada-type monster) and an equally interesting transformation scene. And, remember - it's all in good fun!
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Born On The Bayou
ferbs5429 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In the February 1974 TV movie "A Case of Rape," Ronny Cox portrayed a man whose wife, played by Elizabeth Montgomery, is raped and beaten not once, but twice by the same man. The film was an enormous success, and indeed remains the most-watched TV film in NBC history. But few could have foreseen that almost precisely eight years later, Cox would again play the part of a husband whose wife undergoes a violent rape, but this time with far more dire results. The film in question is "The Beast Within," which was initially released in February 1982. This film, far from being a hit, was something of a flop at the box office, pulling in a mere $8 million, and has gone on to be critically reviled ever since. Thus, it was with a sense of what I like to call "cinematic masochism" that I sat down to watch this film just the other night for the first time. And after all the bad word of mouth, including the esteemed "Leonard Maltin Movie Guide" awarding the film its lowest BOMB rating, how could any viewer expect anything but rotten results? But bad ratings have never bothered me before, who have found that many of my favorite guilty pleasures have been given that BOMB rating; the wet-blanket editors who worked for the Maltin guide were notoriously grumpy when it came to this kind of genre fare. And you know what? As it turns out, "The Beast Within," while undoubtedly nobody's idea of a quality film, sure has turned out to be a memorable experience; a completely over-the-top exercise in modern-day horror.

In the film, newlyweds Eli MacCleary (Cox, perhaps most fondly remembered for his participation in such films as "Deliverance," "RoboCop" and "Total Recall") and his bride, Caroline (Bibi Besch, who would go on to portray Dr. Carol Marcus four months later in "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan"), get stuck on the road, at night, just outside of (the fictitious town of) Nioba, Mississippi, in 1964. While Eli walks to the nearest gas station for a tow, Caroline is attacked and, yes, raped by a shambling whatzit that has emerged from the bayou woods. Seventeen years later, the child born of that rape, Michael (24-year-old actor Paul Clemens), begins to have medical problems; problems that a doctor claims to be pituitary related. The worried parents bring Michael back to that town of Nioba to do some very belated investigating, so as to ascertain just who the maniac father might have been. While they pursue their leads, Michael escapes from his hospital setting and begins to turn violent, going on a killing spree and, for some reason, targeting all the members of the Curwin clan in that small town. He also develops a crush on a pretty girl, Amanda (Kitty Moffat), who helps him after he wakes up, post-spree, in her garden one morning. As it develops, Michael's personality is being taken over by the spirit of his deceased father, who has a very legitimate grudge against all the members of the Curwin clan. And just when the viewer begins to think that things cannot possibly get any wackier, Michael begins to transform physically, eventually turning into a creature resembling something out of a 1950s drive-in movie nightmare. What ARE his poor, befuddled parents to do?

"The Beast Within" is both far more violently explicit and far less coherent a film than I had been expecting. It is surely not an experience for the faint of heart, and dishes out its gory set pieces with abandon and relish. Thus, we get to see Michael bite the throat out of the village newspaper editor (Logan Ramsey, perhaps best known to many as Claudius Marcus on the "Star Trek" episode "Bread and Circuses," and here playing an obscenely disgusting character with a bizarre passion for, of all things, chopped meat), skewer the local mortician while he's at work, electrocute the village drunk, and decapitate the Nioba judge (played by the great character actor Don Gordon). Other grossout sequences include a minor surgical operation on Michael's metamorphosed back in close-up, a peek inside that mortuary, the exhuming of the Nioba graveyard, and, last but certainly not least, that transformation sequence, a marvel of special FX and makeup magic, and brilliantly brought off by Thomas R. Burman. This transformation sequence takes up a good five minutes of screen time and is simply eye boggling to behold, Michael's head and eyes bulging to the point of explosion with each passing moment. All these scenes are abetted by a terrific score from an old pro, Les Baxter, who had created so many terrific film scores for those AIP movies of the 1960s, and here offering to the world his final piece of work. Director Philippe Mora helms his film with tautness and precision, utilizing telling close-up shots and drawing out very fine performances from every one of his performers; surprisingly, this is a very well-acted film, despite what others would have you believe. Besides the three leads, and Gordon and Ramsey, the picture boasts some very decent contributions from L. Q. Jones as the local sheriff, Luke Askew (who many will recall as the hitchhiking hippie from "Easy Rider") as that doomed mortician, and R. G. Armstrong as Michael's doctor. Young Kitty Moffat is surprisingly touching here as Amanda, and the scene in which she is told that she is "beautiful" for the first time in her life, by a tentative Michael, is supremely well played; a shame that Moffat's future career would be limited to TV work. And then there is the film's script, by Tom Holland. And this, for me, was the picture's major sticking point.

This was Holland's very first script for a motion picture, in a career that would go on to include work on such horror fests as "Psycho 2," "Fright Night," "Child's Play" and "Thinner." His script for "The Beast Within" supposedly takes great liberties with the 1981 novel by Edward Levy on which it is based, and turns out to be a bit hard to follow in spots. The film supposedly had several explanatory sequences deleted for its final cut, and those missing segments would undoubtedly have made it a bit easier for the viewer to fully understand what is going on. Personally (and this is just me and my possible preconceptions speaking here), I would have preferred had Caroline been raped by a legitimate monster at the film's beginning; something akin to the Creature From the Black Lagoon. This would have made Michael's conversion into a monster later in the film a bit easier to swallow. Somehow, a nonhuman whatzit of that ilk raping a woman and then having the resultant child transform into a monster himself is a far more credible notion to me than the spirit of a deceased, cannibalistic, human father taking over his son's body 17 years later and then, for reasons unknown, being able to change that kid into a rampaging monstrosity. Like others, I have long wondered just what would have happened had the Creature From the Black Lagoon gotten its lusty way with the lovely Julie Adams in the classic 1954 film, and this 1982 picture might have gone far in showing us what the possible outcome might have been. But no. I was also at a loss to quite understand the link between Billy Connors (Michael's biological father) and all those cicada noises that would become audible whenever Michael goes into violent action. Was this ever explained in the film? If so, I must have missed it. So yes, Holland's script for the movie is something of a head-scratcher, just barely hanging together in noncredible fashion. Still, it manages to entertain, and even work in some sly bits of humor, such as the name of that mortician being Dexter Ward, and the name of the rapidly shrinking Nioba family being Curwin (perhaps only fans of the great H. P. Lovecraft, and his 1941, posthumous novel "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward," will appreciate these references). The film practically busts a gut to shock and amaze the viewer, not only with its sanguinary set pieces, but with the outrageousness of its central conceit. Ultimately, the film succeeds, both because we have been stunned and shocked from beginning to end, but also because we have been left throughout with a vast uncertainty as to who will live in the film and who will die; it is the kind of film in which any character might quickly expire at any moment. The picture grows more and more manic and over the top as it proceeds, and manages to leave us with a feeling of unease as to just how neatly things have wrapped up, with Michael's third-act rape of Amanda setting the stage for a possible renewal of the horrible cycle, in a sequel that was never to be. Thus, the bottom line is that while "The Beast Within" is hardly a film to wildly enthuse about, it is one that will provide a memorable and fairly intense viewing experience. I do not regret having spent 100 minutes of my life watching it. And at the very least, it is a triple textbook example of the perils of fooling around with another man's wife
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Assaulted woman gives birth to...
mhorg201816 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A cicada. Yes, a giant, murderous cicada. One of the more inoffensive creatures (unless their chirping makes one nuts) in nature. How? Never answered. Why? Revenge? This is one of the movies where bladder effects were the big thing. It has some good cast members, Ronny Cox, Bibi Besch, but the rest are forgettable and bland. Even the big reveal where the kid becomes a cicada, aren't that great, just passable. Really a forgettable, bland movie. As bad and forgettable as this is, its still better than anything the Asylum has ever produced.
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He imprinted on the forest and, likewise, it imprinted on him
LanceBrave11 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"The Beast Within" combines many different horror tropes. It plays like a werewolf movie without the werewolf at times. A Southern town with a dark secret is the primary setting. There are elements of demonic possessions and revenge from beyond the grave. Most famously, in the last half-hour, the movie explodes into body horror, with a vivid transformation and a monster gorily dismembering victims. The gritty violence and setting feels like '70s Savage Cinema, but the show-stopping creature effects puts it in the company of other effects-heavy early eighties flicks, like "American Werewolf" "The Thing," or "The Howling." The setting of Naoba, Missisipi provides Southern-fried atmosphere that's hard to resist, especially when the moon shines through fog and tree branches. The story slowly puts down clues, drawling the audience in. The eventual transformation is set up subtly. The special effects are fantastic. Michael's transformation is the film's center-piece. It's so climatic that it almost spoils the last act. However, Philippe Mora's strong direction builds suspense through frenzied performances, noise clattering outside, and wisely delivered gore. The decapitation here is one of my favorites. The violence is calculated through-out, as the first murder, the mortuary sequence, and the electric kill are equally measured by suspense and make-up.

The cast is peppered with memorable faces, among them R.G. Armstrong and Don Gordon. Ronny Cox and Bibi Bersh are both excellent as the concerned parents, totally unprepared for what happens to their son. Cox, in particular, makes his everyman role highly relatable. L.Q. Jones is especially likable as the tough, no-nonsense sheriff, the only man in Naoba not involved in the conspiracy. If there's a performance that doesn't work, it's Paul Clemens as the troubled boy. He's frequently good when snarling threats but is less convincing as a normal teenager.

The script is by Todd Holland who quickly established himself as a reliable genre draftsman. The ambiguous story is frequently criticized. The story suggests that cannibalism and years of abuse is enough to transform a man into something inhuman. The possession, reincarnation, and bizarre metamorphosis are unexplained. Did Billy Corwin come back through pure force of will? Similarly, the connection with cicadas seems to have resulted through environmental influence. He imprinted on the forest and, likewise, it imprinted on him. Supposedly, about twenty minutes of deleted scenes would have clarified these details but, nah, I like it the way it is. You could probably criticize the movie for its underdeveloped love story but I like that too. Michael and Amanda have chemistry together and their hormones-heavy love-at-first-sight romance is exactly right for a pair of teenagers with overly protective parents.

Not every element works. Les Baxter's score, his last, is bit confused, sounding one minute like a 1950s monster movie while featuring throbbing, overdone synth the next. The ending is hopelessly anticlimactic. The threat is dealt with too quickly and the emotional fallout isn't focused on enough. Overall though, that last atmospheric shot of an old house in the darkness hits my horror-fan sweet spot. "The Beast Within" is a cult gem for me.
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A Werewolf story about possession.
paulclaassen16 September 2021
I think they tried so hard to make this a murder mystery as well that I completely lost track of what the film was actually meant to be about.

'The Beast Within' is also more of a possession tale rather than a werewolf story, but this is a preposterous story in general and hard to swallow. The film tells of a newly wed couple, Eli and Caroline, who got stranded next to the road at night. When Eli went for help, Caroline wandered into the woods after their dog, where she was raped by a beast - assumingly a werewolf.

Seventeen years later their son, Michael, becomes terminally ill. Knowing Eli is not the father, the couple decide to go back to the town where Caroline was raped to try and find out who the father was, in case the illness is genetic. As they continue their investigation, Michael becomes possessed, killing members of the Curwin family, who hides a terrible secret.

Paul Clemens wasn't believable as Michael. The other actors were pretty good, but the characters were not all that interesting. The director also made a few strange decisions. There's so much missed opportunity here. Ultimately, the film completely falls to pieces as it tries to be more clever than it really is. Michael's transformation scene was very well done, though, and rather gross. The finale isn't too bad.

If you're into werewolf movies - 80's horror in particular - I recommend 'The Howling' and 'An American Werewolf in London', both of which are far superior to 'The Beast Within', and not as complicated.

Would I watch it again? No.
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Gonzo early 80's horror flick with a WTF plot.
jckruize3 September 2015
I agree with many points made by fellow commentators. This was one of director Philippe Mora's best efforts: atmospheric, grisly and featuring an extraordinary cast of slumming actors. The makeup transformation effects by the Burman studio are quite well done. BUT...

Why isn't this called The BUG Within? This poor kid doesn't turn into a beast - he turns into a gosh-darn GIANT CICADA! WTF? Where did that come from? There's no explanation in the script, and according to those who've read the source novel, it's completely different from the original story. I remember seeing this at a United Artists screening in Los Angeles back in 1982. My buddy Mike and I were big horror fans, and after the screening let out we kept asking each other, "But why did he turn into a BUG?" Neither of us could come up with an answer then and obviously, even after all these years and with all these discussions on IMDb, no one else has either.

Screenwriter Tom Holland probably could however. Certainly he's proved himself a talent in the horror genre, with his terrific script for the first Psycho sequel and subsequent work on the first Child's Play and his directorial debut, Fright Night.

Philippe Mora has had a more checkered career. A strong visual stylist, he's struggled with poor choice of material such as the infamous sequel Howling III: The Marsupials.

The Bug - sorry, BEAST Within is definitely worth a look for horror buffs, but when you watch the big transformation scene two-thirds of the way through, I guarantee you'll be scratching your head afterwards. The makeup FX are pretty cool though.
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Classic cult B horror film
Lazarus-41 November 1998
If you enjoyed "The Terror Within" or "Humanoids From the Deep", then this movie is for you. It is a classic early eighties horror film about slimy creatures that rape young women, only to repeat the cycle at the end of the film. Special effects (by today's standards) are pretty thin, but still worth seeing.
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..cuz the judge in the town has blood stains on his hands..and a toupee!!
Cristopher_Jeorge28 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
An ugly teenage boy turns even uglier when it's discovered he's the product of some southern swamp lovin' between his momma and a man who was inexplicably turned into a bog bug. ????? Yeah exactly. You could drive a Mercury Monterey through the plot holes here but darn if thing isn't entertaining, especially in the final reel. There are corrupt judges, corrupt morticians, an array of poorly enunciating rednecks,heads expanding, heads exploding, toupee adorned heads being torn clean off, hamburger foot stomping, and more raping, adultery, philandering and spousal infidelities than you can shake a stick at. R.G. Armstrong shows up in this one, gotta love that guy and Ronny Cox turns in another sissy-riffic performance as the boy turned beasts' white bread step dad. "Billy Connors is ma daddy!" Paul Clemens is the young man who isn't much to look at before he transforms into a slimy swamp critter and does a fair enough job. If you love the late 70s and early 80s drive in fair like me this is worth a look for sure. If you're some clown who needs the quick cutting MTV style horror thats running rampant in cinema today than beat it, this one may have to much plot for you. Beware the cicadas!!!
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Might be an incoherent mess, but it's never boring
squeezebox22 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** The biggest problem with THE BEAST WITHIN is that about a third of the story appears to be missing. There seems to be an entire subplot about the man/thing who rapes Bibi Besch in the opening of the movie that is just not there. I have heard rumors over the years that an entire reel of the negative was lost or destroyed before post-production began, and they did not have the money to re-shoot the lost footage. If this is true, it explains a lot.

One night in the late fifties, a young newlywed couple (Besch, Ronny Cox) get stuck on the side of the road. Cox runs for help, while Besch senses that someones lurking in the woods, so, naturally, she goes to investigate. A monstrous humanoid creature appears and rapes her.

Seventeen years later...

Cox and Besch have a seventeen year old son (Paul Clemens) who is suffering from some mysterious illness. Knowing that there's a real chance the father is Besch's attacker from years earlier, they go to the small Southern town they were passing through to investigate, hoping the key to curing Clemens may lie there.

They venture to the town, but Clemens follows them, and starts picking off men who knew the man/thing that raped Besch. As best I can figure, the guy ("Billy") was so rotten and evil that he eventually turned into a monster, sort of a giant cicada. His buddies locked him up, but he escaped and raped Besch. Now seventeen years later (get it?...seventeen years?...cicadas? neither do I), he has come back in the form of Besch and Cox's son, apparently to seek revenge for being locked up in that musty old basement.

This may have made sense at some point, but it sure doesn't anymore. There's a lot of Southern Gothic mumbo jumbo, and people repeatedly mention cicadas. The one thing they don't talk about is exactly WHY "Billy" turned into a cicada in the first place, or exactly why he's p***ed off at all these people. I would almost be willing to accept this movie on an existential level, but there's too much exposition pointing at something more going on for that approach to work.

However, if you can get past the incoherent plot (or lack thereof), THE BEAST WITHIN is actually a pretty weird little flick. The acting is amusingly overwrought, there's some great, over-the-top music by Les Baxter, and some impressively gruesome gore sequences.

The infamous highlight of the movie, though, is the grotesque transformation scene. Clemens lays strapped to a hospital bed, while a dumbfounded group of people stand there like idiots and watch him slowly turn into a monster. His head swells up like a balloon, his tongue grows to an enormous size, his eyeballs grow into huge orbs. It's pretty freaky and genuinely frightening.

He then breaks out of the hospital and rapes a local girl, thus starting the whole vicious cycle all over again. The movie ends on a decidedly grim note, with Mom blowing his head off with a shotgun as he tries to kill Dad. The fact that he's not really her son anymore doesn't seem to console her as she breaks down. The sheriff comes walking up carrying the girl, now impregnated by "Billy". The end credits unceremoniously roll.

It's all pretty nonsensical, but the movie is bizarre enough to hold my attention. If anything, it's a nice reminder of old school horror. It may not be very good, but they just don't make them like this anymore.
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Mister-616 September 1999
You ever see a movie where they spent so much on the special effects they had nothing left for a screenplay?

I have, lots of them. And here's a good example....

"The Beast Within" shows a lot of what they call "bladder FX" to show someone morphing into a monster, and those scenes are actually pretty well done. But the rest of the film feels like it was just tacked onto an FX loop.

What actors like Besch, Cox, Armstrong and Jones are doing in this mess is anyone's guess, and I'll bet they're trying to figure that out to this day.

I won't go into too much detail but just to say that things end for a sequel. If there is any shred of decency in the festering depths of Hollywood, they WILL NOT make a sequel to "The Beast Within".

Let's all hope.

One star, for the FX. But everything else winds up in the negative numbers, including the IQ points of all involved herein.
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Beast baby
kosmasp3 April 2020
So it may not be Rosemary and it may not be at all really connected, especially this going full gore. But there are some similarities and the inciting incidents is one of them. I did have an issue with how that was handled in the Polanski movie, this one does a "neat" trick by jumping forward timewise, so we don't really see how this is handled after the fact.

Now you may like that or hate it, but it is what it is. When you get over that, you get quite the tense story and quite the explicitly shown violence on screen. The effects may have looked better to the viewers back then (didn't really survive the test of time entirely), but they still are something to be amazed by. If you can remember the time they were made and everything they had in their power to do them. No CGI obviously and the story is predictable to say the least ... it is the horror aspect that will either get you or leave you cold
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AaronCapenBanner4 September 2013
This horror film, about a woman brutally attacked one night, and years later has to relive the memory when her son becomes the suspect in a series of brutal murders, is appalling trash, utterly without value. Story is pure crass exploitation, not to mention utterly ridiculous and ultimately nonsensical. Good actors wasted in this junk, further ruined by some dreadful F/X, especially the big transformation sequence in the hospital, which looks like it was made for 25 cents, so unintentionally laughable is the end result.

Directed by Philippe Mora, who would go on to direct the equally bad "Howling II & III".
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Interesting Lovecraftian horror.
Catman_Scrothers8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers

One look at the names of the characters in the film and anyone familiar with Lovecraft's famous story, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, will know exactly what they are in for.

For those unfamiliar with the story, a man named Charles Dexter Ward may not exactly be who he says, namely he could be a reincarnation of an ancestor who may have found the key to immortality. Albeit, through very gruesome methods. This film follows a similar pattern in the form of Michael, a young man who may have been who he says at first, but underneath his human visage, a hideous beast that had laid dormant inside him, no longer does.

I won't spoil much, but this is a very good take on a classic story, with excellent atmosphere and special effects, followed up by some solid acting.
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The Revenge of the Cicada-Man
sol-kay17 June 2004
****SPOILERS**** The best I can make out of this bloody mess of a movie is that a while ago a religious lunatic, Lionel Curwin, in the town of Nioba Mississippi found his wife Sarah and the towns "Nature Boy" Bobby Conners in bed together. Lionel murdered Sarah and locked "Nature Boy" Bobby Conners in his basement and fed him Sarah for dinner. Later with the help of the town undertaker Dexter Ward, Luke Asks, Curwin supplied Bobby a study diet of human flesh that, with him being locked up, drove Bobby insane. All this was all covered up by the judge of the town of Nioba Judge Curwin,Bruce Gordon, Lionel's brother.

Years later in a breakout from the basement Bobby killed Lionel and then while out in the woods found a stranded motorist Caroline MacCleary, Bibi Besch, who's husband Eli, Ronny Cox, was away looking for help, and raped her. It later turned that Bobby went back to the Lionel Curwin home and shortly died there.

Caroline later became pregnant and gave birth to Michael, Paul Clemens, who in reality in this movie was Bobby Conners reincarnated. Michael like a Cicada insect who after 17 years started to morph into a new Bobby a monstrous like creature and began to go out at night to kill all those in the town of Nioba who did him in.

Ridicules movie thats almost incomprehensible to follow due to the many sub-plots as well as plot-holes in the film that make no sense at all if you really sit down and think the movies bizarre story-line. Michael also becomes involved romantically with a local girl Amanda Platt, Kitty Moffat, who's father Horace is not only a double-murder, who killed his wife and her lover, but got away with it by being Judge Curwin relative. Horace was also involved in the torturing and ultimate death of Micheal's former incarnation "Nature Boy" Bobby Conners.

In a short time Michael goes on a gory rampage and murders against all the people involved in his suffering as Bobby Conners including Judge Curwin, who he decapitated, but ends up getting shot to death by his mother Caroline when Michael is just about to kill his father Eli!

Meanwhile the person whom Michael raped Amanda, and who's father Horace was one of those that he killed, had in fact impregnated her with himself who's, the coming blessed event, now well on his, or its, way to be born in and start the ball rolling all over again.

This movie is for the birds, or better yet for the insects, with one of the craziest stories you'll ever see on the big or little screen. It's a good thing that those who made "The Beast Within" never got around to make "The Beast Within part II".
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Decent B-flick
mangoamante17 October 2020
This was a decent B movie. It had a good, creepy atmosphere. Transformation, when it happened, was pretty gross until then end when it got kind of silly. Monster itself was gross, but not great make-up and not at all frightening to look at. I didn't look at the pics or read the reviews so I didn't know what was going to happen, which kept it more interesting.
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constant cravings
movieman_kev17 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Micheal (Paul Clemins), the product of a fateful night back in the 60's when his mom got raped by some vile monster, is going through some growing pains as he discovers that he might just be a chip off the old block. Perfectly healthy for most of his short life, he's now deathly sick in the hospital due to an overly enlarged pineal gland. his parents must figure out why exactly this is happening. But the small town they investigate happens to have some secrets itself. To make matters worse the tiny community is having some grisly murders happening in it. Not knowing if it wants to be a monster flick, possession film, mystery, or tacky melodrama causes the movie to be all over the map and leaves it disjointed and unfocused. The low caliber of melodramatic acting does help matters. I lost all interest in the film way before the end credits began to roll.

My Grade: D

Eye Candy: Bibi Besch gets topless in the beginning, Katherine Moffat gets topless at the end, but both in the midst of monster rape scenes
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An atmospheric, underrated 80's creature feature.
Nightman8522 December 2008
One of the better, and most overlooked, monster films of the 80's is this fun and effectively creepy B horror film.

On a dark and stormy Mississippi night, a woman is attacked and raped by a mysterious monster. Now, seventeen years later, her ill teenage son is starting to display some murderous behavior that keeps getting worse...

The Beast Within (based on the Edward Levy novel of the same title) is too often bashed by critics. Many complain that the storyline is convoluted, but frankly if everything were explained it would lose its sense of chilling mystery. There is much to be enjoyed in this off-beat creature flick. The story is nicely creative with a hint of old school horror and a good dose of building tension - all of which is dotted with some startlingly good murder scenes. The gruesome makeup effects aren't bad, this film has one wild transformation scene. Direction wise Philippe Mora does well in giving the film a great southern Gothic vibe as well as an oppressing atmosphere of dread.

The cast holds their own too. Ronny Cox (of Deliverance fame) and Bibi Besch do solid performances as the understandably troubled parents of our title character. Paul Clemens is also good, and strangely alluring, as the teen with the savage side. Supporting performances from Don Gordon, R.G. Armstrong, Katherine Moffat, and L.Q. Jones are good too.

The Beast Within is one under praised horror film. So what if there's a few plot holes, so what if it doesn't follow the book it's based on to the letter - it's a truly memorable horror ride that never has a dull moment. Check it out creature feature fans.

*** 1/2 out of ****
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Mad Movie Musings: The Beast Within
gantami17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you like movies where the emergence of a murderous beast-cicada sex predator every 17 years serves as a metaphor for the recurrence of hidden psychological trauma, then this is the movie for you! Partially bold, partially sleazy, totally 80s. Les Baxter's awesomely colossal score drives things along. Director Mora dealt with the concept of psych trauma again a few years later in Communion.

(I'm an enthusiast, not a critic. Thanks for reading.)
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Mediocre at best
Omne10 November 2001
Not much to add to the previous comments, they covered the plot remarkably well, at least as much plot as there was in the movie.

I'll add a few observations. The acting was actually somewhat better than expected in a movie of this type. They caught some decent performers either on the way up or the way down in their careers who agreed to do it. The special effects, for 1982, were pretty decent although the rubber masks in the transformation sequences were pretty unconvincing. They also got carried away with the air bladders under the skin blowing them way too high to be credible.

Now the weakest link, the plot. Although it had high ambitions it fell flat due to the inability to come up with anything resembling an explanation for the transformation of Michael.

Allegedly a local loser was discovered with another man's wife and was chained in the cellar for years and given cadavers to chew on. Conveniently the cuckolded husband was the local undertaker. Apparently the monster-to-be used to pretend as a child that he would come back someday like a cicada. Somehow they tossed those concepts together to get a completely nonhuman monster who could, in addition to the physical changes, transfer his mind and memories to his sperm. A neat trick but kind of silly. Hard as it is to fathom, the movie "Child's Play" actually had a better explanation than this one. I never thought I'd be saying that.

If they had thrown in almost any sort of rational explanation I would have enjoyed the movie more. Heck, I would have accepted alien experiments. The lack of an explanation kept bugging me, no pun intended, for most of the movie.

Overall it was worth renting on DVD and watching. It was certainly no worse than a lot of movies before and since. If you turn off the critical thinking you'll enjoy it more.
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