The Snowman (TV Short 1982) Poster

(1982 TV Short)

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superb festive cartoon
didi-56 January 2005
Shown every year on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day on UK Channel 4 since the channel launched in 1982, this charming and touching Raymond Briggs cartoon is the perfect accompaniment to turkey, wine, and Christmas pud.

A cute little boy runs out to play in the snow in his back garden (this is an England where everyone has lots of land and detached houses) where he puts together a life-size snowman, complete with hat, fruit for his nose, and pieces of coal for his eyes. Come the night when he is in bed, he feels the urge to run down and see the snowman just to be sure he's real. But the Christmas magic means the snowman is alive and ready for fun.

Several scenes are full of humour - the snowman being shown around the house, including his perfect environment (a chest freezer), the race around the garden on a motorbike, and Father Christmas's party. The real icing on the cake comes with the flight through the cold night sky to the accompaniment of Peter Auty singing 'Walking in the Air'.

With beautiful, flickering animation, memorable cartoon characters, and a bit of true Christmas spirit, 'The Snowman' is as close to a perfect half-hour as you can get. Other animations from the work of Briggs haven't come quite as close - this one is special. Long may it continue to be shown and celebrated, and find a place in the heart of new generations.
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A Christmas classic: Half an hour of animated genius
Pedro_H31 October 2005
A little boy (James) builds a snowman in his garden who comes alive and leads the boy on a series of adventures.

When we say "family" film we usually mean films that the kids can watch and the parents can just about stand after a couple of stiff drinks. The Snowman is one of those films that the whole family can watch and actually enjoy -- and enjoy over and over again.

The musical scenes are quite wonderful and centrepiece song "Walking In The Air" is a total classic, indeed you should show that in film schools to show what great visuals and great music can do when they work as a team.

The colourful animation is great to -- and when they fly over Brighton (England), it really does look like they are flying over Brighton. I presume that they did a lot of research to make it accurate.

This is like a little pop song. It is short, lively and uplifting. Despite the sad end. The song/film ends and the real world comes back and you marvel at how clever it all was. This is a little bit of genius in a world that is a lot colder than the one we see on screen.
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Powerful beauty
moviesmoviesmovies26 December 2001
An amazing animation that conjures emotions to the point of tears - a beautiful film with beautiful music.

The first viewing reminded me of childhood - and the freedom of being a child. The second viewing reminded me of the same childhood freedom,

but with the reality of being trapped in an adult world.
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A Christmas Must
cosmic_quest15 December 2004
'The Snowman' is one of those few things on television that appeal to everyone from the youngest of children to the grown adults. It's a silent cartoon that relies on the wonderful soundtrack and the gorgeous animantion to tell the story of a young boy's friendship to the snowman he builds one Christmas Eve. The snowman is magically brought to life at the stroke of midnight and takes the boy on a magical adventure to the North Pole where they meet Santa Claus.

In a brief twenty minutes, it portrays the sweetness of a child and the loyal friendships they are capable of as well as delving into loss. This British classic is on every Christmas on Channel Four, I remember being captivated by it as a small child and I'll still be tuning in this year at the ripe old age of twenty-four. I just hope that when I have kids, the tradition of airing 'The Snowman' will continue so I can share this with them.
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"A wonder without words"
Tug-329 September 1999
Raymond Briggs' illustrated book, upon which this holiday special is based, has been accurately described as a "wonder without words." This short movie can be described just as accurately with that phrase. _The Snowman_ may be my favorite animated film of all time, ranking alongside _Watership Down_. These films share the common bonds of not underestimating the intelligence of their audiences, and of providing spectacular and moving animated sequences. The flight sequence of _The Snowman,_ set to the haunting song "Walking in the Air," is a sequence that could have been lifted from _Fantasia_: the landscape unfolds, revealing wonder after wonder--city lights, cruising ships, penguins, aurora borealis--as the music rolls like turbulent winter waves. The story is short and simple, and more than a little heartbreaking, but captures the tragedy of transience without padding the action with sophomoric song and dance routines. This cartoon also features perhaps the best rendition of Santa Claus (or "Father Christmas," to be more true to the show's British roots) ever caught on film: a wholly charming, smiling, warm person, fun and grandfatherly and kind.

Three brief suggestions: if you can find it, buy the soundtrack to this film, as it makes great background holiday music; see if you can locate versions that feature opening narration by David Bowie (the video version usually features an opening sequence with the author, the PBS version a short scene with Bowie); stay far away from the waaaay inferior sequel, "Father Christmas," an oddly sardonic follow-up replete with bad jokes and--believe it or not!--nudity!
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vertigo_1425 December 2003
I watch my PBS-recorded version of The Snowman every Christmas Eve along with a few other traditional holiday movies to clear my head of the excessive commercialism of the holiday and put myself in the mood for Christmas.

The Snowman is a wonderfully simple film about a small boy who's Snowman comes to life. It's a terrific idea, for if you're a kid, wouldn't it be cool to make friends with a Snowman and be able to visit Santa Clause? Plus, the animation and the accompanying music, and even David Bowie's sentimental introduction makes this a wonderful adaptation of the book.
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Come Walking In The Air With This Christmas Fantasy
Ron Oliver2 December 2000
THE SNOWMAN built by a lonely young boy comes to life at Midnight on Christmas Eve, propelling them both on a fanciful, unforgettable adventure...

Raymond Briggs' charming picture book comes to life in this delightful British cartoon. Here is a perfect excursion into realms of Imagination & Wonder. The Snowman's guided tour of the human child's home is a comic treat. Their flight over the frozen North Country & Polar Seas is exhilarating and full of white mystery.

The serious themes of friendship's responsibility, and the inevitability of ultimate loss, are also hinted at. The ending is both beautiful & heartbreaking.
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A flashback of the 'innocent' childhood days...
adam_31418 October 2004
I just finished watching this TREMENDOUS movie. My whole life flashed before my very eyes. It brought me to tears as it reminds me of my glorious childhood. We watched this every Christmas, and watching it after such a long time sent shivers down my spine.

The song 'walking in the air' all but speaks for itself. What a emotional song. Probably the greatest 'cartoon' of all time! The whole Christmas atmosphere is brought back and layed before your very eyes. Movies like this, Father Christmas, Home Alone, bring back those 'good old days'. If only I could rewind the clock and go back to the days....

An absolute gem of a movie..
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Great song elevates mediocre short film Warning: Spoilers
Of course, I am talking about "Walking in the Air" here. This is a 1982 short movie which runs for roughly 26 minutes and was nominated for an Academy Award, but lost to the Polish entry. At least they took home a BAFTA television award and this movie aged so well in people's minds that they finally made a sequel a couple years ago, roughly 30 years after the original and they got some of the people from the original to join the crew. I personally enjoyed watching this short film. It wasn't great or anything and had a couple weak moments (like the snowman trying on all these clothes), but as a whole it's worth the watch, especially for animation lovers. I liked the film's style (looks much older than 1982) more than the story. I read that the ending had an emotional impact on many, but not for me. In general, I believe they may have done a better job on the story about the snowman. The boy was fine. I watched the version that had David Bowie in the intro. For pretty much everybody involved with this (writer, directors, producer), this was the biggest success of their career in retrospective. They still succeeded with other projects and managed Emmy nominations or another Oscar nomination in the short film category, but none of their works has come close to "The Snowman" in terms of popularity. Decent short film all in all. Recommended.
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Pure magic
tonyjackie10 November 2006
I thought that 'The Snowman' was magical when I first saw it over 20 years ago and I still think that it is now.

It is a beautifully told story of the wonder of Christmas as seen through the eyes of a small boy.The animation is first rate and let's not forget the music which is a delight.

This is a story filled with laughter,wonder and sadness and is as much a part of Christmas as Santa.

This story is now shown every Christmas on television and if you haven't seen it before,you must grab the chance to watch it.It is one of the most loved tales of recent times and rightly deserves it's status as a true classic that is sure to enchant for many years to come.
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80s Christmas Day nostalgia
carlwilkessob25 December 2022
The snowman was a mainstay of every Christmas Day throughout my childhood in the 80s. I'm now impressing upon my kids every year just to keep the magic alive

However having watched as an adult it's really not that good. I don't actually think I liked it much as a kid but it was just a tradition more than a must see. The animation may have been groundbreaking back in 1982 but it certainly doesn't stand up that well today

The sequel the snowman and the snow dog is far superior movie which was released much much later

The theme tune walking in the air is the key moment in the film and I loved the single as a kid. I loved the aled Jones version and bought the vinyl single and wish I still had it as would be worth a few quid now.

Worth mentioning David bowies cameo just for gravitas

Worth seeing once but not great by todays Xmas movie standards. More a tradition to roll back the 80s.
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This movie...!
deathway13 July 2005
Oh jeez...

This movie makes me cry every time I watch it. The 'theme song', a melody originally sung by a choir boy, "Walking In The Air" always turns me to a sobbing blob, even when I hear it in a store at Christmas, or a clip of it on other shows.

The animation is very much a drawing come to life. This film captures the nostalgia of youth and Christmas without being glitz, glam and too sickly sweet. You don't need Mickey to compliment your mistletoe! Two words. Watch it. Don't hesitate. The children will adore it, and I'm sure an older generation will too! It's your inner child in film form. Go see it!
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The worst movie ever
bulldogboy2428 April 2007
I didn't see the point in this stupid, kiddish movie, the singing was horrible, the animation sucks and the story lines is too simple and basic.

By 1982, movie's were great for having deep, descriptive story lines, this however had it like it was written in 5 minutes by a 4 year old kid. So I don't know all the fuss is on how good the movie is, in my mind it is one of worst musicals ever, nearly as bad as High school musical.

In my mind if your 4-6 years old than it could be OK but if your older stay away.
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The Animation Technique
kebman30 September 2006
Some people accuse this film's animation technique of not being at the Disney level. And I totally agree. Disney haven't dared to make something nearly as compelling as this since Fantasia (1940)! Simply put, The Snowman is art at a very high level.

No, the animation technique isn't like Disney's - and for a good reason: Artistic Integrity. I'm sure the animators could have used a "Disney-technique" perfectly well if they wanted to, but instead they chose another, more dreamy, way of animation. They actually dared to use an animation technique that is neither smooth nor clear, and still the film has gotten immensely popular. Not to mention that this special technique is particularly time consuming to work with.

This film is an incredible achievement, and even here in Norway it airs every Christmas. Christmas just wouldn't be the same without it.
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matija-trost11 January 2003
Need I say more. O.k. I will.

Made in 1982 and still watchable, enjoyable in 2003. It seems that this cartoon was shown across Europe for Christmas time every year and people still love it. Sure animation is not on a Disney level, but hey, Disney is far from making something so touchy without getting corny.

Superb story (made with the stunning end) and one of the greatest music scores ever, it made this piece of cartoon a real work of art. It's simply the legend that would never fade. That's why the highest grade possible,

10 out of 10.
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Leofwine_draca29 December 2012
One of my favourite animations ever. Who thought that a half-hour Christmas cartoon about a kid's friendship with a snowman could be as gut-wrenchingly devastating as GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES?

THE SNOWMAN works so well because of its simplicity. It's a magical adventure, a piece of pure escapism set over the course of one magical day and night that most kids should be able to identify with. Raymond Briggs is a masterful author in that the story's purpose (to help children deal with grief) only becomes apparent when rewatching it as an adult.

The sublime music and simple yet beautiful animation are the icing on the cake. And don't get me started on THAT ending - the perfect ending, really, perfectly judged and topping off a real emotion ride.
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A truly magical Christmas film
adamonIMDb24 December 2018
It's Christmas Eve of 2018 as I write this and I've just finished watching 'The Snowman' for what feels like the hundredth time. It has become something of a Christmas tradition to watch this film some time over the festive period and it gets me in the mood for the big day like no other.

I love everything about 'The Snowman' - the story, the animation, the music. Everything is perfect and beautiful. There is just something about it that is special. I remember the first time I saw it as a young child, I was absolutely engrossed and as soon as it ended I wanted to watch it again, and then again. It is 20 minutes of pure joy and pure emotion.

No other Christmas film comes close for me. This is and always will be my favourite Christmas film.
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Some reviews of The Snowman.
lowtherscott13 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My class (aged 9-10) recently studied the film and wrote short reviews. As this site provided some inspiration into this process I thought I would add some of the work produced:

James, a boy, makes a snowman. Then something happens at midnight. The snowman comes alive! Wondrous things happen with James and the snowman.

My favorite bit is the motor-cycle ride. And my favorite part with the motor-bike is when they go into the forest because its just fun for me and it seems like they hit the trees but they don't…it just makes me wonder because the snowman is so big.

I would recommend it for children to watch it however don't watch it over and over again or it will get boring.

By Kirk

A boy makes a snowman that comes alive and takes him on a magical adventure to the North Pole to meet Santa Claus.

The best bit is the Snowman party at the North Pole. I like it when the Scottish snowman dances with the boy (James). It makes me feel merry and shocked because the snowmen looked like they were having fun and the party decorations looked amazing.

I would recommend it as it's for all ages and it's not violent. It is very amazing a snowman can be alive and I wish it happened to me! I also think this story is heartwarming and is perfect to watch with your family and friends.

By Aurora

A boy called James builds a Snowman on Christmas day. It came to life on Christmas Eve and they had lots of adventures and they even saw Father Christmas. The next morning they went home and the snowman had melted.

Best bit? When they had a party at the North Pole because there were lots of snowmen and Father Christmas was there.

Would I recommend it? Yes. Because it's a nice story and it is very funny especially the part when he got changed in the morning because you can see his bum.

by Alexander

A boy builds a snowman and it comes alive and the snowman explores the house and then the snowman takes the boy on an exciting adventure to the North Pole to meet Santa Claus. Unfortunately in the end the snowman dies.

I like the part when they have a party at the North Pole and meet Santa. Also when the Snowman changes his nose to a variety of fruits. I also like the part when they go on the motorbike.

Would I recommend it? Of course!! It's funny and exciting I really like it. I couldn't stop laughing it is a great movie. Kids will really love it! It is a great movie to laugh to. I really enjoyed it.

Reviewed by: Eva

At midnight the snowman comes alive and explores the house. The snowman takes the little boy to the North Pole and has a party. Afterwards the snowman melts.

I like the bit when the boy makes the snowman, because that was the thing I could understand the most.

Would I recommend it? Yes! Because there will be many bits you'll like and the story can be understood very easily and the story is very interesting.

By Chan Min

A small boy called James who makes a snowman and it comes alive and takes him on a happy and magical adventure.

Best bit? When James throws a huge snow ball at the window and his mum get very angry.

Would I recommend it? Yes it's an all age film and is full of happiness and joy. Well, almost all of it.

by Timothy.

A boy, James, builds a snowman one snowy day. That night the snowman magically comes to life. James and the snowman play together and become best friends. The snowman takes the boy on an adventure to the North Pole and meets SANTA!!!

Best Bit? When James and the snowman go to the North Pole and have a party with many other snowmen and a special guest - SANTA! They all dance, play, drink, and eat. James has the greatest time of his life and receives a special present.

Would I Recommend It! YES! It's funny, thrilling, and adventurous, but the movie makes you really sleepy. The end is very sad unlike other movies and stories.

By Nicholas.

A little boy named James makes a snowman. At midnight the snowman comes to life and goes around James' house and has a fun adventure.

Best bit? When the snowman flies around the city and arrives at the North Pole and sees Santa and the snowmen.

Would I recommend it? It's universal because it's not a violent film or a movie that's for adults it's a film that everyone can watch. And I think people would watch it because it's a fun animated movie adventure.

By Jaco

It's about a boy, who was always lonely, who made a snowman. That night the snowman came alive to explore with the boy. It explores everywhere and special magical things happen. The snowman turns alive and makes James HAPPY and he has best Christmas Eve ever!

What's the best bit? The snowman and James (the boy's name) go to the North Pole and meet Father Christmas and even different kinds of snowmen. They have a great feast and dance.

I would recommend it because it's like the story makes you feel cool and nice, especially when they were riding the motorbike in the middle of the forest. (There are good effects)


I hope you enjoyed them :)
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Haunting, compelling, perfect.
NateWatchesCoolMovies25 December 2015
1982's The Snowman sees a gorgeously illustrated book by Raymond Briggs jump into animated life for a haunting twenty minute short film set on a snowy Christmas Eve. It's an obscure choice for me to include so late in the game here, but I was introduced to it for the first time last Christmas and really enjoyed it. It's got an ethereal quality, the images not quite static, not quite fully animated, but summoned from a half conscious place where daylight ends and dreams begin. A young boy builds a snowman in his yard one Christmas Eve, and in a flurry, he comes to life, whisking the young lad away on a dreamy voyage far above the land, off to his homeland where other snowmen like him dwell. It's got one of the most evocative, yet simple scores I've heard in animation, and a transfixing song that drifts across the film's soundscape as the boy and his companion fly through the night, my favourite sequence. David Bowie also provides vague vocals for a character. Perfect for late night Christmas Eve while the fire is low, the night is deep and the snow is falling.
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Favourite childhood memory
stephenfry8615 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Watching The Snowman as a child was an annual tradition. I always knew Christmas was around the corner when my parents put this on.

every child should watch the Snowman. You only get a few years of truly believing in magic and this film is the best form of magic you can find.

The lack of dialogue, except for the lyrics to "Walking in the air", makes the cartoon even more atmospheric. All the emotion is in the music. Every child who has seen The Snowman dreams of building a magic snowman who flies them to see Father Christmas.

You'd need to have a heart of stone to not be moved when the snowman melts at the end.
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Christmas perfection.
Sleepin_Dragon7 November 2022
A young boy makes a snowman, and the following morning, the pair set off on the most wonderful adventure together.

Thirty minutes of the most magical, heart warming, uplifting, moving television that you will ever see.

They certainly don't, and simply can't make them as good as this one, for me it has never been surpassed, it will forever be the epitomy of Christmas. Yes it's sentimental, but it somehow manages to capture so many feelings, feeling of wonder, joy, sadness, all without words.

From David Bowie's introduction, to the animation, to the music, this will forever be one of the best animations of all time. Will it ever be surpassed?

That ending still gets me, I can remember seeing it at a young age, and being so upset by it, it's just so moving.

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We're walking in the air <3
Irishchatter16 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love when this little film airs always every Christmas. Its just such a gem from my childhood when the boy and the snowman flies up in the air to go to the North Pole. Of course, its even sweet to see the other snowmen dancing around them, gosh wouldn't it be great to have joined the party with a group of snowmen?! xD

At the end, I have to say it was sad when the snowman melted but there ya go, it does show grief even if the boy was dreaming. It reminds me as a child when I created a snowman and of course, they blooming melted. I definitely would suggest to show this to kids but I would have to tell them of the ending first before I let them watch it. It was a shock I have to say!

I always loved the music, the wee boy Peter Auty that sung it, was brilliant. I always listen to the song on my music player because its just so brilliant! Good man Raymound Briggs for inventing this wonderful little film!
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Now this is a truly beautiful short film.- a treasure might I add?
TheLittleSongbird12 May 2009
The animation for starters is absolutely stunning here. This is a delightful and charming story of a boy who makes a snowman who comes to life and the film revolves around their friendship. The music is gorgeous, and "Walking in the Air" may annoy some people, but I personally love that song, and the animated sequence it features in is magical.There aren't any voices, with the exception of David Bowie's narration, but does that matter? No it doesn't, because as a silent animation, it works wonders. There is a little bit of live action at the beginning, but that never interferes with the film's true intention, while the ending is truly heart-breaking. The characters are memorable,(and likable) and the story is very faithful to the story by Raymond Briggs. All in all, a Christmas classic, that is a must see! 10/10 Bethany Cox.
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Pure genius
rrbrklyn3 March 2014
I first came across this video in 1989 - 1990, bought it, then watched it every year around Christmastime with my two children before they went off to college (university). It became, in essence, a "family tradition" for our newly formed family of three: one estranged father; one son; one daughter.

Although I can't really lay claim to being other than an aficionado of animated film, I would have to say that "The Snowman" ranks at the tippy top of my list of works of a similar art. The story...the music...the animation...are all immaculately conceived and executed.

I can't recommend this video strongly enough to parents of young children. In our present-day age of video games and special effects, this simply drawn, animated film is a treasure -- and for the three of us, at least, an heirloom.

RRB Brooklyn, NY, USA
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An absolute work of art. One of the finest examples of animation ever.
wwe79611 December 2010
This short is simply perfect. It has perfect animation, perfect music, and a great story. When Christmas classics are brought up I want one of the first things to come out of peoples mouths to be this short. It just does everything right. You like the characters despite no dialogue, and enjoy watching. The whole thing is great, but the best part is the flying scene. It is the closest I can imagine to an actual experience of non assisted flight. People could throw some 3-D movie at me with a flight scene, but this film is just way more genuine with the experience. You feel the wonder completely as it takes you over, and if you close your eyes you will feel like you are lifting off the floor. Also along with the amazing animation I love the music. The animation and soundtrack go together perfectly. The best part of music by far though is you guessed it the flying scene. This is a masterpiece on every level. Happy Holidays. My present to all of you is recommendation of this short. I hope you are filled with the same kind of amazement I was.
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