When Nature Calls (1985) Poster

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Throwing everything at the wall, and... a tiny bit sticks? oh hey David Straithairn wait what
Quinoa198410 March 2021
Well, first of all, I really got a kick out of the trailer for the toddler-centric gangster action movie parody that precedes the feature here, "Baby Bullets" - especially with the tagline "The only movie that has to be changed four timed a day!"

(Matter of fact this opens kind of like.... Grindhouse? And it has an "Intermission" eventually? It has multiple fake trailers, including a sex arthouse take off called "Gena's Story" featuring the introduction of actor Jacques Perrier, and a ... *un-subtle* black and white spoof of Raging Bull by Martin Snoreseasy called Raging Bull****?!?! What a way to start your movie, dude... Dare I say this is "cinema?")

I bring all of this up because the trailers and to an extent the Intermission are really, comedically, the most effective parts of the movie because it's where Kaufman finds his mojo for jokes... In short, concentrated bursts. The problem with a full movie the way this unfolds is that it's like the filmmakers have A.D.D., or more literally it's like someone changing the channel and you have no control over it, as jokes and gags and incredibly stupid garbage keeps flying at the walls as they try to see what sticks that it resembles the sets for the hotel rooms in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Everything but the kitchen sink? How's about the entire house bulldozed while G Gordon Liddy gets a bit?

Speaking of which, the random nonsense is probably what is most endearing about this (even if you might be forgiven at first for mistaking G Gordon for Dabney Coleman and uh you know he probably should've been in jail and not in a comedy circa 1982 but I digress), even as so much of it doesn't work. Kaufman and company act as though we might god forbid get bored if we see a full scene play out, so interruptions happen constantly - sometimes, it is kind of amusing (you can tell when this was filmed if nothing else because it has a Reds cut interview joke, or maybe it's a couple), and other times it seems more like they know they don't have a good clothesline of a plot to hang this on so they just get stupid and gross for the sake of it. That is a legit approach, but it can also be exhausting by the time you're over an hour in.

So, what kind of comedy is this? Well, I'd bet the farm on these guys having seen Airplane or read a few MAD magazines and fancied "hey, we can do that," but they didn't seem to understand that even amid a ZAZ comedy's unrelenting lunacy they had characters we could like and care about; this doesn't have the chemistry between a Hagerty and Hays, or Nielsen and Pressley in Naked Gun. What we have in this movie as the most likeable presence is the one who's among the more, err, "problematic" as we say now elements in David Staithairn(?!) as Weeijun, a Native American in full garb and more or less Indian-Face as the guide who comes in and become part of this "Outdoorsters" family.

(Never say someone hasn't had a FULL career without acknowledging someone like Straithairn fyi, who can say he has an obscure for good reason Troma film on the same resume as Edward R Morrow and Nomadland. So it goes).

But what I mean to say is his interactions with the family, and his self conscious attitude and basic talent as a performer and screen presence, what he brings to them are the closest this gets to a story and it's desperately necessary - yes, even knowing it is an offensive type, and even knowing that it comes out (minor spoiler who cares) he is a white guy playing Native American dress up - when what else is there includes a subplot where the daughter has sex with a bear (oh no the tabloids about it), and uh.... Damn, I'm already forgetting much of this movie! The point is, he is actually trying despite the limitations, and everyone else is... There.

Why this rating is because some of the gags do land. I laughed when the family gets to their spot in the outdoors and a guy is there to park their car and give them a ticket for it (and this is surprisingly a plant and payoff holy god). I laughed hard at the Willie Mays cameo (I hope this gets to resurface on YouTube or somewhere, best part of the movie). I chuckled a bit when the family and Weeijun step slowly away from the guy pontificating as an expert in the woods. And I had a few chuckles when Myron Cohen, the Borscht-belt comic, pops up for a moment or two to roast the characters.

But these moments are pretty far and in between for so much dead air, where the idea is that if it's tasteless that will be enough. It's ironic that the one main draw here is also what if this wasn't so obscure would get it "cancelled" all over again, but the effort wouldn't be necessary. When Nature Calls is at times a charming curio of (too) relentless spoof Anything Goes comic shtick, except... When it isn't (ie a Mammie housecleaner joke with the cougar is... Woof, man).
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For the love of bears
BloodTheTelepathicDog10 March 2023
This oddity isn't for everyone, but I found it to be enjoyable. It reminds me a lot of a short-lived British sketch comedy, THE STEAM VIDEO COMPANY, with its use of movie trailer lampoons and absurd comedy. Although we don't have the wonderful talents of the STEAM VIDEO cast, which included Bob Todd, Barry Cryer and Madeline Smith, this film has a similar aim: to poke fun at everything while taking nothing whatsoever seriously.

STORY ($$): The story is that tired old tale of a city family, tired of the rat race, who leave it all behind for life in the wilderness. What keeps the film amusing is the steady stream of jokes and gags. Sure, many will elicit a sigh, but there are plenty that will tickle the funnybone. Perhaps the biggest flaw with the story is the forgotten character: the mother (Barbara Marineau) who has pretty much nothing to do. The father (David Orange) reaches his boiling point at work, and relocates wife and kids to the wilderness. The story really belongs to the kids. Little Billy (Nicky Beim), an entrepreneur in the making, tries to make the most of his surroundings, while older sister Bambi (Tina Marie Staiano) has reached sexual maturity, but hasn't any boys to explore her feelings with. So she settles on a bear!

ACTING ($$): There are a few familiar faces in cameo roles, mostly non-actors like former FBI head G. Gordon Liddy and baseball great Willie Mays, while the only recognizable mug is that belonging to the underappreciated David Strathairn, who plays an indian named Weejun, from the Kao-Pectate tribe, that befriends the family. It's the younger cast members that truly shine, though, with Nicky Beim trying to hawk merchandise and keep his youth gambling enterprise intact. Tina Marie Staiano is a naive treat as Bambi, whose burgeoning womanhood attracts an elephant as well as her beloved bear. Her portrayal of vapid innocence is really the standout performance.

SEX/NUDITY (NONE): Bambi's affair with the bear is left for the imagination.
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EL BUNCHO9 April 2002
This admittedly idiotic parody of the thankfully forgotten kiddie film "THE WILDERNESS FAMILY" is so completely, bloody stupid that you have to love it. The fake trailers at the beginning mostly bite the big one, but "Gina's Story" is notable for a pre-STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION Gates "Dr. Crusher" McFadden back when she was still known as Cheryl. Also, the trailer for a "Raging Bull" parody is hilarious in it's pointlessly-censored profanity.

The "story" proper deals with a family of New Yorkers who pack up and move to the forest in an attempt to "get back to nature." Massive amounts of bad jokes, tastelessness and stupidity ensue, but what a crazy ride! Top insanity points go to Weejun, a brave of the Kay-O-Pectate tribe, and the adolescent daughter's alarming first love.

This film should not be attempted without the aid of lots of booze or other, er..."party favors" of choice. Enjoy!
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A comedy that doesn't work
Leofwine_draca5 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WHEN NATURE CALLS is a wilderness adventure comedy from the Troma stable. It sees an ordinary city-dwelling family heading into the great outdoors for some fun adventures, but if you like this kind of humour then you'd be better off watching the John Candy comedy THE GREAT OUTDOORS. As a Troma film, this is quite terrible: a general barrage of unfunny jokes made on a very low budget indeed. If you like watching bad actors pretending to interact with stock wildlife footage then perhaps you'll enjoy it more than I did.
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Worst possible movie ever!!!
rainbeau5623 August 2002
I recommend everyone stay away from When Nature Calls. I have seen some really lame movies in my years, but this one takes the cake, and to think I paid hard-earned money for this video makes me nauseous.

First of all, on the video, you have to muddle through 25 minutes of absolutely, positively HORRENDOUS previews of parody movies and HORRIBLE interviews made by this video company. If that isn't enough to bury someone, the movie starts and is even worse. And, if that wasn't enough, read on.....I gave up the ghost during "intermission" where a hot dog was "masturbating on popcorn", noses with glasses were "snorting cocaine", hog dogs were "drinking alcohol", and a marijuana leaf "rolled itself into a joint, stood up, and bowed", among other things that were totally rude, crude, and insulting. It couldn't get worse than this "movie"!

It was mentioned that this movie is similar to Airplane, but I don't see any resemblance whatsoever. Airplane is an Oscar winner in comparison!

It took a really sick mind to create this bunch of dogma!
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Don't surrender to it -- just trust it.
docrotwang6 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Look...I'm not kidding you, here, trying to tell you this is a great movie. You're gonna start watching this movie, and roll you eyes at how cheap it looks. You'll probably scrunch up your nose at how stupid the first few jokes are. You may even heave a sigh, mumble some obscenities, and reach for the remote before the opening fake trailers are through.


Instead, do this: tell yourself (honestly-you're not kidding yourself, either), that as cheap and dates as this flick is, "When Nature Calls" is going to do its damnedest to throw you jokes from every angle, it's gonna do it with sincerity and glee, and although it's gonna tread some familiar ground, this movie is going to surprise you. Reassure yourself that it's actually going to amuse you; let yourself in on the truth that, once you let this movie do its thing, you are going to get its groove and that groove will not stop.

Don't trust me. Trust yourself. Trust the movie, trust director Charlie Kaufman, trust the cameos by Morey Amsterdam and G. Gordon Liddy (!), trust the throwaway gag about the parking attendant out in the wilderness, and trust the theme song. You'll have it stuck in your head later, anyway, so you may as well make peace with it now.

Let the movie happen. Let the Van Waspishes move (mostly reluctantly) to the middle of nowhere, and go full "Little House on the Prairie" out there. Let the pointless dance number happen. Enjoy the part where the 'Native American' wrestles a cougar, which, in some shots, is a guy in a fursuit. Watch the family argue with each other via voiceovers; it's okay. Enjoy the surprise celebrity roast; that's what it's there for. Let that "running through the grass" scene go on too long. Yes, that's "Classy" Freddie Blassie as a psychologist. You're right, that scene really did become an ad for a wristwatch. See? Feel better now?

You'll agree with me, at the end of it, that what you've witnessed isn't a well-polished, high- (or even mid-) budget comedy with stellar performances and crowd-pleasing guffaws. But by the time the movie is over, and you've read the gag credits, and the theme song is stuck in your head (I told you so), you'll be glad that you've seen this wayward little gem, this obscure and forgotten dollop of early-80s goofiness, and you'll wonder who else is out there starting to watch it and rolling their eyes and starting to reach for the remote...

...and you'll wish you were there, at their side, telling them:

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Charles Kaufman, film maker.
Captain_Couth2 August 2005
When Nature Calls (1985) was a film made by Lloyd Kaufman's brother. He made several films for Team Troma during the late seventies and early eighties. This was one of his last films. According to him, he wanted to make movies until they didn't make a profit and it wasn't worth doing anymore. He said this during the production of Mother's Day. Several years later and a few more films under his belt he was still directing.

The movie begins with several fake trailers (Baby Bullets, Raging Bull#@%! "A Martin Snoreasy Production, and a film for blind people). The feature film is called The Outdoorsters. An all-American family with All-American problems. They decide to move out of the big city and live in the country. But the wildlife ain't all that it's cracked up to be. This crazy comedy is filled with numerous sight gags, dated humor and corny jokes. One of the best jokes in this film revolves around "Wee-Jun" from the Ka-o-pec-Tac tribe! (played by David Strathian).

A Troma production through and through. Too bad Charles Kaufman 'retired" from the movie business. He should have went one and made several more comedies. But he left us with Mother's Day, Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters to name a few.

Highly recommended.
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This is the 3rd most entertaining comedy I have ever rented!
srmccarthy20 August 2000
It starts off with the glum withdraw of city & suburban life for this family and parents desire to make it better by going to the country, BUT they are not ready (all except little Billy) for the unexpected! Try for example a GAY INDIAN (ABSOLUTE FICTION)!!!

If you watch this catch the line (Oh you poor deer..).... I don't promise you will like it, but Ido promise you will find it unique and in the spirit of Airplane! Sean Richard McCarthy
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jbpapasim9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those rare comedies that will make you laugh out loud. From the beginning (fake) movie trailers to the animated intermission to the final credits, this movie is full of stupid jokes, sight gags and other inane types of humor. To see people such as "Classy" Freddie Blassie, G. Gordon Liddy, Gates McFadden (before she was known as Wesley Crusher's mother) and others in such a low (or below low) budget movie is great!

This movie definitely isn't for everyone. But if you enjoy Troma's comedies, watch this one. It's definitely dated, some of the jokes are bad (in a good way), but its worth watching. Not many low budget movies make me wish I could see them in the theater, but this is one I would go to see.
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Must watch even if undoubtedly this is a horrendously bad movie
So much bad taste in one movie. The acting is worse than home made. Everything is bad! But, I strongly believe we learn from mistakes and not only from our own mistakes. We learn from any mistake. This is an excellent example of "donts" which is healthy to review study and learn from. I feel I've learned a lot from it. I feel I need to watch it again and again. 10 stars from me because I've learned what happens when things go wrong. I learned more about the fine line between excellent and terrible comedy. Any creative person should watch this. Yes, it is very educational. I'm grateful I've been lucky enough to bump into this pathetic horrendous catastrophic piece of human failed attempt of being creative.
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