Hamburger: The Motion Picture (1986) Poster

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Cheeze enthusiasts...
mcfly-3122 July 2005
One of those guilty-pleasure, take it for what it is, so bad it's good, whatevers. In the wake of the "Police Academy" success, producers Feldman and Meeker---who made the legitimate "The Hitcher" the same year---picked up this script about life at a college university for fast-food franchise wannabes. The focal point is McCloughsky, who though a perennial flunk-out who lives at home, looks like he's in his mid-30s. He feels a last-ditch effort at an "education" is to attend a screwball Burger University with a group of over-cooked washouts of life. It's hard to offer an honest review on this, because I first saw it when I was 11. Back then it came off as comic genius, but revisiting it lately I realize how cornball and unrealistic it is. I mean, there's some good "bad taste" kind of jokes---old woman cussed out in a drive-thru, oral copulation in a Chinese restaurant---but again, most of the humor is in suspension of disbelief. Such as the student turned into a half-chicken, and a black guy "kidnapped" to the school to prove the burger chain isn't bigoted. Which is one of the areas where it crossed from bad taste to offensive, with a later sequence involving a black policeman being hurled epithets. This leads to an eye roller when said cop returns to join rioters in destroying one of the burger joints. And a BIG line crossed when the group of misfits in unison calls a five-year-old girl a "mother-f***er". But there's a good deal of clever puns on gherkins and "eating out", plus a spirited turn by the Dean of Burgers and some decent T&A. Along with a surprisingly catchy theme song, and a farting sequence that will forever obliterate any other film's attempts in the rest of the history of cinema. So with the above said, I think you have an idea of what you might be in for.
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I can't say I liked this movie...
Eric_Rage9 December 1999
...but for some reason I watched it many, many times on cable.

That may have been because I was 13 at the time, and "Hamburger..." features a ton of gratuitous nudity even by cable standards.

The movie is pretty awful, but the fact that it stands out in my mind after all these years has to say something about it.
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Beef plus buns equals bucks.
mark.waltz14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fortunately brains are not in that quote because this is one of the most brainless movies I've ever seen, yet one of the funniest. Sometimes you just need some good laughs, turn off the brain and sit back and remember when you were a 10-year-old again, laughing at the oddest of things that we now look at as crude. That being said, this is not a movie for children as the humor is extremely adult, and many of the jokes hysterically un-pc.

Leigh McCloskey left behind "Dallas" to attempt his thespian talents in this dining room comedy that gives the college cafeteria scene in "Animal House" a touch of class in comparison. Jack Blessing has truly been blessed by the evidence in his tight trousers which gets him all the ladies, at least those which McCloskey doesn't get.

Then there's Randi Brooks is the blonde sex pot who doesn't object to things that go bump under the table while she's out with the hamburger college professor Dick Butkus. Add in the heavy set student who keeps zapping himself with electricity to control his hunger, a fruit hat wearing Hispanic girl, a tough talking black kid who appears to be possibly gay (he literally cowers when confronted with a slur), and the assorted weird professors at Buster Burger college, along with a little old lady who has a heart attack and dies while in a Drive-Thru after being insulted, and you know what kind of movie this is going to be.

What I really loved about this film is the fact that everybody takes Buster Burger college so seriously that you just want to slap them silly for being so absurd and straight laced. All sorts of weird contraptions add to the comedy, strange recipes for Burger type products that Willy Wonka would have tried to steal, and an enhanced sense of wackiness that has to be seen to be believed.
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Awesome late-night date flick with sexy moniker
galaxy206912 May 2003
This poppy cheese classic from '86 is remembered by many through late night HBO and gas station rent-a-flix. The title of the film is appropriate, and it quickly lives up to that moniker during the opening credits. Watch out for lots of cool props like beds shaped like hamburgers, pickle torture chambers and Dick Butkus carrying a fly-swatter. There's also a deliciously slimy heap of farty 80's actors/actresses - Leigh McCloskey, Butkus, Randi Brooks, Sandy Hackett, as well as other various perverts. Worth mentioning is a quenching scene of an older heiress having her crotch orally massaged at a rib shack...Food for thought.
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One Randi go!
Mister-616 August 1999
Never heard of Randi Brooks? After watching "Hamburger: the Motion Picture", you'll be searching all over the IMDB for her, trust me.

She was the brightest spot in this entire dismal movie about a bunch of flakes who get one shot at becoming respectable citizens by applying themselves for the good of the community. Sound familiar? Well, this time it's not the police force that suffers, it's a hamburger joint.

Yeah, I know. Let's move on.

About Randi Brooks: as the Hamburger college dean's amorous wife, Randi is a vixen on wheels. Just look at her, she's passionate, erotic, has great eyes, a strong jawline and wears the tightest clothes and lowest necklines imaginable.

Is it any wonder there's so many guys at this college?

Anyway, the story here is bad. The acting is bad. The set design is bad. The dream sequences are bad.

There is only one part of this movie that is, in fact, good.

You guessed it: Randi Brooks.

Two stars. For Randi. Why? See the movie, but just for her, and find out. You'll thank me.
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Call the health department on this one.
jp-aventurier20 April 2020
What if someone remade 'Clerks II' in the style of 'Police Academy'? Add in fairly good production values for sets and props, and all the hamfisted ignorance of the 80's? You'd end up with 'Hamburger: The Motion Picture'. It's an imaginative (if not creative) addition to the 'troupe of misfits beat the odds' sub-genre, but solid laughs are not on the menu.
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An insult to burgers and chickens
videorama-759-85939110 October 2016
At the time of this release, Palace Films were bringing out a lot of cheesy and addictive titles. I somehow steered away from this one. I actually remember one customer returning this, saying this was terrible, only he didn't say stupid as well. This one feels bottom b grade, only catering toward an undemanding audience, although it is addictively entertaining. A lot of gags don't wash, where other times, there are ones that are a hoot, only there are more hits, than misses. It's stud star, McCloskey (Dallas, Fraternity Vacation, also an artist) believe it or not, trained at the prestigious Julliard school of acting. He plays an all American guy kicked out a number of colleges, on the count of his sex making, one girl, coming onto him, after the other. His latest screw up, has landed him at Busterburger U, where hundreds of students are trained to become managers of this popular franchise. The dorm beds are even shaped like burgers, and pray you never locked in a standing pickle. Our stud falls in love with a young girl (Debra Blee- a really good actress, much above crap like this), about to marry the much older (father type age) boss. He of course he has it in for McCloskey, determined to veto his chances of graduating, so we know how that good conquers bad, scenario will pan out. Yes this is a terrible movie, but there are really inventive comic moments, some of them, so 80's cheese or so bad, they're good ones. This starts with the old lady going through the drive through, to when the fat club arrive off the bus, where these much overweight people, one of them, still maintaining good looks (the burper), crash the place. They double and double and doubling very much on our meaty treats while also stealing other burgers off patron's place. Also we have an explosion like you've never seen before using laxative. We also have an electric shock finger device to use, when you get the munchies. This is just really bad B grade, this film, and worth a look, depending on your sense of humor. You never know, you may just like it. I praise the opening credit sequence, which will make you go out a devour a Nordburger. A really bad movie.
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"Hey look! We're being funny! LOOK!!"
edgewelle18 May 2002
`Hamburger – The Motion Picture' is like an annoying friend who cracks a joke, and then spends the next five minutes explaining why it was funny. The movie's gags are tediously long, and intrinsically unfunny to begin with (The helicopter is out of control! Look at how funny it is when it spins! Continue looking as it spins for 7 minutes!) I will grant that several of the jokes in the first 20 minutes of the film made me chuckle, but far too many overstayed their welcome, or had such bile that they were uncomfortable. The scene with Russell and his parents was a good example of this. It's one thing to have frustratingly strict parents, but his parents were filled with murderous rage – the effect is unnerving. Racist jokes are also littered throughout, as well as the proposition that overweight people mindless, filthy animals. In addition, this film narrowly escapes soft core porn status – the amount of preposterously horny women in the film is amazing.

Now, I realize that I'm being picky. The fact of the matter is, I enjoyed myself quite a bit while watching `Hamburger.' It's intriguing to see how money can be spent on the movie's several expensive sequences, and still remain so hopelessly dreary. It's funny to examine how so many jokes go so wrong and how so much effort and energy goes into performances that remain unwatchable (the nerd character is a good example. This is a very worthy entry into my list of favorite b-movies.
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Busterburger University- Where Hormones Run High and Ambitions Run Low
jmatthew20101 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Think of Hamburger: The Motion Picture as the typical, artery- clogging burger purchased from any local fast food dine-in. It's sinfully delicious without a trace of nutritional value and leaves you in a perpetual state of self-loathing as you rub your bloated belly shortly after consumption. Hamburger: The Motion Picture is junk food for the eyes and the mind. This is a shamelessly enjoyable B-movie from the 80s which will tickle the jovial 12-school-boy inside any grown man. There is a charming little aspect about this film that transcends the gross out humor and slip-shod story which captures and keeps your attention for the sole purpose of seeing what level of offensiveness it set out to achieve. Once the end credits are rolling, you're asking yourself what you just wasted 90 minutes of your life on. You could have spent that time learning a foreign language or reading a book or calling family or a number things which hold more productivity than watching a movie about hamburgers, but you can't stop chuckling at the idiocy which this movie builds its foundation upon.

McDonalds has what is called a hamburger university in Oak Brook, Illinois where a large number of students attend each year to achieve management level positions in McDonalds restaurants across the nation. The existence of this university is the punchline of Hamburger: The Motion Picture which gleefully twists and satirizes it into perverted tale of stringent fast food management training, crude sexual exploits and explosive flatulence. Leigh McCloskey plays Russell Proco, a sex-addict who has been expelled from several colleges due to his insatiable sexual appetite much to the chagrin of his frustrated parents. His trust fund is withheld until he achieves a college level degree and while mulling over his dilemma at a local Busterburger he discovers he can earn a degree at a hamburger college thus unfreezing his trust fund account. From here, we cut to Busterburger University where hormones run high and ambitions run low. We're introduced to an assorted collection of future Busterburger University alumnus including a fat guy who shocks himself to keep from eating too much, a Columbian nymphomaniac, a black funk singer and a nun. We follow this group through a disorganized set of misadventures and their learning experiences which involve the art of creating the perfect hamburger, a twisted set of principles on customer service and an inauspicious experience running an actual Busterburger Restaurant.

A movie such as this isn't going to succeed based merely on acting, but a special mention must go to former Chicago Bears linebacker, Dick Butkus, who hilariously portrays Busterburger University's overly frustrated drill sergeant and trainer, Drootin, who enjoys nothing more than entrapping his trainees into plastic pickle "prison boxes" and hosing them down with the special sauce. Charles Tyner as CEO Lyman Bunk also brings in the belly-laughs as he teaches his class of future burger flippers how to refuse service to "assholes" and ordering "mother-f*ckers" to put the cookies back where they belong. Randi Brooks also does well with what she is given as the wife of Lyman Bunk who gets a little too close to one of the students culminating in a disturbingly steamy scene under the table at a Chinese restaurant.

This film is a glorious little train-wreck from its cheesy opening presenting various scenes of common folk consuming burgers set to its cheesier exclusive jingle "Hamburgers for America" to its utterly tasteless finale where the Busterburger University graduates complete the practical section of their study running a Busterburger restaurant. All of the content between isn't guaranteed to raise points on your IQ score, but it's funny in a deranged and perverted sort of way. Of everything in this film, the climax of the film where we view the prospective Busterburger University graduates working a Busterburger restaurant holds the most laughs. Drootin sabotages our promising, future burger flippers by directing a tour of overweight extreme eaters, vicious bikers and slighted African American policemen who all proceed to utterly destroy the restaurant. A memorable scene, one that is sure to go down in annals of great cinema, involves the injection of a laxative into a milkshake given to all of the overweight diners which results in a flatulence so prodigious it blows up the bathroom. Yes… and that is one of the less offensive scenes. The humor is politically incorrect, chauvinist and juvenile, but absolutely hilarious in all of its cringe-worthy badness.

In all, Hamburger: The Motion Picture is a trashy little film that flew under the radar in the 80s. It's a clever spoof with a strange sense of juvenile and politically incorrect humor that will make you cringe while you chuckle at its depravity.
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a good bad movie
the-jerk23 May 2005
All I can say is, if you're REALLY interested in quality when watching a movie, stay away from this one. This has the unholy trinity: bad acting, bad writing, and bad directing. But maybe that's part of its appeal, if you're into that sort of thing. As someone who used to watch "USA Up All Night" with Gilbert Gottfried and Rhonda Shear, I love this movie. As bad 80s movies go, this is one of the more watchable.

The main character is Russell, a guy who's been thrown out of college after college for having sex with the co-eds. So for some reason, he decides to go to Hamburger University to learn to work at a fast food restaurant (and subsequently to keep it in his pants, as if one leads to the other). Of course, all of the lame s*** you're expecting to happen does happen, but watch it anyway, because some of it is pretty funny. Watch out for the names: Mrs. Vunk, Mrs. Gottbottom, and did you know that there's a country called Guacamole (not pronounced GWOK-a-mole; it's gwok-a-MOL-ee!)? There were a lot of puns that I found myself laughing at despite myself, including the names of some foods at the Chinese restaurant they eat out at (one character in more ways than one) and the Frying Nun (watch and you'll find out). And when they all yell "Put that cookie down motherf***er!" at the little girl, I thought I would die laughing. And the part at the beginning, with the old lady dying of a heart attack in the drive-thru line from being insulted by the guy she's trying to order from? Priceless. Watch out for Dick Butkus (in one of the main roles; he's the biggest celebrity in the movie) as a sort of drill sergeant at Hamburger U; whatever you're expecting about Dick Butkus's acting ability, you're probably right.

Sure it's stupid, lame, crude, and completely disposable. But there's also lots of naked women and fart jokes. If you are the type who can find the merits of some bad movies, you should give this one a try. I haven't seen it in years; I don't think it's been released on DVD yet, but I'd love to see it be.
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Stupid but Amusing 80's Comedy
funrocket31 August 2014
Hamburger: The Motion Picture is a formulaic but somewhat strange 80's comedy about a young man who gets kicked out of several colleges for public sex so he must attend a hamburger chain management school to get a college degree and gain access to his trust fund. The film has some T&A and a few funny sex scenes along with some great set pieces related to the almost cult-like Busterburger University (an obvious takeoff of McDonald's U). They have some inventive gags with the university's over the top obsession with making everything hamburger related.

The main drawbacks are the inanely stupid nonsensical plot and side plot. The drill sergeant-like student adviser Droogin (played by a wonderfully scene chewing Dick Butkus) seems to be setting all the students up for failure for no particular reason with no motivation for him to do so. There are tons of plot holes and the ending is idiotic.

This is definitely for the hardcore corny 80's sex comedy fans although the opening theme song is unintentionally amazing, like Bruce Springsteen doing a ridiculous tribute to hamburgers.
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A flat out masterpiece...
kaspianc7 May 2003
What a great movie! When you think about it, this movie has it all: angry bikers, buxom babes, explosions, college hijinx, fast food, goofy nerds,a pool party, and Dick Butkus gives the performance of a lifetime. Four stars, A+, two thumbs up!!
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One of the better bad 80's movies
tapedeck10 February 2005
I disagree with the other poster! This is a great example of a "B" movie, the only thing seriously wrong with it is that it has a terrible soundtrack. The acting isn't half bad, and it has Dick Butkis puts on a great performance. I can think of many worse films than this one! There are numerous sight gags that still hold up today, and it is (in a way) a valid commentary on the fast food industry. Perhaps this and "Supersize Me" would make a great double feature? In all fairness though, this is a "guy" kind of wife didn't quite think it was nearly as funny as I did. Perhaps an even better double feature would be "Nice Dreams" the Cheech and Chong movie. An entrées and dessert........sort of!
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Worst movie ever made
wr70beh30 June 2003
The title alone should tell you this movie is bad. A university about owning a burger franchise? Don't waste your time. Why this movie never made any of the 100 worst movies ever made is beyond me. Maybe it's beyond horrible that people just like to forget this movie was made.
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The Best Movie Since "Hot Dog... The Movie"
pkatcher4 April 2001
Wherever they house the formula that was made to concoct this movie, they should lock it up and throw away the key.

It was that good!

To try to duplicate this cinematic magic would be an injustice, similar to the tragic stringing out of Police Academy action thrillers.

Jack Blessing was brilliant in his challenging role of Nacio Herb Zipser. His performance was surpassed perhaps only by John Young as Prestopopnick, who proved that mind can indeed overcome matter when it comes to the vices of junk food.

And who says there are no positive roles for women in Hollywood? Randi Brooks and Karen Mayo-Chandler, who played Mrs. Vunk and Dr. Gotbottom, respectively, proved action speaks louder than words when they showed off plenty of T&A.

It was sad to a movie like Platoon clean up as the Oscars, while Hamburger... The Motion Picture was shunned by a shamelessly and unapologetic vegetarian Tinseltown.
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Want some cheese with that?
vertigo_146 January 2005
How could someone possibly give this movie a ten? It's horrible. I didn't find it 'Hamburger...The Motion Picture' funny at all, save one or two sequences. I thought they tried too hard to be stupid humor, possibly matching what they had seen in any number of Zucker/Abrams/Zucker movies (Airplane, etc) and it just didn't work out it all.

'Hamburger' is the story of a guy who is continuously expelled from one university after another for what else, but getting caught having sex. He won't get the inheritance his grandfather left him unless he has a university degree. So, his easy solution is to attend Buster Burger University, which trains potential franchise managers. In twelve weeks, he could have his Buster Burger diploma and his inheritance.

This kind of movie is for fans of a particular kind of cheap 80s comedy. The only way I can best describe this movie is that it is sort of like the story for Police Academy (a bunch of bumbling buffoons trying to successfully complete manager training at a hamburger academy) with the humor of 'Lauderdale,' 'Hardbodies,' 'Hot Tub Girls' and any other number of cheap 80s sex romps complete with lots of boobs. Actually, I'd just recommend it for a bunch of guys who want a nonsense movie with plenty of female nudity.
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sethislord8 December 2005
This movie was clearly a waste of money. Don't rent it. I suppose if you thought Police Academy was the best thing since sliced bread and are a horny young man then you may like it. Plenty of sexual humor and TNA are the bread and butter of this movie. Although I must admit the end scene when all Hell breaks loose inside the restaurant is pretty funny, the downside is you have to sit through the whole first part of the movie to watch it.

If you were really looking forward to renting this movie perhaps consider some of those weird funny sex cartoons from the 70's. You'll get your same type of humor but in short cartoons with lots to choose from. Of course you won't be wanting McDonalds by the end of the cartoons...
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oh my god... such cheese
starful621 October 2007
OK, guy gets kicked out of multiple colleges for nude conduct, and wont get a large inheritance unless he gets a diploma, so he goes to a hamburger like detention school.Cool props (burger based) Some nudity, awful soundtrack, bad story, kinda funny, but cause its just so damn cheesy. I gave it a shot but i don't think i can watch it the whole way through.

Burger based church? Lots of burger based music, burger worship. A fat guy who continues to electrocute himself to stop from eating, and out of control 80's pop star. A nun, a few dozen sluts...A guatamalen girl who claims to be the 'lay of the land', this guy must avoid sleeping with her by acting gay.
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Embarrassed but I love this
BandSAboutMovies8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My wife asked me, "Why would anyone watch this movie?" She doesn't get it. She wasn't around in the 1980's, when we had no internet. She wasn't going through puberty. She'll never understand staying up until 3:15 AM to catch a movie about a Hamburger University and the joy that it can bring.

Russell Proco (Leigh McCloskey, who improbably is also in Argento's Inferno) has been kicked out of multiple schools because he can't stop hooking up. There's a trust fund waiting for him if he can get a diploma. So he picks the one school he knows he can graduate - Buster Burger University.

You know why the 1980's were great? Because Dick Butkus could be in a movie and we all knew exactly who his character was. Here, his job is to beat the hell out of the students so they don't screw up Buster Burger. Everyone has to follow the rules:

Outside consumption of food is prohibited. All candidates are to stay on the grounds of Buster Burger University until graduation. Since sex and success make lousy partners, all candidates are not to engage in sex while students. This is a movie that follows the best formula: just get a bunch of crazy characters together, get them into some insane situations and let the hijinks ensue. Along the way, Russell makes a friend who is obsessed with the CEO's sexy wife (the pneumatic Randi Brooks, who also is in TerrorVision), a nun who for some reason is going to burger school, a sex-crazed guerilla fighter, a soul singer who was arrested and is at the school on work release and so much more.

Where else other than Buster Burger University can you learn to yell things like "Put those cookies back, motherCENSORED," get stuck inside a giant pickle and then have to battle against bikers and cops on your first day of work?

Most amazingly, director Mike Marvin would go on to make a movie that is even less connected to reality, The Wraith.
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Major screw up get one last chance from his parents at Hamburger U.
sailorcartman124 July 2006
However unintentional, this is one of the greatest bad 80's movies ever. It is also one of the most quotable, as my friends and I quote this quite often. "Put those cookies back, M*****f****r!", and of course "We reserve the right to refuse service to a******s like you".

The lines just don't stop in this film. I cannot think of an 80's movie I quote more than this one. They probably thought they were just making another 80's teen T&A flick. However, it turned out to be so much more than that. This is a classic not to be missed by anyone with a twisted sense of humor. I believe this film to be grossly under rated for the classic 80's comedy it is. It blows many other films considered classic in the genre out of the water.
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Fun, Formulaic Frolic
emdoub25 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The basic plot is pure formula - a guy who's been kicked out of 5 universities for lewd behavior, nude behavior, and being caught by the dean while making out with the guidance counselor needs a degree of some sort to inherit grandpa's loot - so he enrolls in Hamburger U with a bunch of misfits and a sadistic teacher out to get him.

Police Academy, Stewardess School - I could probably find a dozen others that follow this formula. There's very little original about this flick.

However, much of it is lighthearted fun. Dick Butkis plays the hapless teacher bent on our hero's destruction - the "grill instructor", who carries a spatula in lieu of a swagger stick. The nun is the butt (and/or inspiration) of a number of bad jokes - the token African-American (who is very obviously there to BE the token African-American to ever graduate from this school, in handcuffs until graduation) passes her in the hall and greets her with "hello, Sister" - to which she replies "Power, Brothah!" When she comes up with a slogan for a deep-fried menu item, she's given the title of "Frying Nun". It's like that, thru the whole movie. Some of it's pretty subtle, much of it is glaringly obvious, and some is horribly overplayed - but the jokes are constant, and the odds are that you'll enjoy many of them.

No phenomenal acting, no deep meaning, a plot you've seen dozens of times before - but it's fun anyway. Not for the faint of heart or the intellectual snobs - but a fair amount of fun for the rest of us.
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Hamburger The Motion Picture is a great movie for all to see
missymail22 July 2005
I loved this movie from the first time I saw it. It is so funny that I can not stop laughing once I get started. Sure it is an old movie, but I like to see it over and over.I never get tired of seeing all the humor that is packed into it.The pickle box is amazing. I think it should be recommended viewing for all fast food employees. It would be great if it was re released on DVD, so the next generations could watch it. It goes great with the Good Burger Movie. If you are into these old movies as I am, I recommend watching it at least once. If you are not aware of the fact that Hamburger Unviresity actually does exist. Mcdonalds has one to train future employees.
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A bad movie but I like it anyway
ihaveironballs25 January 2003
Most people will hate this movie but it's one of my all time favorites. The plot involves a guy who needs to get a college degree so he can receive an inheritance. So he chooses to go to 'hamburger college'. Hijinks ensue. "Bun Shakers!!!!"
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Butkus Shines
jefferysmall19 July 2000
If you are a fan of Dick Butkus, like me, then Hamburger the Motion Picture is A Must. See Butkus chase our hero through this madcap romp. If you've ever wanted to see two fun-loving college guys be tortured in a giant pickle chamber, then this film is for you. Cameo by Charro as well!! This motion picture was sadly overlooked for the Oscar of most hilarious movie staring former pro athletes...which is a real shame. Hamburger has it all, handsome characters, torture sauce, guys who sing like Lou Rawls...and Buster Burger!! Don't take my word for it...Jerry Lewis says "it's a smash!!!" Now if that doesn't convince you, nothing will.
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Hamburger is one the 80's elite!!
capta5023 July 2005
If you like parties, chicks, comedy, fast food, music, grew up in the 80's and you are a guy, then you will love this film. This film is of the 80's B movie genre. So it might not be for those whose description does not fit above. Most people put 80's films down because they aren't from that era or they have no sense of the the Second rate goodies. I love these types myself, and there are many reasons people don't like them. I just know that I recommend it for all those B movie seekers like myself. There is just something about Hamburger that makes it all worth watching. I remember watching it and going "Man, this film is great!" Now, again, for those who don't relate to my review, please watch it with a different view. Hope you all enjoy this film. Check it out!!!
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