The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls (1987) Poster

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Ding dong! Zombies calling.
BA_Harrison11 June 2020
While a hitch-hiker seduces the driver of a milk tanker, a mysterious motorcyclist sneaks on board the vehicle and pours a bottle of liquid into the container; soon after, three young women drop dead, having drunk the contaminated milk. The three victims are laid to rest in a cemetery that just so happens to be the chosen illegal dumping ground for several barrels of industrial waste called MZ31. The toxic sludge seeps into the ground and reanimates the dead girls, who emerge from their tombs to take revenge on the living.

Despite non-stop female nudity and the occasional moment of extreme nastiness, French '80s horror The Return of the Living Dead Girls somehow still manages to be quite dull for much of its runtime, the plot dwelling too much on dreary industrial espionage and blackmail instead of gory zombie action. The script is terrible, and the acting poor, while Pierre B. Reinhard's direction is about what one would expect from a man whose movie career prior to this was... shall we say... not very demanding of style or imagination.

Trashy highlights include a woman getting a shoe heel in the eye (the wound spurting profusely), personal assistant Brigitte (Anthea Wyler) fondling herself before slipping into a jacket with massive shoulder pads, a prostitute molested by the undead before being shish-kebabed with a sword, a man having his manhood bitten off by a zombie, and a pregnant woman's stomach opening up to reveal her unborn baby. There's also fun to be had as the zombies use a doorbell before entering a house, go for a relaxing swim in a pool, and drive a car, all of which sounds daft, but can be explained by the film's twist ending, which -- trust me -- is far more ridiculous. These bits are admittedly fun, but quite a lot of perseverance is required to make it through to the end.
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France of the Dead!
Coventry26 March 2006
The French and movies about the living dead don't really seem to match together very well, do they? Remember "Zombie Lake"? Well, "Revenge of the Living Dead Girls" is almost as awful as that one, only it wasn't so fortunate to hoard a gigantic cult status and became pretty much forgotten over the years. Nevertheless, this is entertaining bad cinema in case all you're looking for is no-budget exploitation, sleaze and a handful of repulsive gore sequences. The film opens like standard zombie guff, with three recently deceased teenage girls coming back from the dead after toxic waste has been spilled on their tombs. The girls immediately go after the management of the local dairy factory since poisoned milk caused their deaths to begin with. Or at least so it seems, because the whole factory hangs together by fraud, conspiracies, scandals and bribery. There's a fairly ingenious plot-twist near the end but, until then, all we get to see is terrible acting, pointless red herrings and completely hilarious dialogues ("a little bit of necrophilia never hurt anyone"). The gory scenes, albeit amateurish, are effectively nauseating and offensive! Some woman gets her eyes poked out by high heels, another one poor soul gets a sword inserted in her vagina and THE most stomach-turning moment involves a totally random but incredibly bloody miscarriage in the shower. That was just too much! Proceed at your own risk...
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The French go Italian horror style.
Boba_Fett11385 December 2009
Yes, this movie is a French production but it really feels and looks like one of those cheap Italian zombie flicks, from the '70's. Funny thing about this movie is that it actually got made during the late '80's, though you really wouldn't had guessed that. The movie looks so old fashioned and got put together in a clumsy way. If this all would had been intentional this would had actually probably been a good movie.

The movie seemed so completely silly and random. It has a story you just won't care about and a bunch of characters you also can't care about at all. As a matter of fact the movie doesn't even have a main character or 'hero' in it. The movie keeps switching between a whole bunch of characters without making it apparent who is supposed to be the good guy here and they basically continue to introduce new characters for the entire movie. The movie also doesn't even turn into a zombie-flick until about halve way through the movie and when it does the movie of course only gets more silly.

Don't understand quite why a 1987 French movie is trying to be like an '70's Italian horror zombie movie. It has exactly the same ingredients and not just in its look and feel. It features plenty of nudity and gore, which the fans will still get a bit of a kick out off.

It's often the editing and directing approach that makes this movie a bad one to watch. It makes the movie at times embarrassingly bad to watch and unintentionally funny.

But yes, it is also true that as far as the genre goes, this really isn't the worst movie to watch. Like mentioned earlier, fans o the genre will probably still get a kick out off it, also since they won't care much about it that the movie is lacking a real good story.

Some more originality wouldn't had harmed the movie really. Not just with its story but also with its moments. If you have seen a couple of type of movies like this one, nothing in this movie should be too surprising. Still it needs to be said that some of the gore is being good at times, which shall especially please the genre buffs. The gore and killings within this movie are also really basically its only redeeming qualities. Make sure to watch the uncut version for this though.

A bit of a clumsy made movie, that gets unintentionally bad and funny at times but the fans of the genre shall still most likely enjoy the movie for what it is.

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Gore & Nudity
Michael_Elliott29 February 2008
Revenge of the Living Dead Girls (1987)

*** (out of 4) I love a good French horror and this one here offers up three beautiful French whores. Incredibly bizarre, surreal and sometimes disturbing film that sounds dumb but manages to pack quite a little punch. A company, not wanting to pay for their chemicals to be dumped properly, put some into a truck of milk, which eventually kills three girls. The girls then return from the dead to seek bloody revenge. There's a lot of political overtones that get somewhat tiresome but the real reason to seek this film out is due to the incredibly violent and sexual nature of the film. Men and women's genitalia are torn to shreds, eyes ripped out, beautiful naked French ladies and there's even a foursome between a prostitute and the three dead girls. The film is certainly campy but there's some terrific atmosphere. The alternate ending on the DVD is a jewel.
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Rubbish French zombie flick!
The_Void14 May 2008
The title of this film alludes to it possibly being a sequel and the only film I could think of that it could be a sequel to is one of the two good Jean Rollin films, 'The Living Dead Girl'. This film actually has nothing to do with said film and has no relation to it beyond also being French; but Pierre B. Reinhard's film is at least bad enough to have been made by Jean Rollin. Like Rollin's other good film, The Grapes of Death, this one focuses on a food supply being contained, except instead of grapes it's milk. Three girls fall victim to the contaminated milk and end up dead. Then, the same company that infected the milk pours toxic waste on their graves and the trio returns from the dead for revenge. The plot is thoroughly amateurish and ridiculous and this is carried on throughout the whole film. The only real reason to see it is for the gore and sleaze and the film does feature plenty; culminating in scenes that feature eye-gouging and necrophilia. The zombie make-up is terrible and the make-up department either couldn't be bothered or was doing the effects badly on purpose. The film is slightly original on the zombie front, as the ones featured are your average lumbering corpses; but that's hardly enough to make up for the rest of the pitiful film. This one comes highly not recommended.
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Exceeded All My Expectations
w00f11 April 2007
When I decided to rent this flick, I thought, "Well, here's a stupid movie that will give me a few laughs as I ridicule the thing." I really underestimated this one. It was far beyond stupid. I don't know that there's an appropriate adjective. Maybe... mindless. The acting was ridiculously bad. Everyone in the movie did things seemingly at random, an impression no doubt helped along by the complete lack of continuity (Keep an eye on the chemist's hand as it goes from normal to horribly decrepit to a little burnt and back again... in no particular order!) I could barely make heads or tails of the choppy editing. Day? Night? Who knows? Who cares? I thought it would be worthy of ridicule, but it was far more ridiculous than anything I could come up with to say about it. There are a few scenes that are good for a laugh, so nonsensical are they, but that's about it.

At the end of the flick, there's a message displayed in French that says, "Don't be diabolical; don't arouse the interest of your friends in this movie. Thank you." I think that's pretty good advice.
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Truly bad.
HumanoidOfFlesh4 July 2003
"The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls" has to be one of the worst zombie flicks I have ever seen.Directed by porn director Pierre Reinhard it certainly delivers plenty of sleaze and nudity.The acting is horribly bad and the script is so pitiful that it nearly made me cry with its stupidity.Still the gore is pretty strong:there is for example an eye stabbing,biting off a penis and vagina mutilation.This is just a pure exploitation,so if you like this kind of crap give this one a look.Still be sure to get an uncut version!
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Dump these chemicals in the graveyard, what could go wrong?
McQualude10 February 2008
A chemical company CEO boost profits by illegally dumping dangerous chemicals. The lackey dumps the chemicals, where else, but in a graveyard and when the chemicals soak into the ground, some recently dead young women get up out of their graves and decide to exact some revenge.

My appreciation for this movie demonstrates my weakness for campy B movies. While ostensibly a zombie movie, the zombies are quite unusual in that they only come out at night, are very cunning, can open and shut doors, can put on or take off clothes, swim, have sex and even drive cars. The explanation for all this was so obvious I admit I didn't guess it until I watched the alternate ending on the DVD. It also explains why the director played fast and loose with the plot throughout the movie attempting to obfuscate the obvious and I guess he succeeded with me.

The zombie girls have some issues with make-up continuity; their hands will be dead looking in one scene yet normal in the next. More continuity issues plague the victims whose state of dress changes from scene to scene. One female victim, her clothes ripped off in the attack, is once again covered a moment later as the zombie girls drag her from the room. The acting is terrible and the direction uninspired, technically the movie doesn't deserve a 6/10 but it manages to be entertaining despite its flaws and ultimately that's what movies are all about. Kudos to the casting department, the women are all very attractive without looking like bimbos.
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Revenge of the Living Dead Girls
Scarecrow-8829 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Simply excruciating French "Zombie" film, badly dubbed(with horrendous dialogue), sleazy(plenty of full frontal nudity..but not erotic, just boring), & cheap(the zombie get up, face mask and hand gloves are easily recognized as rubber). It's about supposed living dead girls, who were former employees of a chemical factory with corrupt toxic waste disposal practices using an idiotic outside contractor, who seek revenge for those responsible for poisoning them with toxic milk. The zombies even rape a prostitute vaginally thrusting her with a sword! The protagonist is a scientist with a "diseased" hand, whose wife's bulging pregnant belly opens to expose a dead child! In the film's finished product, the villainess of this flick, the assistant to the chemical plant executive who is drowned by the zombies(in his pool, no less, we notice that the zombie girls' skin is proper pigment exposing the so-called rotted flesh that is so dormant on their faces and hands..just rotten effects), actually is shown picking up the zombies in her car after stealing money from the place of her employ. Shortly afterward, as we never understand why she'd stop for the zombie girls and why they would not attack her, the villainess and undead die in a car fire set off by the police who wanted the violence and bloodshed to end.

Now there was an alternate ending(..which is infinitely better than the one placed in the film)which explains why the villainess picks up the zombie girls and why they do not attack her. This ending explains a lot of things, ESPECIALLY why the zombie girls are rotting on the face and hands, but not throughout the rest of their bodies. Still, the film as it stands is amateurish, badly edited, with messy resolution and inept characters.
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Too bad this story's so incredibly dull
selfdestructo17 March 2023
...because Revenge of the Living Dead Girls certainly has some very, very memorable scenes. This whole business about the corruption behind a truckload of toxic chemicals and contaminated milk, and how various nefarious people are involved, I... I... ohhh, I'm falling asleep just thinking about it. Pretty sure they were trying to convey a social message as well, you know, so maybe someone out there would take, uh, something in this movie seriously?!

Ok, a French gore movie, from 1987, replete with rampant nudity (directed by a guy with adult films on his resume, and in the Severin Blu-ray extra with him, he has the gall to say the French censor board should've approved this for general audiences, because it doesn't contain a particular sex act found in another movie they reviewed that day! What in the living F. I am certain this film couldn't even pass an R rating in the US.

Oh man, there's some stuff in here I've never seen in a zombie movie. This movie is effectively sleazy, gory, kind of wacky, and in the meantime, for long stretches, really boring. This could've been a good one. As it stands, I'm going a shade over straight down the middle with a 6/10, for the sheer WTF factor.

No shortage of sleazy nudity from sleazy French ladies. Seems like everyone gets naked at some point... INCLUDING the three zombie girls, who get into a 4-way orgy with the local countryside hooker (you know, the one that works over by the graveyard?!)... who gets into it after a while with a zombified hand(?!)... and is then promptly (and gorily, is that a word?) speared in the chooch with a sword. Did I mention the zombie girls chase away her john, drive his car away with her in it, to her apartment, for maybe the most bizarre orgy sequence I've ever seen. Yep, they have sex, drive a car, go swimming, play the church organ, take a confessional, etc. Etc. Boy, zombies sure were smart by 1987 (wait til you see this ludicrous plot twist). I forgot this wasn't an Italian zombie movie, when one of the zombie girls stuffs her high heal into a woman's eye, resulting in geysers of blood. My favorite zombie action, however came in this form: Woman leaves her front door wide open, yet the zombies have the common courtesy to ring the doorbell before entering... and attacking her! That made me LOL. Some effects, effectively gory. Zombie makeup, atrocious.

One guy's hand is infected, and he touches his pregnant (and naked) wife's belly, that spirals into this thoroughly disgusting and bloody abortion scene. Yikes! I really wish they simplified the story, actually wrote some interesting (and distinguishable) characters, and just RAN with some of the crazy ideas in this flick. This has such a wacky conclusion. I suppose the abrupt end could be seen as very dark. I was LAUGHING IT UP.

Extras: One in particular, has the French SFX guy, and... The Producer From Hell! They sit next to each other, and the whole time the producer is spouting misinformation and tales of extreme penny-pinching, the FX guy rolls his eyes, and disagrees with nearly everything he says! His name turns up disparagingly in the director's interview as well. Good thing the effects guy had a sense of humor, 'cause the producer is all business. He actually snaps at the effects guy for wanting more than one zombie mask for the actresses for the duration of filming. Guy gives this irrational, bonkers argument. This extra is a must-see.
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French gore
BandSAboutMovies2 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Zombies. First recorded in an 1819 history of Brazil by the poet Robert Southey and then introduced to the West in W.B. Seabrook's 1929 novel The Magic Island, then used as a monster by Hollywood in all manner of films until perfected in Pittsburgh in 1968. Since then, I've seen how every nation and generation treats zombies. I've thrilled to their Italian cousins, awash in splatter and excess. Cataloged all the forms, from Return of the Living Dead's punk rock undead and Tarman to Burial Ground's incestual walkers. I've seen zombies created by voodoo, by ultrasonic radiation meant to destroy insects, by Venus probes and government chemical warfare and even when Hell became full. And I've grown old enough to become angry at their 20th century running and mainstream progeny.

But I've never seen a French zombie. Not until now.

La Revanche des Mortes Vivantes - or Revenge of the Living Dead Girls - was promoted as the first French gore movie. Even better - or worse - it comes in two versions. There are two versions: a horror version and an erotic version which has a different ending and is much longer, nudge nudge wink wink. Here, the living dead girls aren't zombies, but instead just dressed up to commit their crimes. Those scenes are all missing in the horror version, which makes the movie that much more difficult to understand.

The film makes an attempt to be about the environment, but this is a film as subtle as someone dropping a car on your foot. Long story short: the CEO of a chemical company and his secretary take some shortcuts to get rid of chemical waste and somehow, it gets into milk. French girls love milk. French girls drink milk. French girls die. Then, the rest of the toxic waste is poured into the graveyard, which is never a good idea. French girls become French zombies.

Anyone that made milk better look out. These girls mean business. And if that means they have to bite off someone's tallywhacker or shove a sword into someone's panty hamster, they will. And they do.

Some say that Jean Rollin made this under the Pierre B. Reinhard pseudonym. If so, he was ripping his own Living Dead Girl off. I think that's also wishful thinking, because I don't know if Rollin could make a film this inept. Don't take that the wrong way. So many critics of this film savage its acting, special effects and pacing. But they probably watched this alone when it demands to be viewed with a gang of inebriated, like-minded folks who don't question why the zombie women suddenly decide to have a four-way lesbian makeout with one of their victims. Of course that happens. Why wouldn't it? Instead, they throw around terms like gratuitous nudity, shameless trash and pointless drivel.

Obviously, if you're reading Drive-In Asylum, you've either seen this or now I've pretty much talked you into it. I didn't even get to the undead fetus in the bathtub, either, which has died because his father had a zombified hand and fooled around with his wife. Yep. It's that kind of sick.

Also, to add to the open of this article, I now know that French zombies can think, plan and create traps. They also like to make out and play the pipe organ in churches, if you're making a list at home. Because you should be. You never know when one of les morts ambulants is going to shamble in and try to make graveyard love to you.
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A Sleaze/Schlock Fans Wet Dream...
EVOL66619 February 2006
I really don't know why this film has gotten such a bad rap. I personally had a blast with this one. It's total trash cinema at it's "finest" and after reading all the horrible reviews, was surprised to find how much I enjoyed it.

DEAD GIRLS is a strange combination of exploit style horror/crime caper. The town's milk supply is tainted with a chemical that causes those that drink it to die. Three girls fall victim to the bad milk and are buried in the local cemetery. Meanwhile, the sleazy chemical plant manager is paying to have toxic chemicals dumped and the guy doing the dumping chooses the same cemetery. The chemicals cause the dead girls to come back to life and they want revenge...

DEAD GIRLS is a fun, gory, sleazy "zombie" film. The best part (other than the high-heel-eye-gouging, penis-munching, undead-orgy-vagina-stabbing, and spontaneous-shower-miscarriage...) is the "twist" ending that really comes out of nowhere and is sure to throw the audience for a loop. The zombies in this one aren't your average, no-brain flesh eaters - these girls plan, hide, go for a swim, and even drive cars...and in the end, you'll understand why. Definitely not high-brow art, DEAD GIRLS is pure goofy sleaze at it's finest. 8/10
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French Zombies keep surrendering!
JoeB1312 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This dreadful little stink bomb of a movie doesn't know if it wants to be a crime caper or a supernatural thriller. Seriously. In fact, there were two endings shot for it, one of which indicated the whole Zombie thing was a hoax. (The alternate ending actually makes slightly more sense.)

Still, this movie has a gratuitous amount of nudity, quite a lot of violence, some passable special effects. It was probably made in French originally, but dubbed into an English Version, but still with a lot of the French character about it.

Oh, Pierre, the town is being overrun with zombies... let's surrender!
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Like warm beer in a tepid bath
lazarillo6 April 2007
This is one of those films that "irresponsibly" intermixes extreme sex and violence. This doesn't bother me, however, because the two things are like drinking cold beer in a hot tub--both are enjoyable but for completely different reasons. And just as no sane person is going to start bathing in cold vats of beer or drinking hot tub water, these kinds of movies aren't going to make gore erotic and sex repulsive, however much they mix the two. The real problem with THIS movie though is that it fails miserably both as a sex movie AND as a splatter movie.

Three nubile young girls die and come back to life as zombies either because some misguided environmentalists poisoned their milk with chemical stolen from a chemical company OR because the same chemical company is pouring toxic waste in the graveyard--the incompetently plotted movie never quite makes up its mind on this. The zombie girls have dessicated faces and hands but perfectly firm young bodies when they disrobe (which is very often). They are thus neither very sexy nor at all scary. Maybe this was meant to be an absurdist comedy, but I sure wasn't laughing. The non-zombie girls aren't much more appealing (how do you say "sleazy skanks" in French?). They kind of look like refugees from "Traci, I Love You" (Traci Lord's French-made, only-legal porn flick) except that their acting is not quite up to the level of 80's Euro-porn.

The splatter scenes are very puerile in their attempts to shock the viewer, resembling more the shot-on-video, sold-to-suckers-over-the-internet efforts of modern-day amateur filmmakers than the European horror masters like Argento and Fulci (or even the European horror hacks like D'Amato and Mattei). The director, another hardcore-porn refugee, apparently went on to helm the "French Lolita" (hardly a necessary film in the "zank 'eaven, for leetle girlss" French cinema).

Not a good film in any sense of the word , but if you're still interested contact me--I'll sell it to you, CHEAP.
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dehelms20 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This really is a truly bad film. Not bad in the sense of "fun bad", but "bad-annoying". I was sober when I watched this (unfortunately), and I still couldn't understand what was going on half the time.

The only redeeming quality of this movie is some nice nudity and soft core sex scenes.

Large plot holes that an asteroid could fall through, bad TV-quality filming, and substandard acting are only a few of the annoyances. The ending also makes no sense until you watch the alternate ending and then things kind of make sense.

By the way, what is a milk producer doing making a chemical that brings dead people back to life? Milk really does do a body good!
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Wow, they sure don't make them like this anymore
TdSmth51 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great sleaze horror fest. Dead girls are brought back to life through the illegal dumping of chemicals in a cemetery by a corrupt corporate official. This is not a puritanical American horror movie with MTV style editing. So things are slower, quieter, the action/stunts are not as realistic, and the dubbing could be better (as always). But when was the last time you saw naked female zombies? Almost every female gets naked in this movie- why can't all movies be like that? There's plenty of shocking gore and outrageous violence here, things that no American filmmaker would dare try. You'll see a bloody naked pregnant woman, a girl pleasuring herself with a zombie's hand only to be killed later with a spear through her privates. And yet, this is not done in a malevolent perverse style but it's rather campy, and yes, even fun. So check it out! Now, this is a movie that needs a remake and sequels!
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Not meant to be a masterpiece...
joshjack-356803 February 2019
This is a French horror film from the 1980s. I don't really understand the bad reviews. This film wasn't made to be a masterpiece or to have a great plot. It was simply filmed and put together for the sole purpose of shock gore and graphic nudity. Which I enjoyed a lot. Its a low budget horror film and a great one too
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'These sinister Skeezers like to meat horny geezers!'
Weirdling_Wolf22 April 2022
At long last sleazy sin-seeking splatter-celebrants can finally enjoy this audacious, eerily erotic example of crimson-splashed, grisly Gallic Necro-smut in perversely pristine HD quality! Witness in scurrilous clarity these voluptuously vengeful, gruesomely gallivanting ghoulfriends grimly returning from their verminous graves in order to raunchily reek their sublimely sordid retribution in muck maestro, Pierre B. Reinhard's gore-iously uninhibited, delightfully dingy display of creepily carnivorous carnal couplings, excruciatingly effective ecoterrorism and exquisitely executed eviscerations, guarantee that the morally reprehensible, hedonistic horror-show 'Revenge of The Living Dead Girls' remains one of the more demented examples of ferociously female-led flesh-eating Video-era insanity!

The rampantly bizarre, undeservedly obscure, triumphantly trashy 80s zombie chunk-blower, 'Revenge of The Living Dead Girls', more jocularly known in monobrowed circles as, 'Diary of The Dead' gorily remains a spectacularly sleazy, gloriously gruesome Gallic gutmuncher that positively overflows with the sour milk of inhuman slimeness! Reinard's deliciously toxic celluloid shocker, dangerously past its sell-by date, and stinkier than wormy fromage may not be for all tastes, but watching the crude cannibal antics of these righteously revenging, murderously mental milk maids frequently makes for a truly gourmet flesh feast that truly defective connoisseurs of cinema merde may find weirdly satisfying!!! Pierre B. Reinard's, 'Revenge of The Living Dead Girls' is best served with, Jean Rollin's equally savoury splatter-fest, 'Grapes of Death', Bon B-Movie Appétit!!-

'Dead girls just wanna have fun too!' - Tor Bronson / 'The Heroic Blood Shed'

'These predatory, post-mortal mistresses are diabolically deadly, drop-dead delicious divas of death!' - Goosey Lucy / BuxomBloodfiends.
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Milk, It's Not Just For Breakfast Anymore...
azathothpwiggins25 October 2021
In THE REVENGE OF THE LIVING DEAD GIRLS, the milk supply has been purposefully contaminated with toxic waste by an unscrupulous ne'er-do-well. We watch as various women drop dead before our eyes after imbibing the white poison. It's all part of a big cover-up!


The same chemicals are eventually dumped in a cemetery. The very cemetery where said victims were interred! You guessed it, they quickly rise from their graves seeking vengeance!

The fetid females go on the expected rampage, slaughtering those deemed responsible for their undead condition.

While not the greatest zombie movie ever made, it does feature some rather disturbing scenes of violence perpetrated against the living...
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French zombie yarn
Camera-Obscura1 March 2007
REVENGE OF THE LIVING DEAD GIRLS (Pierre B. Reinhard - France 1987).

The premise of spilling some toxic waste in awakening the dead is rather similar to Jean Rollin's girlie zombie flick LA MORTE VIVANTE (1981), in this case it's the spilling of contaminated milk that awakes three slumbering girls in a graveyard instead of one. Some even suggested Jean Rollin directed this one too, and that Pierre B. Reinhard was a pseudonym. Does three living dead girls mean more fun? Well, not exactly. Now, I'm not a big zombie fan, but sometimes it can be fun, even the bad ones, but the only thing this one delivers is a couple of truly sickening - but not too convincing - gore scenes, like a woman's abortion in the shower, a sword used as a dildo and some genital mutilation. Despite this, even gore lovers or those looking for a couple of laughs, better look elsewhere. In between the occasional and quite infrequent zombie action, we're treated with a hokum storyline, wooden acting and when talking atmosphere and cinematography, Jean Rollin's oeuvre begins to look brilliant in comparison. This one is plain dull, and Brigitte Lahaie isn't even in it. The pits.

Camera Obscura --- 2/10
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Breathtakingly awful
Pupkin-218 May 1999
A terrible ultra soft core porn / horror, exploitation film. Deserves attention because it is so bad. Thrill to the awful camera work! Be amazed at the end car stunt sequence which defies all logic! Be shocked at the sequence where an actor looks directly at the camera and laughs, flouting the rules of continuity! Love the wretched story line!
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