The Champion (1990) Poster


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Feel good movie.. Show your kid..
triedandtrusted18 February 2010
This is yet another sport movie. That's a compliment.

Two small town girls in Romania aspire to get into and succeed in a top gymnastics school. After a lot of struggle, they win a competition in the end. That's the story.

I never tire of this theme. You can never tire of a theme whose keywords are struggle, hardwork, success, innocence, mentorship, friendship and so on. These are exactly the kind of stories i'd love to show my kid.

Another point is that these kind of movies should have only one kind of ending. The one where human spirit alone triumphs. Not the most skilled or the most talented or the most intelligent, but the one who exemplifies the best quality of mankind-struggle. This film shows that hope and perseverance win. In the real world it isn't always like that, but kids need to know that there is always hope.

Some call it corny, but if The Godfather(where a socially enabled psycho is the hero) is an example of a 'original' film, i'd gladly watch corny movies for the rest of my life.
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cathoue24 December 2000
Just want to say that that movie made me think about my goals in the life. You have to work if you want to get somewhere, to fight for your dreams, and as much as possible, to have confidence in your abilities.

I am sad that these actors didn't made other movies...if someone has information, pictures or anything, write to me please ! Thanks ! It was a great movie !!!
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Good, but...
airodyssey5 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was very good, and inspiring. Corina is the perfect example of human feelings: being triumphant, and sometimes giving up. The characters show both sides and are not one-faced, unlike most movies "made for children". All I can say, without revealing spoilers, is that the coaches, Lili and Mitran, are not as nice... or mean as they sound.

However having been a student in communications (which includes cinema, of course!), I can notice the editing is not very good in this movie, unfortunately, at least in my own terms. That's about the only bad thing I could say about this. Better editing would have made this "Tale for All" an Academy-Award nominee, who knows?
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