To Die, to Sleep (1994) Poster

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Not That Terrible!
lastironman27 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Minor spoilers ahead...

Well, looks like I might be the only person in the world who's going to defend this movie! Here goes...

I first saw this back in the mid 90's when I was a teenager myself. I fell asleep on the couch watching TV one night and this movie came on around 2am. It was one of those movies that you wouldn't normally be into, but you sit and watch 5 minutes, then you want to see the next 10 minutes, and the next, and so on. Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the movie and for some reason I cant explain, I was captivated by it! (Since then, I have watched the movie in it's entirety a few times!)It's about these 2 guys, Phil, a suicidal teen junkie, and Dumar, a former musician with a history of depression, though he seems to have moved past it. They recognize something in each other, and a friendship forms between them.

Before I go any further with the plot, let me just acknowledge some of what other reviews have said about the movie; Yes, the production values are pretty terrible. It looks like somebody filmed this with an old VHS camcorder or something! Looking back now, I think maybe that was why I was so drawn to the movie when I first saw it. It just looked so different from everything else on TV then, I had to see how it ended! The acting is passable, save for Ami Dolenz's performance. *minor spoiler here* There is a scene early in the movie where she commits suicide in the bathroom of some night club. The scene basically serves as a jumping-off-point for Phil and Dumar's friendship, in that, it succeeds, but the scene itself, while meant to be dramatic and tragic, comes off as more unintentionally comical.

Phil and Dumar's friendship is what drives everything GOOD about this movie! Consciously, Phil seems to think suicide is a cool thing to do and that it must take a lot of courage to go through with it. But deep down, sub-consciously, he wants to live, so he spends a lot of time grilling Dumar about his past and what his beliefs are about life, death, God, etc... Dumar doesn't give him much at first, after all he doesn't know this guy well enough to trust him with his deepest feelings about those subjects. But as time goes on, he does share with Phil more and more about his past. The friendship between them, how it began and how it progressed felt very organic. That aspect was very well written in my opinion! The end, as other reviewers have mentioned, does get a bit heavy-handed with the religious overtone, but really, that stuff took a backseat to the friendship of these guys. Their relationship here, was the point of the movie. Not the Jesus!

The movie takes place over the course of a single weekend, maybe longer, 3 or 4 days. But with everything these characters go through, it seems more like a month! I mean that in a good way!
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my god this is bad.
hretic17 April 1999
Let's just say that when I was 14 I had the lovely experience of being an extra in this film. At the time I thought it was so cool. Then I saw the finished product. I was up at 3:00 in the morning wathing HBO and there I was, walking in the background of the most terribly acted/directed thing I had ever seen. The sound was poorly engineered, the film was over-exposed most of the movie, and it had absolutely no story! So much for being able to catch a glimpse of myself on the big screen....IT WENT STRAIGHT TO CABLE!!! (well it might have come to very select theaters) And yes there is a reason. Even though I was in it here and there, I couldn't even watch the whole thing! The fact that the IMDB has this listed just amazes me. It just goes to show you that they really do have every movie EVER MADE listed here.
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What even is the correct title of this film?
seanrowader19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Guitars were warped during the making of this film (the barn was cold as ****, you can see the actors breath like plumes of chernobyl smoke. The guitar shredding scene at the barn contains one of the most bizarre one-shots I have ever seen: Atreyu is setting up his guitar, turning on his amp to show off. Dumar (played by Paul Coufos, also in Chopping Mall) during this guitar set up, walks over to a draped makeshift latrine, enters, relieves himself (in 18 seconds or so) and walks back and sits down. Atreyu never told him there was a bathroom there. IMDB calls this "To Die, To Sleep", but the VHS box I have is callin this "Mortal Danger".

This movie verges on being a musical, theres a guy who sings 4 or 5 times with a wicked vocal vibrato, like someone is singing and tapping the underside of their throat rapidly.

This movie is a dismal, beautiful and indulgent meandering through suicide. Yeah, they went for the heaviest subject material and ended up making a reverse cohen bros cult classic. Don't get me wrong, its a tough watch, but if you're able to cringe through the discomfort, the reward is a bizarre draped-latrine-makeshift-bathroom scene that will have you breaking your vcr from rewinding over and over and over again to try to make sense of the pacing, asymmetry, and biorhythms. DUUUUUUUUDE, if youre lucky enough to find a print of this toke up and get ready to scratch your head.

This may have been the cultural zeitgeist that led to Eternal sunshine and other movies like that. What else can I say, I'm thankful this film was made and I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who helped make this.
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kamea7721 March 2003
I know I was warned but like a bad accident I had to see it. This movie shouldn't even be called a "movie" it's something that should come on the Hallmark Channel or PAX. I was eager to see it because Noah Hathaway aka Atreyu was in it and I wanted see if he still looked like a girl (he does but with short hair). Now I know why Mr.Hathaway gave up acting, this movie was pointless and the acting was hideous. Every scene "Phil" is either smoking or drinking a beer and whispering his lines and he runs like a girl, oddly "Phil" wears high heels throughout the movie. I don't understand where God comes in but the best way to describe this movie is "Touched By A Angel" meets "Little House On The Prairie". The only time I'm attracted to "Phil" is when he shows a slight sign of masculinity.
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