Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg (TV Movie 1994) Poster

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Good acting and sadly true story
nyobatusa23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many stories where abused woman flipped and killed the guy however there are more abused women that leave on their own, so thankfully the ratio murder vs. divorce is lower. Just common sense, some IQ and survival instinct dictates that woman has a choice unless she is chained in the basement. She was immature and calculating. Jennie Garth was very believable however her monotone voice of a 13yr old was a bit annoying throughout the movie.
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Fascinating story
phd_travel18 March 2019
Jennie Garth plays it sweet as a teenage white trash girl who takes up with a married man played by Gregory Harrison. He turns abusive and she gets the neighbourhood teenagers to kill him. Turns out he abused some of the teenaged girls. Who is to blame the kids or her?

The story is a bit fragmented but it's still interesting.
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Please Tell Someone...
bronzesrv22 November 2018
This movie was very sad, disturbing yet very well executed. As sad and depressing as movies like this is, we need these kinds of movies out here, so young people will know to watch for red flags and what to do and not to do! It really saddens me when the victim ends up going to jail. At the same time, I realize in real life vigilante justice is not accepted like it is in Charles Bronson movies.
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Update on Laurie
Andymandd12 June 2004
To: "Halfpint_7030", Yes, this is a true story based on Laurie Lee Kellogg, though only about one third of the film was accurate.

Laurie is still in prison, though we are trying relentlessly to free her and we're optimistic about the outcome.

Her mom and step dad along with her two boys Kyle and Kristopher reside in New England.

If you have any questions regarding Laurie and her current situation; you may email me whenever you desire.

Please pray for Laurie and her family; and thank you for your concern.
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Could have been better
FrannyFine30 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't a bad movie. But it would have been 10 times better if it wasn't produced as a Lifetime movie. I mean, the storyline was great. A naive teenage girl falling for a much older divorced man who ends up a victim of serious domestic violence, and after years of submissive abuse being finally pushed to the edge of having him killed.

Like I said, the storyline was great, but the lazy presentation and annoying acting ruined it. There's a scene where they have Laurie's parents over for dinner, and the husband is giving Laurie a lengthy, deathly stare because he doesn't like that she's wearing makeup. How long was he looking at her like this for? Was he angry from the minute he got home or did he suddenly decide to be angry when dinner was almost over? Noticing the tension, the parents say they should get going, and suddenly the scene cuts to Laurie being forcefully dragged through the house by the husband being shown how messy the house is. I feel like I had missed something entirely.

Jennie Garth was cute and good in her role, but her squeaky girly mannerisms were a bit annoying. It was hard to distinguish her from her 90210 Kelly Taylor character. She looked and sounded exactly like Kelly. There was no effort made to give her a makeover so she could look like a different character. Even her hair was styled the same. But I guess that's Lifetime for you.

I rate this a 7 purely for the storyline. It highlights the importance of recognising domestic violence and the reason why a lot of women stay in abusive relationships. The red flags were everywhere, but Laurie having lived a difficult childhood didn't believe she deserved any better so convinced herself she loved this guy. And in Laurie's case she knew that the only way out was by killing her abuser.
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Ridiculous emotion-twister
russellgilbert24 August 1999
I hate movies like this! It's not difficult to play with someone's emotions... All you have to do is throw in a few characters that are either abusing someone, or being abused, and (hopefully) human nature causes a feeling of wanting to do something about it. But being able to touch an emotion in a viewer's mind does not make a good movie, and this movie is a perfect example of that.

To be truthful, I only watched the first half, and then turned off the TV because it was so bad. And although I don't know the ending, I can't imagine how it could be anything other than the obvious. And even if there was some incredible twist at the end that made the ending the best movie ending ever made, I would still give it a low rating, just because of the first half alone.

I give it a few points for not being technically ridiculous -- the actors and photography were ok (although nothing remarkable) -- but the story was so thin, and seemed to be completely related to twisting our emotions around in knots just to cause a reaction in us, that I give it overall very low marks. Touching our emotions is great, but give us a story too!
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Depress fest
ksmacy-23 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Jennie Garth's Lifetime movie was scandalizing me more and more with every campy, trailer-trashy minute (she's only 16, the age for statutory rape in Pennsylvania in 1981 was 14, and the Ted Bundy-looking love interest paid her step-father $500 for her!), but, as is usually the case, the naïve, teen, falling in love stuff was my favorite part (her rebellious makeover consisted solely of taking off her headband), and then it became increasingly un-fun as Jennie's 44-year-old boyfriend becomes less humorously abusive (shoving her nose in her messes, and telling her to diet so he doesn't have to trade her in for a younger model, which would make the new girl about 8), and more and more of an intolerable monster. It was only hurt by the fact that Jennie can act. It delved into an even darker place as Alexis Arquette (not in drag) confessed to a teen friend that while he was in jail he was passed around and raped every day! Then, my 8-year-old theory comes true when Ted Bundy starts molesting the young girls that Jennie baby-sits! Then, Jennie gets pregnant and doesn't want an abortion, so Ted Bundy threatens "to take a coat hanger to it"! Once Ted is murdered, Alexis takes the stand to tell about the game they played called 101 Ways to Kill Bruce Kellogg, and Jennie gets 25 years in prison. Woman-hating-judge.

The only positive thing I can say for this movie is that I have never seen people go to the skating rink so much, and since skating rinks represent complete and total bliss to me, skate Jennie, skate! This was not the laughing at other people's misery and stupidity fest that I hoped it would be, and I think Cinnamon Toast Crunch is thinking the same thing, because listening to a detailed description of a husband threatening to beat his children (one of whom happened to be Haley Joel Osment) to death then fading to a commercial that declares, "This program is brought to you by Cinnamon Toast Crunch," doesn't make me crave cinnamon and sugar. My theory is CTC's company General Mills thought this was the story of a member of the Kellogg's Cereal family, and they were trying to be subversive by advertising during it. Boy, did that backfire.

Musical montages: none, a sure sign that a "film" means to be taken seriously. Boooooo
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Based on the true story of Laurie Kellogg...
MarieGabrielle23 July 2006
this film is important because it does inform the audience about the tragic case of Laurie Kellogg, a young girl with few options, who married Bruce Kellogg to escape her maudlin existence in a trailer park-she was a young girl who did not realize what she had gotten into, until it was much too late.

Some reviewers have critiqued the performances as over-the-top; not true to the real story, but the message is still clear- Laurie Kellogg did not deserve the horrible marriage she was in, and her friends helped her to get out of it, in the most desperate fashion.

In psychology, the "blame the victim" mentality is promoted by people who tout that we live in a just and perfect world, which anyone over the age of 20 should realize is NOT true. Laurie was a victim who felt trapped, intimidated by a sadistic and physically abusive husband, who raped her, sexually molested other young girls in the neighborhood, and verbally and emotionally abused her.

Jenny Garth is very good as Laurie, and Gregory Harrison appropriately narcissistic and hateful, as her sadistic husband. I would recommend this film to anyone in an abusive relationship- whether verbal or physical, it is just as damaging. It is sad there are still people in real life who believe Laurie is a victim by choice; No one CHOOSES to be abused, their self-esteem is systematically denigrated by the abuser. 8/10
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Wonderful movie
shellyonbayoucoteau17 January 2005
This is a wonderful movie. It shows us just how venerable we as women are in our society. Our society makes us (women) dependent on our parents and men to take care of us. People who do not believe this do not live in the real world. Women do not have the same opportunities as men in the work place, etc.

I think this movie shows just how dependent Laurie was on Bruce and just how much she loved him and wanted and needed his approval. Jennie Garth did a wonderful job portraying Laurie, as did the rest of the cast portraying the other victims involved in this "crazy abuse trap". I think every young woman in their early teens should see this movie and learn early that abuse is not normal in relationships.
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Very Good Movie,Very Sad Story!
rhsilk30 November 2007
I feel so bad for Laurie Kellogg,and in many ways I can relate with her. I too have been in a past abusive marriage.Most people have NO idea what goes thru your mind when you're in a relationship like that.I was one of the lucky ones that managed to get away,but was haunted by memories for years,and at times still surface.I read a comment made by a judge that said "Theres a lot of law,and no justice".How very true.The actual victim is victimized again by the justice system!I'm sorry,What justice system?I feel that the movie may have had a bit of Hollywood drama added,but if you watch it for the context of the story,someone watching it may be able to save themselves.Abuse can be in so many different forms,and it's around each and everyone of us on a daily basis.Open your eyes,you may be able to help someone!
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Definitely worth Watching!
newyork4lonnie23 February 2003
This movie is a really good movie. It always kept me watching, and you never get bored. Jennie Garth does a great job in it. Her portrayal of Laurie Kellogg is remarkable. I'd say it was one of her best movies. Definitely watch it!
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A great movie
Steph1256027 July 2003
Lies of the Heart; The story of Laurie Kellogg is a great movie And Jennie Garth did a great job as Laurie Kellogg.All in all,I'll give this movie 5 stars.
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A good film, but sad story.
videojohn21 November 2003
I survived one of those (murder trial) in l997 and understand more than the "average bear" about the our justice system.

The film shows how fast things can go horribly wrong and 'out of control' for todays youth.

This should be shown in High Schools across the country,
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Laurie Kellog Story/ Her Life
melissa-pfeiffer6 October 2005
I have seen Jennie Garth it The Laurie Kellog Story and I think it is phenomenal. She got to stretch as an actress. She is such a great actress. I have it recorded and I love to watch it over and over. She is such a great role model to others. I love that she is a spokes person for R.A.I.N. ( the rape crises center) She has not let success gone to her head. I read that while she was still filming 90210 that she would have the other(kids) over for dinner. Instead of a real fancy dinner she would have a normal BBQ. Even though she is divorced from Dan Clark she has never said a bad thing about him like most celebrities do about their ex's. She just said that she got married to young.
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Great acting and a sad story
nicholls_les30 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot comment on how accurate this movie is, as for what happened only those involved really know, but Jennie Garth does a great job portraying a naive young girl who was clearly groomed and abused by an older man. Gregory Harrison is suitably Jekyll and Hyde and portrays a scary amount of fear, but it is Jennie Garth's reactions that show some superb acting talent. Over all I liked this movie and even if some of it is true then Bruce Kellogg deserved to die.
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absolutely loved the movie
halfpint_703027 January 2003
Does anyone know if this is a true story then what has happened to this woman now. Where are her kids and mother and step father. What about the other kids involved? What has happened to them. My daughters watched this movie with me, I thought it would help inform them about abuse and how not to handle it.
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Boy, this movie took it to the limit.
zebraljb12 June 2004
I grew up in Linglestown, and knew Denver McDowell. The producers of this movie took great liberties with the filming. The houses Denver and the Kelloggs lived in look NOTHING like the ones in the movie. Also, the town is LinglesTOWN, not LinglesTON. I do not know enough about the situation to know who was telling the truth, but I do know it would've been nice if someone would have actually COME to Pennsylvania and researched the area. Add to that the fact that the actors look absolutely NOTHING like the real people, and it makes it just more over the top.

The writing of the movie is simply just another Lifetime movie of the week.
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Awful - kind of movie that gives Lifetime a bad name
trpdean22 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Like the reviewer from Sweden, I couldn't watch more than half of this. It was just so ludicrous and bad and over the top.


In just the first half, we watch this Dr. Jekyll madman doing everything possible to be the worst human being in history - toward everyone:

From molesting young children to pounding on his pregnant wife, from yelling about how fat his college age girlfriend is becoming to screaming she get an abortion, from yelling about dinner being ready to not talking to her as punishment when called a molester, from being unfaithful to zestfully skinning animals, from calling the police to go after others he dislikes to yelling at his wife simply because she doesn't go to bed at the same time as he - he's in a rage all the time. The character is just unbelievable.

Yet despite all, we are somehow expected to believe that the protagonist (Jennie Garth), just doesn't worry about any of this - madly loves him, is thrilled to be carrying his baby and over the moon about marrying him? It's nuts. Of course we know how this will end - but the first half alone was just laughable.
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