This Life (TV Series 1996–1997) Poster


Jack Davenport: Miles Stewart


  • Miles Stewart : You don't want a relationship, Anna. You just want to cut my balls off!

    Anna : Well, I'd have to find them first!

  • Anna : You know, they say that when a baby is newborn, it doesn't really understand that other people exist. It quite naturally assumes that the whole universe revolves around it. YOU are that baby, Miles. You never got past that first stage. You never found out that not everything on this Earth has got to do with you.

    Miles : You ARE jealous!

  • Miles : So you're going to bugger up my chances with other women now?

    Anna : Are you really going to need any help with that?

  • [Anna offers Miles a cigarette] 

    Miles : No,I'm trying to give up. You know those things kill 2000 people a week?

    Anna : Imagine if they didn't. Imagine if there was 2000 more people staying around every week. As it is, there isn't room enough to swing a cat.

  • Miles : I'm trying to quit. Do you know these things kill 2000 people every week?

    Anna : Imagine it didn't. Imagine there was 2000 more people staying around every week. As it is, there's no room to swing a cat.

See also

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