Face of Evil (TV Movie 1996) Poster

(1996 TV Movie)

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I Am An, BS, Artist!
sol121827 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
(Some Spoilers) Leaving her future husband Quinn Harris,Don Harvey, cold and with his $5,000.00 wedding ring on the eve of their wedding day Barbara Richards, Tracy Gold, takes off to the Chicago airport to start a new life without him.

Spotting music student Brianne Dwyer, Mirellie Enos, at the airport the psychotic Barbara strikes up a conversation with her. Finding out that she's going to New Hampshire to attend collage Barbara then follows her into the ladies washroom where after murdering her stuffs her body into her suitcase and then takes on her identity.

At Wynton collage in NH Barbara, now known as Brianne Dwyer, gets to meet her new room-mate Jeanelle Polk, Shawnee Smith, and finds out that her dad, a widower, is the famous art critic as well as art connoisseur Russell Polk, Perry King. Russell ends up getting manipulated by Brianne when he comes to see his daughter with her using his and her mutual interest of the arts to get romantically involved with him.

Before you know it Russell falls head over heels for Brainne who's as young as his daughter and at the same time is too reality challenged to see what the evil Brianne/Barbara is really up to, this leads to a bloody confrontation between Brianne and Jeanelle at the conclusion of the movie. Even by then when it's all too obvious of what Brianne is and what she'planning to do still the doltish and naive Russell doesn't seem to have a clue about her intentions until almost the end of the film.

Having murdered both her parents in a house fire that she set at their home in Indio Calif. Barbara went on to murder a string of young girls, and then taking over their identities, for six years in over ten states before we were even introduced to her at the start of the film. The movie makes no sense at all with Barbara being able to get away with murder since she's so ridicules and stupid in the crimes that she commits that she should have been caught long before the movie even began.

After murdering Brianne at the airport what does Barbara do; stuffs her body into a suitcase and take it with her to NH. Why didn't anyone notice the smell of the decomposing body and alert the police airport or collage authorities? Brainne then takes the body, in the suitcase, with her to Jeanelle's dorm-room for at least two or three days which should have stunk up the place so badly that the collage authorities, as well as the local police, should have been alerted. Later Branni dumps the body in a construction site on the collage campus. It lays there for something like five months with nobody working on the site noticing or smelling it!

Barbara later does get to meet, unexpectedly, her estranged and outraged husband Quinn who tracked her down to Wynton Collage, only to be murdered by her later, when he saw a photo of one of her painting that she gave him in a local Chicago newspaper giving him her new name and where to find her. Only sweet and caring Jeanelle got the drop on the evil Barbara/Brainne and what her intentions were. Her dad, and even the collage staff, didn't seem to have any idea at all about Barbara masquerading around as Brianne even when the real Brianne's mom Evelyn Dawyer, Lynne Van Dam, came to visit her daughter and realized she was missing and that Barbara may well have had something to do with it.

The movie ended when Jeanelle, sick and tired of seeing her not to bright dad falling all over the sick and dangerous Barbara, confronted her at her fathers mansion. Jeanelle become engaged with Barbara in a vicious cat fight where Barbara tried to murder Jeanelle with a pair of scissors. Riussell even then was too brainless to realize what a lowlife and snake in the grass his new, and secret, love Barbara really was and it was only after he took a nasty bite, that almost ripped one of his fingers out, from her that finally convince him.

The ending made the movie even more off-the-wall that it already was with Barbara again tricking some dope, a cop this time, into letting her hands be freed while she was being taken to the county jail to be booked for murder. This gave you the impression that there's going to be a "Face of Evil II" released in the near future.
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2* for drama, but 5 more for "camp"
caa8211 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Probably need to add "spoiler" caveat to conform to this site's parameters; however, there really isn't much to "spoil" for this flick, since the only suspense is wondering how precisely it will end.

Tracey Gold's character (Darcy/Barbara) is sociopathic to the point that, compared with her, Hannibal Lecter and Norman Bates would need only routine psychological counseling.

Further, given all the deceptions and mayhem she originates, a person with the organizational skills of, say, Donald Trump or Warren Buffet, would be taxed just completing all these nefarious tasks.

However, Tracey not only juggles all of the necessary deceptions, she is able to assume the identity of one of her victims in matriculating (under her identity) at a swanky New England college, plus offing or beating the hell out of some additional fellow cast-members, when required. Not only that, she totes the victim's body, via suitcase, while flying to the college, and then carries it into her room, where it remains - miraculously with no odor or seepage - until she has the opportunity to dispose of it.

To imagine simply assuming this bogus identify alone, let alone completing all the ancillary deceptions and crimes along the way, stretches credibility beyond all belief. But no problem for Tracey, who also seduces her roommates widowed father in her spare time.

Ms. Gold is quite attractive, which is to be expected in such a role. However, her acting talents seem about on a par in her profession, say, with those of a .240-average utility player on a baseball team.

Despite all this, the movie is a fascinatingly trashy, campy example of this genre. An added fascination is her roommate's clueless father. But then the male leads in these Lifetime flicks are usually successful professionally, often wealthy (as here), but otherwise total doophuses.

Give this one 7* for its thoroughly campy quality.
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If you like Tracey Gold...
MarieGabrielle20 November 2008
you may be able to watch the entire movie throughout, without questioning the storyline. I do like her in most performances, so stuck it out.

The one problem is Perry king, not sure what age he was at the time of this film (indeed, he seems ageless since 1985). At any rate, if the sociopath Gold character had pursued him, and he was, a bit younger and more handsome, it may have been believable.

Basically Gold portrays an artist, who gets what she wants at any cost. She changes identity with a college student, befriend her wealthy roommate (Shawnee Smith) and eventually sets her sights on her roommate's father (King).

The film has some nice winter sets in New England, but the storyline a bit hard to swallow. Tracey Gold gives a decent performance. 6/10.
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Intense lady-Hannibal thriller
AxelEchohawk18 July 2004
I was drawn into this movie and probably enjoyed it more than it deserved. It is hard to be objective when you're watching a eerily accurate depiction of one of your former girlfriends. The writing, acting and direction were superb. The three main characters - Tracey Gold (the psycho artist), Perry King (the gullible dad), and Shawnee Smith (the prescient daughter and roommate) played their roles with intensity and realism. It is interesting that Tracey Gold's character bares some resemblance to the real life singer/actress Madonna (minus the violence) noting that director Mary Lambert also directed several Madonna videos. This movie has a great plot with some nice turns and an especially, creepy and Hannibal-like ending. Woman as predator is always unnerving and counter intuitive but it reinforces the truth that all people are capable of doing the nastiest things to get what they want. Fortunately most of us are not intelligent and resourceful enough to pull off the level of deception portrayed in this movie.
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taking identity theft to new levels
wednesdayaddams-317 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Tracey Gold makes for a good psycho by killing people and stealing their identities. She does a good job of fooling people into thinking shes a sweetheart, well except for the people she killed, but they are dead so who cares right? then she seduces her roommates dad, first by unbuttoning her blouse, painting his picture and cutting off his ponytail. the dad wasn't hot or anything, but he was loaded and the roommate was mad. she was all leave my dad alone. wah wah wah really for a movie this unrealistic , it was quite an enjoyable story. the moral of the story is : If you kill a violin student and steal her idenity, make sure you play the violin. And when you keep her body in a suitcase make sure to bring some lysol.....
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Tracy Gold can't act
tlharrison-5954613 August 2022
Couldn't finish this one. I made it through about half but... its just too cringy. The writing is also quite terrible. The college-aged women were written so completely out of touch.
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Great Cast of Actors!
whpratt19 September 2004
Tracey Gold,(Darcy Palmer),"A Crime of Passion,TV",'99, showed her great acting abilities and was able to have the audience actually hate her for this role in which she plays a very BAD BAD GIRL! The real star of the film is Shawnee Smith,(Jeanelle Polk),"Never Get Outta the Boat",'02, who plays a very rich boring and depressing rich girl who has everything and a dad who lives in a home like the White House! Perry King,(Russell Polk),"Her Married Lover",'99, plays the role as a depressed man who lost his wife and at the same time loves his daughter Jeanelle who becomes friends with Darcy. Don Harvey(Quinn Harris),"She Hate Me",'04, plays a mean bad guy who has great interest in Darcy Palmer. All the actors gave great performances and made this TV film very entertaining.
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Scary Girl
nightroses5 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Tv movies can make the best sometimes. The film is all about a very dangerous girl, who lacks any compassion and has stolen the identity of an innocent student that she murdered, all so that she could get an easy flight. The acting was excellent and totally realistic. Brienne, whoever she is, the evil girl of the film itself, played by Tracey Gold comes across as so horrible. She's got that twisted smirk and shaggy hair, making her look completely sinister. I'm dumbfounded that the father of Brienne's roommate was easily taken by Brienne, and allowed her to chop off his hair, symbolic of Samson losing his strength. After she cut his hair, the father lost his senses and was easily duped by her. There were a few extremely tense moments that almost gave me an asthma attack, one scene with the finger in the door. I think this Brienne character should be ranked alongside other evil women such as Samara Morgan.
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Maybe made for TV but still a Creepy movie.
triple829 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely adore Tracy Gold And have seen many of her movies. This movie is one I've seen several times and it is one of the more creepy television movies and is one which is genuinely creepy no matter how many times you view it. Tracy Gold, in my opinion is not just a good actress, she's great-and seeing this sweet actress portray the Sweetly Endearing but deadly young woman who kills anyone who gets in her way, is eerie indeed. Tracey Gold will scare the heck out of you in this role. I would recommend this movie for those who like these type of TV thriller movies. This movie is about as creepy as you get and the whole movie is very well acted and frightening, if a bit intense in certain places.

SPOILER: I didn't care for the ending(last 10 seconds) but it didn't particularly surprise me either. Although this is not one of my favorite movies, it is pretty creepy and thriller purists will no doubt love it.
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Killer assumes successive identities after killing victims.
maxm-1486329 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Plot: Girl needs money, so she kills traveler and assume her identity. She works her way into rich roommate's father's affections. Roommate finds her out and tries to warn father--almost too late. Themes: Maybe someone you know is not who they say they are; maybe you are sitting next to a serial killer, and you are their next target. Artists, in general are nuts. Men are clueless when it comes to weeding out serial killers from their dating calendar. Men who date women who are much younger than themselves become stupid from erotic love, and the women they pursue are gold diggers. Structure: great acting and writing. Critique: not as scary as a 10 like Psycho, but more likely and, therefore, scarier in a way.
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Tracey Gold unleashes murderous mayhem at a posh liberal arts college
tchelitchew14 August 2022
"Face of Evil" features Tracey Gold as an amoral psychopathic painter wreaking havoc on the campus of a posh New Hampshire liberal arts college. If that premise doesn't grab you, then I don't know what will! Ms. Gold puts poor Shawnee Smith, her timid roommate, through absolute hell over the film's 90 minutes. No one escapes scot-free: there's acid poured in eye drops, a car window used as a vice, a house sparrow tempted to its near demise, and much more merry mayhem along the way.

This isn't mere trash, though. It's a surprisingly sturdy movie, thanks to its increasingly recognized director Mary Lambert. This is much better than "Malicious", the similar Molly Ringwald vehicle that came out a year earlier. That one is silly fun, but "Face of Evil" has a genuinely nasty and discomforting underbelly that stays with you. The morbid but quite beautiful artwork painted by Gold's character is a nice bonus.
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Gold's bad acting doesn't ruin movie!!!
Xapora7 August 2004
I don't think Tracy Gold is really that great an actress. Her performance in this movie didn't change my opinion. She overacts and her portrayal of a deeply disturbed sociopath is just downright campy at times. Luckily, the storyline and supporting cast are excellent and we're all just waiting for "Brianne/Darcy/whatever her name is" to get her just desserts -- does she? You'll just have to watch and find out! Tracy looks very skinny in this movie, evidence no doubt of her battle with anorexia. They needed a voluptuous blonde vixen for this role. It's a bit hard to swallow Carol Seaver substituting sulfuric acid for eye drops. Shawnee Smith sports a super-short hair-do which I didn't really like. If you're a Shawnee fan, she undoubtedly looks her best on "Becker". Great actress!
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Creepy indeed.
startide29 October 2000
Tracey Gold plays a what I can only term a "psycho", who seems to kill anyone that can help her get ahead. This is creepy stuff and no doubt benefits from the skills of director Mary Lambert. Tracey Gold plays a what I can only term a "psycho", who seems to kill anyone that can help her get ahead. This is creepy stuff and no doubt benefits from the skills of director Mary Lambert. Gold does some pretty scary stuff (but seems to be still suffering the effects of anorexia, as she's mighty thin in this) and is very effective and Shawnee Smith plays her roommate who's cottoned on to her plans. The ending is quite climactic for a telemovie thriller, however the very end piece (before the credits) is mighty lame, I mean would you let someone accused of at least three murders, be led away in a police car with one driver?? Despite this, it's worth watching for the beautiful location shots (the cinematography is good too), and Gold's performance.
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