The Lottery (TV Movie 1996) Poster

(1996 TV Movie)

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Doesn't do the short story by Shirley Jackson justice.
tsmithjr2 February 2004
This current day (90ish) version of "The Lottery" doesn't do the original (1948) short story by Shirley Jackson justice. However it is an interesting modernized version of the short story, with a modern day twist. For anyone who hasn't read "The Lottery" it's a great short story. It starts off as a pleasant story which could have taken place in any century. Once she has you hooked, the story takes an unexpected turn. If you like Edgar Allan Poe, you'll really enjoy Shirley Jackson's original story "The Lottery". Originally published in the June 28, 1948 issue of the New Yorker.
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Surprising made for TV movie
denny-3228 June 2000
Considering I had not even heard of 'The Lottery' prior to seeing it on Pay TV, this was a pleasant surprise (although perhaps the word 'pleasant' shouldn't be used in this context). Part of it's success is the casting of Dan Cortese as the lead, Jason. I first saw Dan Cortese as "Hunky Tony" in "The Stall"-Episode 73 on "Seinfeld" and whilst humourous in that situation, he adapted well for this movie. Keri Russell ("Felicity") was also a bonus. The plot was an inventive one, with the title of the film becoming all to clear as the movie develops. Although not a slash em up type horror movie, the suspense builds with Jason seeming to be caught in some type of time-culture warp. There is one particular scene which is extremely difficult to watch, without blood necessarily being spilt. Overall, I enjoyed this movie, particularly as I had no preconceptions on its content.
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It's supposed to be disturbing
gie_mc5 March 2002
This film is based on the disturbing short story by Shirley Jackson; I was horrified by the short story and as I was watching it the story seemed familiar. It does a great job depicting the atmosphere of the creepy small town, and accomplishes its main goals, which I think are to tell Jackson's story with a modern twist and scare the audience, make them think. It's definitely a different kind of horror film, one that makes you wonder and search your mind for answers to why they did what they did.
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The original short story was better
Gravity0623 June 2001
By all means, read Shirley Jackson's original short story; it gets down to business without the padding this film adds to it.

To all who think that the ending is sick and pointless, that was Ms. Jackson's intention exactly -- the original story is an allegory about the cruelty man inflicts upon his neighbor in the name of upholding "tradition". Ms. Jackson's story is much more affecting than this film.
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Good climax, but slow getting there.
Hermit C-218 November 1999
I had never read Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" or seen any filmed versions of it before I saw this one. Although it is a well-made and well-acted TV-movie of a fine, suspenseful story, I was a bit disappointed. To the film's credit, it doesn't overdo the characterization of the small-town residents as unspeakably weird oddballs, but the story holds on to its secret for so long that the film doesn't even begin to get ominous until it's over halfway through. The ending provides a pretty good payoff if you stick with it, though.
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Terrible nonsense, read the story!!!
vinnienh19 December 2000
The short story by Shirley Jackson is far more better and thrilling than this awful tv-movie, which I only saw because it has veteran Jeff Corey in it. The script is not capable of transmitting the real terrifying atmosphere that the story does. However the contribution of the nice looking Sean Murray makes up for it.
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"Twilight Zone" Revisited
maughancannes-231 May 2003
This spooky, intelligent television horror movie moves at a good steady pace, building towards its nightmarish climax, with a perfectly achieved sinister small town atmosphere. A clearer explanation of why the townsfolk do what they do would help, but the acting and writing keep you interested throughout. It's a classy excursion into horror from the writer that gave us "The Haunting".
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Shirley Jackson must feel like she's being stoned to death!
tlgerma1 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This classic tale of misguided faith and tradition is done a horrible injustice in this made for TV adaptation. It utilizes little of the original suspense found in the story surrounding the question of "what is the lottery" and does little to further the themes of tradition and faith. Rather, the TV adaptation plods around a pre-story and end with the worst "gotcha" contrivance of an ending possible. I'm sure if Jackson was around today to see this sham of a film, she'd feel as if she'd won the lottery and was being stoned by the script and its direction. What particularly upsets me about this very poor adaptation is that it alters so much of the story as to make it less about the town and much more about a budding romance and a boy from the big city. Perhpas the only redeeming feature of the film is some OK character acting by some rather well-known Hollywood character actors. Other than some good performances (which are buried at times by the lame script), this film lacks the substance of the Jackson piece.
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One of my favorites by Shirley Jackson
ABoggan3 March 2003
I have read some of the other commentaries that are negative about this movie, and realize they are missing the point. Shirley Jackson was a fantastic artist, capable of enumerating that which is evil about the human condition. This movie is not so far fetched if you consider the Aztec's or other ancient cultures who sacrificed their virgin women, or children to the volcano God's so that they would have a good harvest. That is the whole idea of this movie folks. They believed that sacrificing one of thier own was good for the whole. Far fetched? Not so. And she does it so well. Small town, townfolk being of the usual sort you find in any small town in America, and adds that twist that scares the bajeebers out of you. I had seen it before, but when it came on again, my boyfriend was with me,this being the first time for him, and a first time for me because I had never heard him scream before.
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Sick, twisted, scary.
MuggySphere3 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well it scored a 7/10 from me for making me jump near the end.

9 times out of 10 horror or scary movies, just don't scare me...

Movies on the other hand that are subtle and less up front about their content scare me more where it's left for you to think what happens. I find them more effective. Anyone agree here?

I think it was on Monday this week because I had taped it but not gotten around to watching it, but it was a movie called "The Lottery" and the premise of the movie is that there is this small town in middle America where they have an annual lottery and the person that gets that one special ticket has the "treat" of the whole town stoning them to death. The problem with this premise being that a newcomer comes to this town and finds the grave of his mother and several other people.

The catch is that the dates on all the headstones were the same date and we even get to see him being almost forced into this town's ritual as they all gather at the lottery drawing. He arrived during the lottery period.

Anyway they show us the effects of the stoning by having a lady cast as the unhappy victim and even show her being stoned, first knocked to the ground by a hit to the head, then a succession of other stones all over her body.

That was right near the end of the movie too. He escapes the town only to bring back a disbelieving state trooper and other official but can't prove anything. The movie ends with him back in this office outside of the town and a doctor interviewing him. Then you hear a strange voice in the background say "never tell him the truth".....

The movie then ends....
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bad movie.
pinayangelicious7 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I hated this film. I wouldn't even call it a film because it was so bad. It was entirely too lifetime-ish for me. The writing was bad, and the acting was even worst. 'I love you, but I'm just not in love with you anymore?' Oh my gosh. Not to mention the fact that the story is absolutely disturbing. I cannot believe that an entire town thinks it's fine to stone someone to death just so their town will be 'perfect.' When Felice's mother was stoned I couldn't help but cringing and feeling sorry for her. Everyone was so scared picking their ballots, and so relieved when they found out they didn't pick the one with the black marking. If they were all so scared of being picked each year, why would they continue to have the lottery? The ending also added to this already horrendous film. I didn't like it at all.
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Good for a low budget tv movie
jdominicjackson25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Kept me watching until the end, the end is so tragic though, not happy.

I appreciated how they portrayed the characters, the cinematography and acting. I liked how they used classic filmmaking techniques to build up tension, to show not tell us the story. I also appreciated that even though the main actor looks well built there is very little violence. Modern films could learn a lot from this film with these simple elements, to tell a tale using the camera not spell it out in blatant dialogue. I just wish the ending had some hope, its really a tragic story about a man trying to come to terms with his family history. I mean the thing starts with him losing his girl friend and father and only gets worse for him. I really enjoyed it for a vaguely silly sunday movie.
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This movie frightened me!
bri4daz15 August 2001
I don't agree with the comment of the person from Australia. This movie is horror at it's best. There is no way out for the main character and that is always frightening. Plus, the townsfolk are very disturbed. Again, that's what a horror movie is all about!
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I don't get it!
guilfisher-125 November 2006
I found this movie very boring. Slow on the suspense with maybe a couple of good actors waisted in their roles. Notablly, William Daniels and Salome Jens whom I have always respected in their work. But not even their presence helped this loser. It seems impossible that any town anywhere could get away with what this town does. And why would anyone wish to remain if it did. Chalk it up to stupidity and/or ignorance on their part.

The two leads seemed to be walking through the movie. Both Cortese and Russell, looking very attractive, gave a two level performance. Their faces never seemed to change expression throughout the film. They just stare at each other. I guess you blame the director for that. Miss Russell is eye fetching, but not an actress. Mr. Cortese, also eye fetching, is rather one level. He runs good.

INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS was better. Don't waste your time. 2 stars for Daniels and Jens' courage to make this chestnut.
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FigSpark13 June 1999
This is a good movie. throughout the whole movie you know something really weird is going to happen. There's just this feeling. Unbelievable ending. If you get a chance, watch it.
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Modernized version of the Shirley Jackson Tale as a thriller
aztrshbyz16 September 2017
As a fan of the original story written by Ms. Jackson, I am going to try to keep them separate.

The film is about a man whose father dies, and the father's last request is to have his ashes strewn over his wife's grave. Upon arrival in the town where his mother is buried, the son is met with hostility and rancor from most of the local residents. He realizes quickly that the townspeople are hiding something and when he finds out that many of the people there died on the same day, he knows for sure that something is amiss. I'm not going to spoil the movie here. Those familiar with Ms. Jackson's story will know what happens towards the end of the film.

Although I thought the movie was pretty well done, it just doesn't work as a modern story. There is no way in this day and age anything like this could ever happen without the whole world knowing about it. The movie might have been plausible if this film took place shortly after the story was published (late 1940's), or outside of mainstream America, but no chance in the later parts of the 20th century in conventional small town U.S.A.

That's not to say that the movie is bad - it isn't. It's actually fairly well done. The acting is passable, and many of the minor characters are quite convincing. It is suspenseful and builds up to the expected climax. However, it does go on a little too long in that the backstory of what happened to mom is unnecessarily explained. There is also the addition of a variety of subplots- one concerning the main character and a love interest who lives in the secretive little town plus the investigation of New Hope by outsiders where the results are exactly as expected.

Although some of the final scenes will likely disturb those unfamiliar with the short story, THE LOTTERY on film is not really a horror movie per se. It is more of a drama/thriller with a pretty nasty ending, similar in feel to DON'T LOOK NOW. I think, though, that anyone who has grown up in the era of instant communication will find the movie a bit ridiculous.

If you can suspend your disbelief long enough, the movie is worth a watch. Bear in mind, as mentioned, it is a film with horrific elements but is not a true blue horror movie. If that's your thing, you might want to pass. Fans of suspense might like it if they can get past the final scenes.
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Thumbs Down
bengoblue11 December 2003
This is a horrible movie. The dialouge sounds like it was written by Bozo the clown. Whoever made this pathetic adaptation of a famous short story should be ashamed of themselves. Grade: * out of ****
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Supposed to be Disturbing, Sick, and Strange
tim-29723 June 2001
There was a low-budget film adaptation produced in the early 70's (not currently listed on IMDb) and shown on educational television that retained the disturbing feel of the original short story by Shirley Jackson much better than this or the 1987 film adaptation. Although criticised for it, that educational production was acted by average people who more closely resembled the setting of the original story, but it was highly disturbing and effective.

Only problem with this TV-movie adaptation is it's not disturbing, sick, and strange *enough*.
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Don't Read if you don't want to know the suspense.
rohan.fernandes23 June 2001
This Movie was very disturbing. It wasn't "Horror" at all. It is sick. Particularly the climax scene when they stone a woman is very disturbing. The movie isn't made too badly but the brutality of the climax could have been toned down. The director need not have been so explicit at all. I do not recommend it to anybody with a low threshold for disturbing themes
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Is not that bad at all!
danai_lee5 September 2006
Well, the fact is that this film surprised me. I was 12 years old when i saw it, and I can tell that the story is good and different. Despite that is a TV movie, and the cast crew is medium-low actors, the film is good. I recommend it!

Besides, it also was interesting for me because the date of the tombs its my birthday! The best scene is the moment in which people of the village start to throw the stones to the "chosen" by lottery, though is so predictable who it was to be chosen. (The girl , daugther of major of the town, or her mother). It was a critic for the attitude of the village town: how could it possible to allow this kind of events? Its inhuman act !!! Thanks heavens that is a film!!!
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I do not recommend this movie to anyone even if you like to watch horror movies
ilcd22 February 2000
I thought this movie was sick & disturbing. I know this is just a movie, but why would anyone want to sacrafice his/her life especially in such a violent way? To me that is sad & disturbing. I hope this isn't really practiced in any location of the world because that would be just sick. I would also say this is also a cult movie because the way the movie was presented, I would say they practice a ritual that other towns don't so it's a cult. The movie doesn't have a lot of violence on it but the type of violence on the movie that is shown is graphic which may be disturbing to some viewers like me. I do not like horror movies. I had to watch this in one of my college classes in my Freshman year & had to do a paper related to it.
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a perfectly good short story ruined
sk2005_420 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The short story The Lottery (by the late great Ms. Jackson) has three major points that make it gut-wrenching:

1.) The fact that a woman is stoned to death 2.) The fact that the woman had participated in stoning people up to the time of her death 3.) The fact that, in the story, this is an accepted American pastime

This movie (if you can call it that) completely forsakes No. 3, and all but ruins No.'s 1 and 2.

After an endless and pointless journey into a small town with a secret, a forgotten past, and a love story (it sounds stupid already), we finally get to the Lottery. The events don't come as a surprise, even though they should. Then the movie wraps itself up into a neat little package complete with an ending as lackluster as a lump of coal. The truly sad thing is that I saw this movie in a Liturature class.

Bottom line: They ought to be ashamed of themselves.
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Goon-27 December 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This film reminds me a lot of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Sometimes it even, er, rips off parts from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," but both make for an effectivly creepy movie, particularly this one, about a small town that holds a lottery every now and then with all of its citizens. The person drawing the marked ballot wins the "honor" of being the town's sacrifice for prosperity. And how do they prosper? By stoning the person to death.

That's... quite a premise. It is every bit as scary as it sounds, as is the citizens blind oblivion to the wrong in what they are doing, which very much reminded me of the "Body Snatchers" wanting to become seed pods and live in a totaliterian society. Imagine all of the seed pod people becoming crazed killers and you get the characters in this film. Suprisingly good performances(considering that M. Emmett Walsh is the only one of the cast that I really like)bring these villians to life in quite the engrossing story. A few Hollywoodized "action" scenes from star Dan Cortese don't even spoil it much. Wow.
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A Peculiar Institution.
rmax3048231 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A man enters a rural town for a humdrum purpose and everywhere he turns he finds mystery. People answer elliptically. No one is friendly. Puzzling things happen. Objects aren't where they're supposed to be. Records are missing. Why, it's almost as if the villagers were -- covering up some secret! When these things are done right, they can be genuinely effective. "Bad Day at Black Rock" is simple but gripping. "The Wicker Man" is unforgettable -- the original, not the loathsome remake. Even a low-budget TV movie like "Evidence of Blood" can do the job. And no one can finish reading Shirley Jackson's story for the first time without a gasp. She offers no real explanation. As someone said of another short story writer, ""Hemingway walks the reader to the bridge that he or she must cross alone without the narrator's help."

The problem is that Jackson's is a short story, and short stories about mysterious and unexplained events can be stellar as long as they remain short. Look at Hemingway's "The Killers" -- nasty, concise, horrifying.

But when you turn a short story into a feature-length movie, you have to pad it out, tell the back stories, parse the synecdoches, fill in all the blanks that made the original so enthralling.

That's the problem the film makers ran into here. Those back stories and ellipses. "The Lottery" is littered with them. And they're not too interesting either. As the hero, Cortese, is making his escape with Keri Russel towards the end -- long AFTER what SHOULD have been the end -- they have a kind of philosophical exchange in which Russell defends the practices of her small town by counting the vices of the big city that Cortese has come from. It's a stupid brief. It makes as much sense as an argument in favor of the euthanasia of the mentally ill or the unemployed. ("At least we're pruning the herd.") A couple of good character actors appear in this film -- William Daniels, M. Emmet Walsh, Veronica Cartwright. It's beneath their dignity. Salome Gens gives an outstanding performance in her brief appearances.

As the puzzled visitor, Dan Cortese is okay. He brings a certain professionalism to the role. He's darkly handsome in a conventional way, and a bit over-muscled. But make up has made a mistake that they didn't make with Keri Russell. Cortese has been given, not an ordinary haircut, but the kind of carefully styled grooming that was popular among West Coast celebrities at the time, a sort of pattern in which the man's hair is swept back into a wavy loaf over his occiput, suggesting the sagittal crest of an extinct reptile. Keri Russell's russet tresses are alternately straight and curled -- and very long. She has the features of a kewpie doll and is quite attractive. How much of an actress she is, is hard to tell from this hollow attempt to make a long film out of a gem of a short story.
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I enjoyed the short story better
jearym23 September 2021
The short story and film "The Lottery" are about a village that holds a lottery every year in order to decide which villager will be sacrificed to keep the crops growing successfully.

In my opinion, I enjoyed the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson more than the short film. I would give this film a 3 out of 10-star rating because of the way it was directed and filmed. For example, the video quality of the movie was very poor and on multiple occasions the camera would zoom very close into the actors faces. Most of the time this happened the actors would look directly into the camera which is usually uncommon in films. It made the film seem unprofessional. Another thing I disliked was when Old Man Warner was talking, it felt very unnatural and rushed. Although I liked the short story more, I did like how the film followed the same story line and shared the same details as the short story.
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