Spirit Lost (1996) Poster


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Tepid Ghost Story
phred223 September 2000
The hero's name is John and that gives you a good idea of this film's lack of imagination. Except for being black, this couple who move into a haunted house are strictly by-the-numbers characters, as is what happens to them. Special effects are primitive, without even camp value. There are sex scenes and nudity but nothing special about them. Our horny ghost is about as interesting as a third-rate strip show. Only the current lack of other description motivates me to write this.
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Interesting film
Ravenswoodbeauty3113 August 2021
First time watching this film. Something about reading the introduction intrigue me. I like the leading roles were black americans. I wish they would of said more about the ghost arabella and her man. I know it was only a movie. But,I felt sorry for the arabella. I did like the house. Other than that. It was a good movie. Maybe a part 2??
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Nice Little Ghost Story
BoutdatDough2 December 2002
This was a nice little ghost story to past the time. It was about a Carribean ghost who was spurned by her lover and wanted to take over the life of the current family who lived in her house. You don't see too many ghost stories with leading black characters, I think most directors should focus on this aspect.
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Money Lost....
cyclone2593 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scene w/ the character John (Leon) thrashing about in a hospital bed I had a premonition of the boredom that loomed over the horizon.

I won't go heavily into a plot synopsis, but I will tell you that this made-for-rental movie was about as exciting as watching a PGA tournament frame-by-frame (with instant replays). The characters are cookie-cutter and uninteresting (including the ghost). From the description on the packaging, I thought a "seductive spirit" would actually be... hmmm... seductive. Instead, we get a tepid performance, PG-13 nudity and a ghost whose hair could use a serious amount of trimming. The only difference in this story was that the leads were all of color, but even that slight twist couldn't save this film.

I decided to watch the movie to the end, but now I want those 90 minutes of my life back. I gave the movie (2) stars because it wasn't the worst movie I'd ever seen, but ranks up there in the top ten as the most uninspired, tedious and mind-numbing experiences I've ever had.
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painful to watch.
bobbyfar7414 August 2015
I bought the DVD a few years ago and finally got around to watching it one night and it was 90 minutes of pure torture....acting was mediocre,I'm really into ghost stories but this one just did not work....special effects were really lame....right from the start I knew I was in for a long night..it seemed like 3 hours watching this as every scene just dragged by...there were several scenes where they would just show the lead actors sitting on the porch for 6-7 minutes not saying anything...really,really,not interesting at all....watch another movie at all costs..i give this 1 star out of 10...very brutal to sit through.
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VHS Standard
ihellyeahbigkev26 June 2024
"Spirit Lost" (1997) mixes romance and horror with uneven results. A seductive ghost torments a man and his wife, but the erotic tension fizzles. The African-American cast and island setting offer a fresh take, but the plot plods and the scares are weak. Watch for chills if you enjoy a slow-burn supernatural story, but others may find it a dull possession with missed potential. VHS rental style movie, slow, boring. I wouldn't bother. Pick something else. We nearly turned it off after 5 minutes, so we gave it another 20 the gave up. Loads of things don't add up with ghost. It's got a sense of time. Is steals a locket from the natural and this object somehow can go through walls with the ghost.
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Very low budget
Leofwine_draca21 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
SPIRIT LOST is a very low budget haunted house film, made in Virginia with an all-black cast. The story starts like all similar ghost stories, with a regular couple moving into an old mansion. Before long the husband finds himself haunted by a succubus and cheesy low budget hijinks ensue. It's overlong and rather aimless, with a few sex scenes spread throughout but very little in the way of atmosphere or actual plotting.
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Beautiful Set Design + Compelling Story
kate-8860913 May 2021
I was so glad to stumble upon this title. Despite a small budget, this film packs a punch in terms of world building and storytelling. It gave me feelings reminiscent of Practical Magic, which I love. The early 90s witchy aesthetic is iconic and now I want to paint my house the same color blue as the house in the story.
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Actually pretty good considering
mckenzietwoodward12 May 2021
Not really a horror story as much as a supernatural romantic drama. If you're looking for jumps scares then this film ain't what you want. It's a steady pace succubus story.

Also the scene where the wife catches him in bed with the ghost is pretty, well, interesting.
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