- In the German-dubbed version of the movie, they were unsure how to distinguish dialog between the German and the American soldiers, since they would all be speaking German. In the end, they decided to address all the American soldiers by their English titles, such as "Sergeant" and "Captain".
- Originally, when the US broadcasting rights were acquired by TNT, they were required to broadcast the film uncensored with all violence and language intact. Although recent (2008) airings have kept all the violence and gore, at least one dubbed all uses of 'fuck' with the words "friggin'' or "freakin''. All broadcasts carry the "TV-MA LV" rating and carry a lead-in disclaimer after every commercial break. See also: Schindler's List (1993).
- Differences between theatrical version vs. DVD:
- On the beach in Normandy, Captain Miller orders his men to take out the sniper that has them pinned down. Soldier after soldier dies as they go around the corner while they have covering fire. There is a scene that was cut where Miller is telling a soldier (after the soldier balks) that they will both go out together. Miller counts down and fakes going out, and the other soldier goes out and is gunned down.
- Scene where they let the two German soldiers walk away; the DVD version does not show them shot in the back as they are down the road.
- On one of the Pay-Per-View showings, several lines are cut. When the squad is going through the dog tags, Reiben notices many Italian-American soldiers and says, "I swear all the Guineas are gettin' it." That line was cut. Also, the scene where Ryan tells Miller about his brothers in the barn is cut. However, on the next airing, these scenes were not cut.
- German television-version is heavily cut, missing most of the violence particularly during the landing-scene at the beginning of the film.
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