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Abner May Be The 'Champ,' But Not At Home!
ccthemovieman-112 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, boy.....what stamina! Only a married man could take it like that!"

So says little sarcastic Herman the mouse as he watches Abner get the crap beat out of him by his brutish, violent wife, who is twice his size and four times as mean. This hen is nobody to fool with, as the chicken (literally) husband has found out. However, when the big hen spots Herman on the window sill, she screams and runs away. Women - even thugs like this one - are terrified of mice.

Herman, who had witnessed this latest act of spousal abuse, tries to give pathetic "Abner" a pep talk about standing up for himself. He figures a good way to start training Abner will be a local boxing match advertising big bucks if someone could beat the champ. Abner, who can't beat his wife, is terrified at the thought of this beast pummeling him in the ring.

His fears are soon realized and the match is pretty one-sided. Poor Abner takes one of the worst beatings I've seen other Tom the cat in Tom & Jerry. But, unknown to Abner, he has an ally in Herman and, before you know it, this "chicken" is champ!! More funny things happen afterward at the celebration party until "the old battle-ax" shows up! Man, this turns out to be a brutally violent cartoon with everyone but the mouse getting pulverized. Not bad, though: pretty entertaining.
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Watchable but unexceptional
TheLittleSongbird16 April 2015
For a Herman and Henry cartoon, Sudden Fried Chicken is one of the better ones, coming from someone who's not really a fan of their cartoons. For a Herman cartoon overall it's one of the weaker ones, it's still watchable but it's mostly unexceptional.

What is especially good about Sudden Fried Chicken is the music, to say it's great is an understatement, wonderful is more like it. The music is the one element that is consistently great in the Herman cartoons and that is true here, right from the unforgettable title theme to the lively rhythms and lush orchestration. Sudden Fried Chicken is one of the best-looking Herman and Henry cartoons, vastly improved over Henpecked Rooster and Scrappily Married where the animation wasn't particularly great. The animation here is much smoother, more colourful and less sparse in detail. The writing is decent too, the Herman cartoons in general doesn't have particularly memorable writing, but it's much less repetitive here than it could be in his cartoons, Herman's pep talking is very nicely written. Herman's actions are not that original but I did like that he wasn't annoying and that he was resourceful and more sympathetic than he can be and you can't help feeling sorry for Henry/Abner, mainly because of him having to put up with his wife. The two work very well together, their chemistry almost touching. The voice work is generally strong, but I have never liked Chickenpie's voice, which is very shrill and annoying.

Chickenpie is also a truly insufferable character, even for a character who's meant to be like that, to the extent that you do not understand what Henry sees in her. Her character animation is not very appealing either, and that is true with all the cartoons she features in. The story is predictable and choppily paced, while Sudden Fried Chicken doesn't have much that is particularly funny with the best gag being only mildly amusing and the violence is brutal for a Herman cartoon and verges on too cruel, some instances making the cruellest gags in the Herman and Katnip cartoons seem tame in comparison.

Overall, a watchable cartoon but unexceptional outside of the music and to a lesser extent the animation. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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This brief cartoon brings back many happy childhood memories . . .
cricket301 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . of all the chicken hunts we went on as kids. True, most of us were armed with only cheap .22 rifles, but several of us became our families' primary bread winners through our acumen with a long gun when supper was on the line. Where I grew up, every other home seemed to have chickens running around the front or side yard. However, the High Society types tended to have "coops" way in their backyards, usually stocked with more feathered dinners than they could count. The unwritten rule for we chicken-hunting urchins was to plug only these well-to-do birds, that would never be missed. So go ahead, watch SUDDEN FRIED CHICKEN, and then please make a generous contribution to your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps).
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This is reasonably good for the series and the studio
llltdesq15 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a cartoon in the Herman series produced by Famous Studios. There will be spoilers ahead:

As Herman cartoons go, this one is actually good, but then the bar isn't set very high for the series. Herman sees a poster offering $100 to anyone who can last a round with the champ, $1000 if you can knock him out. Herman then sees Hector taking a beating from his wife and figures he can take a punch well enough to last a round.

Herman talks Hector into becoming a chick punching bag, with the short going from the conversation straight into Hector taking another beating (Herman cartoons are more violent than Tom and Jerry cartoons). Much of the cartoon is comprised of Hector being pummeled into mulch by his wife or the champ.

Herman knocks out the champ with a mallet and Hector "wins" the fight. There's a nice bit with the ref's tail on the final count to ten. The obligatory celebration ensues and Hector's wife comes down to beat Hector into submission again, only to be frightened off by Herman. Ultimately, Hector winds up in the hospital when liquid courage causes him to stand up to his wife without Herman around. The ending is cute but somewhat predictable.

This cartoon is worth seeing.
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A Rather Forgettable Toon
travisimo25 April 2004
"Sudden Fried Chicken" stars Herman (a mouse) and Henry (a rooster). Herman notices a poster that will award $1,000 to anyone who will stay in the ring for one round against a champion boxing rooster. He goes to Henry, who is feeling really low about himself, as he is getting bossed and pushed around by his wife. One thing leads to another, and the scrawny Henry is going up against the Champ!

I think I've seen this premise in many other cartoons. This short isn't all that unique or all that funny. The only funny moment for me in this cartoon is how Herman would help Henry get up off the mat. Herman also reminded me of Timothy the Mouse from "Dumbo," in that he was a small mouse that served up advice for his larger friend. Coincidentally, the director, Bill Tytla, served as an animation director on both "Dumbo" and "Pinocchio," which featured a very similar character, Jiminy Cricket. I guess it really is a small world after all!

This short also has its characters doing some rather racy stuff for cartoon characters - like smoking, drinking, spousal abuse, and adultery. However, that's probably taking this cartoon too seriously. I was more bothered by the cartoon's pace, such as jumping from Henry thinking about the contest to him actually participating in it. Shouldn't there have been something in between?

Overall, "Sudden Fried Chicken" did have very few moments, but that's about it. I couldn't find any more information about Herman & Henry to see if they were featured in any other cartoons. My guess is that audiences back in 1946 cared about this cartoon by about as much as I care about it now.

My IMDb Rating: 3/10
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This animated tale can be given a thumbs up for verisimilitude, at least . . .
pixrox119 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . as all the wives with whom I was familiar while living Down South could whip their husbands (most with one appendage tied behind their backs) in any sort of drunken domestic brawl. And certainly the title of this brief cartoon--SUDDEN FRIED CHICKEN--implies a setting South of the Mason Jar\Dixie Cup Line. So if you are a transplant from the Old South, this animated short may bring back some pleasant memories!
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